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_ __ _ �__ _ <br /> -_ - <br /> -� .{.,rr n .� ... .r - ' � ' �:.i�_ .. <br /> 93- �o.�oo�o .�: � .. - - <br /> oan�idnuuidan ar ather uik@ta af+�ny taui ot+i�e PmpMy.�tac coe,re�►.me tn�Iteu of co�w�on,�n 1�+M��1d� <br /> iuq b p�id to LeMbr � dwll be�dbd �o d�e�atns Mwiwd b�► dik 9�w�ri►9 <br /> 1n�hs avent af a taW Wciq�ot N►e PropeAy. <br /> iiuunment�wl�l��r eat d�en due.wlth any cavaa to Barow�ar. ln the ova�t of�p�rtW aicby of Ibep�pe�ty In <br /> ahich�he hlr mnicet v�1ue of�ho Propaty lmmodi�tely befae tho tdti��s eqwl w or peMa�tMn the antow�t of tfM wan <br /> �ocwrod by thi�Security lasmuaent imrt�ediuely befaa tho uking�unla�s Barm�wer and I.endot adierwite y�+ee h wrilin{. <br /> die suar�eowed bY dds Sewa�iry In�trun�ent�iWll be reduoad by thQ�x�uN of�hep�c mulllplledby the fdb'�vini <br /> 6�do�: (R)da taW�x�unt of the wms�ecurod imn�edirtely bttoro tM 1�1n�.divlded�lb)the fiir m�ricu v�lue of IM <br /> proq�y i�aa�edi�lely l�ofa+e the tddni. My b�lwwe �Iwli be FwW W Barowar. !p the event ot a pardd t�in a{th9 <br /> P�a�paty in which the tiiir mako�vdue d 1he Propeity ImnwdWely betaro the Iakin�b lea du�n dM�nowK at�� <br /> �ecund immedtNelY betaa IUe �unb�n �tbe wna�scu�ed by thi��i8xwitY �Iwt�me�wbMl�or or�d�e wnn ra <br /> od�a�ri�e p�ovlda�the p�ooMd��II �PP�� <br /> � H�ihe Phupetty is�b�loned bY Borrowa�or if.afk�ndico bI'l.eakr ta Bamwer t!W tho oandara�or d'fers w m�k�e <br /> �n�w�d or seple a cUim for dmu�a.Bort�ower fdls to rospard to t.endar wlthin 30 dayn�fler the date the notioa it g[ven, <br /> l.a�der u.utboriz�d a wqen�ad�pp1Y�P�•a its optioo.ei�her co re�wradon or repair af�ta Praperty or to d�e <br /> wms sectuod by thfs Sacurity Inotrumcnti whaher ar not that due. <br /> Uaka�L,ctder and Bartvwer atherwise+�oe in wtitinj,any�pQlic�dori of pmcads to p�incipal dWl not extend or <br /> postpare d�o dua due ot the mon�hlY P�Y���ferted w in pAra�raphs 1 aad 2 a ch�age tho amount of such p�ymarts. <br /> 1t. Bon�o�wer 1Vat itekasedt Forbear�,�ce BJ i.ender Na • Watver. Bac�ensioa of �he dme [or p�yanani or <br /> modiflcation ot amort�foa of the sums secwed bY this Secu�itY Inst�una�t 8r�noed bY Lender w�ny aucce.+sor io intaest <br /> ot Bortuwer�ll not oQes�te ta�kase the liabitity of the arlginal Barrowa or Barower�a anc.oeason fn interest.L,etder <br /> st�slt acs!r_ lr!!�t�mmmmce�ooeediogs against any wca+ssor in intaat or Rfuse to axtend dme for payment or _ <br /> od�erwl�m�od��y amort[zulon of tho aums aecu�ed by thls Securi�y Inswmrnt by reaga�of ony demsin�m�e uy dio or:� <br /> Bar�nwer a Borrawcrh aucoeagors in interest. My farbearance by l.ender in exercisin�pny ri�ht or remedy sholl not be• <br /> w�iver of or prcclude the exeocise of any right or rmxdy. _ <br /> 12. Sooastara aod Aai�m Bauodi Joiat wd Several I.labiliiqi Co-�� The covenanta and agroemenls of�his <br /> Security Imwment slwll bind and bene8t the succesaors and assigns of l.ender and Borrawer.cubject to Ihe provisiom of <br /> 17.Borrower�a covenants end agraments shall be jaint and several. My Botrower who caslgns thls Security <br /> T�rta�t but daes not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instnunent only to mortgage,grant and conveY that <br /> Bocruwerg inurest in the Property under the temns of�his Security Insttument: (b)is not perrorwlly abligated to pay the sums <br /> socwsd by this Secu�ity lnstrumlent:and(c)agrees that i.ender and any aher Borrower may agroe w exteod,modlfy,forbear <br /> a m�ke �ny �ccomnwdAtians with regard to the tenns of this Security Insuument or 1he Note without �hat Bartower's <br /> cro��serK. . <br /> 13. Lwa Cbsr`ea If the loan secured by this Sa:urity Instrument is subject ta a law which sets mauimum loan <br /> ���,������t��!y�����;Q����Rgt�����onp ehurces coUecud or w be collecttd in cannecdan <br /> wlth the loan excxed the permitted limits,lhen: (a)any such loan churge shall be reduced by 1he amount necessuy ro reduoe <br /> tho chuge w tAe permitud limit:and(b)any sumg already colkcted from'Honower which exceeded pertnittal Umita will be <br /> rcfunded to Barower. I.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a <br /> direct p�yment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,tha nd��ction will be treated as a parti�l prepayment wi�hou�ony <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> l4. No�. Any notice to Borrower provided fbr in this Security Instn�ment shall be given by delivedng it or by <br /> � mailing it by first class mail unlcwx upplicuble luw requires use of unother method.The notice shaU 6e directed to Ihe Property <br /> Address or any other addres.s Borrower designotes by notice to Lender. Any notice�o Lender shall be given by fi�xt class <br /> mail to Lender'�addrcss stated herein or any aher address Lender decignute�c by notice to Borrower. A�y notice provided for <br /> in this Socurity insuument shall be deemed to hnve been given to eorrower or l,ender when given as provided in this <br /> ra . <br /> � �l . Governing 4aw3 Severability. This Sccurity Instrumenc shall be gavemed by federal law and the Is►w of the <br /> jurisdict�on in which the Property is locn�ed. In the event that any provirion or clAUSe af this Secudty Insltument or the Note <br /> oonflicts with applicable luw.such conflict shall not uffect other provixionc of ihix Security Insuument or Ihe Note which can <br /> be given effect without the conflicting provision. 7b thi�e end�he p�+nviaion+of thig Security lnstrument and the Note orc <br /> . declared to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one confonned copy of the Note nnd of this Seeurity Instrumen�. <br /> 17. 7ranster of the Property or a Beneficl�l lnterest In Borrower. If ull or uny pun of thc Propeny ar any intcresl in <br /> it is sold or transferred(or if a heneficial interest in Borrower ix sold or tr�nsfem:d and Barrower is nrn a natu�al person) <br />- • without Lender's prior wrinen consenl.Lender muy,ut itti uption,reyuire imnx:Jiate payment in full of ull sums secured by <br /> th�s Security Instrument. Hawever,this option shull not be exerci+ed by Lender if enercise is prohibited by federal law or of <br />- the date of this Security Inytrument. <br /> I . If Lendcr exercises this option,Leixier shLll give Bomower notice af uccelerotion. The notice shull provide n periad of <br /> � not less than 30 days irom�he dute�he notice i,deliver�d or muiled within which Bnnower mu�t pay all sums secured by this <br />° Security Instrument. lf Hanower fuils tu pay�hese .umx prior to �he expirution oi thix periad. Lender may invoke any <br /> rcmedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further naice or demund cx�Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right !o Reinstale. If Bortowr� meets cehain condi�ion+. Borrower shnll have Ihe right to have <br /> enforcemen!of this Security lnsln�mPm di�ccontinued at any time prior to�he eurlier ot': (u)S dAys(or xuch other period ati <br /> Singk Famfly•-F�nnk IN�dFteddk Mnc UYIFORM INtiTRUM1iNT•-l�nitorm Covenan�+ 9I90 fpuRe 4 nln Mxe�� <br /> � <br /> — _ ,:�nx�-��,�y,;.r.�..r-...�; �,r„ . ,. �� - ' =�.+v,r:..t.,..;�^�„v�iwea*�r•rv�+�nr�--------"'^..T�----��.-...�_--•-...�.._ <br /> r-.. o .. . . ,. .. . ,. ,. '.jyR;a�� ��'' ..�u�. . s...� _ .i' . .�. •: <br /> �{. .a.,r. .4Ptld� ...J. <br /> l�Si i� _—>>..' �,�,_� . � �....tli.aefiu"t�,hr."�i: .: ..'d_ j� i s •�y..z.�y. �. <br /> :f- a.._:2{F.{�Lh.t[t:1�4Y�1� ._s_ •7�F��'.L���ieNW�t.::e. <br /> ".. ,. _ ___-_ _ _ _ _ ' _ <br /> .�-r- <-- —_ -__..__- _.._ __ _ _ -__-_ . ___ __. ___' _ ___ _ "_ . _-.,..-,.�.. .___ , - _;'__ • _ . - . . <br /> . . _. _... . '' _"" " <br /> -tt . - � - _ ' . _. .• � .� - <br />.til. •. . . . . ' - , - _ <br />•'Y4.-, :,I... .�� � . .... � . <br /> - ..1'� . . , . <br /> =wY'aqA�]Rd.1:�• . . • ' . " . . ' - � .. - . - <br />-,�. ';.u.i• . ' � .�.. � : - ,,. - „ , . • o . <br /> ` �`'. - -`, �,y+t1�'. . . ' '' . ,, I,:•. . . .. <br /> .x?�.,� �,r, .' :l:::r'�.-'�i�., . . .r� -;, � . <br /> /A'•��i.4v.:.L l� v`I, � . , ., . . . . <br /> ' :���:�� <br /> - `�.r .. _ „ .,, �� .,,i �:::r. ' . � .. `� , <br /> .". _`_�i���tzYv:..�. �_'', _,y _ �„)i,:<v . . . . _ . ... , <br /> •u1;��+�.._ . ,� . �►r��.r�� ° � , <br /> • ' � - � '� � . ' . . .. � - . . '.r�};t 6 ~'t .�9.rr. 'Y�ar <br />-- .. . u , • . ., . � <br /> _� -. � ;. . ' � ' - , �' - -.. " . ' . .;lti'`,. <br /> �-� -ivr . •. ..�, •�:.r. �.•: ., . �� - <br /> �. � <br /> . <br /> . ,- <br /> � �� . .. -�:r�-- ... , v:..;:� . . . �_ � ' -- .__. ---— --- � <br /> � <br />