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,��,. .�. � .. ___ _ _ _ <br /> -�.,�.,.-.�=� -- -- ' • ,. - -S=��,'•'� _`. <br /> . , � ' � �S, . <br /> pe�ioKit du�t Le�dpr�ire�, '�'he it�lpnnoe c�nior praridloR 1fr i�urMnoo 1bd1 be ciwNnn�Bcxror►+en�ubjael�e�.o�drl�' . <br /> , tppnw�t vvls3Ct+�esot be u�lteu0�11�btp wlddiE{d. II$o�mwet tdla to smi�itt�e de�oCiiked abmr�0.l,M�dOr itt�.at <br /> l.w�da�opflon,abtdn oov�eMo a P�a.�LaidaY ri�htt in die in acooid��os wlth p�rlph 7. �. . <br /> Ap i�nnaon policks�nd ratew�ahtll be�ooepqbb w La�a�d�11 in�lyde�N�nd�M mort��e cl�we. L�iOes <br /> � �ll�larva the ri�ht to IaW the pd�rnd nmew�lr. 1 t.aa�der nquira.Hortower iJu�ll p�ompU9�ive w L�r alt yedelp{s <br /> of pdd prcmiunu+aid raiewd nctica. In tNe avent ot 1oe��arhuwa�hall jive pramp notloe W Ihe i�uuaaae c�rrier�od <br /> l.eader. l.a�der may ro�te prootof las If no�m�de p�omptly by B�atower. � <br /> Uak�Lender and garower at4awLe aaree ln�rritin�.i�wranoe prooeed�studl be�p�plied 10 restantion a rop�ir d <br /> ---� ���danu� tho restoradoa or repatr is economically feasible and L.endcrk aecurity ls aot lesseru�. If thc_ <br /> or repRir 4 not 000nomicdly laa�ible a�Lenderb secudty wauld be lewened�the inwt�tloe pwoee��ult be <br /> applied w tho aum��ecured by thia Sea�dty lmttument.whqher or not Ihen due�with�ny eaau p�id to Batowa. U <br /> aa�rowa�bwndona tho Property,or does not +uuwcr witbin 30 daye a ndice from I.ender Uiu the inwr�uioe c�rrbr h�s <br /> offe�ad w saab a cWm.then LaKkt mwy oollect�he insur�nce proceedc. Lender rtuy we the p�ooeods to re or reseo�e <br /> the Ropenry ar 1Q p�y ewns�cucod by thia Soc�uity lnetrumaM.w4ed�a o�na1�haa�due. The 30�y perlod Q bqia when <br /> t`e�ofica�s pr�ca. <br /> 4fnksr�l,endar�rd Bormwer orLc:twise�groe in writing.Any on of proceods to Qreacipal sbaU aot exswrd ar <br /> poupono We due dqa of the mo�►th1Y WY*+?��referrod w in Pu�B�is.l�atM)2 or c6ango tho�maot of tha p�ymente. If � , <br /> uoder poragnph 21 the Prnpeny is acquircd by I.ender.Barowerl�dght to uay inauranco policies ud ptoceeeis rc,suiw� <br /> from dam�go to the Property poar to the acquisidan shMl pa�ss w l.endar:ta tfia e�cknt af the�umo secu�d by thi�Socurity � <br /> Nwu�na�t immediately prior w�atquiaiUon. ' <br /> f. Occupaucy, Preserv�tia�,i+. 1Naiatenanee ood Pratectbn ot��1he Property; I�arrower'a La�n AppUcation= <br /> Lasdlolds. Barower shall aocupyy�tt�bliah.and use the Property os Bqryower�C p�inclpal residence wlthin sixty day�after <br /> - tha�ca�ut��nt ef thfs Sr:ettr4ty le�tsamertt stlt�Sl�t!!continsse to occe�py ihe Pto�lry�a��xrowiaA�xinc�i�l�w►i�n�fa nt � <br /> kast one yeu after tlro date oP accapancy, unloss I.ender otherwise ugrees in writing. whtch consent :haU not be . • <br /> � unneasaubly wf�hheld,or unkss exscnuazing ejrcumstanoes oxist whioh uve beyond Borrower's controi. Bwmwer ehell aot . <br /> � destroy,damage or impair tho Piropeirty,allow the property io deteriorate, or commit waete on the Property. Borrower shell , ' <br /> ' be in default iF any forfeituro ac�Imn or praceeding',whether civil or begun t3�nt in Lenderls good f�ith jµci�ape�tt � <br /> could rciult in forfeitw�e of the Aroperty or olitierwlse maiedelly impair the lien cre�ted by thic 3ocurity Insmu►.�erit.or . .. • <br /> I.emlerg securiry interesG Bomaw�r muy cure such a default and pmvided in paragraph 1R,hy cxusing�he actian <br /> ' or ptnceodin8 W be dismissed wllh a aulin�g L.endcrh goad failh detc�rmination,precludes forfeitun of the Aormwerl� <br /> , interest ln the Pmperty or other rtwurisl impttim�ent of the lien created by thia Secudty inetrument or L.ender�a security <br /> interes� Borrower shall also be in dcfs�ult if Borrower, du�ing thc loan application ,Qrocess, gava matedally false or <br /> inaccuraoe infomiadon or st�tements to Le�xier(or failed to provlde Lender with eny meterial infomtaUon)in connexti�on w11h <br /> the loan evkknced by the Note, including,but nat limited to, reprcsantations concerning Horrowerls a:aupancy of the <br /> Property as a princlpal�esidence. If tliis Security Iqstrument is on a learehold,Borrower shall comply with aU tha provisions <br /> _ af the kace, If Brw�mJver acx�uinex fee�itk to the Pn�erty,lhe lea.v�hald und�he fee tiUe shall not muge uakss Lender agroea <br />-_-- � w the merger in writing. ' <br /> - 7. Nrotectba ot Lender's Rtabts in t�e Property. [f Borrowcr feils to perform the covenenls and ag�eements <br />� contained In this Security Instniment, or therc is a legal praceeding that may significanUy afl'ect I.ender's right� in tho <br />-- . Property(such as a procading in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forteitur�e or to enforce laws or negulations).then <br /> Lender may do and pay for whutever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Propeity. <br /> - ' I.ender�actions may include paying any suma isecured by n lien which has priority over this 3ecurity lastrumrn�appearing <br /> in caurt,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and enrering on the Properry to meke repairs.Although Lender mey rolce actfon <br /> - under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not huve to do so. <br /> >, My amounts disbursed by Lender under this pnragraph 7 shall become additionsil debt of Bomower secured by this <br /> -- Secudty Instniment. Unless Bormwer nnd L.ender agree to other�erms of payment,these amounts shell bear interest from Ihe <br />'=" dete of disbursement at the Note rate und shall be payable,wHh intenest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower rcquesdng <br />�"� payment. <br />. 7 & Mortgage Insumnce. If Lender required mongage insurence as u condition of making the loan sxm+ed by U�is <br /> �� Securiry Instrumant, Borrower sfiull pny tiie premiums required to muintain the mortgoge insuran�e in effect. If, for Any <br /> y �•'�;'fi;e . reaxon, the mortgage insurar�e covemge required by Lender lapses or ceuses to be in effect, Borrower shull pay the <br /> ��'`'``'�`'"' premiums roquired ta obtnin caverage substuntially equivalent to the mongage insurance previously in effect. at a cost <br /> ,.y,����.;.�51 <br /> - � ��'•". substantially equivnlem to the cost to Borrower of the mortgoge insumnc�previously in effect,from are niternote mortgage <br /> � "''�'�• insurer a roved b l.ender. If substantiul l e uivalent mort o e inrurnnce covern e is not nvailable,Bonower shall to <br /> � PP y Y N 8 � 8 PaY <br /> ;,;;�t` Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfU�of the yearly mortgnge insunmce premium being paid by Bomower when the <br /> �'NJ��t insurance coverage lupsed or ceu.ed tu be in effec�. Lender will uccept,use und retain 1he�e puyments u.c u loss reserve in lieu <br />`� �1`f5�'� of mortgage insumnce. Lass reserve puyrnents may no longer be requi►ed,ut the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance <br />_ � �����.ti, <br /> _ $ ,4�,� � coverege(in the arnount and far the period that Lender rcyuires)provided by un insurer upproved by Lender again becomes <br />- �� ��k��� � available und is obtnined.Borrower shall p:�y�he premiums reyuired ro muintuin mortgoge insurance in effect,ar to provide a <br /> =� loss reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgage insurance ends in uccordunce with uny written agreemena t�etween Bomower <br /> `=. ...` _ e . and L.ender or applicnble law. <br />�''"�� ,.��'�','.'r•�ia�;v'�', 9. Inspection. Lender or its ugent mny make rcuyonahle entries upon und inspectiom of the Propeny. Lencler shall <br /> s�:�,�">� �`�,' � give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to nn ins p ecii�w►x pecif yin g reusonable cliuse for�he ins p ection. <br /> _ � �t�� •^•'''�{���-" 1 10. l:nndpmnali�, The�±raeeds of an}• a�+�ard or rlaim for d�muges,direct or conseyuential,!R C4RRCClIOR SYIII! lltlY <br /> '�`��• �` ,���a t � Smgle Konfly-FY�nnk F1adFlreddk Mac UNIFURN IY�'fItUNEN'1'•-Unifortn Covenam 9i90 �puRe d nj4���s� <br /> t,.1 `� _ <br /> r�� -X:- �'►1 _ <br /> . ��, {� ,� Qre�t I,ua BWeer■ <br /> .�;.t,��'���•'� 10 ONe G!I�OD33010iU fl PA1{!1&7YId131 <br />- �'rli��t�nl ��t}.7. _. <br />_ ��,i:l;��-�;�;:p 4, _ <br /> 'j� ,�.,:� 1(f, <br /> k �' - <br /> 1 y � �' �w."•.i.�a-�:y�'�r�.1"I�! � .�._,�;'���=�.� —� <br /> sut�4 ��il - . ��iJ �::,:'�.' 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