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i '*� <br /> —r.., �.� . , . - . �..�• ,.�~. .. ti �-,..��,_ � :f ' .W -- –� <br /> . .�� . • ., �,,•t. . ,.._: _,.. : _ <br /> . � , <br /> • . ,,, . . � �- <br /> -- Ol 1�11�1 b�OMn b�r Iw�ib fM01�tNi0r1 q�no/b�►MI011 Pw�on�t 11��f Nw IOr MM <br /> a�.�pna+�,i�a�.aa a aw�ao���en.�,a»p►d h r a.y o a e a�d w d.�n e w�a n++a�o.a�n.,,�a M. <br /> . tMrwf�i16�piwn ln tM w�n���r a th�aipNNl nollo�of wN.Tn�itM sANI rx�ouN adi dMiwl folM pKeh�w► <br /> It�DMd aonwylnp 1!M Pnop�tY so a�d but without�nY oo�nt a wuraMY��c�na or ImplNd.Th�nollW�In tlw dMd , <br /> of�ny matt�a or�01��11 bo conolwiw proof of IM tn�ihlutn�N lfMraof,Any p�son�Includlnp B�Nalary�en�y pw- <br /> ohaw�t tl�wl�. <br /> (a) Whsn T�uNN Mlls punu�nt to th�pow�rs I��Trust«�hall yfply tM Woc�of th�s�N ta p�ynNnt of th� , <br /> oosts and�xp�n�oi�x�rciskg th�pow�r of�al�uid of tM wN,lnotudlnp th�p+�y�►A o1 tM.Tnat«'s i�aotwl�r <br /> Inournd�whloh TrustN's fNS sM�ll not M►fM�paWt��xcMd tM foltowleq Me►axe�e��af•fM�nourK s�e� . <br /> t,��hY+�nd�n�►Y�p 1r�60K�wn om�flat i1.OGD th�nol„w P�'�+�on tlr b�l��a tl�M��kM�A°.�O'� <br /> , fD�nr I�suibplvapr�h:l�M�M�onMt t1�IM��aAlicl. ,� ' <br /> . {G�Alt�,Prf►�n0 th�itwM��iE�h��M'pt�q�Q�tt 1iM��t�s bX'�oR tA�pap�i��ar�t�Ci rtt��l+aoK�o� <br /> .��a� irtr�.w.��qito�uaw�.i�on�ao.un�tn.�oc«dsofswanni a.�pir�wa�a�+s� � <br /> _ �.° -- --, _= .. ,to ttw d�yment oh. • � <br /> — . (I) Cost of Rny svidsnae of tltts prooun4ln oon��atlon with�uoh sN��nd ol anr r�wnw stunpr, <br /> (Iq All sunN tM s�cursd h�nby; <br /> -- (Ilq Th�nn�lndK.if�ny,to th�psnon Ipoly sntltNd lMr�to. <br /> 13.Du11N�nd ObM�NaM of Tnwt�.p)Tb dutiq�nd obllpatlon�01 Trud»th�ll b�dN�nnln�d sol�ly by th��otpnss <br /> - provl�lon�of thl�DNd of Tnrst,�nd Tro�tN�MII not b�Il�bl��xapt fa th�p�rform�na of waA dutla and obNpolon�w <br /> ='-.;� �a�p�oltloally Nt forfA h�nln,�nd no Impll�d aor�nant�a obiip�tions�haii b�impoad upon i►whr.�toy Fb�o�i�k:i��i4 -- <br /> thl�OMd of Trutl�h�ll�qulh Tro�1N to�xp�nd a NNc It�own fund�,a oth�rwl..inow.�y�iMnoa�oaiai�on in�h.OK <br /> - form�na of�ny o!It�dutlN h�wnd�r�a In tM�x�nolN of�ny of It�rlphi�a pow�►�101t�hall h�w�roueds fa bN1�vN�p <br /> th�t!h�r�ymmt of�uoh fund�or�dpuah Ind�mnity�In�t�uoh rl�ic a Il�bllity Is not tM�ona0lr INSUr�d to 11;(o) <br /> � Tru�tN may cafwit wlth aounal ot It�own ohoo�lnp end tM�dvloo of suoh aounwl�II b�full�nd aomplh�authorir�tlon <br /> - and probollon In tM n�p�ot of any�otlon t�tc�n a�uN�nd b�r It Mrwr�►In pood iNth and nll�naa th�wn;(d►TrutlM <br /> _ aMll�ot W Il�bl�for�ny aotlon t�k�n by I!In pood fdth�nd�y►i�lb uthal�d or wlthNi iM dl�ontbn <br /> or�Iphts�nd pow�n confM�d upon It by thl�DMd of Tro�L ' , .��''r•'�+11'M�x� <br /> ,,.�.,R '�., 14.AddHton�l Moudty IrotnmNM�.Tru�for��t It��xp�nM�wlll.�x��irt����ll �olhi Tru�tM�Promptly upon d�m�na, <br /> , ���y.1 ' suoh s�ourity In�lrum�nt�at m�y M rpuk�d by Trueta�,ln fonn�nd�ub�t�na wtlsfactory to TrustM,aowrinp any of 1M <br /> I �^��� P�opsrly conv�y�d by thl�Ossd of Tru�t,whlah ssourity In�trum�nts�hdl b�addltlon�l t�ourity for TruetoP�talthtul psrfor- <br /> � "���;� mmae of�II of ths term��aoven�nt�and aonditlons of thl�Ds�d of Ttu�t,tM Lwn Ayr«nNnt.any promluory notp aaund <br /> ' _�' �,'' r�.�• ''�'' hpreby�nd any qther sscurUy Instrument�uacut�d in connsotlon wlth thl�tnns�atbn.Such Instrum�Ms shall M��eord�d _ <br /> ,R„�J�,_ <br />' � `�'�P="�r���`'��'"''��` o�flled,end rareaoM�d and rofll�d,at Tru�tor'e exp�nw. <br /> fiF:%` . . <br /> Ny;d ,. 16.�A��W11�II�OIq. <br /> "''��'' '� (A) In the event�ny one or moro of th�proviaia�ns cont�ined in the Desd of Truat.or ths Loae Ap►eem�nt or I�ny promissory <br /> note,vr any othor aeourlty instrom�nt qiven 3n connectian wNh thla trana�.Mlon,th�ll for any roas�T to be held to b�In� <br /> �.;_`�.� valld, Iilepal or unenforceable ia any resq>ant, auch Invalidlty, Ille�alitr or unsnforceablllty sha9i, at the optlon of �«� <br />': Beneflalary.not aifaot any other proviajon al thla Deed of Truet,th�t thls D�sd of Tast ahall be aomtrwd u if�uoh In� <br /> ����;:'•;��' :� v�Ud,illep�l or unenfaceaWe prov�s�had never bsen contalned herNn a thanlo. <br /> °� " ' �i' •�''� '��';' (B) This Deed of T►uet ehall be conal�uad Accord�ny to the laws of ths St�te o1 NeDra�ka. <br /> --- ,�,. �, <br />�.',�oi '�, • , ..•:�E�,,.;��,a��,�{.' --^ <br /> � .�. t .�- , . , �';!,.. � (C) The Deed of T�uet ahall Inaure 4o an� bind 11�e helra, leyatees, d�visees,adminiatrator�,executas,eucaessoro and _ <br /> +�..• . �.,r. -„��b��_�..F.,l.',;�: <br /> :.p., ' '�,.;.���K�'�j,�t•�;�;'��f�.� 'i,` aselpne of the partlee hereto. <br /> 'i•�•�:-Ai� � �, (D) Trustor ahell pay all texea levled upon t�ls Deed of Truat or the debt eecured I�ereby,topelBier w3tA pny other taxea or <br /> :; ' .. ;`r.��•,..t, •� �yl`�:; <br /> • •;!;;��..:?y��v•� � aeseesmenta whlch m�y be le�ied AQAlnet the T�u94ee or 6e�eflci�ry or th�IpN hold�of tAe L�an 11pc�mr�ent on aa• <br /> i , � '�••,��:� �i�t count of the Indebtednees evldenced thereby. <br /> • � ' " (� Whenever uaed hereln,the alnpular number ahall Inolude the plural,the plu�al.the sin�ular,ihe use of Mnypender ahall be -- <br /> °� .. applloable to all qendera.and the term"8ene11clery"ahell Inalude any payee of the in�Mbtddneas hereby seaund or�ny - <br /> ' , transfer the►eof,whether by ope�Atlon p!law or othervulse. _ <br /> � •�;��.;+ 18.Succu�o►TruatN.8enefkiary ma�r from tlme to tlme substltue a auocesws or saacc�saors to any Trustee nomed hereln __ <br /> ���• or aotinp hereunder to execute this�'�us4 Oeed.Upon auoh appolntment and wit�►out co�venyenoe to the eucaeeeor 7ruatee, <br /> , • �� °�t?,.:� � Q i;:_� <br /> �H3 : the latter ehell be veated wlth au tatle,powe�e and dutlea conferred upore any Trustee he►eln named or actln hereunder.Each <br />� � ' �� � euah�ppolntment av►d aub�tiluUon aha07 be mada by writt�n fnstr�ment Dy Beneflalary,contalninp reference to thla Oeed of <br /> t' .��i�., .�''. ' <br />�a'. • ;,fi;:.. , �� , T►uet and Ite ptacs of�reoord,whlch wAen recordad In tM oftic�of tAe Replater of Deeds of the county or oountlea�n whleh -- <br />;�j =�'^'`' .�,,,;,...•:' sald property Is stt�cateiE,aA�iil be concl�elva proot o}proper�ppolntment of the auoceeeor Truat�e.Tbe forepdnp power of ' <br /> � '-•t���"� � substitutlon�nd th�t prtaced�rs t!Aere4or shall not be exclusive of the power and procedure provided for by lew fot ihe subatltu• � . <br /> c <br />��` � • tlon of p Trust«or Truat�es in 1Te place of the Trustee or Trustees named hereln. ��_ <br />, ��. � 1T.Far�aa� by Borsofltlary or Troateo No!a YYalver.A torbearance by BerteNalary or Truetee In exeraleing anp rlght or � : <br />• � : � remedy hereunder.or otherwlee afforded by appllaable law ahell not be a waiver ol or prealude the exera�ae o1 any rlpht ar <br /> y�� remedy hereundar.Llkewlse,the walver by Beneflclery or 7rustee ol any defeult of T�ustor under fhle Deed of Truat ehall not be ,. <br /> � • ; • deemed to be e welver of eny other or simllar defaults eubaequenfly occurrinp. <br /> '� k ;' 18.Tru�tor Not RN�Nd Exteneton of the tlmo(or.payment or modlilcetlon or emortizatlon of ihe aumc seoured by fhe <br /> �� � ,� Deed of Truat pr�nted by Benefloiary to any euoaeaeor In Intereat of Truelor ahall nOt operpte to release,In�ny manner,the <br /> , , � Il�blllty of ths orlpind Truetor and Truetor'e suaaesaa In Intereat.88nef Ielery ehall not be requlred to oommence proaeedlnps <br /> � • • � �p�lnet sueh suca��sor or refu�e to extend tlme 1br pAyment or otherwlee modify amortlzatlon of the sum�s�cund by tho � <br /> ` ' ONd of Trutl by reaeon of�ny demand m�de by t�e oripinal Trustor and Trutlor'a euaces�ors In Int�nst. <br /> .. `� • 1�.Optlon to Fonoloa.Upon the xourre�ce of�any defpult hersunder,Benellolary ehall havs the optlon lo fonalo��thls <br /> dµ,.;; .L D�sd of Trust In the manner provlded by low for tFie for�aloaure of mortpapes on reol propeny. � <br /> ` �.-�4 20.Tru�ta'�Rl�ht�Abwnt DN�u1L Untll any default In the payment of Indebtedneas hereby aeoured,a unt��ihe breao�ot <br /> - 1 r ' ± �� � eny eorenant herNn aont�lned,the Truetor,lts suoaea�ors and asalpne,ahall posaees and enJoy the prope►ty ond recelve the # <br /> _ . ! __. _ � roMe end proflte therefrom upon paymeM of all eume eeaured by thla Deed of Trust,Beneflalary ahall repuaat Truste�to .. <br /> � , , reaonvey the properfy end ehall aurrender thls Deed o}Trust and all notea end Loan Apreemente evldenalnp Indebtednsea j <br />', � ' � eeoured by the Deed of Truat to Trustee.Trustee ehall reconvey the property wlthout warranty and without aharpe to the per• <br />��F:;. .'1;...,,._ ; <br />� y.•. .. '''�'�';':����•, • sons le�ally entlfled the�eto.The(irantee In any reconveyance may be deacribed ea"the peraon or pereons entitled thereto", � <br />� ,s ' � ' '�;i'`�'�';"S����s, '.,;:�. <br /> I � „•���;::.i-;,;,�,�•..,� ,,, and the reoltals thereln of any mattere or facte shall be Concluslve p�oof o1 the 1rWMulneae thereof.Such pe►eon or persona ;,,.,:. <br /> I ti,'�'�° ,• '���' � .� ahall pay all aoats of recording,If eny. �' <br /> ,�. :;, � � �}:f. <br /> , ,. �,;�._ ;u,,:•::�,:.�. ��. • � <br /> _, ,� ' �: i ;� • ,�,,:,,;;,.��• 21.Tr�nsf�r of tM Prop�rty;Assumptlon.If all or any part o}the Property or en Intereal thereln Is sold a tranaterred without , . <br /> � l.; �t�:�.',,;t�'�i`';;� ''�� Bene f ic tary'e pr lor wNtten consent,except as o t herw lee prov l de d by law,Bene}I e lary may,a t Bene l lc lary's op t ion,dec lare a l l <br /> , � i ���•��'•.'��''���'���� the euma eeaured by thla Deed of Trust to be Immedlately due and payable.6eneflclary ehall have walved auoh optlon to ac• � <br />_- " � uelerate If,prior to fhe sale or transfer, Benellclary end the person to whom the Properfy le to be aold o�ttanete�red reaah . <br /> � - HFIO16i7q01 ` <br /> .� � <br /> .il., . . - ---- ------ - -- -----------�---- -------- --� <br />