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,_,�� � , _- <br /> _. � ,.,.....�,,,m.."-�.,,�.�,..— � ,. . � - -- __ _ <br /> :t;,- <br /> , . ,,. �,- <br /> �.� ..�� o <br /> ; . .� , . <br /> : .. � .�: - _ -- — <br /> ;,s, . , �. .�- <br /> � <br /> ����� �� 91--iQ 2'740 <br /> *-�4 condemnutian ur ahcr t�icing uf uny pwt oi the Nn��for canveyum:�in licu ut'ca�dcmnwiun,urc I�reby a+�riYncd und <br /> ~ fi rlwtl 6e paid t�►l.cndcr. <br /> In the event af u Iaul tuking of the f'r+n�ny. �hr prnceedh.hull tx�upplled �n the sum� •ecureJ by �hie Sccurity �� <br /> � , Instrumcnt,whelher m nnt then duc, wi�h any exce,�paid io Homnwe�. In ihe evem of a runiul �aking uf the Pa►�xny in <br /> which�he fuir market vAlue of the Pa�peny Im�ncdiaicly txinrc�he�uking i+cyual�a ur gnutcr�hun�hr Lnx►um al'thc.umn <br /> ,��a_. r,ecured by this Secudry Instrnmeol immedlat�ly befare Ihe�Aki��g.unle�s Hom�wer iuxl LcitJer u�hc�wix vgme in wrltin�t. --- <br /> - the ,ums xtiured by�hi.5.:curity Mstrument +hull he rccluced ny �hr nmi�unl af�hr pnx•eed�muUiplicJ hy Ihe follo�ving � _., <br /> r fraction: (a)�he totAl amount of th�xums xcured immediu�ely Befc►rc�he taking,divlJeJ by Ihl thc luu murkel vuli�e of Ihe <br /> na: Prapehy lmmediuiely t�efan�he taking. Any hulunce shull be puld to Bormwcr. M the eve��t of u puni�d iuking of�h� <br /> __ '` Property in which�he fuir market vulue nf ihe Prx�peny immediutely hefore�hc iaking i+k�.�hnn thc um�um of ihe,um� <br /> -- ----' securcd immediately before the tukfng. unletis Bormwer und Lendcr oihcrwisc ugrrc in wrfiing nr unleti. applicuhle luw <br /> — �j,,'����� rnherwise providex,the proceeds�hall 1►e upplied to the�um�sesured by thia Srrurity Ms�l�umnnt wheiher nr nat ihe�ums ure <br /> .�.,,.�,�.,�;nf;�� .: then duc. —'— <br /> -" - .�,;..�: If the Propeny is nbundoned by Barmwer,or if,ufler notice hy Lrndrr to &nmwer that ihr cnnJemnor offen to muke � <br /> - - :�"=,;:�M. '"' �u►aw�d or�cttic A cluirn ior damages,Borrawer fails to respond to Lender�viehin?U day:�tier�hr da�e�he noiire i,given, �e._ <br /> •c <br /> ---=.-����"�, � Lender is uutho�ized tv rnitect and apply�he i1x op�ion.ei�her to�e.t�tiun or repair of�he Pmpeny or m Ihe <br /> —Y' `'� � sums secu�ed�by this Security Intitcumc�nt,whether or not then due. r= <br /> -�� . Unle��I.ender und Bcxrower otherwi�e agree in wri�ing.;u�y application of'pnx�ed. to principul+hull not extend or ��-;• <br /> -- �5r..��L'�•�• pontpa�e Ih�due ciateoi'the monthlY pa)'ments refemad�o in p,�cas��nph�I w�d 2 ur rhangc th�;un�wnt ot',uch payment,. � <br /> ���� <br /> s,��,"' 11. �ro�e+' Not Releaisedi Forbear�ucc Br I.epder Not a Wniver. Ex�en.iun ��f thr time Por puyment or <br /> _-- — m�adiEication of umani�a�iun of the�umx securcd h�t�+i�Securily Inc�rument gmnted by Lender[o anJr succe.wx in intere.t <br /> -- �'�'="��".u�: ot'�nrmwcr shall na�perute ro release tBe IiubiYit� �tif the originul BormN•er�x Burruwer:+ur�a.ticx.ia +aet,r�.t. Lrnder ,.__ <br /> -- ���- � . <br /> --- — '.�-II-�'�"""�-'. shall nat k+e required�a commence proceedings uguin.t any sucrecwr in intercsi or refu�r w rx�end �im� ti»•pa}�mrnl•�r �<<: <br /> = a.�,.u�'� othenvise modify umortiwtion oP�he,um+�cured by this Security Instrumem by reaxan��f any�k.m;uxl mudr by the origin:i� ��f� <br /> -=`� ��`?�' " Borrower or Bortower's successon in in�eres[. Any forbeurrnce by Lend�r in�xercising uny nght cx remea0���hul!n���he a � . <br /> - '',, ��y1�,: waiver of or prcclude the exercise oP nny right or remedy. - <br /> __ ��:a?.t� ,�.. . i�- i __- <br /> - .-�n;;�3:�.,::'.��� � 12. Successors und Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Liability;C'atii�ners. The covenunt+an�i a�;:crmem.of thi, <br /> _ _� � „. � ,� Securiry Instrurnent shnll bind und benefit the+uccessars und as�i�ns of Lend�r and Barrower,tiubjec:t�o Ihe provisionx oi "-°" <br /> '`.� 1. `s�'�;y,,;:�;i: parngtaph 17. Borrower�wvenun�s �nd agneememx ,hall be,jnint und severul.Any Bum�Wer who ca-�igns this Security R,_ <br /> ;�'! � " ';: ��r} Instrument twt does not execule the Nnte: lu 1 is co-si�ning this Securiry Instrument only�o rncxtguge,grrnt:md convey thul <br /> '" �{:';�r Borrower'.interest in thc Property under the terms of ihis Secu�lty In�trument; l bl is�ot pen:cmally obligutcd to p•ry�hc sums `"'�'_ <br /> �-�Y.:1'.�' _'_' <br /> ,,,- .:K.�7W,�•° secured by this Security Instnimenr,and Ic)ugree��hat Lender and any o�her Bormwer may agree w rxtend.mcKlify,forbeur <br /> e <br /> -•;.��3�i'��. :;� or mnke uny Accommodntions with regurd to�he terms of this Secunly Imtrument or�he Nutc wilhout thut Borrower's � <br /> �--- '� cnnstnt. <br />-nl,_�; • . 13. Lopn Chs�rges. If the lu,►n secur�d hy this Sccurity Insln�ment is .ubjetit �u a InN� which un muximum ioan <br />.�.;r;;,- .,st�• •• � � churges,and thut luw iti linully in�erpre�ed su Ui�t the interest or other loan charges collrc�ed or to he roUec�ed in ronnec�ion ____._. <br /> :�:?r;, " ��: „.. � W� wlth the lonn exceed Ih�permilled limits,then: ItU uny xuch loun churge,hall tx reduced by �h�umnum nerex,ury to rcduce <br />;=;;4�yi� .i,;� ,• ', ' the charge lo the permit�ed limit::md Ibl any tiums nlrcudy mllected I'rom Bwr�nver whichrxceedrd permi�ted limi�s will t+e <br /> � � refunded to Borrower, l.endcr muy chaoxe to make ihi.refund hy reJucin�s thc principul owed undcr thc Niitc or by mukin�u �.�:ti,_ <br />:�r:'.., . ���Y„�: ::; , . , <br /> R: .,�:. � �:� • direct puyment to Darcrnver. II'u mfund mducec principal,ihc redu�tion will lx�re:ued as+� purtiul prrpuymem wiihout uny �--� <br /> . ,..Y •.� �� ,•>:. �,s.�.. , �`'-` <br /> - �;��,� prepaymenl churge under�hc Note. _' <br />:�,.r�;'�� , �:��;. <br /> ;a�`�":�� ��i.�.��;;; l4. Notic�s. Any notice io Hnrmwer pmviJed for in this Security In.trumeni.hull tx given by delivering it or by <br />','r,;�.._ • ... .: a ,.•lfi;;,, `: <br /> �� , mniling it by firs�rlv�s muil unle�+applicuMe luw r�equim�uu uf:muthrr mcth�xl.The n��tic� +hull t►e direc�ed�o Ihe Pm�xrty ({�� <br /> !!L' <br /> -:� :,� � Add�+ess or nny other uddre�s Burrowrr dexi�nmes hy notice lo I.cnJer. Any aatir�tu Lcnder shull he given by fint clus, V�: <br /> .`-'�''` .= y ' mail lo l.ender's addrcss+tutcd hemin ar any c�llkr�iddrexti Lender de�i�nutc�hy noli�r lo Born��ver. Any nntice provideJ fin ,-�, <br /> ;,�i: ' �.,� <br /> ' �,�ra'.K,.,�rr�i. in thix Security Mztrument .hull Ix� �kemed ta huve hc�en given �o Hurcowrr or LenJcr when given u� pmvidrd in Ihi+ = <br /> -�is:�,:'� ��,r. pnragraph. --. <br /> ��,;���. <br /> • � � 15. GoverninR Law: tipverabillty. Thi+ Sccuri�y Imwment .hall Ix govrnkd hy lcderal luw and Ihe luw of�he <br />_ .. ,. �:�"- <br /> _ .��.,: � jurixdictinn in which the Property is I�xu�eJ. In�he evrnt that•rny provi.iun��r cluu+e of thi�Scrurily Instrumem ur the Natc <br />_ '` ��� �� conflictx wilh upplieuble luw.wrh r�mtlirt.hall n�n affert uther provi.iom uf thiti S�curity M+in�mrnt ur�he Nute which cun E.;'' <br /> '��`'� ' •,��:a�•�i., � • be given effecc without�he contlKiing prnvi.inn. To thi�enJ Iltc provitiionm �if thi,,Srcurity In�irumen�and�he N�He u�r =_ <br />"-� �k' `•'^ '�' �''' decltuedtobexeverable. <br /> ;.` ;'. a., .�. . ., , <br />.;;.�...::' • 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowrr.hull Fx gi�•en unr rantiimicd copy��f�hc N��tc anJ ot'�his ticrurit��In�tn�ment. <br /> :•. t�'"`y' 17, 71�ansf'er ot the Properly ur p Heneftclal Interest in Burrowe� If all or any part uf ihr Pn►perty ur uny intcre+�in <br /> '�-',; ` it iti.old or I�nsfcme�i I��r if u Ixnetirial interc�t in Bornn�rr i. ,old or tran.ierrrd and Burmwer iti not u nawrul penan) �°^ <br /> -rs;; �'�.'"- <br />- �^?�- �=�•-"-�• �, without Lender's prior written con+rnt.LcnJ�r may.•rt it,upti�m,rcquirc immediut�paymen�in 1'ull ul'ull,umx�ecured My _ <br /> ::' ' '" o?4i• this Securiry Instrument. Howcvcr.this o�tain shull not hc exrrci.eJ ny Lend�r if cxcrci+e i�pmhihitrd by 1'edernl law us M� <br /> � : ` ' �� ., the dnte of thix Securiry Instrument. ' <br /> `�'r' '' , . .� If Lender exeni.r,thi+opti��n.Len�kr.hall givr Bcirn�wer nolicr ol'•rcceleraliun. Th�noticr�hull prnvide a prrio;l ni <br /> �.,. <br /> � � not less than 30 duyti Irwn thc datc Ihr notice i.Ja livrrcd or muileJ within ��hich H���ra��cr mu+l pay ull,umti�crurcd h.�;�i; `�-- <br /> - - ..� • Securiry Ins�rumcnt. If Borrowcr fuih tu pay thc�r ,unt� priur lu thc rrpir.ui�m ��I Ihi, ptriixi. Lcndcr muy im•iil,c ary �=.�t= <br /> �,• ` ' remediey permittcd b��thix Srcurily In,tniment�vitlx�ut(unhvr nuti�e�rrdemund un Hurraa•rr. � <br /> '",<? • • l8. 1{orrnNer's Ri�ht to Reinstate. II FZ�iRO��•cr n►rct. cenain r�,ndi�i�Ni,, liorruwrr•hall h:rvc ihr righi to have <br /> �;�� <br /> ' .:. enforcement ot�hi,Sccuri�y hi.trumcnl�ii�r��minucd ai um• timr prinr io �he rarlirr uf: ia)5 day.iur+urh �Hhrr�xriid ati c <br /> • '.��i•s'�` Sm�tkh�md� ..Fi�pnie�4Yeddle�locl'\IFIIN�11\�Ik1'\1F:\'f-liui.�su:t'���.nrnl. Y�411 ryai¢r�.4�n��er., � <br /> t�r:.:;�„i, �.�. <br /> � ,-��n•�r'. <br />' . . i.i. <br /> • . ' ' '•'': • 0���1'�.:. T� <br /> ' '%P�r'(2i..''`�. 1 . ,. ,. . ` � • ��;��� . '��:��'�i�4���{i� ) )i:�j'ur.'.t�•�t�i.r.a�: <br /> .. _. ���.�;., <br /> : � ';� '�+�.�•4ii,�' ra�1;;�r , �•. <br /> — -- --- - .. . , ... ,1, . .. <br /> j , • . + • • .. <br /> ,': <br /> u <br /> • .. �:, ' ' <br /> � � <br /> .. U .. � <br /> � � i <br /> ► . . <br /> � - � -- - �_ _ _ _� <br />