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�""_.�.� <br /> _.,_,_; , . -�_ <br /> ��w ��� � . <br /> ca��ur nlher WcLy of ony p�st ul tt��i�er'ty�a tar canvaya�-sc�in Itcu o�casdarosnt�na.s�hereby ossip�a!aad <br /> rhrll foo pa�l to i.tnder. • . <br /> In da event ot a taW t�king of the Pmpa�Y�tbe �h�ll be �pplied to the wm� �ecueed by tM�Secu�it�+ <br /> inqnunent,whett�er a�not tha►duo�with�ny exceu pai w Eonawer. in Ibe avent of�pu11�1 t�kitiQ ot the Pro�Ay in . <br /> whicb thc Pafr markec value of the Pmpetty imr�ediately bePoro the takina is eqwi ta or�ter than the�rnaunt of tiie�um� <br /> �scuraf by this S�cu�ity[nstrument immediately before tho wkin�.urt�sa 8arower u�d ut�der atheewise agae in writing. <br /> the�ums�ocured by Ihii Siecudty Uuwn�ent�iul1 be rcduced by tha ama+nt of the prooeeA�mulqpliod by tho folbwln� <br /> fnctlon: (n)the tot+�)�mount of tho surtu�ocurod immeAi�tely befao tho lak(ng,divided by(b)the f�ir m�rket v�luo of the <br /> H+n�erty immediately boforo the taking. AnY bdanoe rh�ll bo pAid to Borrower. in tho cvent af a partial tnkfa�of tha <br /> Pmpeny in which the fdr m�rket vdue of the Property immodlately befare tho ulcing i�lera th�n the anount of tha sums <br /> � secwe� immodiauly beforo the taking,unte� Borrower rnd Lender atherwl�e agreo in writing or unless applicabb I�w <br /> ottkrwise providea.tho pmceed��11 be Applied lo the sums cxured by thix Secudty Insuumenl whethor or nat tho sums�ro <br /> tlten duo. <br /> If the Propetty is abwndoned by Borrower�or if,aRer natice by Lender lo Bc►mnwer Ihat Iha candemnor at�'e►s to make <br /> en award or settle a claim for damn�cs,Bomower fails to rcspond to l.ender wkhin 30 days aAar tho date�ha notice ie giych; <br /> l.ender is outhcriud to collxt and apply the its option.eitfier ta r+ostar�tbn or ropair af tha l�arry or ta tha , <br /> iumr secuoed by this Socurity 1nw�u�rent,whather or not tlten due. • ' ' � <br /> Unlcss L.ender and Ba*ower ot6etwise�ln wd�ing,any appqca�ion of proceeds�o prinaipal shaU noc ex�end or • <br /> postpone the due dwte oi the mo�nthty p�yments meferred to in para�apha 1 aod�or ehango�he amount of nuch paymenta. <br /> • 11. Borrower NM Rek�sed: FTOrbear�e By l.ender Not A Walver. Exlensian af the Hme for pwyntent or . <br /> � modification of amortization of the sums securcd by this Security Instrument gmnted by Lender to any successor ln Interest <br /> --—.; " of Barower shall aot ape�ate to rolease Ihe liabiliry af the ariginal Borrowcr or BomnwerS�successors in interest. L.e�dsr '. ''� <br /> �..x -- � ai�uii�wt bc rr�c�irrr! ia cammence�cecdiags ags3csst nny sucaessor ia fntesrse or rcf����o extend time for payment ar � _ <br /> =_= ' �. othervviso modify amor�izAtidn of tht eum.r secured by this Security Insuumeni•My reason of any demand made by tho origin�l� <br /> ��}�. Borrower or Borrowerk aucceasorx in i�te�est. Any forbearance by exercising any�ight or remedy ab�ll not bo•�: <br /> waiver of or preclude the exeroise of nny right ar remedy. <br /> 12. Successor9 And Arsl�ns�uund;Joint and Several l.8r+bility;Co-algners. The.eavenams and agrcxmenta of�his , <br /> Secur�ty Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and�.tisigns of Lender and Borrower,eubject to the provisions of , <br /> — paragraph 17. Bomowerk covenents and ngreementx sfiull be juint and several. Any Bomnwer who co-signs this Securily <br /> Insuument but doea not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instroment only to mortgage.gmnt and convey thet <br /> Borrower s intorest i�the Propeny under the tertns of thix Security Inatrumenr, (b)Is not personelly obligated to pay tl�e aums <br /> „� secw�ed by this Secu�ity Insuument;and(c)agrees that l.endxr nnd any other Borrower mAy agt�ee to extend,modify.forbeur . <br /> ::•�� or make any accommodations with rcgurd to the terms af thia aecuriry [natrument or �he Note without that Borrower� <br /> - consent. <br /> 13. Loan Char,gt�s. lf the loan secured by thiK Security Instrument is subject ta a luw which, maximum loan ' <br /> --- = . charges,azid that l��:•is finally inic�sresed eo thui the fnte�est or other loan char�es eo!lerted�r to Fx�«,pectr�a in ca►nection <br /> :"''';,�;_�� with the loan exceed thc petmitted limits,�hen: (a)uny si�ch loan chtuge shall be�educed by the amount neceasary to reduce <br /> � ,?;:y� the charge to ihe pertnined limit;and(b)any sums ulr�eady collected from Bomower which exceeded permitted limits will he <br />-�>+�?�'r•;' refunded 10�orrower. l.ender may choose to muke this refund b�•reducing the principal owed under Ihe Note or by making a <br /> ���$�°_ di�ct payment to Borrower. If A refund reduces principnl.�he reduction will be deated as u p.utiel pr�epayment without any . <br />___,.�, prepayment charge under the Note. _ <br /> 14. Notices. Any natire to Borrower provided for in thix Security Instrument shall be given by deliverfng it or•by <br />_-==� muiling it by first clags muil unless applicable law requires use of nnother method.'Ihe natice shall be directed to the Property <br />:_�'� Address or uny other address Burrower designates by notice la Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by tirst class <br />=:��� mail ta l.ender?s ndd��eas sluted herein or any other addresti Lende�desigoatex 6y notice to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for <br /> -_ in thig Secmtiry Instrument shall be deemed to huve been given to Burrower or Ixnder when given ag provided in this <br />---- ara ra h <br /> --- p 813 Governing Law; Severability. This Security Ins:trument shall be governed by federnl law und the luw of the <br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is localed. In the event�hut any provision or cluuse of thix 5ecuriry Instrument or the Note <br /> �"�`r�t;�;' • conflicts wi�h applicable luw,such conflic��Ball not uFfect other�rovi+ions of�his Security lnstrumeM or the Note which can <br />';i;;�;�r,.',�;� _. <br /> _ � ,� be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end th:provixfone of this Security In4trument und the Note are <br />-=:'�}}t�� declared to be�evernble. - <br />�.•:il���.�. l6. Borrower s Copy. Borrower shull hc gi��en onc conformcd copy of the Notc und ot this Securiry Instrument. <br /> •�•'��'s •� � l7. 'llrnnsfer ot the Property or a BenePfciul Inter�.wt in Burrower. if all or uny purt c►f the Propeny or any iNerest in <br /> `"'�+� •" it is sold or Iransferred(or if a beneficiul interest in Barmwcr is,old or transfcrced und Borrower i+not a nutuml peraon) <br /> �'i�±�� without Lender's prior wrilten consent. Lender muy,ut its opdon,reyuire immediu�e payment in full of all sums�ecurcd by - <br /> �;,�ti��,�. <br /> `!J:Y:',�. <br />-.�,;.,,,.;s.:y_ this Security Instrument. However.this aption shull not be exercised by Lender if exercitie is prohibited by federnl luw iis of __ <br />_���"•�Y�F' the dete of thix Securiry Instrument. � <br /> -���"1 ' If Lender exercixes this optinn.Lender shall give Borrower notice of urcelerntion. The notice shull provide u period of =- <br /> ��'"•"� � not less thon 30 du �from the dnte the notice i.dcliver�d or muiled within which Sorrower mux�pay all sums secured by tbis <br />—�i�`•. j Securit Instrument. If Borrower Puik�n u these wumx rior ta 1he ex ira�ion of thi� ericd. Lender ma invoke an <br /> ,,�,.�ti,�;,,. . Y P Y P P ' P Y Y — <br /> ;•,,�:�,,�,� � remedies permittcd by this Securit+:ln�trumcn�wiihout funhcr n��tice or demund on Born•wer. _ <br />.<•��;iS;;,,tt+ i 18. Borrower's Right to Reiaostate. If Bormwcr mcet.r rennin conJitions, Borroa•er xhull have the right to have = <br />•^�.�'��°� cnforccmcnt of►his Security Inswment dir:continucd at tmy timc pri��r�o the carlicr��f: (�i)�dny�lor such other perial�� _ <br />"�; ,�(J.S� - <br /> +1�3�'���`• Singlc Fomfly--Faunk hlanFreddk Mwc I�NIFORM I�STRI�'NENT••Unifurm Coven�n4� 9/90 IpuY�a ulAppqtsJ �- <br />���y���.'' — <br /> .,�;�.r�.k` � _ <br /> t,,�.; _ <br /> ,;..;:..;. <br />___a(ia74�:, <br /> ��'�t-i...l ��+ �.�'���.�� ti f�'��1��,�., �� � , . � ;�•: e• .Li ti'r .5��lj��- •.• . �, t�. 1, 4�yk5'S'(�_.. <br /> �...�r � � ����,ti;� , � ,r�: <br /> r y � r� � . • . . . . '��! � �;,t..� � r , :. �. �, �.;. 5:1.,;: .�' <br /> t�yar�t...,�,uc• 4- :i� _ _ �-«.. :.i. _ .•'t'ri e�i: ��{ <br /> ___- -'— -,s_. �• .}'i- !1-�� i- � . ; �., - r:Y.;r�j _..`�'{C�ry¢..x�..... y.,��: (� :��, .,- <br /> �hl�i. ,iY� "�_i .� .�y f 'V`• --°�r-'A, ��4:13'S�f���...� _..hvL4'i)�i <br /> �&ti�;y� . .`-_�s. �. .'- T,'� ---- -- -���i---- i'ci 'r" _---, �-���riit -�.------ -- . _ -- ------ . .;'-�` n . - '--m�--- - �� �,�--- - <br /> ��,-a Y��� � ' � ' . . „ . .. . . • ��,��� <br /> .} ,��... • .. <br /> -aac-r_i��+' (,,.-..t�i .+5�...-.: • ".� . . � � -- - . . � . . ,., . . - <br /> :�Y``y µ;:� .:i�r'��,r,'-�--:.- -�� -.i�� - ... _ . . . . • �r <br /> �T -+� • [jF�rt.�..i'.A.'. � . . ' • , � • - , , , • '�-'� . <br /> !�nn�n. s.A.t,^�'7��.,- �- , , . .. .. ' . . . ,.i� .. 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