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_ _ __ _.. _.. ;.•.�-r.^;sc�.w....,•w w-SYlNYt�+^i-at�w�wn�a--_- . <br /> . . . . . . . . . .. ... ...t. . � � . . . . _•.9K'.'___—,. <br /> � 9�- io�a .-: , <br />:. ����. ����,�.�.����►��.��:.�� , <br /> �ra�lll wMo11�W11 M01.���ili�M�ld� U Hotlaw�1Ni14 b sl�oo�n��dN011Uad�1o�w.��i�t M�q!:,.M . <br /> 1.�dnti aptlaw obtwiit �1�e b� pto�t Lead�t�r1�d�ir dN Mr qo Ay i��ocad�iMO� 1�+pwi�n�fi 7. . <br /> Al!ir�r,�w polide��i�n�1�a�w�la iiWl bs.aooppail4e a L�oder i(ed�h�p h�cJ�ide�wednd�soiq�e etMw. i�eadr <br />� �1!t�va d�e ti�ht ta bald Ihe poiicb�aad�wn�i�. if L+aide�t nqaims.8t�ower�II p�anptlY Live b Leir�11 reoeipa <br />� d'p�id p�ea►�tru��nd�eeewai eotica. 1�i tM avant of Iwr�Sanovurx si�ll ave pno�n�t�to da�oe aa�i�and <br /> I.�+ndeir. l.e�der m4 m�1�e fN'at ot laa it nut a�ds�toa�tll bY Ha�m�wr <br /> ! � UA�l3!�.CI�dEI'�M����D U1 MR�i�lla�bW1iMN!p.'OOOOdt�i�U 60�IIM�1D Ib�O(�0o O[IO�t 0� <br />� � ����ry d� d10 raeoeadoa a rep�it it eoanomqirallY f�atlble ad l.aidxti �eauity L not Man�ned. U the <br /> or Is n�M aoonomla�lY fo�ui�o ar I.endorl� �ecutity wouW be le��a�ed.the inwmooa pRCasd�dw�ll be <br /> ` ' appUed�o tbe auns�ec�ned by tb�t�SpcaritY in�tn�meM.wh4t6er at not then due. with�ny a�ow pdd to Bonowar. If <br /> � Barrurwer ab�rdo�r �i�e Property�or daa eat�Mror wkhia 30 d�y��aatice tiom L��th�t d�a iosunnoe c�ei�t�r <br /> � offaed to�eule�c4iro.tiMn l.a�dera�y oollect the i�wuanoe procadr. I.«�a�we the pmoeeiN to or eat�re <br /> ; �f�o PropenY ur a p�y,um��ecw�d y�y�tbii s�akicy 1n�awa�M.wlwdM.a.aa dra dw. '11r 3o�d.y p�iod b�in wM� <br /> ebe aotka i��iven. <br /> l unleu La�+�nd Ron�ower olberwl�e qroo ia writia�.�ny fcaUon d proceeda to principd�11 not exlead or <br /> po�tpona Ih�dw dw of�be monthlq P�ymMa mtened w la p�n�r�ii 1 and 2 a cb�nje the�nwunt otthe p�ya�a�. lt <br /> un�p.ryraph 21 �he 4�.�quhed by L.ada��Ban�wbr�a.ny inwranoe palicies aid pruoae�reauidmt <br /> tFom d�my�to 1M Propeity�t to tbe�cquWlloa�IWI prs to ro 1be ea�eat u�tM waa�ecurod by 11�Si�vrlry <br /> In�nimw�t imnadi�telyp�io�to 11aacquW�tion. <br /> �, poe�c% l�twn�tle� IN�oe a�d Pirotallo� of tN i Borr�ower'� I.aa A�iiallo�i <br /> I...ub.Y� Ynnn�rK dWl ocaupy,Mtabli�l�.�nd we Ihe Ft�a�paty�t Hamwer�Pd re�idmce witbin�i�ty day�dler <br /> the execudon of this Saauiq�inwsanait md�tuU oaMinue w oocupy thePro�erry a�Harawa�principai resi�uce ior a� <br /> � kW ane year aRer Ihe date oi occupmcy. unkss l�eader oltrcrwl�e ajroes [n writia�. whlah canxnt si�ll not be <br /> urmeawn�bly witl�hoW�cx unioss oxtenwuG►g aircum:unces exist wbich m�e beyond Bareowerti coutrol. Horrower�U not <br /> � danoy.duna�e ur imp�ir the Prq�aty.allow�he Pmperty to deteriorate�or canmit waste an�he Prope�y Hormwer�11 <br /> ' be in default if any foif�ituro�cHan or prooeedtng.whcther civU or be�un th�t in La�deri�Rood fiith jud�meat <br /> could result in farfeituro of the Prope�ty ar ot1�►lse matarlally imp�ir tla lien created by�his Socurlty Inaqu�r�nt or <br /> ' I.ender�s security inter�eu. Borrower rtuy cw+e auch�defiult u�d� povided in paragniph causing the action <br /> or procxeAing to be dismluod with a nilin� Lenderh gaod faith determination.pecludea forfeiWre of the Borrowerb <br /> intereat in the Pruperty or othu matartal imp�imnent of the Ikn cr�eated by this Security Inatrument or I.a�derti security <br /> iptems� Bomnwer sh�ll+itsa ba in default if Borrower. dw�ing the loan applk�tlon proc�ess, Savo �na�erially filte a <br /> inacxurate infom�tior�or statements W I.endar(or failal to pruvlde Lender with�ny m�terii�l L�fom�atjon)in co�ion with <br /> the Iwm avldenced by tha Note. including. but�at limited w. representatior�s concemi�g Baro�ver� occupancY of d�e <br /> I Property as�pdncipal iesidence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold��wer�hall comply witl�all tlie provlsiona <br /> � � of the lease. If Bomriwer�cquinea fee dqe w the Prnpe�'ty.the lea�ehold and the fee udo chail nm me�ge anie�i.ander a� <br /> I to the merger in wrlting. <br /> � 7. Protectlon ot Lender's R1�6ts in Ihe Property. If Borrower fails to perform the coven�nts aad agroements <br /> cantained in this Securlty Insuument, or there is u legnl procading that may signiticandy affect Lender's rights in the <br /> ' Property(such es a praceeding in bankruptcy.prolwte,far condemnation or forfei�twe or to enforce lawa or regulations),then <br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary ta protect the value of the Pcoperty end L.ender�s righp in!he Property. <br /> Lender5�actians may include paying any xums secured by a lien which hes priority over thfs Security Liswmen�appearing <br /> in court.paying►eusanable attomeys'fees and entering on the Properry ta make repai�s.Although I.ender may take action <br /> utKkr this paragraph 7,l.ender daes�ot have to do so, __ <br /> My umoums disbwsed by Le�oder uad�.�x.lis puragraph 7 shull becarie additional debt of Bortower secund by this -- <br /> Security lnstn�ment. Unless Horcower r�nd f.en:jer ogree ta other tem�oP payment,these amounts shall bear inne►eat from�he <br /> I date of disburscment at ihe Note ra9e a�+cl siw71 be puyable,with ime�est:upon not�e from I.onder to Barower requating <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lendhr required moAgage insuranc¢as a rondition of m�king the loan secu�ed by this <br /> � Secur{ty lnstrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to maintain che morigage insurance in effeet. If, for pny <br /> res�.son, the moRguge insumnce covera�e required by L.ender Inpses or crases ta 6e in eHect, Bomawer shall pay the <br /> premiums required to obtain coverage substaniially equivnlent to the mortg�ge inaurance previausly in effec�.at n cost <br /> , � substanti�lly equivalent to the cost to Bamw�er of the mongage insurance previously in effect,from un altemate mortgage <br /> � insurer approved by Lender. If substanti�tEy equivalent moAgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to <br /> ; Lender euch month a sum equul to one-twe[f�ch�f lhe yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> � insurance covemge Iapsecl or ceased to be in rft;:t. Lender will uccept,use and retain ihese payments as a loss reserve in lieu _ <br /> of mortgnge insurance. Los�s nserve payments may no longer be requued,at the aption of Lender.if rnortgage insurance _ <br /> �I coveroge(in the umount and for che pet�od thnt Lender requires)provided by an insurer npproved iry Le�der again becomes — <br /> I available and is obtuined.Bomowc�shal l pay tiie premiums required to muintain mortguge insutance in effect,or to provide a — <br /> loss reserve,until the reyuir+ement for mortgage insurance ends in uccordancc whh uny written agreemenc 6etween Borrower <br /> and Lender or applicable Isw. <br /> ! 9. Inspectlon. Lender or its ogent may rnuke re:+sonable entries upon and in,pections of the Rnperty. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower ndice at the time of or prior to an inspectlon specifyinF re++sonable cause for the inspection. <br /> 10. Condemnatfon, The proceeds of any award or claim for dam�geR,direct or conseyuential,in connection with any — <br /> Singk FamHy•-FenoiQ lMadFYeddk Moe UNIFt1RM ITl9TBt'NE'�T•�Unlform Covenanu 9/90 lpuRi!�if A(pRtal <br /> ara�ra e�wea.emn.�x-■ ;��. <br /> 7bQtiefCN:N006.'i0�1W�PAllBI&7Y1•1131 0_ <br /> � _: <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �j!51�`il�l�ii�..�. . • .' --ti., .-�-.i1r:..w{La�:ryY�w. <br /> .---_-�'� _ •�� . o . . �r,ly.: _ . _ ' ... • . . ,_ : <br /> .. . , . .,: .. <br /> , , . . <br /> � _ � ,. <br />�-:�L�LP.�: ,� - �.. - . . _ . . . <br /> �. 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