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_ __ .. ._..,.____ _ _ ,. � � . - _ .-.- . -� .. . /��, . � . _ <br /> � . � .. . . .-- - - - — .'.' '."' -. �. , - � VV ���, ' . <br /> .. A� <br /> • 17,7'n�M11�n��[tM al'11 M11i1Rh1�'M MI eon�iwe.U�II or�yr pat of Wo Prop�iy or�q illlle�'it MI!t <br /> i�wM o�r�(�r it�c�l iatarat in BP�*ower G��ald m tr�mtb�rod aid Hon�owar b uot R Mwer�Ia�1�MN6�o�t ,;.•.- <br /> I�ede�•s prior vv�ttaa oa�aa. t.ader may. �t lb option� �qu iro inmiedl�te p�ya�arc ia lbli of�If we�twird 6r AYN � <br /> � 8��ylaraume�t. Hdi�ever.thi�optian�11 not 6e exad�by[��K a�noi�a 4 ProMWWd Yy�l�d�t M�M d tM�: •�� <br /> •.��. <br /> • of�i.aider e�ad�a thi�optlon.t.endet�Ig�vo Hon�wer notlae of aooelernNon.The notlae dw�ll�r��pulod o�tlat " .�''-'-::. <br /> Icet dua 3Q diye fiem�be d�to the notlo�fs�elivm+ad or mdled r�vltWa which Hnrro�mwt p�y di wm��eoun� br'tl� .' -�" <br /> s�cy u�,�. �re�o,�r�i.��y�e�e�.pt{or w�n.e��ar�nu�oa,r.eaaer�a�a�►o�.�y� , � <br /> �by 1hi��ecua It�ument wlthoat nwher notioe ar aem�i on Bcm�uwer. � �� h.v�, tb. ajhl w �.� <br /> l�eww+r'� to aaGa�tst�. it i3orrower �att ocmin�ondidans� _ <br /> aafowat�pit ot Wt So�lrotnrneat di�o�tiaaed�t�ry tiaae prbr W tho ealier a� (�)s da�n(nr wcb o1Mr p�iod w�. �., <br /> �ppliable Irw nry �eCify tor roinMrl�ad)b�e�o�e Mle ot dM �p punu+iP� a ary pow►or ot ple a�qiarct be 1lil�.� :. <br /> c <br /> S�wwity.tu�u�unaK:or(b)a�ttY of a Judpnent aican�n{tbi�Secwity��(�r�l��utaeat.7Uae ooMitlaee ae tlwit Horm�wr:te) •. <br /> u� <br /> l��all twn whkh then wuuld be due wdx I6t�SbaritY InMnuaout aid tbe Note�it uo�ooeler+ltion lud 0000r�pd: ) <br /> a�r�er�ny dehult ot�ny oti�oovanma or qnemaMat(c)pty��11 expaMa IncuneJ in aafoncLy thii Sqcutity lt�riwm�t, <br /> iaclali �but not llmited to. rWon�ble�aomc�rs'fea�t wd td/W�a wch�ctton d I.ender nry ie�ourbly neqttiro ca wure <br /> drt tht�len of thls Sea�rity Instrume�t�l.endor s d�hu in tUe P�op�a�tY md Bo�rower��abli�ation to p�y tha oora�ieauad 6y . <br /> �his 9ecouity In�dument �Aall aoatinue u�ed. Upcm rdmtaitanait by 8ortower. thl� Sec�dty In�uument and tbs <br /> obliptiau�oouned heroby shall naroiia iWly atraective�n if no�ooeleatba h�d aocuned.How�aver.�hi�d�ht ta rein�u+s�ti <br /> aot�pp�y In the caa af�000lera�ian w�der pa�h 17. <br /> �il. S�b ot 1Votei �-�e of La�a &*vloa�. The Note m a p�rtid intorat ln tha Nde (to�dha with thio 3ocwity <br /> ln�tmmonq mry be wW one or moro times wilhout prior notico w Borrower.A sAle mwy reault in�chm�ge in tbe aNity(kr�uwn <br /> �t tbo' Saviaer`)UW oollects monthl!'WY��due undwr Ibe Note and this Secudty Insuuman.71kr+e�Mtr►mRy ba one <br /> �e mnns ciwwea at�he[.w�servio�un►el,red�n�We of�he Note U thene i�a clwaga of�he Lwn Servker�Bonower wiQ 6e <br /> �iva►written uotioe of�he chango in a000rdanoo aith pangn�ph 14 auuv�at�d app.;cable lat...7lto notl�•wiif�alC 411C ot�sulrl <br /> �ddress of tho new Laan Servicu aM the add�a+w which p�ymenu r6ould be m�de.Tho natfoe will ul:o cot�tain�ny ath.r <br /> infam�tion requirodyr�pQlicable I�w. � - <br /> 2p. Haardous 5ubq�noe�. Horrower shall not cause or perniit tho p�. �. dicposal. storsge.or�le�of auy <br /> Hazudoua So6stmoes on m in tho Propc�ty. Borrowp� shall not do. aor ailow anyone e�se to do. anythiag afla�iag �be <br /> Propetty tFwt ls in violation of any �nvlmnmental Law.The proading tao sentenas dall not opply w thc presence. <br /> atorage on thePrope of small quantides of Ha7�dou�Substanx.4 that w�e.generally rooa�nized to be aPProprlpte to norniel <br /> rcsidential uses�nd to�maintetwncc af tho Properry. <br /> Barrower st�ll pramptly give Lender written notice of eny investigatioa,cl�im. demand.tawsuit or other action any <br /> gpvanmenwl or ngulawry agency or pdvate party involving ti�eProperty w�d Any HsTardo+t�Substance or EnvironrtKa� Law <br /> of which Bc�rrower has� knowladge. if Borrower learns.or is iiotit'ied by unY governmental or regu4uory authortty. that <br /> �ny removal or olhet remediation of eny Har�rdcws Substance affating the�Property is neassary.9ormwer slwll promptly tAke : <br /> all necessuy reirledial actions in acxa�donce w11h Bnvimnmental I.Aw. <br /> 11s used in tiva P�S�P6 2ii. °Haza�+daus Substances' a�ihuso 5ubni,inoes defir�d ss taxic or haxs.�dcuu sul�s�b;�'. <br /> Environmental L,aw and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene. other tlemrtwble or toxic petroleum pmducts, touic <br /> pesdcides and"horbicides.volatile solvents.materisls wntaining asbesws or forn�aldehyde,and rndioactivo mnterials.As used in <br /> this paragrnph 20, "finvironmental Law" means fedcral laws w�d lawa of the jurisdiction where Ihe Pmperty is located thot . <br /> relate to health,safaty or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bomnwar and L.ender further covenant a�nl agree as follows: . <br /> 21. Aooderation;Remedies.l.ender sh�ll give notice to Borrower prior to aoceleratbn�allowiag Borrower's breach <br /> ot nny covenant or agnement In this Security Instn�ment (but nat prior to avcelcraUon n�der paragraph 17 ualcsa <br /> applkable Isw provides otherwtse).�rhe nouce shs��spectry: (o) Ihe default; (b)the action reqWr+ed to cure dce defoulti � <br /> (cy o ds�te,not IRSS than 30 dAys Prom the dnte the notice is given to Barrawer,by whkh the defAUlt must be cured;oud <br /> (d) that failurc to cure the defAUlt on or betore Ihe date speeified in t6e notice mpy resuit in acederaHon at the sums <br /> secured 6y this Securlty instrument and si►le of the Properly.The notice siwll fu�ther Intorm Borrower ot the �Ight to <br /> rei�tate oiter accelerwtion pnd the right to br(ng a court acllon to assert the non�existence ot o default or any otdPr <br /> de(ease of Bor�+owe�to aeceleration and sale. [[the default is not cured on or betore the dAte specided In tfie aotiae, <br /> I,ender, at Its option,may requfre immedipte payment in full of pll sums secured by this SecuNty Instrument witi�amt <br /> further demAad and m�ty invoke the power oP sale and nny other remedi�permitted by applicable law.I.ender shWl be <br /> entitled to rnllect wll expensrs incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this pwrnqraph f t.fncludinB.but�ot Ilmited <br /> to.reasonable attorneys'tees And cosls of title evidence. <br /> It thepower of sale Is Invoked�Tru.dee shsdll recard a notice ot default in each county in whlcli wny part of the <br /> Property ts I�cated end�Iwll mwil coptes ot such notice in the manner prescribed by applicuble Ipw to Borrower ond to <br /> the other persons prescribed by apptic�ble IAw�.After the time reyui�d by applicable Iww.Trustee shwll give public notice <br /> ot sale to the persons end in the monner presc�ibed by upplirAblc law. Tru.gtee�without demand on Borrower.sholl sell <br /> t6e Property at pubflc auclion to tMe highest bfdder at the time And place und under the terms designated In the notice of <br /> sale in one or more parcels �nd in any order Trustee determfnes.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of t6e <br /> Property by publlc Announcement �t the time and place oi'uny prevbu�ly scheduled sale. I.ender or its designee�nay <br /> put+dwse Ihe Prupert�at ony sule. <br /> Fam 3026 9100 <br /> Psge 6 oi e - <br /> -_=�.L7R�:l'I' ' ._ :_. ...__ _. __.__._.. __�.-.-.+�*^s�Oi�IW��7 . . . -�-FT . . _� , ..-`-w--.��.� <br /> °_.i:.'y:. ^'' . . . . .. . .. o _ . . • - _' _ .. � �� - . _ i. . . � .. .. <br /> . . <br /> . . ...., ��.. <br /> - :.w.�._. _ • , . <br /> ._, . -� . _ .�y . . <br /> � <br /> '--l�•�'� s • " ' ._.1. +S.' ��_)L':l�i.9.i1L'71'J14� ,f-�_ <br /> ._ `c� dcL_ _."'_.__.— _.._ . __"'.c� - . __. ....__.._� .� � 1 �' • ' . <br /> ��_.u�-•-r- �...w�,. � . „ . 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