����:� :;t �• ,'u �i .X .�,, .; `'��314�{�.,;}�rA ��i4+t'�, P?�',1r{i ��C�Ykf .. �, .•+ri1i�,(�rilr� 'ij:iL �..��": _ .
<br /> Sr 1 .4r� i�� '� �'z�1 .� ediLrt-f �y.u,�i.,Sfrl.v t ���^" '� - 1r:.i r ,y)� �;l,,$)J4��' tt�,�c..-��--
<br /> .f � .r ,�1� `.N'�t� "r �, - -f A`�":�.'�i'• •. ' - ,.. e��6ih�r���..Y�-�� tt et -.
<br /> � �ff I� � t f���Y�^R�T+^'„{4+•�r1,R^+-'^r.°".—..-..� ..� _
<br /> .t.
<br /> �.T_1L'w.r.._.
<br /> ._— 1 . � •�f� '. ' " " / • � .. -.. •-.._
<br /> � ' '�t :.� i��_.��.. . ..""
<br /> � inWW�MN�� . ._.— — . ...- -. _
<br /> � . _ .:f.. . —_
<br /> � ' ..-...� " '_' __. .. .
<br /> �� :' 'w. � ~ 91- 102'740
<br /> -o-: . � T(XiE7'N6R WITH ull the improvements nc►w or hereaQer er�cud an the properly,unJ all eusements,appunenanees, —
<br /> . And Fixture�naw or henaf�er a patt af�he propeny. All replucemenb su�J ucWitions ahnll ulco t�e cov�ved by this Security
<br /> Incuument. All af the fo�egaiog is rcferted to in ihi�Se�:u�lly Instrumrn� uw�he"Propeny." ---
<br /> ° BORROWBR COVENANTS thut Bom�wer is IAwfully seised o(thc c,t�uc hen�b a►nve ed utui hu.�hc right tu grunt ,.�_x�`=__
<br /> Y Y �€-_..�� ':
<br /> ond convey the Ptopeny and that Ihe Property is uneiuumbercd,excep for etu;umbmnces of recatd. 9nrmwer wumuNY s�nd _
<br /> ' " w-fll defend enerull the tltle tn the n a ainst ull cluima und demands,subjecl ta a�ny erx umhrances i�i recani. �--�----_
<br /> ��+ ,,. 8 Y R''nP� Y � ��:�;--'".�'t '`_•
<br /> � �MA. THIS SBCURITY lNSTRUMENT cambfnes unlfbnn covenunu� fnr national ure und non•un�fotm rnven�nis wilh ��:.�__.
<br /> :�•`' . ,, limited variations by jucisdiction lo consliwte a unifotm security instrumem cove�inF real prapeny. �=-•N=____
<br /> ' '�� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowe�and Lender covenxnt and agree as follaws: """�"�m�'�
<br /> , �i�� �-:�, t '�;"�:�
<br /> �- �,, l. P�yment ot Principsl Aad iMerest;Prepsymeot and I.wteCh�es. Borrower stwll promptly pay when due�he ;� � __
<br /> - - �"' �-'4'�1' pdncip I of And intercst on the debt evidenced by the Note and uny prepayment und late charges due under the Nate. ,: ,._: ,,.._..
<br /> _-„�,:-. �
<br /> � A�` � `"°. 2. Fund�tor 7y�xes a�u1 Insun�nce. Subject to applicable IQw or to u wrinen waiver by l.ender.HoROwer shall pay to �:.••--�=�•-�°=—
<br /> � �� -� � = �
<br /> „��- Lender on the day monthly payments are due undcr Ihe Note. umil Ihe Nwe is paid in full,a sum("Fuods"1 for:(a1 yearly �;,;�.
<br /> ��c"..., teuces and assessmen�a which muy atU�in pri�ity over this Security Insaument us u lian on the Property:lb)yearly lea�ehold � � ��-�-
<br /> J -�:�: ' y ments or round rents on the Pro rt if an (c) ca�� ha��rd a h insurance remiums: (d) yeurly fload �••°f `-"�--_�
<br /> T�„�� � ,;, 4';,.; �Y 8 P� Y� Y: Y Y P� Y P � �,.—
<br /> • ���,�� ;��.(�'��� nsurnnce premiums,if uny; (e) yetuly mortgage insura�c premiums, if any; und(t1 any +ums payable by Borrower ro ��x�i � ,���
<br /> -:��;� ,�ti� ;�u i , Lender,in accardance with the provtsions oP paragraph R,in lieu of�he payment af mongage insurance premiums. These F,,;,�,,;,.E _ �
<br /> �"�""��*�"`1 items are called"Escrow Uems:' l.ender may.at any dme,collecl und hold FLnds io an amount not lo exceed ihc mazimum �� , °„ �
<br /> =Y.��.�}''�f'�."� ." �''�.'' ' nmount a le�der far u federaliy nlated martgAge Ic�an may requ fre(o� Bamnwer�s escraw acc o u n� u n d e r t h e f e d e rn l R e a l
<br /> � ,�: ._,-4f• . �4� .�..
<br /> '�!} rt :,, :!r"^�!-.. F..slale Setllement Ptocedut+e�Act of 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 er sey.("RESPA'7,unless uncuher
<br /> �4-� �
<br />:.�si��•°�� ��•�;,�;r-y>;,;. :,;' law that applies ta�he E�nds sets n lesser amount. If sa,I.ender may,ot uny�ime,collect and hald Funds in un amount nnt ta . ,.,_---
<br /> 'r�ta?�,�,... .: �:��::.,._.��_
<br /> _�%'; .: +•.��•,•,�+-• y,.., excced the lesser amount. Lender may e4limate the umaunt of Funds due on thc busis af cur�em dvtu und reasonable __
<br /> . . �,i�';;i,a,-�;�.:..:,..' _....�_
<br /> � . _,�,. ., estimates of expendilures of futurc Escrow Items or a�herwise in accordance wi�h applicuble luw.
<br /> , e
<br /> - , . . � '�r�,�"�•'•�:••-: The Fundc shall bc held in pn insti�ution whose deposits are insured by a federal ugency,instrumentAlity. ar entity �,';�'::�-�;_.
<br /> •.�,...y;. , ' �'';Ns;h�:�,�:- PP Y P 9 s;.�:���-
<br /> �• (including Lender,if Lender is such en instilutionl or in any Fedeml Home La;u�Bunk. Lender�hall A I the Funds ia u
<br />� � the Escrow Items. l.eader mu not char e Borrower for holdin und u I in the Fuads,nnnuull anal zin the eccrow
<br /> t: ;:.• y g B PP Y B Y Y B h �±,;
<br /> . ,� , �;.�,..�.,�
<br /> � :• ,;r'.�•�� account. or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender puys Borrower imcrest an the Funds And upplicable law permits y';=r_ �'�="'
<br /> :� Lender to make such A charge. However, I.ender may reyuire Borrower to pay a one•�ime chArge for an independent renl a���-�-_
<br /> ` � �,s_ � •,:,. . estute tnx re rlin service used b L.ender in connection with thfs lo�n, unless npplicable law provides othenvise. Unless�n ������_-
<br /> =- ' ., ugreement is mad cor applicnblc Inw�quires interest�o be paid,l.ender shall nal be required to pay Borrowcr any interest or ��---_�_
<br /> `''r�'�� �� •� •��' ' ''`� eamin s on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wnting, however,thm interesl shall be d on the Funds. I.cndcr � `` �'"
<br /> : .;���. t, ,: . , ._,�, B p� �`>;�a�'�'���_:
<br /> '�•�� ��' � �' �' �'.�.-,�:. shall give to porrower.without charge,un annuel nccounting ui the R�nds,xhowing credits und de6its to the Funds und the
<br /> '," :-:� u� f�wt�ich each dcbii io thc l=undx w•as made. The Pusxls�n pledgPCi a�ndditional securirv for nll sums secured by ��:•%^�i •'"-1
<br /> i P I� �4+��
<br /> • �,>';`i��r�� x 1�,'�i, � this Security Ins�rument. .:� _:
<br /> "� lf the FLnds held by L.ender exa:ed Ihe umount� pennitted �o be held by npplicablc law. Lender shnll accaunt to '�'�;i,
<br /> f . ,
<br /> • ;,,•.,;!'.,:;,�•,�..�,`:::.
<br /> , :�i ,.,ra�: ,,..;, Sorcower for 1he exce�s Funds In nccordpnce wi�h �hc rcquiremcnts oP upplicuble law. lf the amount of the Funds held by ��,;.�y��;:�_
<br /> • } i.ender at any time is not sufficient to puy ihe Escraw Items when dae:,l.ender may so natify Borrower in writing,und,in �lu- _
<br /> ��''�n���'��;��{�� ' such case Borrower shall u to l.ender the amount necessary to make up Ihe de�ciency. Burrower shall make up the ;,�n�d�'"��"'�"=_-
<br /> � �:.^+;�x:;:...:,.N,;•�,,,��,;::,,. P Y , . :,, ,•�•.�.::.,..:-
<br /> .. ,��t�.�s,�aZ'�'.���;;;,,j;��,,: deficiencyinnomorethantwelvemonlhlypayments,utLender;wlediscretion. '�� �T ��;�•-
<br /> • . :� ,..,.,,, .,,`.••,,�.�':• ,.' .:,.
<br /> Upon payment in fu0 of oll sums recured by this Security InstNrnent,Lender shnU promptly refund to Barrower uny �r.•� , •:
<br /> . 1:.'v,
<br /> ..�.;�.• ' `^`� • ��` FLnds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,LenJer�hull acyuirc or sell the Propeny,Lender,prior�o the acyui�iiian ar ::
<br /> ,��`•;r
<br /> :� ��`� •��.. n�' � sule of lhC rt ,shall u I uny FLndx held b Lender ut Ihc time ot'ucquisilion or sale a�a credit ugainst the sums �="�'; '
<br />. '. .;��,+.:�� . ,.'. �� Y PP Y y ' -`T�=;: -
<br /> , • • �� � • secured by this Security Instrument. ''"'�'���°"' -
<br /> ,�'.'�t���;'� � • ~ � �°�;�;:; 3. Appllcation of Payments. Unlesx applicablc luw pn,videti othenvise, ull puymemr. received by Lender under
<br /> � �`.:••,fil��:i}: .,�,... _ ..
<br /> ':%';,��.,_�,,.. .��,:;ti�_�;,,.��� �t��,�, �mragrophs I wid 2 shull be applicd: first,to any prcpayment charFesduc undcr the Note;sernnd,to umoums payable under
<br /> �• `��:���,°�q't ',:� ,)�{� paragraph 2;third,to interest due:fourth,to principul due;and Ivst,tauny late churges due under the Ncue. •�� '� -_-
<br /> { ���, , � 'lt � 4. Ch es; Lieas. Bonower shull pay ull luxcs, ;�sse+snnentti,chnrges, fines and Impositions ntlributable to ihe ��"
<br /> ,�;l,.�5.,1 �.1;�.:.'�� ° � • '.-,:
<br /> , � � , • �;��'"�, Property which may u�tain priont�•over this Sccuriry Ins�n�mcn6 and Icusehold payments or ground rents,if�ny. Borrower
<br /> iit:c,:�`f;.�,i��;.:.'�':�.
<br /> ( r•�;:_;,:,���� �� .•i��:�.:�• sh�ll poy�hese obligations in thi munner provided in purngraph 2,cxif not puid in tha�mnnner, Bonower shnll pay them on '�-���•_�":�� _
<br /> 6'���'�h��:.����..�%:4�5•�•n . . . . �..
<br /> • �•�;�•��� � " time directly to�he person owec�p�,vment. Borrowcr shall promptly fumish ro Lender all notices of amoums�o be puid under
<br /> �,.:�.,r(. ��.
<br /> � � �''����: ���• this ara ra h If Borrower makex tliese a ments direcd Borrower shnll rom tl fumish to Lender recei tr evidencin �•,_c.: �
<br /> .,�#�k�r�`41 p R A • P p Y p• B ., �
<br /> , '�;��..,_; � P Y Y� � •1;;-�.
<br /> ,�i..xw • the payments. '�,` "`„�—,-
<br /> ,}�+,�� ..•_,;�_,-.,,�.._ -
<br /> .:µ��Y. •• Borrowcr xhAll promptly dischnrge any lien which hn+priorily over this Sccurity Instrument unless Borrower:(a1 agrees :' ::,;«;;;�
<br /> , in writing to+tfie pAyment of the obligution securcd by thc lien in a manner ncceptvble[o l.ender, lb1 contests in gaod faith the ��'�•�t�='�
<br /> .,.•:.-.� :-_-
<br /> •;�:� , lien by,or d�1'ends agAin:tt enforccmcnt of the licn in,legul proceedings which in the Lendert�spinion opernte to prevent the --
<br /> • � enforcement of the lien;or(c)�ecurcs irom thc holder af thc lien an a�reement xatisfactory ro Lendet subordinating the lien ;.•,,.,.�,,,- '
<br /> .t. to this Security Instrumenc. !f Lender dcterminex that uny part of the Propeny i.subject to a In�n which may attnin priority -; �'',.�ry�q�,.:_
<br /> • . over this Secudty Instrum�,�i.Lender may give Borrow�.r a notice identifying tt�lien. 8orrowet shall satisfy the licn or toke
<br /> , � one ur more of the actions set fonh above within 10 d�y�of the givi ng of no[ice.
<br /> 5. Ha�rd or PropeMy In�uranre. Eiorrowcr tihall kccp thc impmvement�noa exi+�i��or hgreafrer erected on the
<br /> .. Properly insured against loss bv fire,hatards included wilhin the lerm"extenJed covrrug�r"ancl anv aU�er haznrds,including . •.��'
<br /> � ' .. . � floods or flooding,for which�Lender reyuires insurance. "('his in,drunce .hull tx maintained in iP�e umounts end(or Ihe �.,. �'�'�•,•:�
<br /> {i' .�;,;;��1';i�'�;;�,
<br /> ' !� ,.,1;,,;,,l�.
<br /> '�' ::t;'�:. .
<br /> � fo�'m31YL% 9�9f1 nucr'�/n��tsl ' �
<br /> i'i��_�'• ' '`.�;,
<br /> ' �.)1; •.�'�f�:��.
<br /> i �` F'���, �, r�••�':
<br /> 1��+1"d;�-!�1'r�''' .
<br /> , . . ���� . ���i,''.i'.
<br /> . i.' �,
<br /> � . -. . .-- , , , . , . , _ � . , ,, . ',••, .
<br /> � --_
<br /> ,. �
<br /> ,�,.
<br /> ' ' !
<br /> ' ' �
<br /> ,
<br /> . �
<br />