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-•-•�p�,Rf�.Ar. . ., r�-� -�. . i ^ . . � t . -.-�.----�•-s-�,s..��i'.N11:�uy+u�7�"�rr5:� irlwtT.�T'.^'�r -..;.�- . _ <br /> f � ' . . . � ' . � +��- . <br /> : . � � � �3- ���, . <br /> �� M 4+v�y spuaif�y far relnrtacErowu3 t►etora�le of the Prope:ty pu�w�nt ta�a�y powor ai rw{e cuaqdlwd ia tWa . <br /> . i��MMltYweiM�c�t(b)a►try ot�j�meqt a�faeity ihu Securky ItaWtnan� 7'tio�a candtdont ara tbrt 8uno�wt: (�) <br /> : !yn t�ir y1 wa+s whicN tl�a� wonld bo due uoda thi�Sac�aity ln�trument and tbe Nate ai It ao axala�eMn hd <br /> a�MAdt(b)o�i�py det�ult o�eny a16ar oovanwu ar�peanw�M;�o�P�Ya dl a�cpaieea incurrod ip aifot�in�tbit Seqrtry <br /> , I�rw��tudYtj.but not ifmited w�reawn�ble atwmaya'tae��and(d)tekes auch+�cd�eA Ler�der rnay ieasaubly <br /> nquin�lo�wtr tl�rl.t6e lian ot Ws 3ecurity lnstrumen�l�ender�dgbts ln thc P�ope�ty Wd 8onawerk obliNdon ta�y the � <br /> w� Mewrdb� dd�SeRUritY Inq�umau thW contlnue wtcWn�ed. Upon trslnstatanent by Banower. d�it 3ac�ty <br /> M*trtnnpnf and tha eblijadona aecu�ed he�My rhall�rnain fully etlective ae if na AocaleraHon h�d occumed. However,thG <br /> �i�Mt a n+n�PM.�ipQ uoe y►ply in tbe cu+a a�t.cateaaon uuaer p�r.pb�17. . � , <br /> ' 1f. !W�af Na�i CM�e ot Lo�p Sarvker. Tlie Nate or�p�rcid intemsc in rt►o Nate(t�8eth�x with thi�Securley <br /> In�lnut�nt)nMy be sdd aae or maoe,'. wld�t prlor ndlc�w�ormwer. A salsmp y resuit ln A ch�nge in the auity <br /> (k�own w�M"L�o�n Savkbt">th�t c��:�qc►nth19 WY�rua cfuo under thb Note Gnd�ihls�Sixurity�Iasaumern. 'IUene d� <br /> m�y b�ona ar moro chmaa of the I.oslf�:lc�vl�er uarolnted to a eale of the Note. If thene fe n change.of the l.oai 3erviar. <br /> M�mwe►wlll be�iv�n wriilen naNce of th�t9wt+ge'ih accordaaCe wid►pa�►grnph 14 above and applicabie law. Tho natice <br /> w!Q�wa Iho a�me md iddnss of ihe new Lban Sc�vlcer end thc addi�ss to WWch paymeats adould be made. 71ro aotica will <br /> �Iro conl�in�ey all�infmnutian raquiied by ap�ticable�1aw. <br /> 20. . 8rb�twou. 8osrawar rhaU not aquse or permit tiie pnsence.use,di�wsal,storaga�or roleace of�ny <br /> Hwrdaqa SN u�tanoes an ar in the P�apprty. Bomuwrt ahall npt tlo,nor ullow anyanc else to do�anythblg afPccdng the <br /> Pmparty thRt b in violMlao of any Environmeotal Law. Tha p�e�edieg two sente��ces shall not apply tt►the presepce.use,or <br /> ua��o op Iho Prnpe�ty ot amdl quanUNes of HazaMous Subs�encoc tlut em generally rocognized to be approprl�te to normd <br /> rasidenti�l u�es�nd ta at�intauince af the Prape�ty. . <br /> A�+nawe��!!�.+sos�sN�glre l.rn�rr c�tten naticr.of an,invr.dsation,cla�st.dertt�utd;la�ti�suit ar athec act3an by any <br /> �av nt�l or re�uluory�ency a private pnny involvi�g ihc Property and any Ha�ardoua Substance m Envimnmental <br /> l.�iw�oP�whkh 8atr�►wet� Iw �clud knowledge. lf Horrower learns. or is natifial by any gov�rnmental or regulewry <br /> •uthoriry�th�t my rcmovd ar a11Kr remedlatbn of any Hazardaue 3ubstance affecting the Propecty is nccesewry.Borrower <br /> �11 pmmptly taka dl ncccuuy r�malial actions in accordance wlth Fnvironmental l,aw. <br /> M u�ed in thb puaRraph 30,"Hw�us Subatances"are those aubstances detined as toxic or haznrdaue substanca by <br /> Bnvlto�mental!aw and the following aubstenccs: gasaline,kemsone,other flammeble or wxic petroleum producta.toaic <br /> peaticide�and herbkldep, valwlilo colvenls, materials containing asbestos or fomuddehyde,and radioactive materials. As <br /> used in this p�n�aph 20."Envimnmentat Law"means federal lawc and laws of the jurfadlction wnere tl►e Proparty is lacued <br /> tlut rel�te w healih,wkty aenvironmental protcction. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bomower und�[..ende�further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 21. Acceler�tloa� It�wdM�. Leade�ehall givc aatke to Borrower prlor to accelerallon fdluwkag�onower's <br /> breacY d�ay wve�w�/ar�eeme�l lo IMIa Secu�Ity Dn�irument(but not pNor to accelerAtlon aa�fer pwragraph 17 <br /> �nka�pp11c�6M I�w provlla dherwire). Tha aotice shAll epecify: (A)the dei3wuit;(b)Ihe actlan requlred!o cure the <br /> dehniti(c)�date.�d kp Ilu�a d0 day�Arom tl�e dotc the nodce is gtven to Borrowes,'by whlch.lde default must be <br /> curedi�ad(d)tb�l�wpure lo cure Il�e defiult on or before We dpte specitied ia t6e notice mAy reqolt ia Acceleration ot <br /> Ihe wna recund by Ihls Serurlly lastrumeat and sale o�the PropeMy. The notice s6A3]f�u�•ther iatbrm Horrowpr of <br /> t6e�ht!o relnelale�er�ccekration�d Ihe ri�ht to bring a coart Action to asseM t�e non�existeace of a defa�it or <br /> �11y Othll'�M/Q 0�ROflfl"OIYI'S(0�!Il�AlI011�Ild Sillt. If the defAUlt is aot cured on or betare the dute apeciiied in <br /> fbe aotia�l.eader al il�uplba may nyulre Immedlvte peymem 3n f1�1{of all sums secwred Uy thls Security lnstrumenl <br /> withaut(lu�ther dertwnd ��d m�y Invake ihe power of sole a��1 any other remedies permltted by Ap�plicable law <br /> i.ende��tb�ll be entitkd lo cdkcl rll expeares Incun�ed Ia purrsuing the remedies provirled ln this para�aph 21, <br /> luclndiag,but aot IIn1Ued la re�wnable allorneys'fees and cosss•of litk evidence. <br /> U tbe power ot�le�invoked�7Yw+ta�ull record a natire of defnult in eacd couAty In whkh any pArt of the <br /> Property is IacAted and ehall m�ll coplee af nuch notice in the manaer prescrfbed by applkable law to Borroaer nod to = <br /> the other per:onr praycAbed by Applk�bk I�tw. Aner the time required by Applicable Ipw,7Y�ustee sbs�ll give publk - <br /> ootke o�wk to Ihe pe�o�u�nd In Ibe mnaaer prescribed by pppllcable Iww 7lrustce,without demond on BorroMer, _ <br /> elua rel�uk Prope�fy��pul,�k.uctbn�u�he h�ghest bidder at the time and place and nnder the termv destgn�ted in <br /> !he aotke o�wk In one or more parcelA pad!o��y order 7Fu�tee determines. 7lrustee may postpoae s�le of atl or any <br /> psrcel ot t6e Property by pubik wnnuuncemeN wt the tlme wod place o�any previously scheduled sale. l.ender or Its -_ <br /> daiQ�ee nu�Y purcM�sr the PropeMy ot rny iwk. <br /> Upoa ncelpt ot poymenl af the prire bid.7lrustee shall deYiver ta!he purchaser 71�ustee's deed conveying Ihe <br /> Property. The recilAl�In Ihe'I�uxtee'R deed Rhwll be primp fpcie evidence of the truth of td�e sts�tements made t�ereln. <br /> 7Fwtee rh�H Mpply fhe procsed�o�IM rrle In t6e fdlowin�order: �a)to�14 costs nnd expenses oi esercising tbe power <br /> t, <br /> Porm 3028 9/!0 rpagr S oJb xuxes) <br /> � <br /> _ "'7' . -- - �q•)}.'��'tt� 1������iln_""ti{�yp"T'\7� <br /> � i� �� � i� i � � <br /> r ---So-. .i = - . . ., � _ - t� �� iiYt)4�.���� ��ft�y�4t � - t 1f� „--' vt�{�� L'1� i- <br /> _ n . ."' . � F �t ,�i �� �,�e��`� ip'����,� 3 :�+� I7e� i ti �.�� <br /> �- �- _;,., • - � <br /> . .. . , <br /> ?, <br /> '.�t.�?.i __.• �:..u�_.�,���:�.�v._� �.rs.�.�e..�r�a.���.;u�.3li�ieu•��4ih�^.�iM11t.�r`�.:'�I.:rJ�ll s Uir .+• .s_-,• 'r •kr:�A�?tA,t�:�',�+: .: <br /> +� "�..��r �- - � �-- - -`.-_• . - - --- -- � --- ., .,- - ---c --.-. �1R`C:t i��r t'�1'�i4 `"}f r'"ti��� Sl;�i`r' � -' <br /> r v <br /> ` .t +., ,L ..... , , . . • ` . .. '`�``������jMw�+M+ � �;� e��e 1 i� tt 1�1f��y�i�+ ��i.: <br /> _�..iir f ..i�r.M�l�HM. .. •Ls h�. ii i. .�. ,� 1:1.. �,ry•J�Y�il..� <br /> _ �v".,T h�'et_.'�G::I{ ..y �.�,� ....-. .."" _-�_— __" _—'"_' ' _' ' ' _ '((f!:"+�^i54i _" _ /��1. �1I�y l/�jvf���� <br /> x' 1_ \ .. 'a� . � -. . � .� . ., f r � 1� �, 6 � !.M1� � <br /> +`�Ra�,"•4 r -t+.".• T. W ':u. , i s ;j �tf . "'i.},.��Y�1) <br /> �i�s�awt�+e,n�. r.�� . ,. � • .. ' � �� r ft,fi„ � , .� � t:,� . <br /> J�y]�� ! �}�� � � .J: .. � . ' � � ., � . ' . t.l eif��Jt� � • . , _ <br /> �-tid.w_w]i:�'(Ci�...rsns...o4sl�.v..,ifa�..�. . �.;. �A ,. . . � . v . <br /> � � �•r ';Y�' :�,.t ,1� ' .. .. ., , . .....� , . � ' • ',1 • .. ' .. . ` .. . '�)���..•;.`. <br /> ='A.�� �a1,:::�G7iyAp i Vt i.�1�4:__s��.�.,{.t�„dE.�J 111.i'Wh..a.W,i. . . 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