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�+ . -..r Ftr 4� �Z. . . _ , . . . . ./R'['!d - <br /> � - s...� .S.x. �I��' riti` <br /> ' , ' ni . �r" %'. _ � �. �j.'. - � - <br /> _ ��������������1••�^^_'�^'�'.��N^.������ ' �� <br /> �t�rir��Av�►,1b1 b�►a���pt�ard i�,►[a.��e.�f�b�eo��+aiN��A i�dM���a�INt#li1�N�r �" <br /> dii wAi�rl�w i��iM�ln n�i�wr�oe W diot.oe t9 l�f4!i��IoMi�w.wwil d�e Nr�. ,�. <br /> �Ni�t�i�•�o4��riA��e�r�tluea,,�pwaw�l btwMM 1!oR�o�rt�t,�rr�!a�A�l��- , • ,:' <br /> '�.I�Ilsr. I.�dir ar ia pmt nrd�kat�iroMMi�+�IdtMii�+�pert;�bd f�pMORioi�►$4'�Ptape�lx.l.���/Iw � - <br /> So�a+rtx noliee at�e tiaae ot ar pria�M�e f�r i�aY�iM�M�,aMbi�nwe 1br Ib�ip�ps¢�io�u. _. <br /> 1�.Cra�i�lliAiM. 71io p�ooeed�aP.�pdr'�'.�}��e�i�b!or draye�. dineot or oonMque�Miv. in oowcdoa wid� rq► . <br /> oondaan��an or oll�er Wciu�nt+r4►P�t oftb�P+�op�t�.ct tb�oonvayanoo#n Ueu af oondemmdoa�ia�e ha'ehY wl�ned�od <br /> �M11 bs prd b 1��ds�. <br /> � �n�he�vaa�ot.toW atia�ot d�e Propexty.the y+noc+end��Tt 1io�pp�ied a the�u�ea�r+ee by�hi•seaurity 1�an�aR, <br /> M6aher or�at�40o dne. wlth�ny eitaen p�W w Bam�ver.�n!be avaq of�p�eiW Wdn�of�he Pno�paty W wWa6 dr Edr <br /> a�rirot v�lne ot the Propaty immedLtely beforo 1he Wclnj i�eyu1�11n or=�eM�r tb�n tho�na�uU ot d�e aau��oowtl by� <br /> Secudty i�ttutne�M imnedlMely bafom the tdcltqr.unla�Ba�nrvcr M�d L�sdot othawl�e�Ine M�w�ri�in=.trM Mm�Mo�nd Iy <br /> W1s Sewrity Iroteummt s6�Jl bo roduo�ed by �he �mou�N of tbe �rooeo�a�altfpiied by 1be tiolbwi� 6�eian: t�)IiM Aoai <br /> �ot t6e wrn aewrad iirunedl�taly befare the taki��dirided by(b)tbr t�ir rn�rkat v�lw af�e Prope�ty Ia�pi�MtY <br /> eetone d�e qtia�. A„y b.�.oce �I�be p.w a earower. Ia u�e evaN at.p.rcw u�ki�or U�e PropNty la wbkM aN hir <br /> iasrlcai v�a!the L°rtrpe�ty Immedlatafy bcfae the tatin`u I�lhoo�he ano�tnt ot IM wut�oeau�nd(mnMdiMely blira�IM <br /> te6lni►�BaRO�r�d l.ender atherwi�e�ee fn weiNa�ar uniw��pplkable!aw a1h1�w1+e Pro�'idw.da praadr�Wl <br /> bib�I�ed 10 d�e wan�xurod by Ihii Soauity intNment wlwNhe�or not the wn�ae titea due. <br /> It rbe Pnoputy i��idaied by Banawer.or it��Itur�atioe by I.endet w Bonowct thM d�e oondanaor olrat w�ice w <br /> awiud or e�nk�cWm tor aNr�er� Hotrower t�iti to�xmo to i.a�aer wiai�o su�ys�i[er�,e�co�o pauae i� given. - <br /> Lender!s wthoriz�ed to odbct urf�pply the iu aptiop,eitba w�wradan or rapair af tta Propaty or w tbe sn�s <br /> �ecurod by tbii�Savriry Inu�umaY.wird6a or nct then due. <br /> Unlcss Leac�.er �nd Hortower dherv�lse Agrea in writin$. ar�Y �;�lica�ian o�pn�oands to pri�xipal s6dl aat oxtead or <br /> postpw�e the due dote of thn monthlY p�yments refened w in para�niph:1�nd 2 or d�e the�mouat oi wch paymaM�. <br /> il.Boe�+nw$r Nat Rde�ed=For�nuare IIiy l.eadrr Hat�iti'dva.�xtensbn af the dme for payment or aadificatlon <br /> oP amoRization of t6o auou�.vred by this Securiry lnsdumaK grantod by l.ader to+�uy a�oaswr in inte�rat of Bor�uwu s6�U <br /> oot openae w releas�the liability of the origitul Borrower or Bonuwer's wooasora in intec�at. I.ender�Il not be�oquiied w <br /> . oonunenoe prooeeding�Against su►y cuooes4or in inte�es..or rofuse w extend time for poymra�t or atherwise modity amo� <br /> of the sumv�ecured by this Secudty Instnunent by roawn of any demud made by the original Borrower or Botrowa's <br /> , wcoaaorc in imorest. My fo�bc�ram:e by Lendtr i�eaercising any dght or nen�ody atnll �at be a wAivex of or pr�xlude Ibe <br /> e�ciso of any riglnt or{emedy. <br /> ' 12. Suooe�ors w�d Ass�gas &wtul;Joldt and Severa! I.isbWty; Co-sl�uera. The cavenants and agnxmcnts of this <br /> . Security Inswmeot stull bind and benciit the sucoessors and assigno of Lender and Borrower, subja� to Ihe provislot�of <br /> pawgraph 17. Borrower's vovensnts and agreements �hall be joint a.-�d aeveral. Any Bo�►ower who co-signs this Security <br /> instrument 6ut does not axecu[e the Noto: (a) is co-sjgning this Secur�cy Instnunent enly w mortgage.grant ard convey that <br /> Borrower's intcrest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not perso:�ally obllgeted to Qay the sums <br /> secured by this Sxuriry lnstrument;and(c)agroes that Lender and nny other Bomower m�y agree to�atetwl, modify,forbear or <br /> moke any acoommadaHana wlth regard to the terms of this Security Ingtrument or the Noto without thai Borrower's concent. <br /> 13.I.owa Clwrgea. If the loan secure�d by this Security Instrument is aubject to a law which sets maximum loan chuges, <br /> end U�at law is tinally interpretod so that the interest or other loan charges rnllectad ar to be collected In connection with the <br /> loan eaooed 1he permitted Ilmits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary ta reduce the charge <br /> to the permined limit;and(b)any sut�s already collected from Borrower which exceeded pemiitted Umits will be refunded to <br /> Borrower. Le�xler may chaose to make this nfund by reducing the principal owod under the Note or by malcing a diract <br /> payment to'8onewer. If a refund reduces pdncipal, the reduction will be trcated ar a parlial pnpayment without any <br /> pr�epeymen[charge under the Nate. <br /> 14.Notiec9. Any notice to Earrower provided for in this Security Instrument shal! be given by deliver�ng it or hy mliling <br /> it by firet cla�.c mail unless appliceble luw requlres use of another method.The nutice shall be direrted to tlie Property Addres� <br /> or eny other address Borrower designAles by notice to Lender. Any nalice to L.ender shall be given by first class m�il to <br /> Lender's address stated herein or any other uddress I.ender designates Sy notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in th�a <br /> Secu�ity Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provide<1 in this paragraph. <br /> IS.Goreraing; SeverabiUty. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and ti�e lew of Ihe <br /> Jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note - <br /> mnFlicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other pr�visions of this 5ocurity Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the pruvisions of this Security Instrument and�he Note are doclared <br /> to be severable. _ <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Bon•ower shall be given une runformed copy of the Note and of�his Security Instrument. <br /> Fwm 3018 9190 _ <br /> vp.�oee <br /> -'-'--'Tb"Sr6k��.a}`"�vr'::e. �a.�-u�..r - . - . �. -- — -- - <br /> � '�97�'7Gl'aL rT�'"T.-7 r-� ' Ff�'S"�i�i0'Yap�fftF,/f°�_7-w�r�R•��R-'q'p..�F-�T'-� — <br /> +�:R.ei4b5- .�`, . . , ti.... �. . . .. . . .:....+,:� • . • ..;, • .. • ' , ' - <br /> __....v ,P_jy�; � • . a. , . .. . <br /> .. . .. <br /> 11•. <br /> --_�.s.,�...'. , ,, <br /> _... . <br /> . ��.,`1+'.��I.,�_� <br /> ,. . � . , <br /> ��h.l. .. 31_."� ��_.__•_.___'__"___.___._._ _'"."'+�.L�.h-l:i��L'��._.�1�%�1[C'iM�idFl�•;�:1_..M'1i:..! ._t�,.�i-�flli.. <br /> _-._ .. _ . . .-_-__"_-.._____ __.._.__ .-_�,_. 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