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�"���.��. T. . :� J:; ,. ..� �. _ <br /> — ra¢.:.,i ' • ' _ . t;���y,.��o-,1� �'u5u.11'L�M." : n.i-:far «�#�►.=_ <br /> :�� ,� , �t , �3.���;..:.• . -,_�� i,r� :,f< ��,, T. .— <br /> — � ., „ , „ . ...�' ` . '.%•i�,s., , •.''.�`�Q,. ���,„ „ ,.c .;.:.'.. ;,"'_�' - <br /> i�7"" _�:.:T._:- <br /> � .•'I�O�iI�'11�!W[t7�rl�In*vwes�'`'b0�r1r er I���IMIi iNOld m .rri .��.• •�` ''' .T�n� <br /> �� �w1�now ar bw��r�/�t a��l�t, �j. An wid�I��i�i1�AI�rNA.�w�I�pw��i�r �.= '_ <br /> 10 " � • • `�- . - ,au- <br /> — � Lab�� A11'otdie 1�aMoii�ib b�F�erad�d�MarNy���M dis"Fro�p. . :rr:- <br /> BORROwBR Oi)V�iAt�t!'�t6�a Hat:�oMer 1�IaMhlly:�d af��b�neby oonvsyad and�l�'tb`�d�t�o.�r�R ° '"'- <br /> � wd bonvCy tM and dut ths�4ropidty ii ae�l�ufi�flpiod�e�oep!t�ot enC9unbnu�ocs ot neco�d. Ba�rrower wntrMds�Nd <br /> � �vfl1 dd�a�d���citle a d�a�ft�ope�t!y�i!at rI1 cidau aod da�M,abject a�ry aoarNx�ao�s of ncad. . " <br /> TEUS SBCU�I't'Y INSTR!lMBATI'oambina unilhrm oo1vaanu tar natl�sl ua and aoa-udt�rm CovwwMt wkll � .. <br /> lipdtOd vtdatlofn by jutl+�dlcdon b calqippe a unifoRtl�ec�rlty iplqvtpea[oovalp�ra!pltrReny. . <br /> i.1NlPORM OUVENIINI�. Hamwet aad L�aider c�vaamt and a�+pa�follows: <br /> l. Pal�at d PrN�ctl�l�d I�ta�ati�7u�e�t�d L�te CM��n. Bamwer eh�U pnampit9 P�Y�due�dn <br /> p�i�ci�l aF aad intare:t aa dm debt evida�ced by tbe No�e�nd any Pn�Yma�t aM 4ue ch�e�et due unda�r die Nob. <br /> � 2„ I��s for 7trsea#tl I�oa Subject toq�Iicablc law or w a Mrittea wr�iva by f.ende�r.Barrawa�IWI p�y to <br /> l,a�det ao the duy moint6eiy pay�aa�U�ue due undcr d�e Nota.until tbe Note i:p�id in fulb+�wm("Pu�x4'7 for.(�)Y�Y . <br /> aucea�nd,�s wt�ich m*y Maio p�b�tY aver this Secu�icy fnsaumaK�t�lien on ehe�ro��erty;(b)Y�+ply lea+d'�otd <br /> . pymeats ar pvund raUa aa wo Pmpi�tyr. i�aay; ce) r«dy I�d or p�Q�c���(���b <br /> i�ure.�ca p�utuma.d anr, to)yearly imortY�Be inwrsa�oc p�anam.. u wy: <br /> � aoco�danoe wlth tha pmvi�vna of pa�rngry►6 lku of the p�yment ot mat�e insu�e pnewi�aa�. lbne <br /> ita�u am caUed'F.�crow�teiru."'i.endet msy.u�ny time.collect�rd iald Furwls iu aa�a�ount not to eacoD:t���t�e m�ucimum <br /> --• �pnount a knder far a 1'v�lcratly re�►ted mortg�ge losm,may�oqui�o for Bamw�rh escro�v�oou�uada i�ie•fala�It�al <br /> F�piYe Seulanent Pax:edures Act aP 1�I74 u amended fi�om tune to litpe. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et ieq-("RBSPA'ry.unkst attodMt•.. <br /> ------ — law deat applies oo tha Ibiids eets a le�cer�rt. lf w.l.a�der ocaq�,at aay time.cWlect md bWd E3ubt in en aaount ntit ta ��:. , <br />- -____- <br />