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. � � . �i . —�RT'T-'-`-�""-- �.JHA�a=.IITIIDtTplF:.iTT: . .....r�.M.rn.�.u.-_J.�i.f .+-+1���.-.-�� <br />�- :.,67��•= . . . . - �. .. __ __Q . e..� <br />-_. . .. �� � -' <br /> � '93- soaosi � � � <br /> �wmt�u+��„�►,r c��:�rr:���o a��e,�m►.�a�t a�..�. . <br /> �na nxaw.�ow or nao.n�wr�prt ot ebe AQ ropl�pu.aa bditlan�.h�u at�o ao oav�aed ey ar.s�r , <br /> IM�wwM. AU o�We toro�o�in�p�efi�ned�o��cwiry lawua�nt�1be"Propaty." <br /> �ORROWBR�OVBNAM'S th�t Ho�rowar b VwIWUy ui�ed d the apNe horoby oonveyed�ad b�t t�e tyM�o�nt . <br /> aM ooavey tbe Propaty aed dNt the Fropaey i���neacwnberod.exoept far a�:umbrnnoe�ot reaxd Banower wa*anit�od <br /> wUl dofmd�abr�lly tbe dtb�o tbe�'ropetty q�t tll cl�inu�nd dan�nd�.wbjxt p�ny ar.u�nEraaoea ot r000td. <br /> � 7ws s8t'Urtrrlr INS77euMBN'r oom6i� unircnn oovawna rur n�tlaNl we �na naa�uafr«m co�►.n.a. wla� <br /> limited variatlona by Jurladlcalon w corutitute a unifotm secuMty tastrutnent cova9t�rea!prape�ty. � <br /> UNIPORM GbVBNAM'3. Harower�nd l.a�der oov�aw�t�ad�roe n[dbwt: <br /> 1. Pa�neat ot PrtNCip�l�uwi bterafi Pmpq�et�d I.ue Cb�rRa. Bomnwer�WII P�P��Y P� when due the <br /> af and inta�eu on�he debt avldencad the Note�ad at � <br /> p�G�cip�l t eu by y ptep�yment�nd I�te��q due under the <br /> 3. Pbad�tar 7hsa a�d la�an�oe. Subjxt toapplicable I�w ar to a writron w�iveo 6y Le�der.Ban�nwar sh�ll p�y to <br /> l.ende►on the d�y monthlY WY�u iuo duo under the Note.untll tbe Note i�pdd in tLl1�a eum("R�nda")far.(a1 Y�Y <br /> uaea�nd useumcnu whk6 nyy ut�in priority over ihit Security lnurument u�Nen on�he Pnoperty:(b)Yeuly leuehold <br /> p�ymenu ar �rwmd taqs as the Propaty. if any: (c)Yeady h�uN or property incurmce premlumr. (0) yauly Qood <br /> inwranoe pmaaiums.if�: (eA I� �f;8� insuwace p�miums. if�ny: �nd(fl+u�Y �s PiYabb by Ban�ower to <br /> I.en� a�corda000�rith t6e�ovisiona of p�n�pA 8.In lieu of the pwyment of mort�Qe inwrmcx paniums. lbese <br /> itema u�e callod"Escrow Ibmi. I.euder ro*y.+Wt anY ti�ae.collect�nd wo�Od Nuids in an amow�t not W oaoead tho mauimum <br /> �upowN�le�der far a foderally relwtad nw�tg�ge loan nawX roquim far Bomo+�le escrow aocount under 1he federnl Re� <br /> , Est�te Seqlema�t Pbnoedmes A�.�t of'1974�s�mended froro time to dtac.l2 U.S.C.�2601 e1 srq.("R63PA"),unless�tatl�et <br /> law tl�t applies w the Rmds saa a lesser anaun� If so.l.aider m�y.u any tirae.odloct�nd hold RuMa in�n�n�owit na to <br />----- --- excx3 the iesse�an�ouot. l�ier may ca�imatc Uie wnown ot Hu�ds Gun an�Dasix a cu�rcat dqt�►ww re�canwbte � <br /> estimates of expendiduas of futune Escrow Items or dhe�wise in acooMance wilh applicabk law. <br /> , 7rie Ruds slu�ll be held io�n•instituHon whose deposlts nne insured by a fcder�l�gency.iasdwnaNSlity.or aMity <br /> • (including l.eoder.if l.ender is�uch an instiro8on)or in Any Federal Home l.oan Baudc. Ler�dor sb�ll apply Ihe Funds ta gaY <br /> ;;;� the Escrow Items. Lender�y aot charge Borrower for holding end aQplying the Ftmds.anewilly analyzing tAe escrow <br /> __,�;o� account,or verifying the Escmw Itcros. unless Lender p�ys Bortuwer u�tcrest on the Puids and Applicable taw permits <br /> . I.ender w make such a charge. However,l.e�der may requi�o Borrower ro pay a one-time charge for an independent re�l <br /> �te tau reporting servlce used by l.u�der In connecdon with this Iwn,unless applicaible!Aw provldes otircrwlso. Unleas an <br /> agrc.ement is nwde or applicable!aw requires intercst to be pald.Lender shall not be roquired to pay Bomnwer any L�terest or <br /> _ eamings on the FLnds. Bort�ower and Lender may agree in writing.however,thot intercst sholl ba paid on the FLnds. Lender <br /> =�-, shall give to Borrower.wlthout ennual acxoun6nF af the Funda,showing crcdjts and debits to the Punds and the <br /> ..;'��''�� purpo�sse for which cach debit to the Amds was made. 71ie Flmds are plodged as addltiwwl securiry for all sums secwed by <br /> -�-;:�:::_ <br /> �= this Security Insdument. <br /> ""'"_�� If the l�nds lxld by Lendu ezcFec! t�:e a�noucsts �smiit� ta bc t�fd by appllcable law,!.=r�der aha!! acxauni ta <br /> Bomower for 1he excess Funds in acrordance wilh the requircmems of upplicubk law. If the wnount of the R�nds hold by <br /> '�.�' � Le�der at any dme ia not sufficlent to pay the Escrow Items when due,l.ender may so naify Borrower in writing.and,in <br /> '��,;`�'�� such case Bormwer shall pay to Lender�he umount n�cessary ta make up Ihe da9ici�ncy. Bortower sh�ll makc up ihe <br /> " - ___ deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lend�r's sole discredon. <br /> Upon payment tn full of all sums secured by this Se.curily lnstrument,Lender shali prompdy�efund to Borrower any . <br /> _�-`�"�`'� ThLnds held by l.ender. [f.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prlor to the acquisidon or <br /> _ <br />