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. , . . .. <br /> __ <br /> ____________ _ <br /> K� l ' � . . . .. .n=�-_��i��''^��;.. : , ._ .. ___ �. .�, ,a ;;i,�, <br /> .k_,-t�r.:�.� . . �: <br /> • .4- <br /> ..� I� �8 91•..�.�4�:" , <br /> , pe'ri0d�16it i.eodei�equiro�. 'lUe inpp�aCe C�rtlar plvvldltla dte lnsqnMlCO thap be dro�en bjr Ba�R�w1[tnbJpG to Ira1A0rU . <br /> app�o�vd which dWl not be apieaon�My wid�held. If Bono�rer hile ro mdaWn ooMen�e���l.eMl� � <br /> l.adery opioo,o6adn oove�,ge to pn�ea Ltawlert ri�6a iu the in�ooa�d� u6� . <br /> All ia�noe paliabs�nd r�wdn�II be��to t�ird diall inalude a�u�d�d mat�e ciw�e. LaMer' �� <br /> �hdl luve d�a d�ht w hold die poticie�md r�eneanl�. 1t i�endet requim�,9art�er�ull panPU9�ivo tq I.a�der W reodpb <br /> l�� �vvAl ttotioe�. In tia evaN of ta�.BaROwar�t�all�ive p�orty�t notioe 1�the iu�rr�aa�airier�ad ' • <br /> m�y prooR af loa if nol mwde p�umptly Honower. <br /> proo by <br /> — Uabs�I.ra�dcr w�d Doaowor otha�wice�e in wdtln�.b�u�wo��iwll 8e rpplfed a reWawioq ar of <br /> the i!Ua�tar�tioe ar�ir i�eoonomia�lly feni �nd L.endett s�cueity b not la�bd.f�l6e <br /> �n or i�nat ee000mio�Uy fea�ibb ar l.enderl��ecw�iry w�wld 6e leuaned,th�imut�noe aaq�d��lull be <br /> applied a tba �unu socurod by Ws Set,wity�n+pw�t� whelher«aot Ihen duo.wlth�ny e�s p�W to Bon+owp. u • <br /> . 8armwa ��do�a tho doa not rmwa�will�in 30 d�y��nodee from L�endet thM tbe inwrp�oe cartier 6�s <br /> oSXened 1a ketle�cl�im.ttKn L,ader nw ooilect�he inwnnoe proc�edr. t.e�dK m�y use the prooeeb ta or restane � <br /> y 1 <br /> _ ---- u�e nwkO�h�ivrn�Y au��aaed b3►tld�seeur+tr 1�,waetl�or eoe Iba�due. the 30�d�y parioa u ba�in vrbee, <br /> Unka I.nder atd Bo�rowa olbenvise�roe in writin�.any ieatian ot pooeed:to ptiucipl�lap aa esteed ar <br /> paWpoea the dae d�te ot the maethlY WY�+�efared w in p�r�s 1 a�d 2 or d�aa�e tho wta�w ot tbe p� If <br /> us:Ja p�ra�rapb 21 the Propaty is aoquie+ed by l.eader.Borrowa� d�ht w any i�wrmoe policiea aM P��RB <br /> from d�mage to tbo PMnpe�ty prlor to the aoqui�itlon�11 pas:to l.cnder to dre wctent o!the wms�oqued by this SeauAty <br /> Inshumdu httmediately prior W IGeaoquisitian. <br /> f. Ooe�pucx P�av�tio�. MsWau�e �d Prota�ton af t�e Propertyi Ba�rower'� L.a��pP�liaHo�i <br /> _-- _-- __ - � Bamr,rcr sh�t!octatpy.estaWLi�.a��i usC�I�e Property as Boamwec�prineipai reeidence within s d�er � <br /> - tbe exautim of this Securiry Insaument and a6a11 conWwe w accupy tue Pmpe�ty m BamowerE�piincipal retidenee fot u <br />- Iaw aae ywr aRu tbe d�te of oavpancy. unless I.ender othervvise agrees in wridng. which oonsau :daU aot be <br />' unreasaa�bly w(tN�eW,or unlesa extrnwdng circwnsta�wes exist which ar+e beyaid Bortowerl�cantrol. Borrower s6a11 not <br /> �Y•�Sa a����Y.�low the Hvperty w deteriorate,or commit waste on�he Property Borrower ah�l1 <br /> be In de6ult If my forfeiturc action or provooding,whether civil or criminal,is begua that in Lenda�s gaod fafth judgment <br /> - could rosuit in forteiture of the Property or att�erwise materially impair the Gen c�eated by this Securiry L�strument or <br />:�, I.enderh socvrity interest. Borrower may cure such a default and provided in pungnpti ctusing the action <br /> or p�ooading w be dismissed with a rulin�tha�in Lender's good faith determination,precludes fotfeitare of the Bormwer�s <br /> inter�est in the AupeRy or other n�teria!impaim�ent of the lien creaud by this Securiry Inswment or Lender�s securiry -- <br />-;�i intercsG Borrower shall also be in default if Bomower. during�hc laan applicatlon proceas. geve matedally false or . � _ <br /> °- � inaccurwe infom�ation or statements to Lerder(or failed to provide 4ender with any m�terlal inforrtwtion)in oo�uiection with ` <br /> _ the loan.evidanced by the Note, including. but not limited to, repmacntatlons concerning Bormwerk aocup�cy of the ' � � __ <br />_ -- PI'(�!'�'fle��XIIlCIQBLlk'SIdtRCt. IP t�!!S SL'C!!!!!)f I!!S!!!!!!7G!!f 1S Oi!�It�SC}SOIC.Haaower sl�s!!somply witts a!!ttK priwisians ' - <br />_ _ - __ of the'lease. If Borrower acqulrcs fce titk w�he PropeRy,the kasehold and Ihe fce titk:hall twt merge unlaa L•onder nQrees - <br />_�' . to the mager in writing. <br />.,.;;� u.' 7. Protedbn of I.ender's Rig�ts in the Property. If Borrower f�ils to perform the covenants and agreements <br />-_- �=.. cantained in this Security Inswment. or there is a legul praceeding�hat may significantly atfect Lender's dghts in the <br />`��;_��. <br /> ri,;?� Pnoperty(such a�a proceeding in bankruplcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then <br /> = Lender may do�nd pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propetty and Lender��ights in the Prvperty. - <br /> `�'' .` Lenderk acdo�s may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Socurity Insdument,appearing -- <br /> __;�� in court,paying teusonable attorneys'fces and enterfng on the Propeny to make repairs. Although l.ender may take action �� - <br />-:=s1 ;.,�': � -. under this pazag�aph 7.Lender does not have to do so. - <br /> Any amounts dis6ursed by Lender under this paragrnph 7�hall becumo additionai debt of 8orrower securcd by ihis - <br />-'r�.�s •'3."•• Secu�ity Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymern,the,e amounu shall bear intercst from thc - <br />__ ,.. �.;,� dete of disbursement ut the Note rate and shall be ppyable,with interes�, upon notice from I..ender to Borrowcr requesting "e` <br />,_ . , paYmeru. -_ <br /> �{, � 8. Mortg�ge Iosurance. ff Lender required mortgage insurance as u condition of malcing the loan secured by this =_ <br />;.::�r; 4���� Security Ins�rument.Borrower shall p�y the premium�c reyuired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any � <br /> ''-�°` '�.°�'"•i - '• reason, the mongage insurance coverage required by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect. Bortower shall pay the = <br /> - �;.r �,_ <br />". s•� .?���';,.�.',. premiums �+equlrcd to obtain covernge substantially eyuivalent to�he mongage insurance previously in effec�, ut a cost <br />