--r ! 14Y5c' j{• 7� ''�.!�`i �Y:"Y .�1 y'. , . .,.n;;�. �t-�- ,�fda-1pFj�/\v�te l,Pt \i .(( 1 i'rl � f��cur � z' n
<br /> ° ;! f. ^ ��f.+-.� 4�I. �4�• . . �e4.{+d � � '4� n.� ti. _ . _
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<br /> �� �SS�EY�iY.�N�!i(!y'+�lYUR`l�v.w•I�E�tM�MliWN�7�r�S �`� �� "/.� ° �fl.yj.
<br /> ' �' � � i � 'v�;t f ' ' ; �4'Yr�tdAf.s::..-r�- �r j r an. Ayv.,r,r� �t . ... , . -_.. T--�- ---_ �. _ _: .. _-
<br /> � - .rnx,4.� (�� 3'�`_`�. - .i.-,.:
<br /> y=i i . . .
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<br /> �1 Y - - ---°--
<br /> ����� '� gi— lo2�r4o
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<br /> ,�::'—`� Applic�blo IRw m�y spocify far teinslateme�q beforo sado of Iho PonpcMy pu�suwnt to any pnwa�nf'sale contained!n thie ---
<br /> .� p�iys�LYcnder nl�u�ms which thenf would�duof undeB Ihis Securi y'1��uumeni r.r�id hecondieiona i������on n�a
<br /> 'Y �ccumed;(b)curcs any default of any other rnvet�ants ar ugteemenls:lc)pays all eapenses incurred in enfc►reing Ihie�Security
<br /> Inctrument.includin�.but nd limited to,reasonehle attamays'fees:and ldl takca such xtion as Ixndcr may rousonably �_-�-.—_
<br /> �,. rcqui�to�ssure tlwt the lien of this Security Inctroment.l.enderls righis in�he P�openY und Bomnwer�obligu�ion to pay the
<br /> �� �;� -�-:-. bum� secured by this Sccudty Instrument shall coe�inue unchanged. Upon rcinslatement by Borrower, thin Security �_ __
<br /> •�.�,. �"�• ��a�u��y�d�he obUgQliana securcd heKby shall remuln iully effective as if no uceelemticui had occumed. Howover,this �Y�•�-
<br /> �i�ht to ninstate slu►11 not epply in iha cnce af acceleraiion under paragroph 17. �''"`;`y:
<br /> '',..! '�'` • lq. gale ot Notei Chao�e ot l.aa�a Servicer. 77►e Note or u psutiul inleresl in the Nate(logether with this Secu�ity �::_.�.,--
<br /> . -,,�, . �3_ ` Inswm�nt)m�y be sold one or more limes wiihout priar notice�o Barrc►wer. A sale may result io a change in the entity ���_,�=-
<br /> """ -- (known oa the"Loan Servicer")lhat collects manthly pnymrn4g due under the Nae sind this Secu�ity Instrument. There alsa �_
<br /> _��"_�:�:�ys.U� may be ane or more changes of the L.oan Servicer un�elated to u rale of the Note. If there is A change oP the Loan Servicer, ,�„II��
<br /> . � —_',{,�'
<br /> Homower will be given written notice of the change in uccor�dw�ce wilh p�rognsph 14 ubove und npplicable law. The naice �,�
<br /> �� y ,rwayo,�„, wi��satc 1ha�wme a��d uddress of Ihe new t.oan Servicer and 1he addms to which payments shauld be made. The ootice will �__ -..
<br /> ,�..- .;�� .�.... �a.:•-�
<br /> -;.;�„-k;r�� alw wniain any other infum�ation roquired by applicuble law. �
<br /> —: �,::-.:. . � 20. Hw=udous Subc�nces. Botrower ahall nat cause or pennil lhe presence.use,disposal s�orage,or releare of any �u�
<br /> =�.;"" Ha7zandous Subatances on or in the P�operty. Bortower shall�ot do,nor allow nnyone else to do,anything affccting the �-_.-
<br /> �:,;._,..:� y: �'`��; propeRy U�at is in viol�on oi any Envi�nmenWl Luw. The preceding two sentences siwll na apply ta tire presence,use,or �,.,-
<br /> ���+;`�c�,�F� storage an 1t�e Rqte�tY oi smaU quamities of Haza�dow Subspurces tiqt we generally rec'ogniud to be appropnate to normal EEi'=.-�=�
<br /> _.--��--` --- rcsidential uses and to maintenance of�he Property. ,�;;:y
<br /> - �- .,��`�'�•�`' ��'� Bortower shall promptly�ive Lender wriaen notice of anT inve�igution,clairo.dcmared,law�suit ar otiers�xtic�n by aoy .._.±:..
<br /> � :;r,%...'�,,. •.��,
<br /> we
<br /> "_—.,. ,: t�;f,+,:':�:.�:�, govcrnrnentul or regulatory pgency o�privace party involving�hc PrnpeRy and �sy Huwrdous Subntuncr�r Er�vi�onmrntal y��'.�-
<br /> ���""�"`•���� Law of which Borrower has actual knowkdge, li BoTrower leams, or is naified by any �eovernmenlal or mgul��ory
<br /> :;� Y W�,`
<br />_:�Jli, il;T_ J�.1`�+•, , �sai...._
<br /> f„ � authority,thAt any removal or athe�mm�diaaon of uny Htizardous 5ubstance aifecting the Propeny is necessury.Born►wer _
<br /> -;,',;,1�;j�, �'#;;�,� shall promptlY take all necessary remedial ac�ions in t,ccardance with Environmentat law. �
<br /> , �'+�.i��;�{�•; As used in this pu�agraph 20."Hazardous Subswnces"oue those substunces deFned as toxic or huznrdua:.�ubslnnces by
<br /> �-^s��a�.,'�,i,.. _.
<br /> •' �� • �•^• t � '' Environmental Law ond the following substences: gasoline,kerosene. other fl+unmable or toxie petrol�ui� produc4S.�ox c �-°••
<br /> '' r-� ;rr,- �'�. `
<br />-"��+ �•••••�'�z s pesticicies�nd herbicides,volatile solvents.muterials containing asbestos or fam�c�idehyde, unrr :�,�9oaolive materials. As
<br /> �;.�. .. ,�t'�,,��t+' , �:.,i
<br /> ,,:,,,��, .�.*,H�,, used in lhis parngruph 20,'Environmental Luw"me9ns federal lpws and laws of ihe jurisdiction v���1he Property is locoted �__
<br /> -_:�„��.;—;a,. . . �hat rclate to iKatth.sAf'ety or environ�nental protection. �2=.�
<br /> __�'.�i�. , ;:�,? t'�:�:4++ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower su�d Lender funher covenant zmd Agree as fallow�s:
<br />_`:;', h�r`,� � Zl. AccekrnNon:Remedks. Lepder slwll give nodce to [tarrower pdor lo acceleradat �dlowl�Borroeer's ���"r`'
<br /> `�� ':y��ky.�_� hreach ot en rnveaont or agreemeat io tbis Secu�ity Itistrument Ibut not prior to accekratbn unde��uagrAph 17 �+;;� .�
<br /> ` " �}� ., ualess appUcaWe IAw provfdes otherwise). T he not ice s hp l l apec i f�r: l w l t h e d e f w u i t;t b l i i�e a c i i a a r e y a i��i i o c u i e t i� _-Y
<br /> � � .�:.' F) :•%.;,u,, --�� •
<br /> '� �., .,, ' �rr ,�•,, defaultp(c)a dwte,aot less lhan 30 days from the date the natice is given to Barower.b�•Ri�9rh t�r deihult musi be
<br /> ' �� +A�`�`"r����i eur e d•a n d(d)t l w t f�i l a re t o c u re the dePault on ar betore Ihe date specified In the notice rtoAy result In pccelerallon aP �,�.
<br /> cce
<br />��`in�f���� , . i,�(;�ny I7;:. '
<br /> - ,.r�y:;•i;�`'�.�..,:�.` � the sums secured by tbis Security Instrument and sele 4f the Property. The notke shall further ioform Borrower ot
<br />_�`;':': .a�,.., ,
<br />='�-�'� "c;?y�;;1 ��""" the right tu reinstate eRer acceleration and the right to bring a court Actbn to aacert the non�extctence of'a deis�ult or .�W
<br />--��' � ' '��'' " atber d e knse o f B a'rower to Acce lera t io n a n d s a l e. It Ihe default is nat cured on ar before the date specified in
<br />;_�:r;5�.t �,� „�.�:, aay .�
<br />;,._,;, ,- � ,�"s'r�%��� . ,;•t V sl ��. �be����der at its optbn may require immediate payment ia Pull of+�ll sums secured by this Security Instrument �`��`=�
<br /> {1 r�..,:. .
<br />--� �� '�"-`�� ,;'"��?I'•�+c�`�• wiWout tYirtUer demand and maY invoke the power of sole aad any other remedies permitted by appltcable law
<br /> � m
<br /> :�,:.i.� ,,,, ,;,;-,
<br /> ,� , ,��,•��,�,,,;:,J;. Lender s6a11 be entiNed to collect All expenses incuRed in pursuing Ihe remedies provlded in this paragraph 21� _
<br /> �'�'•'�'� °:��'�'S��;'����,�?,�'�" ' including,bul not limited ta reasonabk attorneys'fees and costs of title eviden�e. ;;�;
<br /> ' ''�•= � t�'�S� � ���' ' 7lrustee shall record a notice of default in each county fa which any part of the �
<br />-,,, � �:.li}4";4''?i�a�'t 1,a`�I�`" It the power ot sale is invoked.
<br />� �- .��n;•tt�,rft •�`�•tir,?�;: p ro�M y������d shall m�il rn pies oF such notice In the mnnner prescrlbed by applkable IAw to Borrower and to ____.
<br />...,�,'.; � ;�5. �',. �r,. �,}-,:.,;t�� °�u---
<br /> '��`����'�� ''�� "° ^ ���'�r'�-��'> the other persons prescribed by applicAble I�w Aiter fhe time requir e d by�+pp l ica b le law.7 l r u s lee s h a l l g i v e p u b l k �_ ,
<br />���r.•�. ^�'r. �n.;
<br /> .',•�� : ,,..
<br /> " '''.��tt�'-:; notice oi sale to the persons And in the manner presc�ibed by applicable lax: 7lrustee.withouf demond on Borrower, =��"'�
<br /> � ,4 ., ' ..�e;.:;.
<br /> , — � ;,ti, shall sell the Properly at public auction to the highest bidder at the time ond plam and under the terms designated ix
<br /> `r�' '��rt`;; the notke otsnle in one or more parce ls an d in any order 7lrustee determine�. 7lrustee may postpnne ssde of all or any
<br /> .�-•
<br /> :�,,_.,_�� � u ' parcel of Ihe Property by public pnnouncement at the lime and place ofany previously scheduled�le. Lender or ifs _�._v
<br />-- . " ;'.u���.,�. desigt�ee mYy purcbASe the Property at any w�le. °-�•� °-
<br /> _ � ��` -� ,,;�,':'«;;n: gUpon receipt of payment of the price bid.'Irustee shall deYver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveyfng the �
<br /> �`� - ` • :.'y�.u� , property. The recit�ls in the 7lrustee s deed shall Me prima iacie evidence of the truth oY the statements mede Iherein.
<br /> :�1�.Y� '`'�^., 7lrustee shall apply We pr��ceeds ui'the sale in the following urder. (A1 to all custs and expenses of eaercising the power �---=-
<br />-_ .. _.y.. ----
<br /> .r� :�:: . ��-
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