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.���_... _ _. _ . . _ .__ .Tw,w,;+cr-r'�-___. _ _ . . . . . . . . : � r:':_•°;'_,�._-T.:�r <br /> „ g3- . �.o:��c� <br /> aa atn►��►����°�•�e or a�p,operty puwwt w�ny pawa at�w�m m�s � <br /> �,ae�rn�a�n.MS ur ro���y a�•�d�t«�ro�das tbl�$ te�aW. 'I7�o.e oaataon��n.t�e ao�ro�w�.r .w <br /> py�l.�nd��+�II wa�s wUicb d�ea wou- Id be�ue utdx thi� e� in�ulMi�et wd lia Na10 u if no aood�Mla vd � <br /> oonn�di(b)a�M!►4dirult d my aher oova�ner or yn�wti; e)Puy��II AxpMwe�incurnd!n w�farcY�tW�awk�r , <br /> In�a�ra,it�cin�.a�t aa umiaa w,reuoe.bte�uanMyr'raa; p+a t�ake.,.w�.cum..taaa�aa�y niw�r <br /> nq�hr a w�r dMt aw ua�or ad.secwtty Iroon�aneat.t.aoaerr�a iu the P�op�eny roa sarowarti aayNlaa a p�y the <br /> �wm Mowdby IMb SearitY M�ppa�u tbdl oo�hwN widw�d. �pan � bY �►�e � �h' <br /> � 1n�n�eat te�tF�e oblijeliatt+�+n�rod hereby�1w11 r��ie fWlly rftac�ive a�it oo aooebr�rlon b�d accunb. Y� <br /> ryK a r�ale�11 not�pply ia the cae�Tha Note ar��l intamt i�the Nae(wjad�et wi�h thi,Seantty � <br /> 1!. S�N�fWlei aMa�lww . <br /> • ln�nar►a�t1 wy ba�old one a mae t1a�wl t priar aotice w�om�wer. A ule m�y rewit jn�chmyo in tha antity <br /> (known�u the"I.roan Savkxt")tIW oollecq manlhlY WY�u due under tha Nae ud fhi�SeCUrlty Lultun�enl. 711ena�lw <br /> auy be ano or ma+e clunja of the L�n Sorvic�r unrel�ted w�sWe of�he Nata. lf the�a i��chruiao ot the L.o�n 3ervlar. <br /> Bormwer wi116e given writtea notice of�he clunge in�000�d�nce wllh p�n�niph 14 abovc and applicabks I�w. 71ia notloa <br /> wi!!aue tho nwn�e�atd�ddtess of the new I.o�ut Senriar and tho�ddneu to w6ich p�yma��hauW ba mrde. 71ie nodoe will <br /> dw oont�in aay atber infam�tion iequirod by appllcabk law. <br /> 20. II�aMan 3nbp��oa. Bamwer�11 not cauic or pem�it tho poesenco�we�dj�PoWl•atorage�a r�elease of�ny <br /> Hwa.u�dous Sub�wtoes un ar in the Property. Bomowar shall not do.nor allow�nyonc else to do,mtythiag �'aKing d�e <br /> propeAy tiu�t te in vblWon of any Envimnn�td 'IUo p�a�dinB tv►'o ccntencas ehall not�pply to tho <br /> stors�e on tho Piropnty of mwU qwntiNes ot Haz�ndow Suindu�oes tluit�ue Qenerally rocognized a be app�opri�to w no�md <br /> Rsidendd uces�nd to msintcnanco of the Praperty. <br /> Borrowv�hall pumPUY R1ve Lender written notke of�ny ime�ti��im.dem�u�d.uwauk or aha aetion by a►Y <br /> govemme�l or�egu4tory agency ar p�ivote party involving the Hrupeity wed eny Ha7a�iuus 5ui►stw��t�v[r�ua�-s�s! <br /> 1.Rw of which Hortower h� aciwd know�od8o• li BorroM'�r leuns,or is notifiod by �ny govamoenW ar iregalatary <br /> wthority.thst my removd or ott�er remedltUion of ony Hw,��dous Substance�n8 the P�ope�is aoc�u�Y•Ba��u+�eir <br /> �11 promptly tal�e all nocessary remedial actions in accoMonco with Environnxntal L.�w. <br /> As used in thi�paragraph 20,"Hazwdous Substwnces"aro tlwse subxt�xxs defu�od as tox�:ar hozardous subst�noes bY <br /> F�vironmental Iaw and the follawMg substances: gasoline,kerosene.other flamm�bk or tuxio petroleum products,w�cic <br /> pestiaides ond herbicides.voletile soivents. meterials contei�ing s�sbestos or form�idehyde.and*�dioactive mAteriWs. As <br /> usod in this pa�agraph 2q,"Fnvlmnmentel"means fedn�l I�wa and laws of at��jiui:dicdon whero Ihe HropatY is loated , <br /> that rel�te to heaUh,sefety or emiraunental protection. ; <br /> NON-UlV1�ORM COVENANTS. i3omower and Lender funt�er covenant an'�►agnx as foltows: <br /> 21. Ac�eie�dont Remediea I.ender s�uU �ive noNa to Borrower prrqr to acoelerat[w fulbvrbg Borruwer'� <br /> prdcb d�uy coven�at or�rameot in tMb Securky lashemeat(but not�to acceleration uader p�ryn�ph 17 <br /> n�kn applipbk 4vtt provWes alUerrvise). 7'he notke abpli�ped�y: (a)tUe �uNi(6)the Actba n�uired to cure t6e � <br /> detaul�(c)�date�nb!less tlun 30 days ftom the d�te the notke u givea ip�co�N�.by wiiic�i��afaWt mns!� ; - <br /> cured=aad(d)tiwl�aUure to cure the default on or betore the dote speclAed i�o t�e t�qtice mn9 resu�t 1�o uocekratiou ot ' <br /> the suu�secured by thta Securlty Inst�ument and sale o�the Propehy. The noQice s�Rurtder iutorm Borrnwer ot <br /> t6e�Fgbt to ninstate aRer a�xelersNion and the rlght w bring s►cou�t action to usert ihe nan-esistence of a default or <br /> qny other defense of Borrower to acceleratbn and sWe. If the defpult Is aot cured on aar betore 16e dote specilkd ia <br /> the noda,I.ender at ifs opdon may requlre immediate payment in tull of aN sums secured by lbis Security Instrameat <br /> without further demaad and mAy invoke the power of sale And any other remedks permttted by applkable law __ <br /> l.ender ahnll be enllUed to colkct All ezpenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provWed in tbt�para�aph 21, - <br /> fncluding,DW not Ilmited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and rnsls of title evidence. � <br /> If fNe power ot sale is invoked,'IYustee shwll record a notice of defi�alt in each caunty in whkh any p�rt ot the <br /> Property is lacated aad ahaM mai0 copies ot such ndice in tMe maaaer prescribed by app�cable luw to BorroWer ond to . <br /> the ot6er perwns prescribed by applicable lpw Afte�the time required by appNcabk Opw,7lwstee simll Qive publk - <br /> notlae ot wde to the persons and ip the manner i�escribed by applicable law. 'Ikustee,wilhoW demand vn Borrower. <br /> slwll sell the Property at public swci�on to IGe h�;�est bidder pt ihe Ume Aad�place and under tde terms desigaated in <br /> tde notice ot eale ia one or ma+e par�re7s aud in ao+�order'IYustee dete�mifles. 7Yustee may postpone sale ot all or aay <br /> paral ot the Property by public announcement at Ihe lime A�ai p9Are o�anv prevloust3�scheduled aWe. Lender ar iAs . <br /> desi�nee mAy purcbaae the PropeHy at any sale. <br /> Upon rrceipl of,paywent of the price bid.7Fustee sha0i tleliver to the purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property. The recJtn1s in tpe'IYustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence oP Il�e truth of the satemenfa nwde ttrcrein. <br /> 7}ustee sba�l apply ihe proceeds of lbe sale ia the PoNowiag orcla�: IA1 to all cosls and ezpenses of exere(sing the power <br /> lbrm Ji2N 9!9(1 i/wge S u/n rwrKes 1 <br /> -�r...s,..-9..T--•....� _.- -.- :- .- ._- r��_.—-_ -*• .. : , . .- -= <br /> �--�—�--- �'.," '��ki�.T•�.�.�"'R'""'. <br /> _f.- , , '�¢�om"y <br /> �L'-=i-r�-�' . _ iti�• . . '� .. " • � . , , .a . . �L.�R%i*-t:r.«�y�d�'-�j�: ... �.� - s.... ,���. - - � <br /> _ � � � <br /> --�--=L�.:..,;i�.� � � . ..t.s� �-.,,i��'.�.'=:kd`�ti:4ti-Ca'►�1�._'' :io:�_�t� _t_ _u..� �. <br /> ���.��vF.1ar=.'v._ <br /> ._. <br /> "_ � _ ..,— .... ..: .... .. .___'—__..._._-- ... ... .____ ___ — ___—__ — --__________ _ _ _ _ __—__- _ __r...- . <br /> . _;_ _ . _ . _ -T-r.. --. <br /> -u,�n � -� . - . _. <br /> -�,. _ .+. - . . .�,. � •- • i" . .. �.�.r_`.' ., . <br /> �f�_hf.�,-b.::�.:k:58:�t��1.. . ..� . . � . . . . . <br /> � : <br /> -° `,4.Rty �ei.�'.�.,_ • . .. _ . . ' <br />._ -__����},''-M�,`.+',:4., .a� . . . . . .. _. . .. . . ..., -� '1 . <br /> �—�.��'.' ' �. . . .. .. � 1 ... ' ., r <br /> 1�- _�}G.f�!^ . . .. <br /> aF.?._r.�r..'v�.,�`y.�y'��r • � +° � � . � , . '�-- , . <br /> �. ,y� •T . • f� t .' �1g� �f' S Tl+�y.t q <br /> �t '.� � `S�N,R)�4 ■ v�,�hiv�'r�r '}orL�,.�.�~�,.,,°�tl � �f��������'• , •�` v,� w..������B/����'�* ' 1:51�. . . . .. . <br /> . }`w - • ( �l'. y �,-_ ;,t,�qr S�r�.`,�..��C��. ;ir+_�S ''�y,'�i�-�., :.��'• , �� �a{ . • � .� r- ". . <br /> � -' i i tSi�l _7�! � , - ,.- .. .. � ft'.l�; .�.:.�.. f,�� '�[�� .�.:'�. ., <br /> m''n'-Rr � _ 'i4t�,�11'r t . M-�i'�,. .L. .,.,y. - . . R�f,:ti L� �.._�a'4`jl! � . d�..ti�r��.a_ �h,� _ rMN4. � <br /> N• • �I'[� r �.'' � n . .. . . (+ . <br /> .� - ` . -� _ - - . • , <br /> �i{). <br /> ,.. . t1` l.� a���+ , �•.. . . . � � .• ' .. . <br /> . ' . <br /> '��' r. � -t�4 9L..i�iil�fo e_. '�'1kF+'e+ �... . ._ . .. � . - <br /> \• <br /> . . <br /> . � ;:.. 1 - - _ .. . . i. .. .s <br /> , -i : . .. Y�. .-s _ .. . _... .. . "_ ._.___"._._� �� '_'" _ _' . __._. ._._ _.. <br />