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.. ���. '�.�� . I !�„r�iI'f. r• �7!.:IA+/��'1m.i 19.. .y�y'�.✓nTi�{c:'�•+ _ <br /> 7 -- <br /> "�� ��- . � +��` � . . • <." :T`. ., ,; . ' . °`�` . . ;�� �,:y.___— <br /> � 1^'�1�61H8R.���/��.��11 Q10�t11�AV0A�01M�'00�/�R•60[�If�M'4�011 dM p10�ft�►.���� ' �,, o�AY,'-': <br /> /�11(it IIQN Of w�a�+� �� At(�IO �y., � 1{��p�llpllb � l�OIM.� � � ��°� � � =. <br /> ����0�01��0��1���0�� . � �l�p��y� . .n. <br /> � Hplti+oweR aovsNANY'�I dM�t 8o�t��+���Ae�at tba aaNe be�elry ouavay�«id,I��ri�t a o��il� ,^��4.: <br /> coavay Iho Pr+oputy�wd thrt ttie t�+op�pety ii w�a�fM�+��'���d'noo�d. �ortoyV�br w�r�ls Md�.,�_ �..•_.,� <br /> derme�onerauy tbe uNe w Ihe Piu�pwty�piert.0�wd aeep�na��al�eo►eo�n►�aoa�6naoe�of reoona. . <br /> . 77�[S SBCI)Rl1'Y B�TSPR111[itlaT caroWne�tmitd�m oqva�s k�r n�i a e�l We�n 4 .,�v a�w�a i t o�n a o v a�w�Q r�'��-.;•. � <br /> �nr�k+�b S►Jur�dia)oa co aotatilme R�diarn reoariry i�w+ioya4t uo�pri�t�P�b�• � ;c;,.`°: <br /> -- -��___ �COYBlVAN'[s.8orruwu aad I..cndear ccve�nt Aad�"as folM�r�: <br /> 1.l��t ot 1'�6Mdp�i Y/6Mw+�Mi� ����� �r0'�.�11 p�omptlY P�Y ���� <br /> pdodpl pf wd Intaaa on tbe debt evida�oed M thc Nate�nd.a�y ptepp►ment p�d liqe�due arwla�tbo Nate. <br /> Z.[+YMd�tor Tu�Mad Ul�orarar. S�bject ta applic�ble uw or to+�written w�iver 6y L.ader.8am�+ar�11 pry o4 <br /> t.eoder on�he dq a�onthlY payme�ue due uader�be Nota.uMil tho Noto ic p�id la tull.�wm('Fun�')fat:(�)ye�►uus <br /> aad�t�acanaM�wUkh aa�y�ttdn ptiority over tbi�Sxurity.Iniduman a a ilen m tbe Prope�ty:(b)YeulY Ia�d�OW P�Y�� <br /> or�round�on ttlie Ptopeity.if my:(c)Y�Y���P�Y la�uroaoe pirmi�mis:(d1 YduiY f1ooJ imurmoa pnmdum�. <br /> � iP ia�y;(c)Y�9�8��Ps'��•if aayt and(fl+�uuY�P�Y+�Ie by Ban+nwer to Laida'. in a000tdanoe wiW <br /> tdo pmvi�ioat aP pa+�ph 8.ia liqu of the p�y�aent ot atartg�ge insurat�o p�aniutn4.'l l�a itm�xro calied'Baxow Itaa�:' , .. <br /> La�der m�y� at my tLae. oollax�md bold Fnad:in aa wnomtt nat to ca000d tla a�zimu�n�aount�lenda far a taler�lly c�� <br /> � �elned awRg�e lom m4'r�u�K for Bo�ower'�escmw aooauim wider d�e feder�l Real Ewte Seulaoau Pmoedwes Act ot <br /> 1974 s�an�eoded from Wae co dme. 12 U.S.C. Secttan 2601 a aa/.("R&SPA").unlas�notba law tmt wpplies w U�i'utids . <br /> �w.w lee�.r araount. If�o.Leodar a� aay dme.uollart�ad hold Funda in an amount aot w auabad tha kuer�morut. <br /> ---- ----- i,�ndcr nqry estimotc tiie�nowu of Ruods due an the b�of cummt datn aad�u�ab�e esliQ�i r�wxpw3��f� _ <br /> B`aow Ite�or oUiervvise in A000rd�noe wIW appllcabk law. " <br /> The Nunds sh�ll be held in an inujtution whose deposit� arc insurod by • fadaral agency. ipswmr+rt+�li�t►. +�.��Y <br /> (inctuding I.cnder.if l,.e�rler is such an institutipn)or in aay Faderal Homo Lo�n Bank.4endet shall�pply tbe�i�v,to�Y d�e <br /> _ ' Fsc�.mw Itaas. Ler�der may not dwrge Borrawer for holdiog and applying thc PuMs.nnnually aa�lyr�,t u'1�e#cr;d�u;s�t�DOt� �. <br /> — veri�n�the Bscrow Itcros.unleas Laxkr pay4 Borrowar int�rest on 1hc�unds and appiicabk law p�wYCts A�eu�e'r�co�1�pice wch .i ,.,. <br /> a d�rrge. However,Ladcr may roqui�e Borrower to pay a one=tima cbarga for an inde.pc�de�t real'�aOSltq�c�'��..0�� <br /> used by Lender in wnnection with thie loan. unless epplicable law provldes atherwilsz. �olesr An'�greandn� � �de or <br /> _ applicable Iow roquires intenst w be paid.I�eMer sFwll not be rrquired to�ay Bortower pny l�uerest tx O�ngs on the Fwds. , <br /> Botmwer and L.andc�:nay agnee in writing.however.that inter+est slw!!�e jp�id on tha Funds.I.cndea�i�alt give w Borrower. <br />__. —_ _ _ _- - <br /> without ch� annwl aa�ountil�g of the Funds. showin�predits a�id c�bits to the Funds And the purpose for which e�ch <br /> debit lP the Funda was made.ifie Funds ue piodged as addi�6cn�u�ec.writy 1'or�1i surr�.c�rcd bY thds !y <br /> ���A If the Funds held by l.ender exooed the amounts per�aittccl t�be held by rpplicable law.[.ender stwll acoount w'1Borrower <br /> f��_; for►he exas.4 Funds in aocord�urce with�ha nquirements of upplicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by L'eqcirr At nny <br />-=-- --- . t�me ia not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items whe�due,Lender may so�wtify Bomower in writing,and,iA such c�sE'Borrowu <br />-`��.�� shall pay to L�dcr the amount necessary to�nnke up the dc3ciency. Borrower siwll malce up the deficieacy in nd�aare Nwn <br /> •" twelve monthlY I..ender's sole discretion. <br />.__ Upon puyment in full of�II sums securcd by this Security Inst�ument,L.ender shall promptiy refund to Borraw�r any <br /> _.��' Funds held by Lender. If. under paragraph 21,Lender shall acqui�e or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the ncquisition or sale <br /> �., of the Property,shall apply any Fwxts held by L.ender at�he time of acquisitian or salc as a c�dit a�einst tho sums secured by <br />�. this Security Inslrument. <br /> �,, ; 3.Applicatton of Hwymenta.Unless applicuble law provides othenvise.�II p•rymerota received by L.ender under paragrophs <br />`:-� '°- 1 and 2 shall be applied: first. ta anY Prepayment charges due under the Note;sernnd, w amounts p�yable under para�raph 2: _ <br />�;�� interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late cherges due under the Note. <br /> t�� • 4.Charges; I.lens. 6orrower shall pay aU�axes.assessments, ch,uges, fines and imposi�ions attributable to the Property <br /> ,�;1,� which may attain p�iori�y over this Security In;�irument. and Icaschold puyments or ground rents, if uny. Borrower shnll pay <br /> " y,����;L: these obligation�io Ihe manner provided in parugraph 2,or i!not paid in thot munner,Borrower sl�all pay them an time directly <br /> tr�:l�,,......`. <br /> , �;�.•� ,� , to the perwm owed payment. &�nowcr shall prompNy furni;h ai I.eruler all n��icex��f anxwn�s to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> ,i}.� <br /> _ y,�' � If Bc�rrower makes Ihese payments direcUy.&rrrowcr�huli promptly fumi,h to Lencicr rercipts evidencing the payments. <br /> `•�'`"�-'1�- ' � Borrower sha18 promptly disrh4rge any lien whirh has priority ovcr thi�Securiry Instrument unless Bnrrower.(u)agrees in <br /> '"�';�. -;�,i3=�•."�y V. ..;� <br />-: ��;r� �y i N writing to thr ps�yment of the obligution scrun�ci by the licn in a mumx�accepwble to Lender;(b)cantests in goad Faith the lien <br /> � by, or defends oguinst enPirrcement of tbe licn in. Irgal prucecJings wiiich in �hc Lrnder'x opinion operute to prevent the <br /> . ��. <br /> ��-�;'' ,•,��,,-.>.���a� • enforcement of�he lien;or Ic)�ecumti from the huldcr��f t�ec lien un agrecment �uti�l'actory to L.�nJer tiulxttdinutinr the lien ta � <br /> _ , '`�A`+ir` . ••. Y P� 1►� Y J' Y P � Y = <br /> ,;. ,�;�•;�.;�, � _ .` this Sccuriiy Inslrumcnt. If Lender detemiinc� thut un rrt oi ihc Pro r1 i+�ub��t to •r licn whi¢h mn nttain r+orit over <br /> ' :�� ~. .. ��:�� this S�urity ln.titrumen�. Leixicr muy give Bnrrower a notire idrntifying thr Ikn. &mow•er slwll ra►tisfy�he lien or wke one or - <br /> ���!�:. <br /> more of Iht nctions cet f�rth ahove within 10 di� the givinp of noticc. <br /> ' _ Fonn 302Y 9100 <br /> t�:�::.!�,���;.�;..�'��a� a�9+7o�6 _. <br /> _' ����h'."'��(,"_� - <br /> . 1 11 { y�l�'�. <br /> ' � ,-��� ��'l 'i1Y. f`. <br /> •f���.� <br /> � .ti't.i �.y. . <br /> '�;, I h Z• , ��ti�.. <br /> . tr�5/`vt��l3't '�� r _ �.� �2�_ , ,.J� { —-- .— = . <br /> � , \N '1 �� .[3.•'�'. .(-' t �.'�� ' \ ' • • ' 1- I l - •�' l�Kej„�� , . I ..��tiYP• :`N�' ''�..�-� Y , '� <br /> �.`�� Y�-�'•y �' 1 �+Ia+X:�.� . r�. •� 1 b.t•• - . 'G�. . �. .. � i . . J _ ����e .� ��. _ 't' 4 } k ib' . �'/ <br /> =.� � + '�,.`�'f��'e>+,-•.�. `{ri'1i! •',;�''�, ,`� i�t�`', z��,r`��o�.�.�,�..�,..�,. <br /> � w r •<<'�.;rAl"�`r,��: f_- ���r,� _.e.�o� :3=L.,.-�'a-�'r:-�;�4Gt.. �.:D'-��,�"--------- ---. <br /> «r'�;��'' 4? �' "�i. r - ' . .- r� - cv :i��AfJ�.� .l:.i-.m�.+ �;�+*�-"���;'. 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