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_ _�.� — -�.-�-- . <br /> —` --- . .. >>. ' • . , . ,. '"::�i;:SR�.*;.:� f,�".`_ :... _ <br /> ^ • . � . . • ,.. . �' ��.. `. . { °.% •�„ . <br /> . �ie�e�r�..Naer w�rio.+: '[1�.�rwmnoe e�ir p.�1M�wnna rlwY b.aqo.M rj►�onowK�a t.wMw'� . . <br /> � � �prnna)w�6ot�i�il wit w br�u4�yr wllliiNlO. If/or��fYW 1�ariN1�Ma�d�orJiy i�►w.L��r w,►.at - <br /> r,�1�e�b�,�06��cv�e��e�Opq�ot L�dKti �1M M�r000iirw�qh pwyMph 7. <br /> Ap inar�rnoe poli�a��� a�d w�twalr tWl M M►!� 1r ri�nd�ll IncWds K�p�ndad diwre, i�d� <br /> � �. �I!hare die ri�Mt w I�aid d�e�toiicla aail�anervda.�i.endnr taquinn.Ilaro+wr�Yq p�oatpNy�fv��a wnder�II n�qdpl� , <br /> aP pidd pe�bnae�nd ro�w�t Adio�. W d�e wdnt o(IaM.�awwat rItNU�Iw¢ia�pt aotk�e W tiw Inrurana c�r1K ald <br /> I.wder. L�e�n�y mdoe piootat IoWt Kuot�a�de{KaatplY bl►Banower• <br /> --. Udess L.eadcr�ad Bamwa ashc�vlsc a�sec�n�rr�ht�.lnsnrenrcr�mceed�alnll6e y�p8ed to rn+nrrntir��r r�it d <br /> d�n K da ne�oor�ion or tep�ir 1�aooeo�nir�Uy ble �nd 1„a�ierl�exudly i�tat Mwned. yf d� , <br /> p�or�not eoaamM�lly h�ibla a�r I.endarY�epuity wauld be 1�tbe in�w�u�oe pooMd�t6v16s <br /> .ppNea w the �wn.maaea by thi,s«a�r�cy la�huma�t,whett�or na dien aue�witb�ny e�rc«�.pdd to Banu�ar. u <br /> Barow�er�6�ndo��the Ptopaty.or doa�wt�mwer wUbin 30 d�ys a notica fiom L,e�drr dta t!a i�r�,eranoe c�tler bu <br /> atfa�ed w�ttle�cl�im.tM La�der auy collact the�su�noo proceeds. l,enQp�m�y uce the pssx�fo or m�to�e <br /> the Propeety or�o pyr s�a��ocarod b�►dd�Saakity inwumait.wl�etl�r or not dia�due. 'ti�30�d�Y P�� �.� <br /> the noiloe is ei�va�. � <br /> Udoa L�a+lec�ad 8onowa athNv�e qroa�n wridn�,any appli�:�dan oP p0000d�w principd thdl nat szte�M ar <br /> — pa�poae 16n dwe�wl�le d t1�e monddY P�Y��fened to io piva�raplu 1�nd 2 oc chanQe the�mow�t ot doa�ayma�t IP <br /> _ wbei',��r#p�h 21.4�+�ut�aNaed by Ira�der.Bo�mwerti�i�t b�oy jnauanoe policla�ad p000eeds�sul�dn� <br /> frprw+��i�a to�th�A,bp�e,ny� m d�e�cqu�idon sh�ll pw�a Lader a N�e e�e�t af d�e aan roaMed by�his Secrity <br /> ��Oo��y� Mwb�noe Propeety �arow�9 I.or <br /> a�d PNat�ction of tMe <br />- - _ - — 1w�erddr. Har�rov�er dWl occupy,issu►Wi�:+.wd we the Property�s Bo�mwerk priacipl erside�sca rYqhi� d��a01� <br /> - —_ - . tbo axecution m ibic�ec�uiry�c u�itl•s�aii cunii� iv uu�aPr�g*�Y���p�irpipai ��' .aoe rae� _ <br /> least one year aRa tbe date of oecup�ncy. ual�as C�aadtr otf�ervrise ��oa in writing, which cvacent s1aU�aot bc <br /> - - ----- �wneinaoably wid�held.or unless exteuwdng clrcumstanr:;oxist which aro bayand Bormwert eonhol. Barn�war sfi�ali�ot . <br /> de3d�oY. «�P���Y•�+llaw the perty w carunit wa�tc on tbe Prope�ty. Bont��ver shali . <br /> be in default i my fafeidue�ction or pracevdins�whetf�er civil or crimin�l.l�be�un th�t i�Lemierl�=ood hith j�d�nent � <br /> _ crould t�esuk in.�Otfeltune of the Property or otherwise mueriUly impair 1he Ikn created by thls Securiry Insaurt�a�t ar •' <br /> - l.rnderl�savrity intet�st. Botmwu may curo such a defauh and rein� provided in p�ragrnph 18,bY c�udn;the acdao <br /> - _ oar p�oce�ding W be dlsmissed with a ruling d�et,in Lender's good faith detem�in�an�Pnxludes fa�f'eitune of tbe Qotmwerl� <br /> ---- Inta�at in 1he Pmpe�ty or ottr�r materld impaim�ent of the Iten created by this Saurity Inatruma►t a l,rnderl�sowrity <br /> interest. Bormwa stWl alsa be in default if Barower� during the loan applicatian pax�:. S+ive m�terl�lly false ar <br /> inaccurate infamation a stucmans to Lender lor failed to provlde Lu�der wlth any muex�al infart�atfon)in oomectian wlth <br /> the laan evideMxd by the Note. including. but not limitod to. nutiuns conoeming Bormwer�occupaacy of the <br /> — P�opaty as a p�inciprl�esider�ce. If thl�Security InswRtent�on a��hoW.Bomower ahdl comply wllh�II the prwWons <br />---�<�,�� ot'the iease. !f Honovber acquires fee Ntle w the Property.�he kaaeiald and the fa tide shall not mer�e unlas l.ender�oes <br /> -- tothe merger in writing. � <br />_ ' 7. Protxctioo ot I.eader's Rt�hts In tlu 1'noperty. If Bomowe�fails to perfam tMe rnvawnts end uor:.�emmts <br /> �;;e contained in tBie Securlty Instrumen� or the� is u Iegal proceodi�g ttwt rrwy signiticandy�'ect L�ender�rights in tho � <br /> - Praperty(euch as a prooeeding in banktuptcy,probate,for mndemnadon or fodeitu�e or to enforce laws or regulatIons).then <br />`"''>,° Lender may do and pay for whstever is necessnry to protect the valuc of�he Property and Ltnder's dghts in the Property. <br /> - Lender�s actions may include payin$any sums securr.d by a Ikn which has priority over this Security Instrument,aq�pea�iag <br /> -" in canrt,prying rea.sonable attomeys'fces and entering ort¢i�e Property to m�e repeirs.Although Lcndar may talce sclian <br /> under this puagraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. <br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender undcr this parograph 7 shull become additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Secudty Inshument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms af amounts s�aall fiear interest from the <br /> date of disburscment At the Note rnte a�d shall be puyubk, with intecest, upon rrotice fmm Lender to Borrower requesting <br />- pnymenl. <br /> 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lendcr�equi�d monguQe insuronce aa a condidon of making�he loan secured by this <br /> s� Secudry Instrument. Bomower shull pay the prcmiumF rcquired to muintrun the mongage insurance in eti'cct. If,for any <br /> rcason. the mottgage insurence coveroge required by Lender lapses or ceuses to be in effect, Bomower shall pay the <br /> �,-,;'.' premiums required to obtain coverage substwuially eyufvulent �o �he mortgoge insurnnce previously in ef�bct, at a cost <br />:..}` substantu+lly equivatem to�he cost to Borrower of the mort�age insurance previously in cffect,from an altcrnatc mqrtgage <br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substantinlly equivnlent rmor�tgage insumnce coveruge Is not uvailuble.Borrowe�shall pay to <br /> Lendcr euch month a sum equal to onc-twelfth of thc yef�rly mo»gage in�urance premium being paid by Bomower when the <br /> insuronce coverage lupsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will uccept,utie and re�ain these payments ru a loss reserve in lieu <br />•.-,� of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required.At Ihe option af Lender,if mongage insurance <br /> � coverege(in the amount and for the period ihat l.ender requires)provided by Ln insu:er npproved by Lender again becomes <br /> � 'e',-1 ! ava�lable and is obtained.Bomower xhall puc the premiums required to maintuin mortgage insurunce in effea,or to provide a <br /> ; loss nserve,until�he requirement for mortgage in,urance ends in accardance wi�h�ny wrinen agreement between Bomnwer <br />`=` �ry_,:,r,': ' stnd L.ender or applic�►ble law. <br /> �� . -0�;,._.•�,., . 9. laspectbn. Lender or its ugent muy mukc nu.onuble entriex upon and in+pections of thc Property. Lender shall <br />�:ti � � .e��, ' give Borrower notice ut�he�ime of or prior to an inspec�ion sFxrifying reusonublc cuu.c for the inspertion. <br /> - . . .... ,.,, ;, IU. l:oamlemtlption. i he proceeds of any uward or cl•rim fur dunia}te+.Jirec�u��uu,�onne�:tfon with+u�� <br />- , '`.'���. •i <br /> . ,.. � Sing�r F�mily..Fanni�:�1�c�fre�Jie S9ec Uhl}Y1R�11ti5TRl�NENT••UNfortn Covenan4i 9/90 1/w+¢e���jb paxeal <br /> ,. ./.'' r"'.�. - <br /> ,il�+�,:_�!:i� �.y.r. •�. � Geat INn Borqes Fann inr.A = <br /> Yir.�(ttg.:-s•1����. l� Topd�CW:1�B00�6�1F90Y3CUnl�AIiNYI•t131 =. <br /> •k�I� <br /> r`k'��..�`��:(ii n <br /> � � Fe�Sti <br /> _r .ti���j �Y��� /,1 . �,�.�. ��'�����,'if�I �'}f- __._`�rR�'9"�w`r _.r`u` ------ .r�^� If-T..r�A'�T '°f.�' <br /> _ 'y �a'v9 . ,�.;;5.i . t_ �•1� �J� '}�qI ii'Z. 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