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�� . � •� e.....-�� �,•„� <br />. . �:__..___ ��. �.�_. _ . _ _ <br /> , . � _ .93• �,o�a� ; , �:��_ <br /> � '�ao�1�i�R wm�v�d�e��tava��►«uM..nK«ra.a a.tY.p�p�►,�na�i�..�..r...pv�•••�•••+ . <br /> - lS�4�s e�ew ar #1e�sdle� R P�rt af tbe p�opa�ry. All �pl�oe�wa rd aiiitkiin �h�il ata 6�c,:wawt�y s� �ty. <br /> irl�w■R.i1i1 al'd�e fa�e�niq u�el�anad w in tbi�9rowi�►I�teaeera4�16�"lr�ap�ty.' . <br /> �RAO�WBR OOVBNAT�iT31hM Aonowar h InrNlly�d ot tla er0ate beteby oarway�d ad Iw eMr rt�b p+�ntMd <br /> oom'qy 1he Pn�ty�nd tMt 1he Propaty it unona�mbaied.exoept fior�of�eoo�d. 6oc�nwr+r w�rMt MM';MMI ' <br /> dehnd�ener�tly tha dqe tn tho Prnpe�ly�pinri dl cldnu�ard damnd��rubJxt M�ny a�a�mbrMioe�of�eai�d. <br /> 77iI9 B�CURi7'Y tN9TRUM8NT aomb�na unitam awa�m tar n�tiont we�ad non-wdtana onved�au with lia�itd <br /> variNiora by judsdlctioa to con�tltute�uniform�ecutity itattum�t oovair�real pr�ety <br /> UMPQRM COVBNANTS.Anmowet�aA�raidar covawR aad�ae at foltav►a� <br /> l. Pa�n�at ot Prindp�l�nd 1rMa+dti 1huP��t aNd L�e Ci�� Bonnww�II pn�tlY P�Y when dua tlro <br /> pri�aiprl of u�d Interon an t!�de6t avidenoad by Uw Nde and�ny pnpyr�nt�ncl INe duugd duo under tbe Note. <br /> 2.I+bpd�tar Tua t�qd i�am�noe.Sbbjact ta�ppiicsble law or w a wrinen w�iver by f.aadcr.8ormwer ruWl pty w <br /> L,ender on the d�y monlhly p�yrtlaua�re due unda tlw Nale.untll�ho Note i�pdd in flill.e sum('Puru�')for:(�)yarly axa <br /> uid�u which auy�ttaia prfotity over thia Secudty Imuumait n�lien on tha Anopehys(#�l Yeu�Y Iaa4cJwW P��mars <br /> , or gn,und ana on t�a Prap�rty.if any:(c)qeulY h�rru�d or pmpaiy inwranoe pn�aniumac(d)Y�fy 800d i�uunuive pranlum�. <br /> ' , if.s�ny; (e)Yauiy mort�aga incuranco premiu�.if aay: �ad (4�Y wms payable by Anrrower►4 I.Fnd�r.!n��cooid�nce wdt6 <br /> the pmvi�fan�of puegnpfi B�in lieu of tlw payman of martg�go incur�noo pr�ear►iuma.Theso�tcme ai'�rallad"Bscmw Item�•� <br /> ier�dor may. at Any time, a►Ileot and hold Fund�ie an rmount nut to exaoed�he miucimum amc�u►t �lader far a fedan►Ily <br /> �eWod aa�tgaga lam m�y roquire for 8ornower'�escrow saoount undo�Uto feder�wl ReAI 8sate S�dtlement Prooedu�Act.of <br /> 1974 as�mencled fn►m ifma w ti�e.12 U.S.C. Sxdon 2601 et scg. ("RESPA")�unless anati�er I�w ttu�t prpNp to the�e�cls <br /> seh¢a k�ser amcwnt. If eo, t.ender may. At nt►Y time,coiiea and itioid Fw�la iu iui ariwunt nat io cRtc�tt�tesscr amrnn�t. � <br /> [.ender msy eatlmate the umount at F�nde due on the basis of curr�t data ond reaconaMe atimrta ot expcndiaaCS of.futute <br /> Ficmw Iteitw or otherwlte in accAMance wlth applicable law. . <br /> The Funds �hall 6e held in an inadtution whqso deposits ane insured by a federal agency. {nsttumentality, or cntity <br /> (including Lender.if La�der is auch an insdtution)or ip eny Federal Home I.oAn Bank.Lender ahall upply the Fundi to paY tt� <br /> Esaroa Item4. Lender may not chargo Barrower for holding and applying the Funds.ennually a�wlyzing tha escrow acoount,or <br /> verifying�he Bscmw Itema�ynleas l.ender pays Borrower intere�t on the Funds and applicable law pertnit�Lcnder to m�he cuch <br /> a clwrge. However,l.ender may nequire fiomawer to pay a one-time chuge for an independem nal est�te tu r�eporting cervlco <br /> usod by Lender in connmction with this loan. unless applicable law provides athenvjse• Unless an agroement is made or <br /> applicablo law roquires interest to be paid,Lender sh�ll not be requirod 10 pay Barrower eny interest or eaminga on the Funde. <br /> 8ormwar and Lender may Agrcc in writing.however.that intercst ahxll'be paid on thc Fu�ds. Lerrler slwll give to Borrowu. <br /> wlthout annual accounting af �he Funds. showing credlts and de6its to the Funds and Uie purpose for which each <br /> debit to the�Funda was ritade.The Funds are pledged as additional secu�fty far all sums secured by this Savrity Inatniment. <br /> lf the�uads held by I.ender excxed the amounts permittod to be held by applicable law. Ixitder ahall a000t�nt to Bc�rrower <br /> ,for tha ei�cc�s Fundr irraccordance wi�h the requirements of applicable law. If tha amount of lhe Funds held by l�ender at any <br /> � wme is�at'cufiicieat to.puy the Escrow Itcros when due, I.ender may so notify Borrower in w�iting.and,in such case Borrower <br /> shell pay to Lender the amount nccessary to make up the daficiet�cy. Bomower shall make up the deticiency in no moro ttyn <br /> twelve monthly l.ender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in tull of all sums secured by this Secudry Instrument, I.ender shall promptly refund to Barrower Any <br /> Punds held by Le�d:.r.lf, under paragrapn 21, Lcnder shall acqui�e ar sell tha Property, L.ender.prior to the aoquicilion pr snle <br /> af the Propeny,stwll apply any Funde held by l.ender at the time of acquisilbn or sale as e crcdlt against�he sums secur4d by <br /> thic Security Insuument. _ <br /> 3.AppUcation otPaym�.mfs.Unless applicable law provides nthenvlse,all payments rcceived by i.ender undcr p�►graphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be appfied: any prepayment charges due under the Note: secand,to amounts payable under puragtaph 2; <br /> third,ta interes{due: faunh,to principal due;and lest,to any lete charges due under the Nae. <br /> 1.Clwrges; Uens. Borrower shnll pay all taxes,�►ssessments,charges,fines and imposilions attributeble to the Property <br /> which may etaain priod�y over this Security Ins�rument, and Ieasehold payments or ground rents. if any. Borrawer shall pay <br /> these obligation.g in the manner provided in paragr�ph 2.or if not paid in tivit munner,Borrower shall puy them an time directly <br /> to the person owed payment. Bomower shull prompNy furnish to l,ender all nuticcs of amounts to he paid under this paragtaph. <br /> li Borrower n�kes these paymeMS directly, Bnrrower shull promptly furnish ta l.ender receipts evfdencing the payments. <br /> Borrowor shAll promptly discharge s+ny lien which hati priurity over thix Serurity Instrun�ent unkss Borrower. (a)agrees in _ <br /> writing to the payment of the obligation ucured by the lien in a munner ucticptnbic to Lcnder:(b)conteu�in good feith the Ifen <br /> by. or defends against enfarcement of the lien in, Ieg�l procceding� wnirh in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement af the lien;at(c)seeure+ from the I�►Ider af the lien an agrecment wtisfuctory to Lender subordinuting ihe lien to <br /> this Security 1es�rumenl. If l.ender detern�ines thut uny pun of the PruNerty iti subject to u Hen which muy attoin priority over = <br /> this Security lnstrument.L.endcr muy givc Borrowcr u notice i�k:nlifying thc lien. &�rmwer+hall�ulixfy the lien or teke onc or <br /> more of the aclions set forth above within 10 duys of the giving uf notice, � <br /> Fam 3028 9190 <br /> v.a s o�e <br /> r ��i <br /> _.._ ...r ; - - — . _J����'f��t�l � :- . �, . . <br /> _- u. � 4�,. . 1� . 4qi��`�t1'A��',yf i�� ..� Sy�_:-t -r{ '���.Y�'� I � .r..: ..: .i. , �.G��.},•".��� , �:,t . <br /> � '.- �7�..��� 11 c ..ti x 4 1 ��. .., �.. . ;;�: _:� . a ,� �• • � '�4 , <br /> —t -tt�y� .�1 � � • � 't'��l�t�1�L�(� •. � ' �l� ��r!..� )<�(�<+,t.k 4� �1:' �% r�2�1 t ,y�ji�w�'� �7�,�+.�rl�s��.�. � <br /> %���iV!Ssl['!:Ua:._izA',IfRt�'1�.r5�T��y�_t'ai�W{�t111;tY1L.�a5�1-113:ZS.�:l.t__ ��'!}����} ���ieYp��� }�' ���4hL'�:.�"2ra.d14��t3t.K=.'•�. .�.. <br /> `�` J C.a� St �•.S} Y ' r'_�_� ._ - _ _ _ �_ �'�1 �)�l7 Ylt-. �' V /lTt{'!�WIYYaFMIMTk\hl1`fY�n�j 7tii. y.n ai.�v . :��."'_. .. <br /> �r- �l����U)�wa, '�yt �.t�� " •�Lylt � :�.� (\�S',���r+ ��; ry�Y}�St'�1.��i�':iic��'X'Mµ` � i�� ` :ti� 'S �J.v..:' , <br /> ..a,..._ �e.� A1 �.79.� xJi�1k�4��.1� � IlfV4t..- .eJ. �5��-�i '.i 1 1�En. i� -.'�'i S �d"�tC'='.�SiW����T,r3J;rv+ ��+1_ r t� 4,. - <br /> . .?'r�<�S�iiftt�j � il ��. --' ,ti� ,^u,='---n -;•^r 1J�!.�I; r. .'' r �.e�: i . . -r--�•--'- . :{�i` r. 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