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,��r�',tL .i�.._.a. n .� ...; . .. ....i � . , . . .. . ` 7,C �_��� .. . _���.� <br /> � ' n � . - , � -' . . . , .j��; <br /> Y7.'ltr�[ir�f IM�y�A Mdk�1�urt It ain+aNw�.u�II ar p�ct ot d�e P�o�perty or a�y fa�att in it <br /> b wid o�traarl�mtied,�or it�6ee�eifd�al ia�are�t le A���tua�er i��oW ar tn��a�ed aad�1�not a n�tu�l perion wldnat <br /> . I,p►dar•i ptior �aatuaK, l.a+idor msy. at ia opdon� inynedi�te p►ymeat in A� of tll waa �by dds <br /> i�hnanei�.H�►w�ewar.tbi�u�aon�a.0 na be.xarwe�i�aau if eua�cbo a peoianhea by►r�da�l Irv..oi Ibe a.n <br /> u <br /> , otlhb Ia�auman. . <br /> If t�n�a e�aef�a thl�aptlou.'l�errier�II ive Bonowar aotioe ot aoodar�tba.7t�a nodoe�11 provWe�perlad ot not �� <br /> le�a Uuat 30 drys from Ihe data Itie notioe is del�vered or at�iled within which 8onnwer muq P�Y all suau► iewrod by tbls . <br /> Secudty UW�araeat.lf Aonawet f�il�topy Iho�o wm�pdor w the expinuion of thi�period�l.edkr aay i�voke aay naaedia , <br />-------- -- ���omower�I�uaumntt wltl�out fweth�noUce or damnd on Normwa. <br /> — 18. 'n I�ht te� Mtd�MUe. If Borrower meets oeert�in oondidoaa. Bonower �11 lu�ve tha right w I�vo <br /> 'enfonaar�ent ot Ilds Secudty Impumlot dl�twod M�py tiate prlar w the eulia af: (a)3 d�ys (or such ather perlad�s <br /> �ppllcaWe law m�Y speclfy for �oln�temau)baforo ule of the Propaty punuwu to any power of aale aontained in thi� <br /> &e�urit3►laonumeat:or(b)a�Y ot�Jud�maK enfondn�thi�Savdty Incaumait.'I1�o�e oonditia��re�wt Borrower:(Upa�r+ � <br /> lrcnder dl wms which tben w�oqiQ'be doe uMer Iids Security Irowmcnt and the NWe�s if oo�ooelo�ia�h�d acumad:(b) <br /> cuta any defAUlt of�oy otM�ooven�nt�or a�neauawa: (c)paya AII expence�im�s�ad in eofacinQ lfiia Seault!►1n�a�t• <br /> includi�g.but not Nmitod to.rea�a�tde mome�a•fas:and(d)tAkea wch�ct�o�n ms l.e+der nn�►�esu�o�lY �quiro w�u� <br /> — that�he lien of thie Securiqr ins�uman. Lcnder s ' 41s in thc Pruperty and 8nrcuwer's ablip�tion to 4q► dio a�un�s searod try <br /> Ihic security inwuma�t dn1! oontiqua la+c�ra�. Upoa neiosp�tconent by Bawuwe�. 'iiue Soa�ntY i�nm�at �nd d�e <br /> obligAtious socur4d haeb�r s�Jl nm�ia iWly effoative as if no�bn h*d aoa�ned. 1#owevar.tb�ic rG�t w neiast�te sealp <br /> not�pp1y hi 1l�e c�co of aooda�tian wkkr p�u�gruph 17. � <br /> -f!, S�k�Nolei L'M�r�ot l.o�Sew4car. 71r� Note or A p�tial inter�e�t ia tha Note(to�ather wwth Ws Secyrity <br /> lustnw�eat)ms��r be sold oa�or aqr�t�s vriithout prior notiee to�twrower.A sate m�y�eculr in A chwn�� i�t0�e erNity(Icnoam <br /> �the"Loain Serviar')tuat rnlleets moiothiy pvyments due wde�the Note and this Secunty]nshument.7"O�ere�lso mey be one �� , <br /> _ _ ar�asr c'�- S�ef!!:e i.oan�tre�k�er unr�tnt!�to e selc�f�I�Nae.If therc ia a chanKc of thc l.aan Servicer.Sderowc�wil!be - <br />----� --��--..-.- -- _ givcn written notica of the change in accordana with paragroph 14 above arKl applicable Isw.The aotice will state tho �me and <br /> pddRSS of the new Loan Scrvicxr an�l the a�W�su to which paymentc W�ould be n�de.The natica will also contqin s�ny od�er <br />— infom�ation roquirod by applicable law. ' <br /> 20. Hazardat�SubeWoce�. Borrower shall not cause or permit the ptesence. use. disposal. storage, or releascs of any <br /> Haza�doua Subswnoes an or in the Property. liorcower shell not do. �a� aliaw anynne else to do. ru�ything af�'adng the . <br /> _ Property that is in violetion ot any Environn�►tal Law. The preading twn sentences shall notapply to the ptescnca,uc�e,or � <br />- - -- - storoge on the�rty of smail quantities of Hauudous Substunces that are genemlly recogniud to be a�►proprit�te ta nomwl <br /> -- rcsidential uses to maintetwnoa of thc Propeny. <br /> Borrower slall psomptly give I.ender written natice of any investigation,claim. demand.lawsuit or other actian by ony <br /> = govemmental ar regulalory agertcy or private pany involving the Pmpeny And uny Hazardoua Substance or Environmental law <br /> of which Borrower i�actual knowladge. If Barrower learns.or is notifiod by any gavernmentel or r+egulatory authority,that <br /> eny�moval or other remodietian of any Hazurdaus Subswnce affecting the Pro�erty ia naxssary,Borrower ehell prornptly toke <br />-_ — all nocessury rcmedial�ctions in aceordance wUh Environmenlal Law. <br /> -- As uscd fss this paragraph 20. `Ha7ardous Subsi�:'�re shose sssbsla�sees defsned as to�ic or hazra►dous substerct�hy <br /> «, Envirann�ental Luw and the following substunces: gusoline. kerosene, other Qummuble or toxic petroleu�n �roducts. toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides,valutile scdvents,materials rnntaining asbestos or formuldehyde.and radioactive matenals.As used in <br /> this paragreph 20, "�nvimnmentul" means federnl laws and luws of the ju�sdiction where the Prnpeny is locwed that <br /> 't �IatC lo iieallh. seiety or cnvironmental protectian. <br /> •S �� NUN-UPIIFORM COVENANTS. Botmwer und I.ender funhcr cnvennnt wxi ogroe us follows: <br /> ;{ 21.Accderation;Remedies. I.ender shell give natice to Barrower prior to accelerntbn following Bon�ower's breach <br /> of wny rnvc�nt or agreement in this Security Instrument lbut nat prbr to s�ccelerntlon under Paragroph 17 unles4 <br /> applkable Ipw provfdes athenrice).The notice shall specif�t (a)the default; (b)the actlon required to cure the defAUlt; <br /> 'k!�;`'ti (c)a date,not le�thpn 30 days from the date the notice IR given to Borrower�by which the default must be curcd;and <br /> ;; ,; ��'�.ts� �(d)tAat feilure to cure the default on or before the dale Rpecitied in the notice may resuk in accelernNon of Ihe sums <br /> �y,{ secared by this Security Instn�ment and sale af the Prapert��. The nntice shnll tutiher Iniarm Borrower of the�IRht to <br /> ' �it� . reinsl�te after Aeceleratlon and the right to bring a cuurt action to acSeM the nnn-existence uf a detoalt or any other <br /> r''j' defen4e oi Borrnwer to acceleration and sale. If the defpult i� not cured on or before the date spacitied in II�e notke, <br /> _ �.. > � I,ender. At its option, may re�quire immediate peyment in full nf all sumK zecured hy Ihis Security Ingtrument wlthout <br /> � further dcmand and may invoke the power of sale and any other rrmedie.r•pern�itted bv appIlruble law. I.ender sholl be <br /> .' , entitled to collect 911 expeases incurnd in punsuinR the n�medles provided In this paraRr�ph 21.includlnR,but nol IlrnRed <br /> '�S`•� �O�fCSWIRAMC 9U01'lICV6�fees end costH of title evidence. <br /> ' ti If thepo wer of sale is invoked� '�rustee shall nrord a notice of default in eanc �ountv in which aa�• part �f the <br /> , Propeirty Is N�cated and shall mail copies of such nmice fn the manner prescril►ed b�� appllca�►le law to Borrower und to <br /> '` t,��.::�' the other persons prescribed by applicable laa•.Aiter the time rcyuind bv applicublc lu�v,Tru�tee shall give public notice , <br /> � � ,„a� ot sale to the pciron.c und in the menncr prescrihcd b�•oppl(rnble law•. Tructm. w•ithnut demand on Hnrrower. Rhall scll <br />;.,�'�ti`�"''� 3t,�� tt�e Property at public auctfon to the hishest bidder at the timc and place und under the terms designaled in the notice of <br />-.:;� �,���t4•, sule in one or more parccls�nd in un}•ordcr Trustee determim�.Trusl�r mn�� po+tputNr sale of all ur any p�rccl ot Ihe <br /> �,•;,: Property by public announcemenl at the time and place oP any previ�wsl� rchcduMcl Kule. Lender or its desigaee moy <br /> �'��•4,;. purchase the Pn�erty at any sale. <br />- t..:�- <br /> ',�!,;' <br /> J�k s'':er.n�r.�E' ' <br /> --- -- �_ .,;r�._ <br /> '� �� Ponn 9o2s O�ou <br /> ,� '�:�,ti <br /> °:� . . rp�B o�9 <br /> - 'f, 7 j ��.. <br /> :.,,��:: <br />- `y�...u: . . . <br /> :�t ' .�-�� •a'�. <br /> �!-''}:r!';.'•:. <br /> :� . •�w`�'�yI������J.' � <br /> 'r ` ''r"Eg'` '4 , .. <br /> �} ���f`��� ..Y,r!q /� '�'�di � :�, � � <br /> �PJ.. �e :4�J�' `.�f:q F 'r� �S � ,� ��.7::+ .. � , `i I�;.,�:.. ,.:. ,.� ..`;�.�a.v r,,�^t1M!'1� i i��r <br /> �i �St '+s '' J. �{�'j, ) �� 1�1. � +� / ,tt �( - u •{�, �. <br /> '�i�' ,•i Z �<a� -!•t�jl��'�'�1�.�}�.L�'r,�•:f�'n�l�.l.i•'�.i'.,�1.y•��h1 (.�d.y �M�i '.i._.��..., a '`I j��d��� ! _i; Jt�' '. i� r:': <br />-.� {i t'° �S•!/i ����! 1 { �(� l� V y, �n,a��� ��j/,, . ����F.`.: ( «. ��.. 1 <br /> :..i� 4r:i'-:Ul��'ilA�RiiYL•��It1�t�Cti`.ii�n}�.4��iMt�N!"5���`X ,.u��-��..��.�:..�o ''�'�':.��?LLu�:a�.,..-"--- - <br /> fE a � ..F�.a�- �" -i �4{ii ,5"r ` T��^��t�i'`�A�f �.1' �', , . .��'��� ��� �C ��.a. '?!' �' �'`�^� ;� .`,:� }r-� SfiX.y�� }ri.u�l <br /> ��y� 0 1� �F '�r'"('�i,`?!, ` ,� ��!�+F^trli,�ut,'`_i� . v.--±; ,� �•,"t•. �rf.�4�,�►�,,���,}�5' ., �,��N�.` <br /> 1� , r t � , � .. . e � � �� <br /> ti! � �.'.it�wb b .�.,�f2rSi43�1r��{'�,3 ! �,�A) Ja ��� � R� ;,. ` ' ...y- ,�..;;! �'�1'1R:K -.jP. �CYa! � ii�-,x��.:'�tI`1}11��j/ � c�-,V."� <br /> {�' ... �� ` �Sir��� ^� ' 1 T�.fll � �!',y ... �i F`. �r tt� � '�'1 ���'/�.16- � riN...�r: <br /> �rr '� ' ' � —rc-�.,, r}� ���TTj,,;.*ct wr�r�ca,�7r:�— �,, + y.�_ a�c <br /> ' .l.:,i.'t'.i � 1�y1��".�? `��i'.xI �}{'��A;:.�'tAY � �i`,�.. �.'},, ;R. .��"5��'t7-.��:si..i�/'.n:,�. ,-, )�.�}��'� -1J1y,��I�ik'' , �11�.� ���1;- -1•!•.9'f�.�::.�6" <br />-'i� r r �1 `�. �t .t. f �'•�• �rc '�� -w � l. ,i�'x. �'.-,�+� "' 1� 4 i' K!''�•� , <br /> 'K ,� ���l ,� -t : itt``V`'����iyi�t' -�'` �- � i 5� A )� ��� --P� '.S.y f�,t ,��� i .��;� �. � •✓� i�' <br /> �c'a:- .f� . .!��� � tt,l'F`''.i�r� r '� .s ! r.t�.�`�i " y �t� � � � d•�f�' u. `i`l.�j j+;:�V����i`ti`t�i r L �ti[.k+J.,'ni*r'''S oi.;_. <br /> { `i a'.!Y :i � 1 J. 1 1 ,� <br /> „K� . �.p .Stlti, tlls`r ;�C 5 t' ��!'''.; ` � irp,3.�1�.;1. 5�,:�"'. ;�.�.',i�� .S'X}Y..,r�i;si• .��'.��7)f;���i�r�� .1.(� 5 .� t. � _ <br /> �- F ldl." J G l At(�_y•• '_�• rt' :t1� .! 1 ���..,. .��{��.. <br /> � .�k �' . �'� � �'C���. . t ��� ' � -��' � �,�.. <br /> '�1 �, �nL !")'L'.N �. t^,-. �/��i 7 5� t �. �i�. �' �j.�'• a.p •�i'i'.( l , I <br /> .it' .f�r _ �, •�r'r`y IS �� . ,j��: y ��� !',,�h, � �.� - � '�; •�,. �tir.7h", �1' � 1-„� �t- I�yS'��rI+.;�l•tft{ , <br /> � de:, � , "�'Fi;fi�;�.;� �'��y'.Y�v}}}��`-7� r j i)�/��J��+1:sfy{1.�'�'?�(' ��• N,��.,�:Y.+«1� S`�j� S��"� �-��S ��•l/�f'� :Y� 1.� � . �I <br /> f• y 7�' : . .,'Y.J� L.��'.,'�1.+'�iY�.l'�L�.�.' �1��1�� � � t,si)�7• � ��1i���7�1�t�Si �i�� ' <br /> �.Il!�^- �;,�•� '� u ':,. -� ,I1,; , •��r��! �, • { t l ����''�l' ��, f Y}rq>, yMt <br /> r -i` t - ! i.:�'. .i� �`�' �''�r�4� t- ��,.t`- J .. , �`;'�t?}�' 'S',i 51i1�i ti� . . , � . <br /> i�, �� .' , .;,. : J',��•� �, r� r,�� . :+. ;�t•;}�,,�, r x,�t� � ) �}� " <br /> �y��-��� ..'�.y f, :y. � � � �7 ���.. ���'' . {'Y\ y. J` .r+ /�1Z�' }�1 -A�.,'••.�� � .� <br /> - �.eC��Ss' � `,yt � . 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