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. � *...s..-r'— ; .�c:ST_:Tr� .. ,. `•,. � v.rr,,.,,....r.,.. ...._.,_. . i..4+-•• ,,.•.n'.." - - <br /> n d.A?r . G .�. .. .,,. . _ , c �.i .� .. ,.. :��s.Ya� �•r..11:�Jf�W . e <br /> t. � . ' . . `' . _ <br /> � • � <br /> � . <br /> 1 � 1 n - .. 1 �!�`1�'�-"�s. .To': <br /> - k `�w i��'�p► ��a�.�i�M 1�p IMO Y�ii��M aaa �M��e#iMf�"��ii ��-`� <br /> f 1�+�r i�d��Ir��by f�. �l�c�d�s wldi►tM ee�ia•�trede�a�reiWVo"t�a�s a1Mr� �,_-, <br /> � l�eo+I�ar �C�fd�i�.N�M�rwaa'fY�1�woa►�Mr!M�i.ti M�ww'erf <br /> � +Yt L�lar w�' .?b.iM..ore.��ro+idi�aie w.r,Nee iMU b��o�as b�sora.wr abjba a Lwdu'��!�aqi <br /> . wYel�iii�oC 6e Im1MLIpML1�r MM�Yy��td. Y1 i0ft01[s hi4 b m�ido oa�s�y��y de�efNlld�bdu�. L�dK�y. at LrMir`t <br /> ����'i���t iAWf������y��R����7• ' :. . . � <br /> AU i�wl�noe p0lidet�oi rerewal�1i�11 b�a0onpt�bl0 b L�de[rd fhll 1dMb+�A�! d�i. ��wilr • <br /> s4au 6a�e d�q ri�t to aala t�e+pa�ci�+��eaewalc.�t Y.eaaa te�in�s;ao�cwpr::�p�tt. xi�s���*k�.•�r;. <br /> � rid pMOiur wd raeswA notioes.Ia tlre arert at lo�y.Bon9�rer+l4�ihe;�pt db����°��'9�¢r�rtli�hAllr, � <br /> .�,�?��r nrY m��d�roJ�poo�f of�as ft rwt mde promptl,�,by, � •:.,•. ,_,,��:.'.. ...... ...:..... .. .° ; ;.r,:��� ��" ,�-,:.: . <br /> 1 ! Vf�■/6L�iR{ � ,��'^, '� '1lf li'••• 1�'.• .! . � ( :... '�' <br /> Botmvre�o1l�envl�o at�ea�,.'e�;tit�ii�;,iiis,�u�ai�v��Y'otl�OQ�:�►1�'bis��fb'l�b+�'�!�4►�l1it',�dq��9l'`�i�e <br /> .� l.�ro�i�d�ma1�d�U tbe�astaratioa ar ropair u �oCqp►qe�rnti�r;tr�ib9c�1�T�rdet'��cewrlty is not Ip�t±�b� �Yf�t���t�h`fo� , �� �..� <br /> .'•�+p�ql,r:�iic+1'�evoaomiailly feasibb vr Laida':reaWi�3r wqP1Q'b�s le.gsibneA�the inwrtuoe p�ooeods�hdl be���o•i���'uui� <br /> �ew� y iLis Savdly lasttumaot� wbetlrs or not tlrai due. wlt6 aay exce�s pe�d to HoROxer. If Bottqa�er�b�odoil�the <br /> ' Pec�paty.or doa not amvrer w�thia 30 dayR a ooda iran l:e�dec tl�M iho i�urtnae c�rtier hst oitcsied to settle�d�im..thal. <br /> I.[oda mqr oollea etK i�uc�uoa prncaals. i,a�ida mq ure the poeoedn w repir a reuore tbe Penpexty or w pay aao� <br /> , �ecur�ed by tU3�Seauiqr I�uttwment,whether or twl tGa�due.The 30-d�y pexiod wlll6eiia wliai tl�e botice i��van. <br /> Un{a�s I.awkr aad Bes�oMer olhaMi�o�roe io wrltin�, mY +�P'Pliatbn of prooeeds W pincipl sl�ll not ezmtd ot <br /> po�tpoae the due date af the monhly pymaw refured w in pr�nph� 1 aad 2 or d�taje tbe�nw�uit ot th�p�ymaMi. !t <br /> wider prynpb 21 tM PropaEy i��oWi�Md bY t�ealet.Hortow�r'�ri�t6t b�1Y irru�oe Odldes wd prcao�l�nenulti�firoa� <br /> ��—�- _-- -- dw��e to the P�aperty pdor w the�oquWtion�hdl pw oo l.enda to tbe e�twM of�he a�n iew�d by t�SecAritar taMromeat <br /> fmiaedialely prior w the�cquidtloa, <br /> �.OoerM�'�Pnwrv�tio�.lMdM�won�d P�+utectlmo a�Ire P1+upe4Yi�'ro�ver's I.a�Appliptl�i l.a�eidi. <br /> Borrowei�hrll occupy�aubll�h.�nd�s�e t6o Property u Bormwer'�principyl raWa�oe witbla d:ty day�after the o�ce�vtioa of <br /> this Sacudty laurument md dwll mntir�ue w occupy the Proparty aa Honuwer's priacipd raidenoe[or�t la�st o0o yar aRa <br /> the d�to oi aoapmcy,unksi L�der olAerwi�e�rca in writiq�.which ooment s1W1 not ba wjra�on�bly witt�dd.or ualw <br /> cxtenwtia� cir�w�uhnocs axlu whicfi ue beyond Borrower's oontml. Bormwer �Tull aot datroy. darmge or iaipvir the <br /> P�operty� dbw the PmopeRy to deterlonte. or oortunit waete oa tho Property. Borrower�11 be in default if my [arfeidue <br /> actbn or procaedin�.wApher civil or criminal. is be�un that in Lerder's good fdth judgmatt couW�ult in forfelwro oi tAe <br /> Pruperty or dherwise mrerially impair 1he Ilen c�ted by thic Secur�ty[natrument or Lender's security iatereet.Borrowu roay <br /> � cur�e wch s default and refr� providod in po�mgraph cawin�the sction or proceodiog w be disqiissed with a rulinQ <br /> ifnd, in La�ier's�oai iai��Cternun�tron. procludes forfeidue of d�e Hornower's inkcest in ii�e Prapedy dr�tt i��tF�'�I <br /> impaim�ent of the lia►created�y this Seru�iry inatn�mcnt a L,aider'a socu�ty intenest. Borrower ahap also 6e"-in de[ault it <br /> Borrower.during the loan application p�aeess.gave mate�ially false or inaccurate infornntjon ar statemeAts to I.ender(or failed <br /> � to provide I.ender with aay material fnforniation)In connection with the loan cvidenc�ed by tLe Note,lncluding,but�at limitad <br /> to,representatiom oax+erning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal rcsidena.If thla Secudty inawment is on a <br /> ' IeaseMld, Borrower shall comply with all tlx provisions of the lease. If Borrower aoquires fta titk to.the Property. the <br /> � lea�ehoW aM the fa UUe ahall not merge unless Lcnder agrces to thc mcrger in writ�ng. <br /> ' 7.Protecttoo of Lender's Ri�6tg ta Ibe Property.If BoROwer fails to perform the covenanta and ag�eements oont�inod in <br />_ — this Sccurity Insnument. or there is n legal pracex,ding that may significantly affect Leider's dghts in the Property(such as a <br /> proceeding in bankruptcy,probate. for rnndemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regula�ions), then l.encier may do ud <br /> ' pay for whatever is neces.sary to protect the value of the Property and L.ender's rights in the Property. I.ender's actloea toay <br /> - include paying any sums savred by a lien which has priority over this Securlty Instrument. �ppearing in court, paying <br /> reasonable utlomeys'fees and entering on the Propeny to make repaim.Although I.ender may �alce action under this paragreph <br /> 7.Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> '� Any amounts disbursed by L.ender under thls peregraph 7 shall become additionel debt af Bonower secured by this <br /> Securfty Instmment Unless Horrower wid Lender agrce to other terms of payrnent,these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> dAte of disbu�sement at the Note rate and slssdl be payable, with imerest, upon notice from l.ender to Borrower rcquesting <br /> ����4�� payment. <br /> , ;<;,:�; <br /> __,,,:� 8. Mortgage In4ur�nce.If l.ender required motigage insurance ns u candition of muking the loan secured by this Security <br />_ ��`-� Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mnintuin the mortgnge fnsurunce in effect. If, for any resison. the <br /> mortgoge insurance oover�ge required by L.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pny the premlums required to <br /> obtein coverage substantialty equivAlent tu the moNgage in9urance previously in effcti�,at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br />�=� •� , rnst to Borrower of the mnrtgage insurunce previously in effect, from an ulternute mortgage insurer approved by Lender. It <br /> �� ---- -A-- 'e^ �' substentially equivalent mortgage insurance rovcrnge is not available,Borrower�hall pay to Lender each ma��th u sum equal to - <br />_� one-twelfth oi the yearly monR�Re in.surance premfum being paid by Bnrrc�wcr when rlx in.un+n�x nwerage lapsed or ceased to �_ <br /> � � be in effact.Lerder will accept,use und retain thcse pnyments a� �lusx rrserve in lieu uf muctgage insurance. Loss reserve <br /> � <br /> �� Form 3028 8/90 = <br />- .��.�i vw��o�e <br /> _ w <br /> , �. <br /> -"� 5 � n <br /> - )..1�.,�h.t . _ . _ . . . ,; . - _ <br /> _ ._.�au.. �! 'i°� - .. ' " ' .... �• ,.:. ��,q�3t4 . i :.1:."7s��.,,,-("i'C_^'l�..r <br /> .t a.. _�ta:.t�...rk:,(�.-L• �1_ :r_1 _i`4_a iw�.�is.�i..�' �, ]_�.ti�_:i���f ��:i�a'�iai�"1`�t�.. <br /> � . � <br /> -JYe..l... <br /> ...�� " _ _ <br /> �- <br /> •�� <br /> zsria••i•-ti���.�) -_-- _ -.�—" ' . . . . ._ ' .. . " - <br /> ��..�,. ,. � 1 � • . . 11 5t'L l:L'i,?:.• _�� '^-_ <br />_ _ 'r��:�-,�.,`�-;.. ,, . . .. �, - � ; . . �.r. b� .i <br /> v1+ , . .. i. ' . t'Stl ..AJ�;`�Y. rr _. � ._.F . . . <br /> �a�m7,��L`� ttd?_, -- --- = - "--. . - --- --- -�-- - - ... , <br /> �—��u�--S�� °=�-Y'�r-r~a . . .. -' . . ' .. ' ... .. ., - - . . 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