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_ 3��7 ' 'wi+^.:' �� ___—.--_ . '_'�.-� . .1;. • .r c:�T. , . v��m.^;a:�.._ _ .: — <br /> � .. . .v . I��A-�. � <br /> . . . S l: • -3•• <br /> , . . .I <br /> .` .. • .. � 1�� �� ... ' . <br /> , �tp�Yc�bii aw,r�r�p�eUy tor iMu�tM�t�b�ap�wM d�M A�pMty p�to a!►Pow�r d aiN oa�d M IYt' # <br /> . S�i�r Ie�i or tb)�d��a�ela�tW 3�cMiep in�e�. 7'bo�e aa�ditlo��ns dut Harow�r: (�) � ' <br /> O,q,� ��p�wm� �� �� Io��up�M �nd dM Naa�u If na i+ooel�tio� b�d, �. -. ,i� <br /> ao�wnd:(0)s�aa�r�fNiltd�ay albr oovau�na a q�qamnM,�O�ar�i.�pa�e.+�a�a�ro�a�sea��y <br /> Ia�wq�►t.InoNidby,biM nol limited to�rMwnabb�Itamey�'teac �ad(d)t�wch�ctlon iu l�awkr ttay ro�bly <br /> �a b w�dMt IM tien u1 tht�9ennity ia��mae�.l.eaderb r�l�a M 1he�rop��d�t aWlprtoa b p�y�he <br /> ---��.�. we�s Mcu�dby tbb Seourity In�aua�u�IWI continw, �a�hanged. Upon � by Boemw�ar. tl� Siecwlty <br /> _ _ -- ----- , IaNnaae�t�ad da obll�tlam weou�acl ha�6y�hall romain 1WIy�efrecNva iu if no aocelaatlon h�d oauned. Hawova�.tWr ' <br /> �!. B�M d Nah�CM�e I.a�3�vloer�The Nate or a�'Inta�at iq the No1e t�with tbb 3ecudty <br /> imbument)p�y be�oW ate or mane dn�es wNl�aut pia notfoe w�. A ale m�y re�ult�n a chmgo la 1be aedry <br /> tlwown u�de"I.o�n Seivioa")thu cdlxu manthlY WYmenu due uader the Note and 1hi�3acurity I�umunent. 7f�a�e alw <br /> m�y be ono or moro chan�w of the L.o�ai Servioer uaml�ted to�wde of the No�e. If thae lo a ch�e of the l.oaa Sorvloer. <br /> Bar�wer will be�iven wrinen notica of the ch�age in�ocadanoa wltb p�ragr�pb 14 above md applk�ble I�w. 1he notioa <br /> will tpue da twne apd�ddr�eu of the ncw Savica�nd Ihe add�s to whfch paymcnu diould be aude. 7tie�ot�oa�rW <br /> d�o caaqin tny other Infartn�tiaa tequired 6y�pplic�blo law. <br /> b. Il�nrdow SoWh�oa. Bamwu�II na c�use or permit the piesence.uce.disp�aal.uonge•or rclaiso of any <br /> H�zandoaa SubRtmea aa ar ia 16e Pro�eRy. Borruwer shall not da.nor allow anyone else a do. anyrhio�affoctiag tho <br /> Pfrope�ty d�at ia in v�oWion of aq�r Eovimnma�tal I.�w. 71�e prooediq�two sa�tences ah�ll nat�pplr to the p� <br /> atar�e aa tbe Property ot sm�ll qu�ndtka of Haz�Tdous Subwooes dat ue�IIY noo�ed W be�pp�opri�te w memd <br /> �1 t+sea ancl to�ui�e�aoe ef�he Ptepe�ty. <br /> — – Borrower chall Promptly 8ive Leader written aotice of or+y ia�esiigatiw�.cl�im.demand,lawauit or ott�er acdon by any <br /> gove�na�l a reguWay�ncy or private party invdving the Prapaty�aay Hav�rdous Su6stancc or F�vbaanentd <br /> .-- I.�w of whlch Hamnwer has aawl 4awledge. li BaROwpr is nodfied by any governunrntAl or rcBul�taY <br /> Quthority.thot any r�eawval a other rcaiedia6on of any Hazallous Subst�nce pfi2cting the Property is neassuy,Borrower <br />:=„r �P�PUY wke siU neassuy nanedi�l�ctioas in accordance with Enviraunental Law. <br />;� � As usod in this paragraph 20."Haz�rdous Substences"arc those substanoes defuKd as waic or ha�ardous aubsta�xxs by <br />•� Fnvlronmental [aw and Ihe following subsnnces: gasoline,ke�osene.other flammable or wxic petmleum pmdects,toxic <br /> :� pesticides and hefiicides,volatile solvents.materiels contalning asbestos or formaldehyde.And radioact�ve materiwls. As <br /> ' " used in Ihie paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federal law�w�d law3 of Ihe,iurisdiction whae the Property is located <br /> .• . thu relate w health.saPety or environmaMW protection. <br />" � �f NON-UrTIFQRIW COVENA[V7'S. Borrower and l.ender fwther covenant and agree as follows: <br />��';`.1st:' 21. A�cekr�ti�; RemMiea Leeder s6W1 �ive sotice w Borrower p�rior to#ccekradon toqo�qbg Burrower's <br />_ .,;� breacb of any rnvea�nt or agreetaeat ta fbls SecuMty lastruineat lbut not prior ta.�cceleration uhder pw�rapli 17 <br /> »����•��t�s.:��� uakss applica6k la�P�'uvWes Po6e�vise). Tbe aotice sbaM SP�S'� l+�)t6e detauit:IbA the netbn requ�ed�to ca�re ihe <br />__ '� "t•�� <br /> detault;(c)�dqte,not lesv tAan 3A daqs tran the date Ihe a�otice is givea to whleb tbe l�efAwN wous!be <br /> �� '� • � cund;aud(d)t6At follurc to cure!be detsu�lt on or betore t�e date specifted ia the notice may r�sMit ia aceeleratlon of <br /> °"� .� tl�e sum4 secured by t6is 3ecurity l�trument and sale ot the Property. The noHce shall further iaPoTm Borrower ot <br />_�:x� �� ; 'b t6e right to rctastate nfiter Aeceleratioa and the right to bHng a couM AMion W asxeh the aon-existena of A def�ult or <br /> _ ;: •a�, ,-�• +�ay other de�e�e of Borrower to aecelers�tbn and sale. If Ihe default is not cured o�or beiore the date specitktii ie <br /> t6e notkr,Lender at Its optioa may requiee immedlate payment ia fdl ot All sums seeared by tUis Security I�ntruqeeat <br />�- wN6out furlher demqnd aad mAy invoke the power o�snle Aad aay other remetlies permitted by applicoble law <br />°�' � � °��• I.ender slwll 6e eoUtled to collect all ex nses Incurrcd in ursuin the remedtcc ovtded in tAis arn <br />'��.,-..'� ���Y� . � . . <br /> -�.,,�;. � includiag.but not lia�ul¢m�l to�reasonabk a�orae��s �ees and costs ot title evitCeace. � P �P� Zl� , <br /> .� ' ; z� If tde power a�s�➢e�S invoked�71�ustee shall record a notice ot deipull ih ear�coupty in which any port ot tlie <br />_��� r•- Properlp Is located and shall mail rnpies otsucd notice in!he manner prescribed by ap�plipble law to Borrower and to <br />-- ;�w�� the ot�er�oerc�nv�rccrlMed by�.ap�plicpble law. Aner the¢ir�e reqaired by app8cubaP 9aw�71�ustee shaU give publk <br /> nodoe of srle to the persons aad ia the manne�pr�crlbed by Applicable law 7lrustee.wilhout demand on Borrower. <br />'.-a; �+ �!� �� ah�ll sell the Properly at public auction to Ihe highest bidder at the time and place untl uader Ihe terms design�ted in <br /> s� t6e notice of sale iw�e or more parcels and in any arder'I�ustee determines. 7lrustee may po�tpone sale of�II or any <br /> - pnroel ot the Propea�un�by public s�nnauncement al fhe time smd place of any previouslo•sc6eduled sale. Lender or its <br /> " , ,'r�:`> dec�nee tnay purchase the Property al anysale. <br /> "�''"�• �'"y� Upon receipt qf pAyment of Ihe price bid. 'Ira�fee shall deliver to the purchases Trustee's deed conveying the <br /> . •''_"�^�4�'�w°�;��-> Properly. The reciials in the 7Yustee's deed shnll be prima f�cie evidence of the trulh o�'Ihe�tatemenfs mode therein. <br />.:;'' *� ` '1��shoq app1X ube proceeds ot tNe s�le in the talbwio�order. lal to s�U caet.s suNl expeasea oP exerci�iu�the power <br /> -- ;{���i�n p <br /> +w.-• ;:�;� s�. <br /> '�; <br /> � ;,j, •. •�. <br /> �. •'4t .•4� <br />��+`J} ''��A:'�I:.���i4• -. <br /> •._ . ibrm 3�28 9/90 �w,e S u n <br /> I e ! Iwu��► <br /> -•.�.. � t Y �, - <br /> ' �. "" - <br /> +-.•. <br /> �. ��!ve,�,.;-, , . <br /> ,� _ . <br /> `f:_��I, <br /> .• y , . � . • <br />;q �:�, •,�,�...,�._, <br /> ��s:;4 .�, n: <br /> _ --�.�,`�i . ._'' ?. '.f'..'�" •. ' : - • :. -'�°�T':.- _ y ;-w--. <br /> — •c`Ld'i.::...aNi�i'1�u'.�.�i�IlMiry.�s.�_�Cb:_3Aid��� - - --•c' $+' •-���iL6 __... �l�`/�LL'�:`LfSt'!i�` . <br /> � �,�.a ",�7 S. .�.. [_r __� -.,,. ,.___ ���-..,..�....r..---•--•...-�� �! I �.J� �Z- 'A'��_^9= ti _�N_ <br /> .����'Y''� G '�'C�*' � . 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