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__ _________ _ __ <br /> -�+a�.r,T=:. ir•.s kARl'..• yrsr� o . ....,�. �•+w . :�:,:�-'l�„ _=;��,— <br />. . . . .. /. .'\ii .. . �� �� , .� •_,.�...ul.'lat.���-i. <br /> � . '� - . . ' ' —_ <br /> ooNd�doN or aUR�R��Y P�d IM t� lor oo�b Wht�dor�d�ofaR.�t�y�d'!NI _ _- <br /> �b�tt rr p�i4 a LMd�r.. • . <br /> 61 d10�1IqIM�M folll f�kkls Of dN Plo{Nlfy.dM� *11 b�a���ID IhR 1101N M/0������� , , <br /> Irua+�n�aN.�wMidier or�ol�en due.whh�ny e�ow pr�d�0 8a+nowK b dr�wrt d�i p�l dd�A oE i�'b " _ <br /> w h i o h d i e t�i r m r l c e t v a 0 u e,p�e l l e P 1�P�Y i a m a d i N e l y betaro I b�l b�k i�b a q�1�lo a'�re�tlrn�M e�nowit af w� <br /> �ecueed by dd�8�kY OMrb+amant inwned�aly betlo�e t6e dci�,�teN Ba�o+wr a a d L e N d b r atl�wiu�pih i�wrMi�. <br /> �he��eciMed by dd��ecur9ty Imdnmait dNll he rodroed b�r 1Me��t d�Mp1 nNddpWd b�r�Me�►M� <br /> k�ctier+: (�)Mie�o W amount of�ha wms�eauad immedi�lely bel�an�he uki�,divM�ed by�(b)dia fi�awlcM w�R d Nr <br /> Phopaty inMaie�lely befarc dw hkM�. My b�heoe�Inq be prW b�rqwa: In the avmt of�prtiat�af�M . <br /> Prope�ty in which the fiir mulcet v�lue ot tbe P�apatty iarae�elY beforo the Wcin�i�ka ebn die�mount of �urw <br /> iecurod immodGuely baPa�s the u�Cin�,unless Bano+Mer a�d La�dar o�herw�e�roe in wrltins a unla�qiplkabb I�w <br /> atherwi�o qovideR ths pnooeeila�ll bo applied w the wra�fecmod by tl�i�Secu�ity 1a�wcapk wl�qbar�ar not da w�am <br /> � If the�lrapaty i�ab�ndonod by Bonower.or�er nutloe by l.ender to Bor�rer du��da oorder�ar dka w�aal�e <br /> �n awrd or eeuk�cl�im fin�dams�es.Ban�w�er feil�w neRpond w i.ender wi�hn 3D day�afl�r t6e dqe tYe no�ioe i��vea. <br /> I.eMer i�wthotized w colkct aad�ppty�he prooeodti�t iu aption,eitlKr w�woirtim ar iep�ir d d�e PraQnty ar b�Ma <br /> wms cavrcd by this Sxuriry inw�aa�t.wl�lier or not thm due. <br /> Uatas I.ender and Barower adrccwl+e�pee in writin�.�nyq�ptiation af poceods a pri�ipd�II�wt e�raid a <br /> poWpone the due date of die marhl�payments nefrned to ia para�aplu 1 and 2 ar cWngo d�o�unoa�u of wch p�ya�enc�. <br /> ll. �oer+�wer Nat RRlm�ed; 1�6eara�ae By A.e�der Not a Wiiv�er. Est�cn�n of�he tlme fat pyme�t ar <br /> modiPication of anatiz�tian oP die aums secwed by this Security Iniwment gnntod lry�:�ndcr w any wcas�or in in�est <br /> d Bonnw�sha{I n�x'ppa�te to rekase 1be Ii�bWty of the ori�inal8amr�r or Batro�erl�suoo�s�in inta�st,l�a�der <br /> aw�ii ayi Uc�Cyu��tiu ICi��uiRn�.t �ii"w"�l:�.: p�IL'S��"�tT.ti�1�tC.� M iL'fSlS�!Q dl��t:r..����� � � <br /> .whcr��ise modify amoNzadon c�ttbe cums secun�d iry Uus Socwity Inshumcnt by reacoa of any danand mwle by d�e t�i�ul <br /> 8oui+xyua ar Barrower�succcssc�rs ia iotae��t. Aqy fa��ce by Luder in�uc�nQ w9 ei�ht a�emedy sla►q aat fie a <br />� waiver of or proclude the exercise.of ony right ar�+anody. <br />� !2 S�caoors a�d As�ns 8oa�d;Joi�t aud Several Lbbility:Co-si�en. '�Ne oove�nts�nd a�neana�ts of t61s <br />� Secwity lnstn�rnau shall bind and bene�t ti�e�sacoesco�s ard acsigns of I..ender and dortawer.salsjea ta th�povisions of <br />' paragraph 17. Bormwer�a cave�nncs und ug�eements shall be joint�nd several.My 8omow�er a�tio c�•�igns this Securiry <br /> Insavmem 6ut das nat euocute the Note: (a)is ao-signing this Security Inswment oaly a mortgpge�grant�nd oonvey dut <br /> Bonower'a interest in the Propeny.under the terms o�f this Socurily inswment; (b)Is not gcrsonally aMigated w pay die wms <br /> securod by this Secudty lt�swment:and(¢)a8�'xs tlwt l.rnder and my other Borroweir ru:r��grae to esta�d.modifY.fa�be�r <br /> or make any acoommodatiais with regiud to the tenns of d�is Securiry L4wnunaK or 1be Nae wltt�out dut Barro�al� . .� <br /> oonsen� � <br /> 13. I.a�n Char�es. If the Ipan seru�ed by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a luw whkh sets maximam lain . <br /> charges,and Ihat IAw is fmaliy inteTpnted so tlwt the inte�esc a di�er fuan ct+arj�s coliet�tect or to�a.colk�d ia r� <br /> wit��he loan excced the perniitted limits.�hen: (a)any suc�tc�an chorge slwll6e reduced by the amaunt neoesssuy[o e�duoe <br /> the charge w the pem�itted limit;and(b)any sums already colkctod from Bornower which exceeded permittod IimiN;:w�U be <br /> nefuncied to Bormwer. Lender rnay choose to make this refund by��cing Uie prir�cipal owed under�he Note or by making a <br /> dircct payment to Borrower. [t'a tefund neduces principal.�he reduction will be tre�tod as a partial prepayment widiout any <br />• p�epaymcnt charge under the Nate. <br /> 14. Notices. My rattce to Bomnwer providcd for in this Securiry Inswment shall be given by dclivering it or by <br />, mailing it by first class muil unless applicable law requires use of onother method.TNe nwice shall be dirxted w the Propetty <br /> Address or ony dher addrcs.4 Borrower designates by notice to l.ender. My notice to I.ender slwll be givrn by fuat class <br /> meil to l.ender's Addness swted herein ur s+ny aher address Lender designates by notice to Qorrowe�. Any ndlce pmvided for <br /> in thia Secu�ity Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bormwer or I.ender when given as provided in this <br /> Rur�ftraPh• <br /> 13. Governing; Severability. This Security Instrument shall bc govemed by fedem! law And the law of the <br /> juri,(liclian in which the Propeny is Iceated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Insuument or thc Not¢ <br /> con9iicts with upplicable low,�uch conflict sholl not affect other provisions of this Security lnstrumenl or 1he Note which can <br /> be given eff'ect withou�the confllecing prnvision. To this end the pmvisions of this Security Instnunent and the Note are <br /> dvclnred to 6e severable. <br />� t6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower sh�ll be given one conformed rnpy of the Note sind of this Securirty Insqument. <br /> 17. 7�ansfer of lhe Properly or a Beneflcial lateresl in Borrower. If all or an�•part of the Propeny or any intercst in <br /> it is sold or tnmxferned(or iY A beneficiul interes� in Borrowcr is�old or lransfemed and Borrower is not a natural person) <br /> without Lender�prior wrinen tonsent.Lender may,at i�s option,reyuirc immedinte payrRent in full of oll sums secured by <br /> thix Security Instrument. However,this option shull not be exe�ised by Lender if exe��se is prohibikd by federal law us of <br /> .he date of this Securiry Instroment. <br /> If Lende�ezereises this option.Lender shull give Borrower notice af accelemtion. The notice shalo provide a period of <br /> not less than 3C duys fran Ihe dale�he notice i�delivered cx mailed wi�hin�vhich Borrower must pay ol)�ums secured�hy this <br /> , � Security Instrument. If Borro��er fuils to pay these sums p�ior 10 thr expirLtion of Ihis period. Lender may incnke any <br /> rrmedies permitted by this Security Inslniment without fur�her notice or demund on Borrowcr. <br /> 1& Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower mee�s cenain condition,. Borrower tihall huve thc right to hnve — <br /> � enforcement of this Serurity Inslrument di+rontinued at am lime prior to�h�e,�rlier�f� Ia►S dny.Ior:uch rnher�+erirxi ac <br /> Slnptr Family--Fannk Nae/Ft�eddk Nac t'�IFnRN IN!i7'NllNF.NT••Unifom�Co�rn.m� 919Y I�wR�4 njd/wRt.0 <br /> . _ ._. ;��; �:_:�, ,e,.:.r.: ��.rtF+ .��. .. . .�PIw. . .r:., � ' .. ..t'n� -- <br /> 3i4 '97�!_ <br /> --•- -� -�w- , , . .,,..•.�.t .<'•''.S�i��� t �': .fL`_ <br /> _ .:-� , � „ . . - . . ,.�.r����i�-- - , ..-,i. t1 ._,��• ..�_ ...�.+:_a•s _ <br /> _ __���Eet..�' . ' ' . -- • . . . . . � i'.', i�.w ti.y�, . .,_. <br />..'..�:� .r , . . . � <br /> � ., � . <br /> . . ." " 1'�. . . � .. <br /> .... -+4';C_' _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ," _____" '_' _______"'"rC!..�N:��wtt_.�t.,?t.ctli�.i!�t_ ��[. -ti.S�i_•�_..a5a�. <br /> :�_•. <br /> .�,. _ <br /> z�vy..;,�.�ya : � - - - - - -- - -- - --- ---- ---1---- .-- — - - - -,-- _ <br /> .�rs7_eiS�::+�� ii. ' - .. r • y , . .., . 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