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�� --- _ .. , r . . . .. , _ <br /> �... — '. �� � . • . ' . .:. - " :." �"��� ���° <br /> �����1��1f1�Y�1 AOM/Of�I���f�'�Ow IV�1�.���MMI�r�M�W.� <br /> . ��11� �OM af �1MMAIf � � A�{60 �Opf�l' N1 1��OI�IW � �011�� r10 � q0'HNN � 1�•�� . <br /> ,. .Ii��ltl d'Ih�!be/oiti b�a'J�rr�d b r t64�Y Lr�t�t1N'Propm�r.'• <br /> 10RRaWBR OdVBMAM'9 tlwt Dorte�rar b VwlhUy sri�ed of d�e NtMe iw�t+y oanw�d�Iw da ri�M b pwl r1�1 <br /> ooav�y tbe Propaly�und tiMt eM tMope�ty is roa�owabehd. asa�x tor�oaa�btwoet dt ew�aed. lbn�ret w�rIMM��ed rrW ' <br /> __ • d�d�pien�Uy Nw�itle W Ihe P�a�paty t�aiwt dl cWms iod da�Mi.wbjact to�ny an4vmbr�noe�o�rooued. <br /> � '!'H{S B�URlTX W3AtUMBNT comb�ae�wiilorm cbveon�far nMiaW uae�r�d iwaud�oov�ot�wlth limihd <br /> vatiwio�r bY Judalkiico w oansdpNe r uni�ona�ecurlty inwmcnt ooverin�rotl prupaty. <br /> UNIPO�tM COVBNAN'1'S.Honnwer and t.enda oovannt and�roe u fopaps: <br /> 1. P�p�t d Pri�'Jpd a�d Wa+eds IhsM7meM ad We C'YM�es. Borrower sb�ll pnotaptlY P�Y�ba dwe tlw , <br /> P��l�of�ad intcteKt on tlw debt evid��ced by the Nate�nd�ny prep�qrn�aat aai Ra�e cbar�a due aeder the No1q. • � • , <br /> = 2.thed�(tW'T�ue�aud Ipw�raaoe.Subject oo�pplicabla lwn►o�m�wr.iqiera:�ver Er l,toder.Botco�ra�eW�l p�y to <br /> Ldtdea'on the d�y monlhlY WY��c�a due under daa Nde.uod�ttte Nqle 6s�+aid F�o�41.�trmx('Fwadt'}fdr:(�)Ye�r1l�putpa,.,'' ��:�. � <br /> and�U w6ich may�tt�ia peiority orer dus Secudcy l�ceuw�na�t,i4�p�Ge�►�on tfie Pca�q!:N�1��e�wdial�,p�s", �� '.�:.;' <br /> I or ground�w►!c an the Pmp�atY�li'.any:,(u)Fcat1Y'I�u�d_ar property�9nsuranoa prerruiwr►s:��i)lrea�lY£lao�i i�e�e�w'amiutsis,'. : • <br /> ' ��!Yt te19�Y moRgaga ituurancc prcmiu�iu�.if any: and 4�anY$ums PaYabto:by Hotrowrr W t.�►�dG'.���. . <br /> - - ° . ' tho p'rov.lsinna�uf pat�raph 8. in lieu of ilie.l►�Y�PY of rqortgage 3a4uranc�,pa+emiumc. 1liese items ane callod "Facnuw Yt�dtiv:" . ,' <br /> � , ` l,�ier miiy,�a�rry�ime.oellect and hold Fuads in wn �nwun! nut w exoeed the raucimum+unount a lender for�fedor�lly - <br /> i ' ' related mangage tom any roquiro for Homowor's escrow a000unt under Iho foden�l Re,�l Bsnce Settlement Pr+noedun�Act ot <br /> 1974 uo uramled from dmo ta timo� 12 U.3.C.Section 2601 e�seq. ("RESPA'),unleu�no11Kr I�w th�t applia a tbe Fund� <br /> _ ,; soia�iw.w ar�nun�. If scs, i.crcdsr m�y, at any tiase.cellect susa !:old Fe�ttls fn sus enr.x��!n�! rn e�c�wl�hn Iw.r�mount. _ <br /> �� I.e�de�m�y extirrwto the amount of Funds due on t6e b�u{�ot cun�t dW uid rea�onabb aUmMen at oxpendiwna of futuro <br /> - 8�aow Itenu or Wherwl�e in axord�noe wl�h�pplicable I�w. <br /> ' The Punda Wull bo hald in an insuitution whao dqx�ritr iue Inwrod by p tafer�l �ency. i�utrumeaWity, or entUy <br /> ' (iocludin�l.pido�,if L.�nde�i�wch�n irutitulfonl ar in any Federal H�mo I.,o�n Brnk. l.ender stwll+ipply�he Funla to p�y tho <br /> Facrow flem�. Lender m�y nM chu�e Bnm�wcr G�r haldin�wMl qpplyina the FuMr.umwnlly uudyzin�!bo armw Noo� <br /> vsrifyin�Iho&orow Item�,unl�.l.a�de�pay�bcNmwer intercu on�ho Fund.wwl applicible I�w permii�I.ender to mAlco�uch <br /> �ch�tpa.Hnwove�.l.cnde�nuy ioyuiro B�rmwor to pay N o�e•lime charyo far on iixlcpcmlent nyl e�lue tAK ropoKlnR arviw <br /> u�ed by Lender in oonnoctlnn wi�h Ihla laan, unleax epplfcablc Iww provldea �xherwi�c. Unlexx wn pgrocmont ir mado or <br /> �ppflcablo low roquircx intercat to bo p�ld, Lemler rhwll not be requirod to pay Borrowcr eny iMerrxt or earning�on tho Funda. <br /> Borrowea�and tander m�y+��roo in wrfNng. huwever.�hpt intercst eholl bo puid on �he Fandr. Lcnder alwll give to Borrower, <br /> wlthout charlte. an�ntwd accountinR�f the Funds. showing c�dits end debils a► the Fande and the purpose for which each <br />- debit to tho Funde was inade.The Funds ure plodgod as additional sccu�iry far all Rums r,ecured by this Securlty Instrument. <br />�= If the Funds Neld by I.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law.l.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> - for the exass Funde in accordance with the�equirements of s�ppliceble law. If the am�unt of U�e Funds held by l.ender at�ny <br /> '� time is not suff3cient to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender may so notify Borrowe�in wdting,end,in such case 9orrower <br /> shall pay to Lender the amoum necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall rnake up the defkiency in no mot+e thon <br />-� twelve monthly payments,at L.ender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon ps►ymrnt in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumeni. LenJer sba01 promptly refund tu Borrower any <br /> �� FutKls held by Lender.If,und�r paragraph 21,L.ender shal�suquire or sell the PropeA�•. �.zntkr, priar to ttie acqu+s�►ion or sale <br /> '�t �x;�t;�. of the Property,shall apply any Funds held b}l.ende�at the time of acyui�ilion or cela us A enedic against the sums secured by <br />- . � :,, - <br /> '' ,��� Ihia Security lawtrument. - <br /> `,�,"'�""�```'`i 3.A kation of Pa eats. Unlexs a lirable law rovides atherwis�,all ments recelved b Lender uncler ra ha - <br />_�:;, ,�# pP� Ym Pp P WY > P�@ P <br />�<< y'r- 1 and'! shall be applied: first, to any prepayment chargrs due under the Note; sec�nd, tn amounts payable under paragraph 2; _ <br />-�-�r��'°` interest due; fourth,to principal due:and la.4t,t�any late churges due undrr�he Nate. <br /> '"� 4.CFwrges; Lierts. Borrower shull puy all tvxes,assessments,chArges, fines�nd irnpositions att�ibuteble to the Property <br />�I'T� <br /> - which may attai� prfo�lty over this Security lnstrument. and leaschotd puyment�or ground rcnts, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> li atians in the mnnner rovided in ura ru h 2, or if nut id in�ha�msinner,Borrower shull pay them on time directly <br /> theae ob P P B P Pa <br /> B <br /> � �� to the person owed payment. Borrower shul I pmmptly furnish io Lender ull notices of�mourn+to be pnid unde�this paragraph. <br /> `S'�`':;�;; If Honower mekes these payments direcUy, Borrower sha11 pmmptly furni�h�o L.ende�receipts evidencing the pay�tnents. <br /> �� �� Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which huc priority over�hiK 5ecuri[y I n.trument unless Bonower. (a1 agrees in <br />.`'.:, � = writing to the peyment of the nbligution secu��d by the li�n in a manner accept•rbk to Lender,(b)contes�s in gaad faith the lien <br />,�:;,tt �.���� Y, g !� P 8' P P� p <br /> � ,rz��.tr.,�.•, b or dePenda u ainst enforcement of the lien in. Ie al rocecciin � which in Ihe l.erxkr'c o iniun o rnte to revent the <br /> -�����:��� <br />_=;,;;� `��r. �,�� ; enfarcement of the lien;or(c)secures fram the holder�it Ihe lien un agrcement sutisfactcxy to L.ei�der subordioaling the lien to <br /> ,��.7�'' � this Securiry Instrument. If l.ender detcrmines�hat uny pan af�he Pr��peny is subjer� ta u licn which muy uttain�rioriry ovcr <br /> `�. s.• . :�, � <br /> " � i this Security Instrument, Lcnder may give Borr��wrr u notirr iJentifying the lien.Burruwcr.hall wti.fy the lien ur take one or <br /> �:�,-• `�'""��' more of the acuons set forth above within IU deya uf'thc giving ul'iwlice. - <br />,,. •�,:;; � . <br /> • ';�:°`:�•wv. Ram 3026 YIaO <br />