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—.�.�._– _ _ ___ __ _ __ . „–.. . . . . .. . . , .... ..,.__� <br /> .. .. . , . ,, . -„� �_.. <br /> ,. x:' . <br /> .. � . .. � ��93- iU�"�4 , �. :. <br /> �wot�aqr ea lo�a�be roquied:at d»aptbo o/La�cl�.if nwrt�pe iroodr�ae ooverye(in dn�no�uu�ud t�d�e p�iod <br /> � � �t�.e�e� �)P�'�i+Y��^��+'°�b]►is�da'�+�+dn bx�os�a av�il�ble and ls obtdnM� ���►.. . . <br /> qis pwrdwm roqalnd to mdaqia matpp lu�w�noe In e(fect�or b ptovld��laa re�ave�until t!»roquinmaM t�r ao� <br /> imarmoe eud�ia�000rd�noe aith any w�iaai ap�anaK batween 8omc�rar�nd l.�ender or q�plk�ble 1�. . <br /> � !.�der of lu qent m�y m�ke�Mble a�rfa�upoa and impeaio�a ot d�Propaty.L�andn��11�Iw <br /> 8ornawor notioe a the tima af or prior w�n inq�ection qiedtYin�rcuon�bla cawe for the inq�ecdon. <br /> 10. Oo�OwaadN�n. The p000ed�uf�u►Y�watd ar daim fo�dun�a� diroct or oon�aqua�tid. in connocdoa with�ny <br /> wadenuuttoa or olher Wrin�af arry put ot tha Prope+ty.or for oonvay�oe in Ueu of condannulon, �u�e he�eby wipied�nd <br /> dWl be p�id ta Laader. <br /> Tn the evan ot��at�l t�ki�of tha Pmperty,tha pr000ed�d�ll be�ppliod to the�ums�ecurod by this 3oar�ity Irouumait. <br /> whqhor o�not t�duo.vvith any exca�p�id tu Borrower. In tlio avent of a p�rtial lakit�g of tho Proporty in which t4e l�ir <br /> tmrl�a value ot'11�c PmpatY imabdiately befon tha uklne ia eqwl w or�tbwa the a�noMOt of�ho suma senuod ay WiR <br /> Seairily laat�ummt immodi�tdy before tLe hkinR,unk:s Barow�a�nd[.ender ahe�wise a6rx la writiq�.thc sum��ecurad by <br /> thi�Secu�ity imtnumoat shwll be r�odncad by tUe auraunt of 1ho pmoeeds muUiplied by tl�c fdbrring fi�ctioo: (a)the toW <br /> �moun of thc su�ieaued itna�odi�ly befaco the ukiag. divided by 1b11hc fair tnwtka v�uluc of die Property irmnodiatcly <br /> beforo the t�klry�. Aay b�l�000 rl�ll be pAid W Borrower. In dic evcat of a putial t�kiag af 1he Property lr�whicfi tlrc t�ir <br /> niwiu!value o#'tha Property iamodi�tety�•ae�ore Il�e t�loing is less thunthe�uriou�of the surtrtisc t�rured iuu�ely beForo tho <br /> takipg,ualaRS Bor�ow�a'�►al L:�idG�otherwlso ag�ea in wdtit�g ar uniess applic�blo law othervvi�o provWe�.tbe q+ooeeds slall <br /> ba�pplied to the sdms"sacuccul by this Securiry Instru�r.ent whether or not tLc wa�am tden due. � <br /> If tho Pru.perty!a abanQaned by if,�after nWice by i.ender to Bornnwer tf�t the cnM�+nnor ott'eis to m�o�a . -- <br /> awanl ur er.itle a cldi�u fur J(uswgcs, Harsuwcx faiis to res�on3 w Le�dl�r wilidn�0 �+ys attc� �che datt tht tmt�e�e i�g{vcts, - <br /> LeaWer is aulh4�d ta callect and apply the pnu000ds,at ita optiun.eithar to rcstoration or rap$ir of t�e Propaty or W tbe�umt <br /> securad by this Seaidty Insttumeat.ahether or not then due. ' , • <br /> Unless L�ender ancl Borrower otMrwise agrec in,wdting. a�ry application of proceeds to�rincdpad sD�}! �rrrn extxnd ar •:'��•'�• , <br /> postpone Iha due date of the monthlY PaYments referred ta in paregr+phs l and 2 or change the�ai�t�f s��h puyments.. ' , __ <br /> 11.Borrower Not Rekwsed;ForDe�ranoe By Leader Not A WAlver.Balension of the raa�e iar peyment or modifi�3ion �� , _- <br /> of a�nortiaatian af the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument granted by I.euder tp sury s,uocessar in interest of Borrower�huU � ' <br /> r�ot operate to rclease ihe liabflfty of thc orlginal Bormwer oe Borrower's suooessors 9a iateaest.l,ender alwll not be rcquirod w <br /> commenoo prncaedinge aguinst any successor fn interest or refuse to ealcnd time f¢�r pa4�ea�t or atherwise modlfy amortiTation <br /> af the sums savrod by this Securiry Tnstn�ment by n�awn of eny dennand mack by lhe arigit�l Borrower or Bormwer'a <br /> sucassots in interest. Any farbearanca by Lender in exercising any right or reme�ly ahall aot bc a waiver of or pnclude the <br /> �+se.nciFe�f any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Suocessore arici Asstgua Nound: Joint and Several Liobility; Co-signera. The rnvenants and agrcements of this <br /> Saurity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and essiBns of Lsnder aad Borrower, subject to the provisions of ' <br /> pue8rnph 17. Bomowe�'s covenants and agretments shall be joint and several. Aoy Borrower who co-sigos this Secu�ity <br /> Ingtrument but dces not execute the Nato: (a) is co-signing this SerurMy Instrument only ta mortgage,grant and convey that <br /> Borrower'R interes� in�ha Propeny under tl�e terms of this Security Ins�rument;(b)is not persoanlly abligated to pay the sume <br /> securcd by this Security Insimment;and(c)ug�ces thnt Lender nnd any other Bomower may agrec to extend.modify,forbear or <br /> make nny accommadations with r�egard ta the terms of this S�cu�ity Instrument�r the Nae wilhout that&►nower's cansent. � <br /> 13.Loan Cluuges.lf the laan secur�ed by this Secu�ity Instrumem is rubject to a law which sets maximum loan charges. .__ <br /> and that law is finally interpreted so thut the ialerest or other loun charges rnliected or to be collected in wnnection wilh Ihe <br /> loan exceed the permilted ifmits, �hen: (a)uny such loan charge shali be reduced by the amount rtecessery to recluce the charge <br /> to the permit[od limit;and(b)any sums already mllected fmm Borrower which exceeded permilted limits will be refunded to <br /> Bomower. L.ender mny choose to make this refund by reciucing �he principal owed under the Note or by making a direct – <br /> payment to Borrower. If u r+efund reduces princi{wl, the reduction will be treated aR a partial prepayment without any <br /> prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notic�.w.Any natice to&�rmwer provided for in�his Security Inx�rument shall be given by delive�ing it or by m8iling <br /> it by firFt class mail unless applicuble law requires use of another n�ethod.The natice�hall be dir+ected to the Property Addr�.ss <br /> or ony athcr uddress Bomnwer designntes by notice to I.ender. Any notice to I.ender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> l.cnder's addrcss statcd hcrein or any other address Lender dc�ignutes by notire to Bomower. Any natice providod for in this <br /> Seourity Instrumenl shall be deemed to hnve been given to&�rmwer�ir Lender when given us provided in this pnrag�ph. �` <br /> 15.Governing Law; SeverabiUty. This Securily Instrunxnt �hull bc govem�i by federal lew and the Iaw of�he <br /> jurisdiccion in which thc Property is located. In U�e evea�thut any pruvision or riuu,c of this Sccurity Instmment or thc Note <br /> cronflicts wilh appllcable law,such conOkt shnll r��t uffert nther pr�wision,of this Secu�ity Instrument or the Note which can be � <br /> given eftect without the conflicting pruvision. To this cnd the pn►vi�.ion� of this Securily In�ttument and the Note are declared <br /> to be sevemble. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shull be given�me confimncJ copy uf thc Notc and�il lh�s s�cunty Inslrument. ' <br /> Form 3028 9180 <br /> P��o10 <br /> �—_��_... - f.��. ..w.1^�"'.^_'-r- .. `r-iT--+m�F.�-'r^ �: .c.'?S. . 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