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�. _ ___ • �m <br /> . ;- . . J, . n.�� � ___ <br /> - -- - . .. , _ _. <br /> . , : .. <br /> . .. . _ - -� f---.. .._. .. . . �..:. . .....�..,.� ...� :... . .�.. �,_.,, _ --- <br /> .. . . . .�... <br /> . � . _. ,= • . _.--.-- <br /> � . � � � � �• ���, : •,�r.y�����y==� <br /> .;_ h t''`===_ <br /> ��' . . , ';.; ..:►:. <br /> !'OOeRRl!wl'!'!!���4 l�aM�ww��aw w Iwn[ler�eMi e�N»,lnp�l.�d ai��i��..,�.�:-'''...__ <br /> aM A�[MIM�►er iMuMw a}�wl�ili�y� AY�1MI�o1wMM�M aiNlioNS:1Wi a��p�i��!'�_�,l�rrr�r:;���:' ._ <br /> Iam�s�M. Aq af tia!a�/o�k1�is r�Mied io 1�11��9ec�rriry 6�MioaeNl a�tin"t4op�r: � , <br /> sORAOWBR GAONBNAti7'S thM Aar�+a�rer it t�rfall�r�lei�pd at�ire atne ia�Y oaiwyed and M�t iMir��M j+r1 . <br /> �nd oonvey ihe Pro�eny sM t6td tha Prc�Ry is�,ex�oept far oeaimar�a�n�pae�..:8a�[o�rar w�eralt�o�i � � <br /> �vfl!d�►d Sa�aalty da tille 10 rire�rop�aty�piaq all c�Nnet�od daw�d�.�1 ia a�r�al'r�ooti <br /> �iIS $�+rCIIRITY INS'�tUMBN'�'oombiuea �'atn�p�,ratwts fa n�tiuntl we �ud aoo-u�ifond'cava�lt rvit► . '- <br /> , , G�riwa��Yi�do�1ry�sdlaic+�o�ao�rote�wpi�.o.�nh��oqp�r,i�maot oorori�n�i piapatY. <br />: Uty{PpRM�TMI'1�.:�n�xa aud't,�Itilet�A�R ir+d q�ree�t topows: '_ ', z�: <br /> 1,:.:�-�naea�.;, �'�!�d.�i�erali PrK�lp�tli�ltti��q�A'�e CM�a. Bo�nowe�t�l1 proaapttypa�y wbm daa;4�4s,, ' ; <br /> �+fif�ut't4 iat����1�41��+avk�aped i►Y tbe Noto�I�ai�Y p�qymeot andlata dae under Ub No1e. •�.::' . . �. <br /> �!1�I a�A!{�or�U i i+s aid/Iulira�cA Sub j e c t to�p p l ic�ib�ltl�qw ar to�writaa w+►v r Uy l,.aKla.Bamvre��hall�j r�to'� <br /> ������1����9 PAY�ae due under�he Nae,waHl q,e Nae h pdd in IWt�•:un►("F1�S7 lar.(•)y�rl�r <br /> t�utes a�d aa�nente whiah m�y�in piority over thia Savnity Insdumem si�liai oa die Pmpa�y;(b)Y�J� <br /> pymenu a�ground �u aa d►o P�opaty. if any.� (o) Yw1Y h**xd a p�nPatY �aur�aoe poauiums: (d) tlood <br /> inwriu�oe Pn�mium�. �f waYt(e)Yeuly mo�t�e lnsunu�ve ryr�dums.if�u►y; and (4 anY waa WY�bY � <br /> L,q�der�in�ooc�nc4noe with the provkiaa of p�r�raph S.ln lfou of tde paymarit of moeg+�o jn�umoe p�emiums. '[1�e <br /> itmns�re c�lled"E�crow I�ans" I.cndor may.�c any Wra.colleq and ho►ld Wndc in m emamt not to exceed tbe muirnuro <br /> uaoo�u� laider far a fe�dadly roWed nw�t�a la�n may roqai�far Beoawerl� e�crow�ecou�ft nnder the fedard R�al <br /> BqMe Sktttamait P�ocedurx Act oi 1974 u nmended from Wne w Nme, 12 U.S.C.�2601�r aep.l"R85PA'7.w�kas awtha� <br /> IRw tb�t�pplM+w the R�I�eu a la�er mww�t. U w.Lawlerm�y.�a��ny dme.oollact aad hWd Fi�ad�i�n an an►oud not to <br /> exveed li�e{w�er aatount, Lender m�y estimstte q►o a�tnt oi Fwids �ne oa thc Ws�s of c�rat�a r+�d� � <br />� asdm�te�of espenditun�oi fl�turo Bicrow(tem�w othmwl�in acca�du�ca with�pplic�bb I�w. <br /> The Hind��hall be held in an InsU�udon wiwRe tkpaiu iu�e inw�i by s feder�l aQenc.y.insWmenlality. ar e.�dty <br /> (includln�l.auicr,if L.a�dcr is such u►inuitutbn)or in any Foderal Nano[.ou�B�nlc. I.end�r sludl�pply�ho Pluidi to p*y <br /> the F.�cmw[tamo. l.ender mwy not char�a Bomnwer for holding�nd applying�he Wnds,�nnwlly+ut�lyting the acrow <br /> �nt.or verlfyl�g the Escrow 11em�,unleer l.ender pays Borrower interest on the PUnda �nd �ppliable I�w permiu <br />� l,aider w m�ke wch�clw�e. Howaver,Lender mey nequiro Bomower to p�y�one-time ch�rgo far aa independent rcal <br /> eaWe wc ropordng�rvlca u�ed by Lender in connection v►�ih thie Iwia,unlese applieable IRw provldea othe�wise. Unle�an <br /> �groe►nen[ii m�de or applk�ble law requMes interost w be poid.L�ender shiU not�a�oqulred to pay BoROwcr any intereat or <br /> eamings on the li�nds. Bamower and L.ender may agree in wddng.however.�hat incemst shall6epaid oa the i�luMs. L.ender <br /> ahWl give to Bornower.wi�hout charge. an annaal accounting oi the�iuids. �bowing crcdita and debits ta+th�be Ruida iutd ihe <br /> papose for which each debit to the Pundi was eude. The Ru�da are pkd�c�;l rs�dditia�l aecurity for aU sams secu�ed�by <br /> thi�Socunity Instrument. � . � :;� � <br /> If�e�nds lield by Lender eRCCed ti�e amounts permined�to be�heid by appiic�6ie l�w. irendier siu�ii�.�ount ta <br /> Borr�v��er ior the ereesa Punds in accord�nce with the requirements of applicAble I�w. If�he amount of the Fimds pei1J by <br /> L.ender ai anX drae ia not wfticient to pry the Escraw llems when due. l.erxkr may so�atify Borrower in writing,alx7.�q' .. ' <br /> such;case Borrower sh411 pay to Lender 1he amou�ni necessary to meke up�he deficiency. Bormwer ahaU m�ke u�a.thq , � . <br /> det'n�lency in no m�re than twclve m�nthlY�l.ender�sole discretion. � � <br /> 4J�pon paymrnt ln full of all sums secured by this SecurB�y lnstrument.Lender shall promptly refuad to Bari�wcr any ' ' . <br /> Fuads held by Lender. If,under pangraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell 1�hc Propeny.Lender,pricx W the acquisi�im or • <br /> salt of the Property, siwll apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquiaition or eale as a credi�agait�t�the sums <br /> secw�d by this Securiry Inauurnent. , '. � <br /> 3. Applkation of Paymenfa Unless applicable law provides dhenvise,all paymenta recxlved by L.endt�s W�r , . :,�� <br /> paragruphs l and 2 ahell be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under thc Note:second,to amounts payabk under�� . ' . ' <br /> paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth.W principal due:�d 1ASt,to any la[e cherges due under the Notc. <br /> 4. C6arges; I.kna Borrower shall pay all tazeg, assessments, charges,�nes und impositions atMbulable to the <br /> R{operly whi�h may aaain pdority over this Security Instr�meni,and le�.sehdd puyments ar ground rents,if eny. Borrower <br />: shall pay these obligntions in the manner provided in parn�trnph 2,or iP r►at paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay Ihem on <br />� Nme ditectly to Ihe person owed payrtient, Banower shall prompQy lumi9h �o Lender all notices of amounts to be pald under <br /> • this paragraph. If Borrower maice�these p$ymen�s dicect0y,Bonower sholl promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencfng <br /> the payments. <br /> Bomower shali promptly disr6uge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrces <br /> En writing to the payment of the obligaticxi xwred by the lien ln u manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good f�th�he <br /> lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement of the li�n in,legal proceedings which in ihe Lenderh opinion operate to prevent 1he <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hotder oi the lien an ogreement salisfactory to Lender subadl�w�ing�he lien <br /> ro this Secudty lnstrument. If Lender de�ermines tha�any pun of the Property is subject to a lien which may anain priarlty -- <br /> over this Security Insuument,Lender may give Borrower a naiice ident{fying the lien. Borrower shall satis(y the lien or take <br /> one or more of 1he actians set forth above withln 10 days of the giving of ratice. <br /> S. Hpz�rd or Property lnsurance. 9orrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafcer erected on the <br /> Property insured againsl loss by�re,hazotds fncluded within the term"e�iended cover�ge"and any other hazards, including <br /> floals or flooding. for whkh Lender requires insurance. Thia insurance shotl be maintained in the amounts end for U�e — <br /> ��o� 9�e r�x�2 n/n�R...i <br /> - _ -�.. . . . ' - �. r.,.__ � - ,���-r�-��r---s .,,�T�-�_.. <br /> =Aa't';'C;r:' . _-_ _--. ..; . ...r. _ -:nlY"� 'i:: .°.2.�V11,'�.r nr.� w. + <br /> . . 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