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y��6t r; -_.. .: � .;;:- L;�.a� .x��s .�: �= <br /> , . ',� . . . . � • ,..�.. <br /> 1. . . .. - . . .�� rr . � .. ' � "1�5 ti�� R.. -� <br /> ' p�yp�a�m�y ea I�e�b��e�uire���t fl��o�o�t o�Le�dee►��mafiye i�o�aov�e�e�ia 1��ma�aud ta�d�O pleio�A ., <br /> • drt la�der �ita4)pnoeld�d bY�u G�a�rPP�'�"'�bY Laeder�pia becanM�v�ilibb�ad i�oblala�d.Yotroiwr�I�II py , <br /> � ':tb°Pro�inn�n�i�'°d tq,nWdala a�oA�e in�ur�aoe M d�ict,oc 1�pawlde�ba n�rewe�uaW d�p nqMi�r�1ar rwel� <br /> � �, " io�wnoe epd�ta aocond�noe rriM��sitton y�eemeyt bptweea�ono�ar�nd LeRdar ur�ppfiF�bM irw. <br /> � • !.I�e�iw.t,adee a�it��ea a�q►mdro ro�b adrla�u�on aod iaipealan d tbe Pmp�rty. L�ndet+A�U fiw .,: ,:,,�;. <br /> � �er mtke�t rhe Nut ot ar prtor to an impxti�a�ped�YluY ra�tunrb{e cyuw tix tMi i�trpectim. ,. , . . <br /> 1�.Cwwd�wrl�.The pmoeab of any�wiu+A or ddm for d�a.diroot or axroocNa�tW. in ootu�eadon wltb�ay <br /> ca�ndema�tion ar athar p�iq�ot aqy pnt af�he Propaty.a for ooar+�ya�oe ia liw of aoadeamMion�an bxtiby ad�ned aod <br /> . tbap be lrsid ta I.rnder. <br /> ' I��he avau of a tnpd qJcin�of tue P�oparty.the qqoeedt�II be�pliod w�hc wna recurod by thi�Seeudty 1a�runtpM� <br /> ,whother ar nw then due.witb any oxaeu paW to Bor�awer. in tho avent of�p�utiwl tdcin�of the Propaty in which the fdr <br /> m�kat wlue ot the Penpaiy immedlaaly baforo tbe Wcieg i�a�wl w ar anata Uun tha anoiun of tho auno�oaued by thi� <br /> � Savrity Iruruumeat immedi�tely beforo the tnkin�.unle�Bornower atd l�ender otlkrwlce a�roe in wridn�.tbe wm�iea�rod by <br /> thic Secnrity Incdument �II be roduood by 1he unount of the prooeeda mullipUed by tbe fdbwiaQ fnction: (s)the toW <br /> unount oP Ii�e suare securod 1m�nedi�ely bcfao tde WciaQ.dividal by(b)the fdr awket vaMae af t1e PropntY��Y <br /> beiae tha tdd�g, Aqy b�l�ax e1W1 be paiit�to Hormwa. In the event of a p�uti�l t�k�of the Prapnty ia which the fdr . <br /> aw#a v�i�e of u�e l�rope�ty irtunieaiMel�r h�fone ak aJ�g is las upa�the wnowK of Wo sumc caaunoa im�noai�lely eaPone the : <br /> . u13o,�,unloss Bonow�aad landcr oN�a'wise agnc ia.rritin�or udecs�pplicablo lavr otlwvvice provWes.the prooeed�tMN <br /> bo�pplied w 1he sums cew�cd by this 3ecudty Instwmait vrhetlror or pot the wms am lhea due. <br /> lf the Propaty�is�6andoned by Borrowa,or iG�fter natioe by l.ender to Botmwer tlwt the oondemna off'as to m�ke an , <br /> awud or reule a clsim for dar�naaes.Horrower fdls w r�ond to i.emlor withio 30 d�u►d after t6e dato tha notia is ldvea. <br /> Len�ier is auti�r��od ta oalleca:u�i q�ply the p� i��ptba,el�l�r ta nston�n or*cp�ir af ine Pmpr�tY o*W�e wra� <br /> seCUrod by this�Security Instn�a�►ent.whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender aM Borrower otherwi.e ag�ne in writ�nB. anY application of pr000eds ta prineipal shall not extad or <br /> po�tpat�e the due date of the monthly payments rcfen+ed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> ]1.Borro�ver Not Re7epsad;ForbearAna By l.eade�r Not a Wniver.Bxtension of thc time for payment o�modification • <br /> of su�wrtizotion of the sums secured by this Security Instrwn►��nt grnnced by Lender ta aoy successar in interest of 8omawer shall <br /> not operue to rclease the liabilicy of the orlgitwl Borrower or Hocmwer's suooessors in intetrst. I.cnder shall not be roquirod to,� <br /> � oomn�ence proceedings a�ainst any sucoessc�r in interat or refuse w ex¢�d time for payment or atherwfse modify amortiz�tia� '� <br /> of the sumc sec��a1 by thia Sccur�ty Instrument by reason of eny��mand made by the original Bo�rower or Borcuwer's <br /> � sucassora in iptere�t. Any torbcurAnoe by l.a�der in e�cerci�in�any right or remedy siwll no►be a waiver of or preclude tha . <br /> atercise of any rigt t or rer�edy. � ' <br /> � i2. Suck�r��i �i�as Boand��oiM and �esaf L!al�kt;; �a-s��rrs. 'i'!x ca+.�et�ants asu! agt+xment.s of thia - <br /> � Savrity Instru�rtent sh�ll bind and henefit ttie succescors and assigns ut Ltnder at�! Bc�rrowet, subject to the proviaians of <br /> �• parag�aph 17. Borcowcr's oovenants and agreements shull be joint and several. Any Barrower who co-signs this Secur�ty <br /> �Instrument but daes not execute the Note: (a)ia co-signing this Security Instrumenl only to mort�age. grant and convey tlwt <br /> �Borrower's intcrest in the Property under the termc of�his Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligate�i to pay the sums <br /> socured by this Security Instniment;em1(c1 agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbear or <br /> � ms�ke any aocommodations wlth regard ta thc tenns of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrawer's rnnsent. <br /> 13.Loan Charges.If the laan secured by this Securlty Instrument is gubject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, <br /> end that law is finally inlerpreted so that the interest or other loan churges collected or to be rnllected in rnnnection with the <br /> loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the sunount necessury to reduce the churge <br /> ta the permittod limit:ancl(b)uny sums nlneady collected from Borrower�vhich exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to muke this refund by reducing the prinripul owed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces �+rincipal, the reductior. will be i�eated us u paniai prepuyment without any <br /> prepayment charge under the Nate. <br /> . 14.NoNces.Any noti�'e ta Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by deliver�ng it or by mailing <br /> it by first class mail unless upplicuble law•requfres use oP another meth�xl.The nntice shall be directed to the Property Addr+ess <br /> or uny other addrekc Borrowor de�ignate+ fiy notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender snull be given by first class mail lo <br /> Lender's address stnted hercin or any other uddress l.ender dexignates by noti��c to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this <br /> �ecurity Instrument shall bz deemed to have bceR given to Borrower or Lendcr when given zi�pmvided in this pusigraph. <br /> lS.Governing; SeverAblllty. 7'his Security Imtrunicnt xhall bc govcrned by Federul luw und the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which Ihe Propcny is located. In the event Ihut uny provi+ion or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Notc <br /> conflicts with applirable Iaw�,such con(lict shull not uff'ect other provisions uf�his Security In,trument or the Nnte whinc�an be <br /> given effect without the conflicting provision. To�his end thc pruvisionti of this Seruriry Instrument and the Note ure declered <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Boreawer's Copy.9orruwer shal)he given�nr cnnforme�l rnpy of thc Note and nf this Serprify Inctn�ment <br /> Fam 3028 �/90 <br /> Pp��olb <br /> ��� rma.mi���ra --:i" � ' l _717l�$L'�`°�`�"'i.�'.' _ —— _ —_ ____. ._ <br /> a.rt r-m•� �r�� �`�.7`� i � eql .r ����( (y`',�'� s �r m• . . . _ <br /> . ° � � ' p/. Y h� •�6 �j iS.i�,fi' 4. 4 �i { 1 �� f�.�r��'� � ''�f��R cll�t+'4':�. <br /> .AL63Ex:� �it�..j�-���}L;rt1i�..� 'e�� ��ItY�s` iL,�'���,'�hiS����� _:.-I: ��.lr��j{lt'.''(,..K. — —g..�.�..a�i�e...=ue�ramn <br /> .,_.....a�^�mm.. f�4�\�� y � /.:..'�%i..w�t�(`" 4 �1 9'�=_���� <br /> "� --r--..� <br /> �.----- <br /> ��e�srre.^`EP;�s�u� .:-_- _�--. oa���r�17iw �� - �vyT`,y1��y,- c��r• �il . _"' . _ - . . . <br /> i,.:.�,� _��`�' 3{ � y'�S�f1f1��y I�?�#��[1 r , � • �. �� a �,r ,��yr+�+ , s <br /> . ., -•�3-m :�4. 1 � �-. t H;r,4�+' ' _ t1�P;��;3 �.+�a.+� cctyy*$t��"`°`�R`"'- <br /> _ `m.._�!R'- Nrb+►i+A16Y f,'.1' iif.?n ��r°,�E�ii�, - __ -- � ..---. <br /> {�� � �� • ~ ., � �•�?:Y�S'4 r . i"�"�''�47!7R�''ev;,1T'.'• � P�7j ''".'�°°'�._ �.__� " _ <br /> �` � >.�.. eJ ti..'r .�1.'c� : a•u ��y � •, �'•c, i i�: :ti}a • �t 1 . .5�'�d�i Tt i7W' r.-y` � <br /> ,�,,� s r •1�r:�; a � � ..:;,.�J�. . �: h c r�t. . ;�, + '� 1 f� i �{: <br /> -e: �.. �� i..Y � :;.;�r��' J y.F .Y �t- ?p.� �,`v, ��., � -•,_ s�[�. . .y���y}x1u��� <br /> i,.-.�. -_ '1��F�j�''1 ',l fr° .•�' °� o ft�1 > 1�,.��}'L- tiH..'f � � bG��:�����''"r'�� ,ra• ,i(` a.�. �iW.V,'1`�Y�i 1.�I ���� A... <br /> d,..�1np':• • i �e 4r4.cC���S`".�%•?`'t�c>` �7�, `��`�t�{`.' f�' y �r'7�R3r �1 o�i,�fit�j �3 <br /> �,g� ,�. -si>,.d.�..;hi;:? •� v,-C.:.{ �};.;���'�T';'�`:�R.•�� ;;�'�.!" . 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