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T ___ _ _ _ _. _... <br /> . . � � !3-, io�4 � . �.,��-;�a:;r y <br /> . � <br /> N.7w+�.Mr.r 1`. a�s.a�lld�a�M rl�reww�.U�I�ur yp.R ut�e Propeny or�►int�M ia i� <br /> i��nld a t�r!{a'r��e�d8 btita�st fn Bast+�+�ra h�ald ot trans�enod aad�oe�+or�!e eat�nMUral�� ai�bewt <br /> . l�end�'�p�lor anit�t eo�. �.�a�� at!ts apcias. r�q�In�edlre p�ymmt ln 1W1 ot�U ranaa � � Ws <br /> Seanity Itrqument.Howe�++�r�dik aption YNII not br ett�teiM/6y LNdK lt eaaoi�e i�p�+owiUiMd by I�ide�d I�w rs af 1M dw ' <br /> otthi��awrlty Imnutrreat. <br /> � If lAnder a�rrc.i�ea d�optlon.l,e�de���II/ive Bono�wer naioe of�ooder�tlon.The rmticn�IuiJlpro vide�pxlod of not <br /> lat thm 30 d�y�flrom t,he dMO�he norioo i�delivetad or am�ibd within which Bormwet mwt pay dl wnu�ocurod 6y thiR <br /> Sacvrity Inqrument.If 8oaowa tuilr w p�y U�e wm�prbr tu the expir�tlon at thi�parbd.Lader m�y Involoe�ay nomedia <br /> pe�mivad by lhis Securit�y In�nunerM witl�oW fbAher notia or deatiaid on&xrowo�. <br /> la. Rorruarr's RJ�t to Rde�tatw If !lorrower mata oatain condiNmis. Borrower shell heve the dght te heve <br /> enfotaemau of thi�Sxudry l�tnune�nl di�oandmied�t aiy time prinr w the ariiu of: (a)S d�y�(or wch othrr period to <br /> q�plicablo I�w m�Y �peciFy for roimaManart) betae�ale of thep�p�ty pu�wnt to any power of�le eomainod in tbis <br /> 8ecurity Lut�umau;or(b)cnpy af s juA�mait enforcinQ this Secudty( -n�ument.Thoso oonditiom uo d�at Borrower:(�)p�y+ <br /> l.etder dl w�ma which then wouW be due uader thi�Secudty Inctnunait and the Note u if m�ooelc�tioa hd ocarted: (li) <br /> curos�y def�lt ot'ary ather oove�nu or�roana�u: (c) p�ys�II eupenw inarned in enfa�+iqe�ic 5�aeuriqr la�t�at. <br /> incl .bw not Ntrited w.n�uoTMble�tWme�rs'foea�aad(d)tdces�ud4 acHon as I�nder roapr�asonwbl�r ra�uira w�s.s�u�c <br /> c <br /> t�at tlic ir�oi thia Sawdty inarument,l.ea�er a r�' sin else Pnopat�and Burrower's obligatioe t�o��t�e sums pea�rod bY <br /> �hia Socu�ity Inswma+t slWl wminuo unclw►gea. Upon reuwatc�ocat sy 8orrower. this Socurity InsWmeiu aod the <br /> oWiaMion�t s�au�ad�Croby aM�ll rcmdn tWl�r eRocti�ro�s if tw�ooekr�tion hd occurred. However.thiR�i�ht w�inWata WyU <br /> aaapp1y ia�c�ao of.coeler��ion under l�a. � , <br /> -t!. Sda ot Nate; Cb�a�e ot LanpSa�r. 7'1io t�'ato or a pautial interest in the Note (together wi�h thla Sxurity <br /> IashurtxM)irwy 6e solJ ono or aaro times wlthout p�lar notiae ta Borrowar.A salo may rcwlt in a change in the rntity(luwwn <br /> as 1he"L,o�n Scrvfaer')ttwt wlleas monthly paqmonte due under the Noto and this Security losuument.Them alw rtuy 6a one <br /> or moro chwn�es of the I..onn Servicer unlelatod W a sale of�he Nate.lf tlier�e ie a changc of the Laan Servicxr. Borrower will bo <br /> given writtrn nutice of tha cFu�ngo in�ordww��viU�pari►graph i�i ubovc wnl upNiiwLie iuw.Thc rwiicc wiU&wte ihe namc at�d <br /> addrese of the new[.aan Serviar and the nddness to which paymentr �hould be mrde.The�w�ioe wlll also contaia any otber <br /> infarnnatian ra�uirod by�plicable law. <br /> ?A. fl�rdous Suh�ta�e, Borr+nwer shwll nat cause or permit the pnsence. use, disposal. storage. or release of any <br /> HqAa�doua 5ubatances on or in tha Property. Borrower shull �ot do. nor allow anyone else to do. anything ut'fectlag the <br /> Property tha�is in violation of any Environrt�ental Tha preading two sentences shall not apply to tfie pr�senct. use. or <br /> storege on thc Property of smell quantities of Haznrdaus Subsfancxs that nrc generally recoQnizad to be appropr�atc ta nornnl <br /> residentiel uses and to maintenance of the Propc�ty. <br /> Borrnwer ehall promptly give Lender written natice af uny investlg�tion, clalm,dernand.lawsuit or ather actiun by any <br /> gavernmental or�gulstory agency or pdvete pa»y involving the Property and any Ha�ardaus Substanoe ar BnvironmenW L�w <br /> of which Horrower has actua!knowledge. If Horrower leams,or is natit'ied by any governmentel or negul�tory autho�ty, that <br /> any�emoval or other rcmediation of nny Haxardous Substance affecting the Prapetiy is neoes�ry,8arrower sh�ll prompdy tako <br /> all nca�ry romedial actfons in accordance with�nvironmental Law. <br /> As used in �his pi+r�graph 20. 'Hazanluu�Subsiancca" arC tiw�c suU�iwx�a daf�ct as tosic or hazardous substa�as by <br /> Environmental Lnw and the following aubstances: gasoline, kemsene. other flemmable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> pasticides ancl herbicides,volatile solvents.matednls rnntaining agNes�as or fomiuldehyde.nnd rndioactive materials.Aa used in <br /> this paragrnph 2Q, "Environmental Law" means federal laws end laws of tha juri�sdiction where the Property is located tiwt <br /> �leta ta health,safcty ar environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIRORM COVENANTS. Born►wcr nnd l.ender iurther covenent und ugrec as follows: <br /> 21.Acceterattoni Remedles. l.ender ah�ll give notice to Barrnwer prlor to acceleration(ollowing Borrower't�breACh <br /> ot any covenAnt or agreement in thL� Secu�ity Instrument (but nat prior to acceleratlon under peragraph 17 unless <br /> oppllcuble law provldes atherwlse).The notire shell�pecif�: (A)the default;(b)the actlon requlred tu cure the defpult; <br /> (c)p dpte,not les.c than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the detault mwst be cured;nnd <br /> (d) that fotlure to cure tl�e detault on ar hefi�re the dMe specifled tn the notice may result in acceteratlon ot the sums <br /> secui+ed by thls 5ecu�lty Instrument and eale oP the PropeKy. The notice shall i�urther Inform Borrower ot the rlght to <br /> reinetate aRer acceleratlon and the �Ight to bring A caurt action to assert the non-existence of a detuult or ny other <br /> detense ot BarroN�er to qcceleration and�nle. If the detault is not cured on or hefore the date specltied in t�e aoNa� <br /> Lender, at Its aptlon, may requ�re immedtate paymenl ln full of all sums secured by thls Secudty I�trument �vlthout <br /> further demand and may invoke 4he power of ssde and any other rernedles perniltted by appItcable law. Lender sliall be <br /> entilled lo collect all expeace.s incurred In pursuing the remedlcv provided In thls paragreph 21,Mcluding,but not Nmited <br /> to.reasonable atturneys'te�v and casta�of tltle evidence. <br /> It t6epo wer ot srale is invoked.Truetec shall record a notice of default in canc�aunty in whlch any part of the <br /> Property Is I�cated and shall mail coples oP such notice in the munner prescrlbed by oppNcable law to Borrower and to <br /> the other pencnnc prccc�ibed by applicable law.After the timc rcyutn�d Ny appllcpble IwN��Tru�+tee shell give publtc notice <br /> of sale to the pentions�nd in Ihe rnanner prescrlbcd by npplicablc law. Tn�stee, without demend on Borrower,shWl sell <br /> the Prope�ty at public auction to the 61Rhest bldder at tl�r tlme and plure end under the terms designated tn thc nMlce ot - <br /> sale in one or more parcels ond in any order Truslee dMerminc!�. Trustee muy pnstpone!wle of all or any pwrcel of tMe <br /> Property by public unnouncement at tne tlme�nd plucc of Any prevlously schedulr�l ru►le. Lender or its desi�nee moy <br /> purchase the Pr apeHy at any sale. <br /> Fo►m 3oze a��o - <br /> D.qe B ol A <br /> � „ �� .. —. <br /> � <br /> c. <br /> -n 'i r cT`}�W�'wK�. �T«Y - . -" , . ( IRhJVI� �]�Y.k: <br /> '.j ��{�,- ��)t� i ., ' 1���- r . . . :w. "-<.+�a �' �1�;;i,, �. � .k�t {�� �i�-i�:_ �- µ. <br /> r-�-z��- 4 f _ . !1 . . . . '_ . '�C�4+�,. i1����ie��-t��-Sf�J�_... _ � L�t . 7 1 _t <br /> �T?���•.tr�i{7�ila�•�t�L.-0c1`_s_. �..St+.: � +f�L'. �.;.t,�riii�i 'ri4l�.E�f}��•1es._ ��'�ti.4_1,�S.i�xU.��:.'��.�`..m�iaK��. <br /> _ . . , _, ,. _, .<— � - _,� - <br /> �. ._ .. <br /> .._ �.. t��1 �, - f� --� - - -- ------ ---- - -- - - -- — : a�'�i- t� k'.'�. ��-•. - . - ,1t�'9',{+ <br /> -�r�:..� _ _� ___ _ <br /> ,r� -vc. _ ut` . �. - ,i. . .. , - . - �S,i . _.� i f "., <br /> �i.�.'•4 l'�t�� .��I)f �. �� ' . . - ' �....i -��7. <br /> f • <br /> sy��, _.R�}.. w - j�� . - , Ir i� ��rfl[.jiwJ:, - ..I��'�w L„`!�v� <br /> . 1iy�L-�K"Ti� I y S .� ' _ _' ' '.' "_" � .. � " <br /> �l: I7.� `�f. ' 2 5 <br /> �_ ry _{ E - . ._ . ' � '•'•��T��t�!! 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