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.�.�ro . : . . . ;. 9� . .� <br /> � . . . � � , � �1 . ��c;-- <br /> � '�� ��l'lI�R�fIlA1�Y�M. dolibWe��MII 1011�d�e i� IIdM Wt�t1q� 41' h0��11Rdt eH1�ed MI I�IS • - ,, <br /> . .. Pmpeny inau+m qpia�c tow ey nre.n.s�ro.taduuea writhin tbe ta�a •eatanaea aovar�e'«Aer biqpMd.�ladoal�ye <br /> . . � ttoa�or floadia�.for v�bicb tader roquita�inu�oaa.71ilt IaNU�noe�in11 ba a�niaired in Ihe�nwyat�aad�'or the porlods <br /> . •.tlut i�eoAa uequira.'11te InruHnob aMtiar Peor'idia��bt ie�un�od��11 be CM�e.n bY Da�ower�to��ad��r+�PP�O�`+� - <br /> .. wtAcb�li Aort be unreiw�tiblY whl�d. V Bo�row�et tdls�o�mda awar�e dq�cxibed�bova 1�e�dx m�y.l�bendr'� • <br /> optba,obl�in cove�pe to p�oteot I�ander'�ri�hu ia tbe Property ia�oca�d+inoe wi16�qn�h 7. <br /> AI! iiw�hooa Pdkia aM reaaw�ls�11 ba�ooept�ble to Lander ar!�11 iaclade�wadad d�at�o rlw�e. L�endar , <br /> �1u11�vo dre rijht to bold t1�pdidar wnd ro�awab.lf I.enda nquira.Botmwar�lall P�9�9 8�ve to Lender dl neodpu d , <br /> - - - - �. p�id p�and nnewal aoticc�.ia tho eva►t ot 1asa�8on�ower d�U�Ive prompt notioe to tho imu�noe camier ond Iwnde�. <br /> • ' 't;ander m�y mdce proot of low if not aa�d�Proa�MIY bY BOrmw�e*• �haU be Ued to�tora�ion ar r of tbe <br /> Udw t.arler�nd BoR�er dhawd�e�nea in wridn�.inwranoe pr000ed� +ipP � <br /> proppty d�ab� Ihe ra�t�tioa or repdr fs aoon�xeic�lly fe�ible and Lender's�aa�rlty i�nat lasccned.It the nator�tlon c�t <br /> � �i�i�rat ecanornic�lly fauibla or I.ender's iearity wauW be k�cnod.the inwcanoe prooeod�duil6e y+plied to the wa�u <br /> aaa�rod bY thio Sew�ity in�t. wbdher or noi tUea dae, witA airy eucaa paid 10 Borrnwu. If 8ormwar�bMdoo�the <br /> � Propaty� or doer nw aucarcr within 3(1 d�y�a naCioe 1'i�om imder�at tAe insw�nae canier h�c of�enod w r�dUe a daim,tben <br /> i,ader mty cdbct Ure inwrmoe prnoeeda. L�eader oo�Y u��4o Pooeed� �o ropair or natoro �he �rope�ty or to pq► amas <br /> aea�rod by Wi�Sxu�ity Ia�nnem.whaiier or not Wa�due.The 30d�y pa�iad wlll be�ln when the nosioe ie�ivea. <br /> Unka I.eader ad Bonawer o�hawise �+eo in vrriting. any appNcation oP procaeda w principl �11 aot e�ctead or <br /> poctpono the due dwto ot'�ha momhlY P�l�+�efared w in � 1 aM 2 or dm�gc the�anoua�t of the payma�u. If <br /> under pu�ph 21'tb�e P�opeity it aoqdired by lander.Borrowu's daht W any incunnoe policies wd pacoods Rsultia�from <br /> ,�::w,� dNn�e to�he Property prior w the�ul�itioa sf�ll pt�s w Lender w tho�tau of tbe waa�eourod by this Seq�rity Inurwqeat <br /> prior w the aoquWdon. <br /> i.Ooc�acy.Praa'v+ulo�.lllatekaa�oe wd P�+ntect4in of tre Pnnpnty:Bore+uwer's Loan ApplkAtiwni la�l�oldn. <br /> Borrawer i�w11 oocupy.estrblish.and use the Pmperty a:Bormwer'�principAl�idenoe wlthi�cizty dayi after thc execution of <br /> this Socudry Incwme�a and sh�ll oaiui�we w oxuP3�tha Pmperty�a Born�wer'p priacipl nesidence for At leust aoe yeur afta <br /> the d�te of oa��prncy,unless l.a�der atherwise agneer in wrfting.which wnsent slwll not be unmacombly withheld.or unkss <br /> extenuating circumcu�noa� exht which arc bey�nd Bon�nwa's ountrol. Bonnwer �11 not destroy. damage or impnir the <br /> P�opMy. �Ilow the Propaty to deterloaee. or comn�it wasta on the Property. Borrowu alwll be in dcfaWt if any for�'�iwn <br /> action or prooeodin�.whdher civi!or crlminol,is begu�that in[.a�der'e good faith judgment awld result in fort'eitune of tha <br /> Prope�ty or atlKrvvice m�terially impair the lien crr.ated by thi�Security Instrument or L,ender's savrity interest.Bomower may <br /> .ew+e weh a default and reinstate.u�provided bi prragraph 18,by causing the nction or proceoding w be dismicsed with��ulin� <br /> 'that. in L�ender's gaod•faith detecminAtlon. precludes fort'dwro of the Bornnwu's inteRSt in the Ptapet�y or othcr material <br /> _ impairmeiu of the iia►�cn�tad by this Socurity I�uaient ur Irrnrke's c�u�iiy interesi. iiorrawcr s8a8 �lsa!� ia dcf�tt it <br /> '�'��° Borrow�r.during the lostn epplicatinn proc�s.gave materially false or inaavrate infomwian or statements to Lender(ar f�iled <br /> .:-r.�n� <br /> -'�'�d� to provink.'l.ender with any material inrarn�ation)in connxtion w+ch the loan evidenccd by the Note,inchuling.but not iimited <br /> — ta.rep�tations conae,r�liog Bortawer'�oceup�ncy of the Pmpeuy as a p►incipul residenoe. If this Secuniay Instrument is on a <br /> ------- ' leacehpld. Borrowc�s��0 comply with all thc provisbns of the lease. if Horrower acquires fee title av the Property. U�e <br />___-_= � � Iwsehold and the Cee U�ie sha��rw►merge unless I.ender agrecs ta the merger in writing. <br /> -- = 7.PnotaKlon ot l.eader's ltiQhta in the Property.IP BoROw�er fails to perform the rnvenants and agreements conteinod in <br /> - � • �his Sec�arity lnstrument.or there is a legal proceeding that muy signif�cantly af�ect Lender's rights in tAe Property(such as a <br /> v_ ;' �.procceQing in bankrupery,probate, for condemnutian or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),tt�en Lender may do and <br /> _ _ pay for whatever is necessary to protect the velue oi the Property and L.ender's rights in the Pr�open}r. Lender's xtions may <br /> —�-- � includb paying any sums secured by a lien which he.s prioriry over this Secu�fty Instrument, appearing in couct, paying <br /> :.,.;.-,� reasonnb9e attorna�a'fees and entering on the Propeny to make m�irs.Although Lxnder mmy take action under thie,paragraph <br /> `"=� 7,Ixnder does not twve lo da so. <br /> •rx�,P,C�S�� � Any amounts dis�ursed by I.ender under this pnragraph 7 shull become addi�ional debt oi Bo�nower seoured by lhis <br />��%�u°� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and L.ender agree to other tcrms of pu;,rr:ent. Ihese s►mounls shull be:u interest from the <br /> _°---- � date of disbursement at the Note rate wid shull be pnyable, with interest, upon notice f�om l.ender to HaROwer tequesting <br /> - = Payment. <br />__===== 8.Mo�age Insuranee.lf I.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition of nwking ihe loan secured by this Security <br />�a�� Instrument. Bomc�wer shell pay the premiums requfred to muintain the monguge insurence in effect. If, for any reason, the <br />-`'C�� mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or cear,es to be in effect, Borrower shall puy the premiums required to <br /> '•��+^� oMnin covernge substantially equivalent tn the mortgage insurunce previously in effect, ut u cost sub4�antially equivalent ro the <br /> -�==-"�� wst to Boirower of the mortgage inwrance previously in effect, Pmm un alternntc mortgage insurer approved b}• Lender, lf <br /> �r,:�-.'[� subslant�al{y equivalent mortgage imuru��ce coveruge is�wt avai)able, Bormwer shall pay to Lender eaCh moMh u sum eyuul to <br /> '���3�� one-twelfth of the yearly mortgnge in9urunce premium being puid hy Born�wer when the insurance coverage lapsed nr ceasad to <br />�-°���•�y� be in effect.l.eader wil�accept,use and retain these psiyments us a loss reserve in lieu of mongage insurance. Loss reserve <br />�� Form 3028 9/80 <br />..u*P Pp0 3 0l 6 <br />_--,�;:� <br /> �:��.,�Y.t� <br /> - i14.� <br />-=r a'#HF�«�1� <br /> 1� _ • �'•'1=- <br /> ?J�� ' •.;�;;' }';:•;i:,, K• . ��,�,.��,� . . u r, . � ..:, . ' Y���`�-... <br /> .� (it :4�,: `:: f , � F .� 7..• ri�t '`.i;xt4 '�� ' -, ��.i� •�. <br /> unw � y , '.�� �� �l �. .,•"� _ tc.` t�nR:Y � -�T'�ti t � � �.t• .4�y+''-S <br /> ��i —�r.,cG:/. r'p�Y��� r .:. . }��y..L.'+. �� -,�tAtif..� r�,G,�. .- ��.{,I LO y i ,. . � <br /> _ '— _-_° '__ d'�63���. ri 'i ,' . � t�� 1� ��r�l����: i:ll ��lz� .4 j��1�.15 .�J �y tiQ�',(�t r� Su� - <br /> - -.. �yt��j�}a_i�i,la 1��� 4+ i f �l� � '},_'.L �...r.r.kfLx.4�.'5��+1.=tif u�.+rr. <br />,xs�_i,'� -- <br /> : ac� v.�kr , Tt,r ,.- °, ti }`�5"7, t1:i ��vr�ss3s�v,�.v�. � ��,Y� (�1�t�y. t,�.r-- , .��� _ - <br /> � - _.y�.�� ��1 a� •}.d r �+� ,�r�� 1, t '�;{ r7 1 r� r• :K�,.� _ .�-i 'I���s 1. j i��� `:- <br /> _,aa"L.l ����1 1 '1� �e`,Ya��y,tj�1�1 ��r�+� '.'��r�Q"*j�}�{� 4���t`!� .,,,N ���1 , ` ����i���Y'-���i'C <br /> � 7f�l�.•��iW�`�'i1 �SIP�RM V• ��l..\"i'� .���"'III:iK t M f 1SY1'A L. ti�: <br /> m -.-.w. a L l' 25e •.y A 6��•. n�'. t.e..t.. <br /> _ �`...'; ,y ,: .y"....'�'R[1,'',,yl,fA�..._�_.�_'-'^,F-,�+T n� ! 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