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.I r:��;t. .-•». 'T:.�rn�*: _ :;vy7:',r�'- -_ - ..,._.._:,.f�::ni;.,=_. <br /> .i•�A� �__��_ �.5: <br /> 1'!2i•l __'—_"__ _. . _ '" <br /> . '�fLjht' -- <br /> �� �;,,���,�.r� • .o_��_ <br /> .F rs!•an++�rn. - ._". <br /> -„, <br /> _ _ <br /> -- - — <br /> .. � ..»•..Rwe.��i++r.__..�... . ._. . . .._ . . _ . . - <br /> • <br /> ��� � 91- 102`740 <br /> _.,;. � �:-� - - <br /> �%�r, �i periods that L.ender r+equirex. The inau�nce cvrricr pmviJing Ihe intiurance nhall he chosan My Bum►wer hubjcct to l.en�kr� <br /> ';i"' oppr�val which shall not be unr+easonubly wiihheld. If Bcxmwer!'ail s w ma�imuin c�wcruge desc�fi�d:dx�ve.Lrndcr nwy.ui <br /> °' � l.ender�aplic�n.obtnin c�veruge io protect Lender ti right+in�he Pro�erty in ucc���funce with purugruph 7. _ <br /> � � All insurance policiew nnJ renewuls shull t�uccep�uble�a Le�nler and�hull incluJe u�Iundurd mnrlgnge clau,�e. l.rnder ___ <br /> ` . xhall huve the right to hald the palicirK and renewalti. If LenJer reyu im�,Bormwrr.hull promptly givc to I.ende�ull rr�cipt� �;��°�_ <br /> ' of paid prcmiums und�xnewul noticez. In ihe cvem nf loxs.Bnrmwer�hull give pryxnpt no�icc���the in�.urunce cuRicr und <br /> � Lender. Lender mny make p�f of Imw if nut inude prum�iily by Qarruw�r. �=-�'"'`�- _ <br /> � __ <br /> � i•� Unless I.ender und Bortower Whenviu�ugree in writing,inrunince p���cerds.hall he upplied to rcy�orutian��r repuir nf �-_,__--. <br /> �`;'��,°� � the Property damuged. if ihe rewturution or rcpuir is ecaic►mKUlly I'eu+ible unJ l.cndcr+ accuri�y i. n�H Ie.+rneJ. If the �-��'=��-�=— <br /> �,� <br /> . r rcstarutirn�or repuir ix nut ecc�namicully teusihle ar Lender's+ecuriiy waulJ Ix� les,cned, �M: intiurunre pnxeeJx ,hull Nc �,�--`���--~ <br /> ` �''�=°"A�' '' upplied to ihe num� tiecured by thi++Securiry Imtrument.whe�her c�r Mu ihen due,wilh uny cxcess puiJ �o B��m�wer. If �,,,.___— <br /> -.-�:�-.: . �=-A°--- <br /> ���-"'�`""' Borrower ubandons �he Pr�perly. or daes not unxw�r within 30 duy+u notice I'rom Lenck�thut ihr msurunre carricr hu� _ <br /> :...:k�;4t.� �!!f�'�-��_. <br /> ,� <br /> ,�.�: -- --•�-� affered to ssettle a cluim,ihen Lender may callect the insuraix�.proceeds. Len�kr may urr�he pra:eeJ+�o repuir or re+tore __ <br /> - .:: �h�propeny or�o pay xumR secured by thix Security InRtrun►rre�.w hrther�x not thrn due. Thr 3Q•day pericxl will 1►egm when �� _ <br /> -� �'`'� �� '�' the notice ix given. — <br /> ��" `���;f�'�"` , Unless Lender und B�wer otherwise ugrec in writing.any upplicv�iun ol' Fxo���ed��o prim�Pa!.hull not extcnJ a� �- __ <br /> '__-..Yy�.1�,...'.,��yi��:i'i�.�.. � <br /> --- •�;:_�_::.,;,•:::1 �. poslporte the due date of�he�noothly puymcros referteJ Io in paragruphs I unJ 2 or chan�r the umaunt uf Ihe paymem.. If' ::. ,.,•;,�>T;?'1;;, <br /> =`"'`�!'%''+��": 41`' u�der p:uvgrnph 21 �he P+opexty is ucyuireci My Lender. R��rruwer'�right to uny in.ur;uirc pnlicies anJ pnxecJs rrwlting L:,...L'�.. <br /> U ,t :- <br /> �'_� v r r�4'��.=--- <br /> --�n-:�' � from dumuge to the Property priur�a the ucquirition sht�ll pu��w Lendcr w�hr rx�ent vt't�►��crured b �hi.Se�uri� �'�;��r.�ti;_ <br /> �. ,� '_=` _. <br /> ln�trnment immediately pnuc tathe acyuisi�inn. <br /> ��+ '` -�� 6. (kcupancy. Presenatian, Maiateaance and Protectlon of' the Propert��: Borrower's Loan Applicatiun: = _ <br /> ''��3-�'.'!(t%��}3, ..'-', ° Leaseholde. Borrower shall�abli�h.und u�e the F'raper►y us Burrnwer:pnncipnl re,idence within.iaty duy�ufte� ��,�; <br /> _�M-=+��,o�a„�r.;.i.,�z,+,.y �, ��.. <br />_=_ --a�i;..•4<• ,. , the ezecution of this Se�:erity �����rument And shull continue to c�ccupy ihc Propehy u. R��rrawer:principul residencc for at ,.e,.- <br /> a� ).;i�;I3�,.-�„ ��� <br /> .i�,�� `'�`�;�• , .• leusl one year ufler Ihe d;►te of acupuncy, unle.s Lender othenvi�e ugrees in v�ri�in,�, which con�m .hull nat br ,�j;.:;.,_- <br /> , unreusonably wilhheld,ar unle�s extenuuting cinumstances exist whKh ure heyond Burruwer'x control. Bom�wer.hall no1 • '5���.__ <br />� ��;;�; . • ^ dextmy.dumoge or impuir the Prc�perty.allaw th�!'ropeny to de[ rommii on the Pro�prny. Borrower�hall 1% f " - <br /> �•.,, .� .;�•.�� : ,, cxxl fuith judgmcnt x�.,.�t <br /> �,��.,,�ti,- be in defuult if any forfei�urc uction ar prcxerding, whether civil ur criminul, i+txgun �hat in Lender�,� ����'y���- <br /> ;�,:r���.' .,��o " 'd' could result in fo�t'eiture of the Pi+�peny or athrnvi+e matrriully impair�hc licn rreu�ed hy t his Ser u i��y I n s�r u m e n t ur ,r _ <br /> 1�.,�ti ;, ;� I.encler's xecurity interext. &�r����e�muy rurc�uch u dzfault imJ min+iatc,ax provided in pur,�graph I8,hy cuusini thr action � , � <br />_ :/� .,.�" . ' "� • or praceedinR lo be dismi:��e: n i�h a ruling Ihul,in Lende�'�g a n l fail h detemtinulion, srec l u d e x f o r fe i�il r e o f t h r�orro��•er; ��,; -- <br /> ;:�'�";^j ° in�erest in the Pm�ny or m?�er inrterial impui�n�ni of ihe licn creu�cd by �hi> Scrurity In�trument or Lcndcrk Kecurit lf:,.,;f�.. <br />..n!��r�6r�4' ..,� .,: <br /> Y �?�t�rr:;.,_� <br /> �<<• �. r, �.. interest. Borruxer shall alxo lx: in JeFuult if Burn�wcr. dumig Ihe loan uppliralian rrars,, ga��e muterially fnlnc or ,�,� . <br /> 5.,��,;..:+�.,, .;•,�,, ° `kl� �'h:�:- <br /> = i ��,� inuccurnte infix�matian or rtntement,to Lendrr lor tiuiled to providi;LenJer with uny muterinl intiimiution)in ronn�cuon wi�h �R'ff��"° <br /> � -� .' -3i1�"w ' ,5'.. � <br /> ,- �.r�•rr , _: .•. ti�c ivau r�i�iri�ev i:y thr *:o,c. including. bat not limited �,•_ n'�R'a•nlalion� rnnceminf. Bom�werl �xcupuncy ��f Ihr t, >�, _. - <br /> . . f,�tp��r. •� propeny as�principul rcsldr�:.. If�hi,Securi�y In.�rument is on u kutirhi�ld.Borroucr sh:�ll comply with ull�he}�rorision� ��:,'� �� , � <br /> � ;;`+'.� of the Ica+�. li Borrow•cruc uirey rcc�i�lc�o�he Pm rty.�he hu�hold und Ihc Fc��iilr shall not mc�ge unles,Lender;irr�es ty. , `• <br /> � r; r��1i��i;,A. N � �.frt.'.•�..•�'�.h;� <br /> to�hc mergrr in�riiing. •'• " _ <br /> : �,,.. � 7. PrW�Yaan oP Lender's RiRhts in tl�r Property. If BoROwrr f:►il� to�xrl'onn Ihe cm�cnant� und agrecmen�s '�.�.�;r�,.:,: .•- <br /> . �...•.�-...:�. � conlainrd in ih+� Srcurity In�m.�ment.�►r th�r: i. :�Irgal pr�eeding �ha�moy ,i�niticumly uff�rt Lrnder; righls in ihc - " — <br /> ! � � piropern�su.:h u�a pr�xeeding in bankruptcy,prohule,t�,�r cond�rnnulion ��r fort�iturc ur�o cnfurcc luw,or regulu�iom6 then _ <br /> :, .,� + • l.�nder mar�M and pay fi,r whatrv�r i, ncccx�ary ���prrnrct Ihc va luc��I I hc P ropeny un d l.cnd�r's ri gh�,in �hc Pru{xn y. �''�� <br />' `'••�� � Len�er�uc0ions may incluJr prying any +um++rrumd hy i�Iwn which h:i+priuriry over thi.Securiry In.trumrm,up�unng '!'��'"��L+� <br /> •� '�` .•;�, in court,puyir�g rea�onubl�uuarnry.'1'e�ti anJ rntrring��n the Pn►{►eny w mukc re pairs. Al�hough L.rnJer muy�uke nction ���i`-(�°�-- <br /> . '`'�,�;. • ' , under this parngraph 7.Lcndrrd�x�nut huvr io do sa. � � <br /> �r,v�� <br /> ' ',,�'::� � :'..,. „.,,,. .• Any nmountc di.bur�ed hy Lcndcr undcr thi.paragmph 7 .hall I+ccumc aJdili�mul dcht ��f Burn���cr,ccureJ hy 1hi, �4.^. �. <br /> �•.';,,;�•`.`.�• `'' Securily Imin�ment. Unlc��Bnrcuwrr i�nd LenJcr ugrre lo othrr tcrni,uf p:i�mrnt.thr�c amounl,tihull Ikur inlcrcsl t'rom Ihc �.���� <br /> \ :� ..,• <<�`'. <br /> .>,.,�a'�����f. Jute of'diybursrment ut�he'�tcuz rutc und.hull Ix payuhle. \YIIII Illll'Rtil.u�xm natirr fram Lcndrr�u Borru�ver�eyurs�in� ����.,,:�: <br /> ..};f�>. . pvymcnt. �,''k.'.,,,�,� <br /> I�,;,,_.,:,��� ,— <br /> ' S. MurtRu�e Insurunce. II'l.rndcr requirrJ munE:�gc imurancr �i,:�cnndi�i��n„i muking Ihc lu�n.rcurcd by Uiiti ;�Et::re'.; .,._y. <br /> �,�, .� � 5rcurity Imtrumem. B�uwcr.hall pa} �he premiumti reyuirc�i w maini:�m �hc nx�ngagc in,ur:�nrc in cffcrt. If. ti�r uny Slrl•;,?,-:=�' <br /> :,�v � m•r,on. Ihe morlgag� imnr.�txc coverag� r<.�uired My Lrnder lap>r+ �,r reatir� �o hc in rffcc�. r3i�rc��u•cr ,hall pay Ihe �ia;t_:: <br /> .��_.-----=_- <br /> � ` premiumx requircJ �o ubtain ci�vrr.ige wbwanti.�lly ryui�•alent ti� ihe mun�age imur;uue pre�•iuusly in eltect. ut n cu�� �R��:^- <br /> ,ubstun�iully eyuivulcnt w ihrcuti�u► R��rruwrr o1'ihe m��rtgag�i��,uranc�pre�•i��u,l�•in rllcr�.fr�nn un altern:nc manFagr �,;,h - <br /> ' . inwrcr uppruvrd b}• LenJcr. II'.uh,t:mu:dlv eyui�:dent murtga�.e in.ur.ince cucci•:�gc i.nut u�•:iiL•iMr.H�m�,��•cr.hall p•ry�u � <br /> +. ,�,'�y . Lrnder earh momh u+um cyual to�mc•twcllih ul'�hc yearly mud�:agc in,ur:uuc prcmium Ixing paid by Bittru��er��•hen Ihc �`��W-�._: <br /> �+��•�_-�_ <br /> . . ^ • insurance covrn�gr lup.ed ar cca.ed ti�ix in eftcrt. Lender��•ill acceM.u,c a��d r�t+iin ihe,e pu•imnt.u.a lu,.rc.rn•�in liru _---;_--,— <br /> of mimgugr in.urancc. l.u..R•rn�c p:�ymcnl,nta�•nu longrr Ik r.�yuinJ. al tl�c�qiti�m uf Lendrr. il'mrn�aEr in,urimcr "•`�' y � <br /> • � � ., ri,vcragc lin tlx amuunl vnJ for 1hc Fxri�xl Iha�l.rnd�r nyuirc�1 pru�idvd h� an in,ur�r:�ppruv�J hy l.endrr a�um Ixrunu, ---_- <br /> . ' � uvuilublr anJ i.oF+tainrd. Born���•cr�hnll p:�r Ihe pnmiwn�nyuin d In niaim:�in man�a�:r w.ur:mcr in rltrrl.��r tu pro�•idr a :Y. ..� � . <br /> � � lu�ti rr.en�e.unlil Ihr r�yuir�rncm liir mangagr in,uranre arrur�fanrr��iUi any a riaen acirrmrn�Fxt��ecn Bumn�rr �f-; <br />, � , � imd Lrndcr or:�rri��:�blc lu�v_ i <br /> ' 9. Insperlion. Lcndcror i�.a;�rm ma� mal�c�aa.unnhl�cnlri�� a�,n:md in.�krti�m.of thr Pr�qxm. I.cnder�hall <br /> ° gi�•r Burrower n„�irr:u ihc ii nx��I�,r pnor t��.m in,�x��i�m ti�vrif�m;.r�•a•��n:ihlr r,iu.r I��r ihr in,�xrtiun. . <br /> IU. Cundemnalion. 7�Eir pr�krcd,,�3.�sy :i��arJ ��-:I.e,r toe�I.r:.�_�..Jirrrl ui r��nnrcunn..itfi:in!. � .. , <br /> • ��n::luu�t. . F�enir�lrrFmld�rll:n•I�IF��R�lO��INI�IF�1 Io�l.nmlu�rnan1. 41VD ' ��'S� . <br /> ���dr�-. • •���:� �, <br /> ,��.�- � urall.r�+IWwM>.�.�nn. �-. � �� �" . <br />� �,.'�;..,�., � . i..i.nn���.i� t,SM��ur�.rrl F'�\.,�«Ta�t�:� . . <br />. �:��j`.,':'_ , ���' ���1 ' <br />. . '1,���'�/, Y. . ' .N .h..r.:• <br />� ' � . �� - � � .^ _.�- .. .. - .. � . � � - - . . . _. . . .. <br /> . ' -. , . � .;i; ,��;���1�:1:.. - � . <br /> ' ... � . <br /> . " � R <br /> � 1 <br /> _�l__ . .. . _. . _ 1 _.. .._ . <br />