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r. <br /> ,,.a. _' _ .� _ ,.. , . . . . p,s�c>r•�,��r�-�—?— �,•,. - - ._.._-.. <br /> � _....__,_' __ , • .v - � . , . — <br /> . � . . � � , .._.�c _ <br /> �;i,r�b��a����W P�����W�of fo�CoAwyMloO io 1!W of�pp,�.Mr 1�1�11i1'y III�f�111�, , :-- ` <br /> , �Iwll,b4 pdd a��and� . � • • „ <br /> � .� ln�ha evau at r wpl tddnt of tl�Prope�tY. die �,,��,eed� tiWl be�pplie�d�o ihe w��ecwed tiy � 9eaulty - <br /> a�a+w�M. wpa4ha�«na aNa dae�wltn.ny exaR.p�id w eo�row�. rn n�e.v�at ot�p.�std wcLt�or�be rtopeety in 1 <br /> which lbe fidt�rkat vdue of the Prope�ty imnedi�tely beli�o 1ho taklq�ir eqwl so ar�eafer tban the amouiK of the a�aa �� , <br /> wc�I�y Wt�puily Imq�anerM inumdi�bly 6efon tbe nkin�.unbts Baeower ad L�der ad�envl�n�pao ia wriHy. <br /> � �. �Ys w�m�acwsd by tbi� SecwitY la�cnuna�t�ha116e roduced the itnouet d�1iep�o multi�fedby the fdloMri ;- <br /> _. h�cdar. (s)ibe Iot�i�rt�ount ot the�na�wad Mnnadi�tely baf'ore Ihe dividecl�� f�m�ric � <br /> Nanedl�lel befam the Wcin M ba�lu�oe�b�11 be ��' bS'(b)the d wlue d'die <br /> �?� Y Y� Y P�ta 8orrower. In the ovent of�p�rtld uikin�ot Ibe = <br /> , ��urodyimrnaliatel�y 6efote t�he�tvting�unless Ba��r�nd iLender ahe�w�a�rea�� in wri��ku�ppUcable I�w <br /> ahawloe p�ovkloi,tho qa.�eods ohdl he�pplied w�he auna iecwed by thlt Secudty Mebument wi�elher or twt the wms ne <br /> U�due. <br /> If the Prop�e�ty is�bandonod by Borrower,ot�if,�fler natioe by I.ender to Botmwer tluU ihe candemaor oBas ta m�e <br /> m awwd ar sdtte�cleim tor dama�es.Bomnwer idls to respond w Lender withip 30 dwya after tho dpte the awico�s�iven. <br /> I.ender it authorlud w colloct and Apply tho pnnceals.At its option.either w�coondoo ar�pair of die Prope�ty�w die <br /> � Rwtu socured by this Savrity Inst�ument.whether or not then due. <br /> Unles�Lender and Bortower otherwisc�gnea in writing.any�p licstian of proceeds to principal sWll na ex�end ar <br /> pastpone�he due duo of the monthty payments rofemed ta in parng�aphR 1 aM 2 ar clwige the amowu of such p�ymaN:. <br /> 11. Qano�ver Nat Rde�ed; ForbeAr�noe By Lender Not A Witver. Extension of tue �ime for payment or <br /> - - � modificatioit oF�unorti�atian of tho cutns sxured by thi4 Security InstrwnaU gnnted by l.awk.r w.any wrxe!cso�r in iete�est . <br />- ---�--�-----�. of Bmroacr diall not c�perato to release the IiabilNy of 1he originel Barowcr or Ba�ower5�sa�oesso�s in interest.Lender <br /> ahall not be uired to commence pmceedinga ageinst any euccessor in interest or�efuse to exta�d urne far payment or <br /> - o1F�erwise md�y�monizution of the sums securcd by thie Secu�ity InstnKnent by�c�son of any dnnwnd mAde by the origind <br /> -- � Borrower or Barrowerk suceessors 1n inte�st. A�y forbearance by l.ender fn exer�ci�ln�any right ar mnedy shali not ba a <br /> waiver of or preclude the eae�ise of any dght or remedy. <br /> 1Z. Suoa�seors apd Assi�ns Bound;Jotat a�M Sevet�l Liabilit,y;Castgners.The covepants wd qg�oements of dds <br />'�"� i Socutity Instrwnent shell bind and benefit the auccxs,gors nnd essigns of L.ender and 8ormwer,subject ro tM p�ovi,cions of <br /> � p�ragreph l 7.Borrower�s covenants and agreemeMs sball be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs��his Security <br /> Inst�umem!wl doei no1 execute the IYwe: (a)is casigning this Securiry Instrument only to mortgage.grnnt�nd caQr.vey that <br /> "_ _ Bormwerk interest in the Prope�ty under the terms oi this Security Inslrument; (b)is not personally obligoted to p�y tJ�o sums <br /> _ sxurod 6y thl�Security Instrument;and(c)agrces ihat l,ender nr�d any dher Borrower may ugrce to exlend.madiBy,fortxar <br /> or mako Any�madatlans wlth regard ta the tern�s of�his Security (nsprument or the Note without that,gorrowerS� <br /> �onncant. <br /> r�� � I3. i.a�a�bargw. If�he loan secured by�his Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets mnximum loan <br /> ��' charges.and lhat lew-is finally interpreted so that the inler�st or other loan charges calkcted or to be collected in coe�nection <br /> ' with the loan exceed the aermitted Ilmits,then: (u)ony such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount aecessary to reduce <br />"'�'• ' t6e charge to Ihe permitted limit;nnd(b)any sumx alneady collected from Bomnwer which exceeded pennitted limil.c will he <br /> rcfuiMed lo Borrower. Lender mny choose to mnke�his rcfund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a , <br /> _ dlrect payment to Borrower. If u r�efund reduces principul,the reduction will be ueated us a partial prepayment wi�lwut any — <br /> ' prepayment chugc under the Note. <br /> 14. Notkrs. Any notice ta Borrower provided for io thix Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivering�t or by <br /> mailing it by�rst class muil unless applicable tuw requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Propeny <br /> Address a smy other siddress Borrower clesignates b�• natice to Lender. Any notice lo Lender shall be given by first cluss _ <br /> mail to Lender's address stated het+ein or anJ•ather address Lender dexignutes by notice to Borrower. Any notice prqvided for <br /> , in this Securiry Ins�rument xhall be deemed to huve bcen given to Borrower or Lender when given a.c pro�rided in this :': <br />":i�v pACi�,T'd{)�I• _. <br />-'';; � M '• IS. liuv,ernipg Law;SeverabiUty. This Securily Inslrument shAll be govenud by fedeml law and the iuw of the � <br /> ,;�� ! �.�� , jurisdictian in which the Property ir located. 1n Ihe event thul uny provi,i�n or cluuse af�his Securi�c In�rumeot or t0ie Nate �. <br />�;;;�;, canflicts wl�ti�ap;plicuble luw,such conflict shaU not.affect other provi.iun�of this Secudty In.r•trum�at or�he�Note which enn — <br />'-���s be given eitec��viihout the conflicting provision. Te� thix end the provisions of this 5ecurity Inatrument und th:Note aro — <br /> ... declared robesevernble. <br /> , r,'•': <br /> ���:;.;=t;�s�a:. 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shaq be�iven one cunformcd copy af the Note and of this Security Instrument. —. <br /> , .� '.�..�..:a:s:. l7. '11�dsf'er of the P�opeMy or a BeaeQc;s�l lnterest in Borrower. If nll or uny part of thr Pa�openy or any interest in <br />''��;, ,:;��: '��'`' it is sotd or tonxfemed Ior if u be�x:ficial intere�t in Barruwer is wld or transfermd and Borrower is not s�nutuml person) <br />_;�s, �:��:•:..},'., without Lenderc prior written consent, l.��der may,ut i1s oplion,rcquire immediote payment in fuil of all sums secured by — <br /> � J°''�� Ihi+Securily lnetrument. However,Ihis aptian ahall not br exercixed by Lender if exereixe ix pmhibited by federal I�w as of �"''- <br /> , ':v..i}_. �;., <br />_ �� � tk date of�his Security Inytrum�nt. [t��: <br />-__ ��'�,;. If Lenderexercises�hi.opiion,Lender xhall give Borrowrr notice of urcele�ati.�n. The notice shull provide a period of �� <br /> _ �,�.,;,,, . '`� ,not les�tlun �Iduys from�he date�he notire is drUvered or muiled wi�hin which Borrowcr mu.�pny ull sums secured by this � <br /> p�� • Security Inxtrom�m. If Borrower fail� tc+ }+uy�hese xum�c prior to tAc expirati�m of Ihi.perind, Lender may imoke any � <br />_ :":�,..;. ,,.;•�• ` Rmedies perniitted by thi,Security Instrument without further noticr or rkmLnd on Bcxn�wer. - <br /> � � IS. Borrower's Itight to lieinstate. If B��rrower meets cenuin conditions. Borr+�wrr sh:ill have the right tc�huve � <br /> • enforcement of this Security Inxuument discontinued at an. iimr prior to the curli�r at': lal 5 day.lor�uch aher�riod av �,. <br /> � 'a: � <br /> ��. <br /> ,f+,..;• Single Fam�l�..flmpie Moelflreadk M1fac I;NIF111tM IN.4'MtUMEN7'••UniGxm CmerwW.v 9V9P /p+Rt i njA�ux�tr� <br /> _a�'.. , <br />.. •}��N•� . . �.. <br /> ,€�`t4.�.�:�i t '¢�- � <br />— '- . . ' ���.�r� • <br /> —,�1�3._, r''._ . .', � - .. . . . _ ., . - . ,} <br /> � VY�M' ) . ��L�-`� ' . � . . . ��`. _{�:.- <br /> . -�,Y!anLyll�/f.,4�l�.iY�gvrw�.�._ _.!'J'.La!Stf�... :}�'y. 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