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__ ___ __ _ _ _._ . <br /> --�-�--�---- � . �.t!'�ff�`4 -� �3 ` _ <br /> � -� . -� . � ,, .. � '�� t�� � , , - <br /> � �. /��i sit h�ry�wires. brioww �b�U IoMp�!w ��ow�iida� a h�fMr w�,ar 11� � � <br /> � �eay B�twMd�t la�s by flti. E�twd� IaduNd rrhhin t!M lena'�xeendoi�oowe�° �nd aqr aihr h�w�.iraioii�t ., : <br /> Nredt K AaMMA�,Ibr whk1�lMwler nipin�lna�wa.11d�Itwwwo��bdl b�n�ia�d la tb��albuala wl'br IY��la1a .'�. �,:,. <br /> d�t L�d�wr nqrMw Tht Itnu�ano�c�nriar pro�vf4iy tlw�iaiudu�oe�iuil be da�en by 8omn�ver aub)eo�w L+�'��ppror,aE . <br /> wMich�twll noc b�u�on+ibly �vithhdd.I�danqwer fiil�ta an�inuin aovayo deuaibed�bow�L��q. N_L�rdr's <br /> aptiup�oWala aowrye w pnola:t I.errder's djhu ia tbe P�opeity in�oco�da�oa wilh p��nph 7. ' <br /> All in�ur�ao.policiM�ad ewiewtla �lull be�ooept�ble a L��nd�tWl iedudn��u�M�nd m�ti+�e cl�ae. LaidK <br /> •hell huve the dgM to hoW tiM polider uid tenewal�.U I.a�aequiro�.Aonower ilu�ll proa�ptlY iivo to L.atder�ll rooeipt�at . <br /> P�P+�wn�md na�a�wal notioer.Tn the evant of low.��hdl�ive prnmq aotloe to t1M iaiuranoe cani�t�nd I�r. ., <br /> I,�ender m�y m�ko proof ot loa iP na nudo porn�tly by Borrower. <br /> Uale�t.�aider�nd Bo�mwer aherwi�e�tee In wrldn�.inw�moe prooeed��tull be applled to t�aation or n�ir of�be <br /> pm�bt d��od.if�ho re�tor�tIon or tq�ir ia aoomrdc�lly fwible�nd I.�a�de�'��acurity i�nat la�e�ied.If the roNoradon or <br /> re�ir h ont oenoomirally fa�dble or Lenda's �ecudty would be la�kned.tho inwrn�oe prooeoda �pall bo applied w the�uas <br /> �ocurod by�his SeauiR�r I�ctwmeot. whdher or not then dMe. �with any enau p�id W Borrawer.lf Bonower absndon�tho <br /> Property,or doo�not sun�wa withiu 30 tlays• ootke fi+om I.eoder Ih�t dm iaau�noe c�trier�otTerod w aople�cL�im.dke <br /> Lar�aer napr aoNed�ec i�u�oo�ooec+d�. 1.ader tmy nce tl�o p�aceed�1a np�ir or�ate t�e�opa1�►or a py �a <br /> •OCIMCd bY(his SeG1tlf�r'ItlOqtl�itibl.,VIIW�t or�ot W�a dI1C.'1110�O�d�'pRliOd wi16 6Cjiu�M111a1 d�0 oO�iOO�i�Y[+o. <br /> V�i�tt#� BOiYpRN�'Pt�Ylft �I�DQ�1 �fl�• � �IC�OQ O�Q/OOODd6 W Qf�C1� f�� O0l l�i1D��. <br /> , po�tpore e6e dua d�tc of�he monthlY PAYm�ti��fennd w in puaQn�pM 1 aod 2 or cb�q�e tk ��t vf Ihc p�ymeots. If <br /> . undec puapuaph 2l't6a PmpatY ic�cxptirod bY I.ender. Borrower's dabt to any incuranoe policie�mm��prutieed�rowiti�y froan <br /> . dqnwgc ta the Properiy pdor ta the acquisitlon sb�U pa�w I.eader W tbe extcat of the sums�rod hy thi4 Seaniry i�a <br /> immediatdy prior W tho�oqui�ition. <br /> 6.Oacappoc.y,l'ne�a'vstion.M�I�auree pnd Prot�cdon ot We Propertyi Borro�►er's Lo�n Appikatloai I.eiue�ol�. <br /> Borrower ehWl oxa�py. esublish.ami ute tt�e Property oa Borrower'e pdncipal msidenoe within eiKty dsyi�ftu tbe euecution of <br /> this Soeu�ity l�umuna�t aid�lull oondiuu w occupy the Pc�nparty as Borrower's p�ineip�l�ida�a fot�t leact ono yar�Ra <br /> the dato of occup�ncy. unless[.endcr otherwise agroes in wrfting.which consent Ktwll not be unr�asonably wlthheld.or unless <br /> exta►wRing aircumaWrces exist which are beyaM Borrower's control. Bonawu rhall not destmy. d�rtuigo or imp�ir the <br /> � Prope�ty. �Ilow the i'roperty to deteriorate,or commit wa�on tho Property. Bomawer sfwll ba In defAUlt if any forfeitu� <br /> apion or proccaling,whuher civil or crfminal,is begun that in[.ender's�ood faith judgment could nesult in fodeitu�e of 1he <br /> Pmperty or otherwixo rneterially impair the lien crcated by thia 3xurfty Insdumrnt or i.ender's socurity intcrcat. Bormwer may <br /> . euro aueh a defoult and reinstue.As provided in par�graph 18,by causing the netion or prooeeding to be dismicsod wi�h��uling <br /> ' tttas, in l..a�des's gt�fuitl�delern�lr�ntlon,pr+erladt� forfPih��of the eomnwer's interest in 1he Proput}�or other m�terW <br /> impeirment of Ihe lien Freatod by this Security lnstnimrnt ar I.erder's security interest. Botrower shall also be in defwlt if <br /> Borrowe�,duHng thc loan opplication poocess. gave materially false or inaocutata infomwtion or statem�.'nts to l�ender(or failed <br /> to prduida�[.ender wlth any mateHal infornution)in rnnnection with the loan evldencad by the Note,including.but not limitad <br /> to,�presentations cunoerning Borrower's accu}ancy of tho Pruperty as a pdncipal residence. If Ihi:Sa¢u�ity Instn�ment is on a <br /> Ieaset�oW� Borrower st�all comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquircs feo title to the Propetty. �he <br /> leasehold and the fee titic shall not merge unless I.ender agroes to thc mcrger in wrlting. <br /> 7.Protection of[.a�det'�Rfght�In tde Propaty.!f Borrower fails to periorm the oovenams and agnxments containad in <br /> thie Security Insuument, or there is a legal praceeding �hat may significently af�xt I.ender's righta in the Property(such as a <br /> ptnceeding in bankniptay,probate, for cordemnotion or forfeiture or to enforce lawx or regulwtions), then l.ender may do and <br /> pay•for whAtever is necessary to protect the value of thc Property and l.ender's rights in the Property. Lxnder's actions mwy <br /> include payfng any sums secured by a Uen which has priority over this Security InstnimeM, ippearing in oourt, paying <br /> reaeanable attorneys'fees ond entaring on Urc Property to make repairs. Although[.ende�may toke oction under�his para��ph <br /> 7,Lcndcr does nat have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paregraph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> 3ecu�ity Instrument.Unless Borrower and I.ender agree to mher temu of payn�ent,thccc amounts shall bear interost from the <br /> date oi disbursement at the Note rate ar�d shall be puyable, wllh Interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrowsr roquesting <br /> payment. <br /> 8.Mortgage Incuronee.lf Lender requirad mortgage insurance as a condilion of malcing the laan seeured by this Seeudty <br /> Instrument. Burrower shall pay the premiums requfred ta muintain tha mortguge insurance in effat. If, for any rcason. the <br /> moRgage insurance aoverage required by Lender lepses or ceuses to be in effect,&xrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> oMain aoverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.ut a cost substontially equivalent tu the <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from un alternate mortgage in.gurer approved by l.ender. If <br /> substantirilly equivalent moriguge insurar►ce coverage is not availeblo, Bonower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> one•tweiflh of the yearly mongage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insuronce rnverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> be in effect. lxnder wi II accept, use and retafn these payments as a loss rexerve in Ileu of morigage insurance. Loss reserve <br /> Form 3028 9180 <br /> Pp�3o18 <br /> j �...�.�.-�,.., .T.. <br /> - -- - - -� -- - .s7L:.ti: -- --:.�w'. --.-� _ _ � �e iFi�DBIt�!a�F``r��'1��r .. . a. -°TMCa-" '�—.t'��j.'f�'2_ (' ^►7I' T <br /> �r���in� .-� - � . \� . 1 yj��� ,� `xY� 'i-lL� y�i10.Y .. .Y4 . .�WR (t4y �(�1.��: <br /> r h �,r <br /> ..�8.��9eh:$.•�!<< �. -�:,t..�. 1�6fi,Li`�¢t..X 4.'tj{�e', �i � r�+y �. .,, _ w.-. <br /> —_��-�. �.t,� �.__s._•�S1�Izt�:�J_s.�Pi?.•�: "iSw5t�19i��S�.;. <br /> 'r3 -' -- --- �1 i� ti� � `� I <br /> �1�'. ;: � i� ` a '1}i ti��,��� �C�. .� 't�'/y,�)Y�,f���j�jC' <br /> ...�._.rr sr��i �n' � '� ' •3 rCFr�ti�eE��������1� '' ' � -� �i#' r`..'iy ti �• rJ 5 _�4 • 1C�YM 7i1 . <br /> �L`�+,��.��i�,,..,�4.,.. . . . f�, • � ' � ,rs <br /> r V .� v.� . l� � r ���o-��,`.�������� 1 ..o: <br /> _____ _ <br /> ,i _ ""y__s�_r'.Sz..3�►.. _ -,. �.�i:�E)�v,$ti,�C.�fC��1 Sd�ShT��Rk�+4iow�v.�l�1NMt(7Yr"�IY:W }1 k�'� o ,���(,. �L <br /> . _. .y.-rcu y - ..r. _ _....� -.-..- -- rt�r��r,-7 tta t 1- �x - - --- -- -.. . . <br /> 1\ ap�� ,r, „ •."ir:', 1��. <br /> . - � "ti 4 ��'� ' . - t�'�i,�'(`t� ���f�tt ri K�!.'4.r - r�4n�� : S�r _ 'r74� �:_ <br /> .�)Z �i�p1rty 2� s\ �� p- ' � ���� � <br /> ��J ��v�u'���`i'-'-�- a��`` 1:.uciY�i�:�ln .s �� . �' �J1,l�,,l�{'�F"��[.�,��"5?� ?I�C��..X•.�.✓tf t�,ir ti t \}i�,1, , '�••,cr� �. <br /> � i,��l rp���i,;,w; .,..�-- _"f„� =:1:).,�(,t`y1��l1��:;�S._.. . , f :�.5� . �l . . <br /> w�Y\iYII�V�ryl'� ��1`i� i��� . . ,�f+�4ll{��I ��l' � . .. h ' . • , <br /> �.��'i�,tati � t ,.._.,�Y`� T .�: � •4����5,��,.:• ; <br /> � , .�t� u � • •� • <br /> -���".. r.e..�..ra. �. - �c.,S .�r,c <br /> l0—_ - .415�1 �1 c �'_y. ' ..s� f.�t.. - :. ,. . <br /> - tj``��tAj. r �al.r: �'t�/�n�.!' 0 1 r`1i�4:,.��'1.�� Rrw" �•. 'jrG...�f..� �dS. t��ry�- ,+'`i. <br /> �t�;.. ,'rlyfa.7ib'n i,tt a.�r`Gal�� ,f f l•�'t!l''..7'� .p � t • ~' ��., � i�. �� <br /> .c �n.It��.l'\.t¢kl;��rr3►a��y�bl� .t:6�.:wtv}+�cva�,�5w . r ,'"`i . <br /> �� Y 1; �. '�l'�'_'T . .' .. �,. ; , �..r: � i - . �, r�i}i• <br /> __"��7�u�3��'�af�e��L����K�'A!1'��+�y� • -� � �� . <br /> _ , . y l ..t. . .. �1%�F••.I�F ��� :.�1N!/l�ll{�. <br /> �-- �:.�� � `S,1:ti� rr� ,. . ,� :y,•��.t s � �'�.••�C��� i. • <br /> _ -. +a.� .�x r. .��!t?�nr�2'a�i'4_"a .. ..... . .. � . . . . � .t.:..�'. ..i�l. , � _, <br /> _.,n�_.. .. . . . . . P�:. - . , <br /> .--.. "y.._ iK.hlY¢.aYi➢ "'!YI"a�'�_�"� ''.u:�.i .� ,: . � _ , <br /> .L".hdtldia: _ a.5,,nx ' '�.f�+�_-.�.C�''[I.A t-. . . .. . . . <br /> - .. - ' i7"ili lr�..l�..t%_-\-n :?. ' . � . .. . . . . ., + . . . .�..� '-T'����- � <br /> -^-cs'LL61G�\Ri�:•v.l+)x�wra+e.. .-� . . . � . . . .. �,r..�v . . , <br />