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-.�'""_��..�....,:iYA�J�1 ;A�w; .. �a. �,�';'.4:. j�-•, i � ��'4"�Vi%�t .'� .j�" . � - : -'�...,,,,,,t�oi'C!_..--;°�--. -- . -"°-`bi-F- - .. <br /> '�' �`17F1� <br /> � .. ' 1 ... �• ' ' • . . ' I���+ ., ��v <br /> ��� '. <br /> . {�W�7�'��t�0�eIOM Yf h11011�1'd'OCIOf)Gil t�i0�y���#U�►� ' ". <br /> �,���IpM10�b01+OJ10!i pil!Q�IZN Q[�. Al�fOpVOQ�ti��jt�00� �fIP.MO i�CM�{+d����OQIR� .:��!y,i <br /> All of 1be fa�a�{l�t rafett�ed w ie teif Seaatty�o"�w���y.» . . <br /> �60RROw8R o�vBNAxrs u�at Eorrower is awfLUy.d.ea nt die mme 6e�bj►c�oav�!ed.m Y�mn,ti�e a�raat --. <br /> apd oonvey the Propaty and tWt da�ropaty i�uoawwmbened�ex�ep�t tor�ocwnb�eoa oE ta�cQ. BcRSOwa w��►d ,., <br /> �riU det'aad�eeer+illy die dtb to t6e P�opaty��II cWan�od da�ds.wblea w au�►aa�o�ca d ncad. � <br /> 'E7il3 SF�Utt17'Y 1NS7R[J11�M' oombina ualYann oov�amna far nufon�l we aad noa�mitanp oova�aa wbb � ,- <br /> • �--—_`_�__`—' tiotltad v�riat�am bY j�ui�diCiion to�orauitute a uniform cecudty iacuu�ncai covuia�reat prGperiy. <br /> IJNiFDRM O�V6NAAS'1'9. Bamwer aad l.aider oovaunt aad�ree a�foUaw�: � <br /> l. �1rat dPrM�elpd ar I�ernti P�+�P�l�t�wle Ckss,e�. Ramwa sbWpompt1yp wlbn dae tbe <br /> �ot.m i�ua�ea oa tde eeb e+►lae�oea by tne pn;pmxat�ad Wo dw�es�we w_ de��Ile�tao. <br /> I+b�f Por 7iucea awd I�ea�. Subject to�pp1 Vw o�b a wriva�waiver by L.aida.Ban+owar�lall P�Y� , <br /> Leoder on the dsy iaootNY WYm�ota�►e due uader Ihe-f�1�w�W the Nate bup�W in fLU��sum("�")far.(a)Y�Y <br /> wca�ad�e�smeat�which�y�pain pdoriry aver INr yInsawr�ent�u�Ilon aa the Ptapony;lb)Y�Y�� <br /> paymenu or Qrow�d rena on tho Pr+npaty. if anyt lc) Ye+M�h�rard ar prapa�ty iraw�tpe promiumr. tdl fiood <br /> imurance praqiums.if any: (e1 Yeuiy maet�e fnw�doe promium�,lf�ny: �ad(4 anY� P�Y� bY�� � <br /> l, acco�d�noe w1U►the�ovisiau ot para�aph 8,in Iku ot thep�yment ot mort�p i�uran��o paNwns. 7'her <br /> itan�are calkd"Q�c�aw Itemi. l.atider m�y.a any�in�e.collect�nd iald Ru�d�in�n rmount not to exceed the muimwn <br /> �moiun�knder tor�federally rel�ted mat�+�e lan nuy roquiro fa Bomnwerl esaaw�ccouot ueder tlieo tedet�l Ral . <br /> � &ute 3etlkment Praadures Ast d 19T4 w nnmded trom dme W lia�e.12 U.S.C.�2601 st seq ("R63PA").unkss moll�et <br /> __� <br /> _ !nw t!��lia.a�he R,ids reu a lea�er amu�nt. U w.La�dot aa��sy lioao.calloct and hold Ei�nd�in aa�mount no1 b <br /> - -.—:— __ -° exceod tAo tu�cr anaunt. l.aida rtuy estim�te the u�unt ot ii�nde due on �he b�sis of cwnan dw ad nea�bie <br /> -, estLnatea ot expeMidues ot futuro Bscrow ltems or odKrwise in accardonce with applicabk law. <br /> v' Tite FLMs rhall be held in m iauitut�on wlweo deporip are inwred by a foderal a�ency.InstrumanWity. or entlry <br />-=''% (including Lender,if Lender ia such an inatiwtion)or in any Fedenl Hano l.oan Bank. Lender ahall apply the Wncis w WY <br /> _ the Bscrow Ikms. Lender mAy not charge Ban+ower for holding�nd ap(�lying the Fi�nda.umually analyzln�the acrow <br /> 'k. �n�a verifying the Escrow Items. unkss L.a�der pays Borrowet inta�est on tbe PUnds aad applicabk I�w pamils . <br /> .,•.� Lender w make such a cfwrge. However.Lender rtwyrcquire Barower to pay a one•wne chnrge Por an indepaident mal <br /> estace tax�eporting srnice used by Lender in connection with thls loan.unless applicabk law provides otherwjse. Unkss�n <br /> �. agroemait is nwde or wpplicabk law requires inter�est W be paid.L.ender slwll not be required to pay Borrower any inteiest a <br />-.`...v prnings on the Wnds. Bomower aM Lender may apee fa writing,however,that intencst shall be p�id on the li�nds. La�der <br /> - .•�; shall give to Borrower,without cl�ge,en annual acoounting of the Punds.showing credits and debits to the Funds ond tha <br /> »;�, purpose for wMch each debit ro tl�e Funds was made. The FUnds are plalged as addidonel sxurity tor all sums securod by <br /> -=:- thio Secudty Inswment. <br /> _ . - Tf the Fands heid by Lender exceai ihe w.n�w�i� µ����ittz.i to 1� t�ld by appikaWe law. Lcnder sha!!a�si ia <br /> _:=t1.. _ <br />=•,�: : , Bortower for the excess Punds in tccordance with Ihe requiremerws of applicabie law. if Ihe amount of 1he Punds held by <br /> X��; • '��:�y ;;,�,,F Lender at any time is not suKcient to puy the Escrow Items when due,l.cnder may so natify Borrower in <br /> - '�[ +�;; � such case Bonnwer shall pay to Lender the amount nc�cessary w mal�e up the deticicncy. Borrower shall rrulce up the <br /> , .,��.:� :<...: <br />;•:i'.,• ��,�, .�''•�;;..: deflciency in no morc ihan twelvc mondily Lender's sole discretlon. <br /> - ' .���� ., ..^•�. Upon payment in full of dl sums secured by this Security Instrument�Lender shall promptiy refund to Borrower any — <br /> ' �� "S ;Rr��,�'" Wnds held by l.endet !f,under paragraph 21,l.ender shall acquire or aell the Property.L.ender,prior to the acquisidon or = <br /> - '+'�' t f`"••� �� • ��'� sale of the Pro shall a an PUnds held b Lender W the tirne of ac uisition or sale as a credit a ainst the sums <br /> ¢ t5� PeRY. PP�Y Y Y Q 8 _. <br />-; •' , r,:��,r;�,;;.? secured by this Security Instrument. _ <br /> • � '��'� 3. A tbn of Pw menta Unless a I�cable law rovides otherwise, aU a ments received b l.ender under -� <br /> � ' ' lw� PP� Y PP� P P Y Y _. <br />�y;� ,•• �,M�' paragraphs 1 end 2 shull be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under = <br /> :g�, �•;�� ��;� paragrap6 2;third,to interest due;fourlh.W principai due;and any late charges due under the Note. � <br /> ` "'•�� 4. Char�es; Liens. Borrower sh�ll pay all taxes,assessments,charge9, Pnes and imposido�s atuibufable to �he = <br /> •• '� "� ""°' which ma attain riarit over this Securit Instrumenl.and leasehold a ents or nd renu,if an Borrower • = <br /> _ � .,��,�Sy�'r�S: A'�rt3' Y P Y Y P Ym 8� Y' v. <br /> ;,}�+• i't�•;,;t��?,�.s��..•, "<• shall pay these abligadons in thc manner provided in parAgraph 2,or it not paid in�hat manner.Borrower shall pay ihem on � <br /> t �����:,� ^ ' time direcdy lo the persan owed payment. Bortower s h a l l prompt ty furnis h to Le n de r u l l n o t i ce s o f a m o u n t s t o b e p a i d un der •C" <br />� � 's�5., �,; ,A.�. �., -�,�,.. <br />:.,�� �},+yF��.:��;�. this patagrepA. lf Borrower makes these payments direcNy, Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing p <br /> .{; •S •• y�.. . _ <br /> - q, .��t ny�,^;/;,��. t11C p8y111C11t8. _ <br /> ;, .y,r..;��,, .• •, r. B o r r o w e r s h a l l p r o m p t l y d ls chor ge un y lien which has priorit y over this 5ecurit y Instrument unless Borrower.(a)a grees = <br /> �::rt_ � <br /> :1. � •• � in writing to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner steceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the — <br /> -- �: . >,.::=:°,...,. licnb o — <br /> = ,,:s�t;r• -;� ; y, r defends against enfacement of the lien in,legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the = <br /> a,:,,r.Y - <br /> �. enforcement of the lkn; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement smisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien _ <br />-.. .; . '� " to this 5ecuriry Instrumem. If Lender determines that any purt of the Pro�erty is subJect to u lien whkh may att�n priority — <br /> 7' ''- ':=.�'�.i�L•� <br /> F���� . � - —� <br /> ,r, �� .��;,,: , over this Security lnsaument,I.ender mxy give Borrower n notice identify�ng the lien. Borrower shall satisfy Ihe lien or take <br /> ��'� •����'��'�' •- one or morc of the actions set torth above within 10 days of the giving of natice. <br /> ��Yy. �a:-.. ' <br /> ^;�'�I� ` �° s'"{`�i"� � ° S. Hs�zard or Property Insurpnce. Borrower shall keep the improvemems now existing or hereaBer erected on the <br /> . ���.,�:h'��: <br /> � ��� ,y:�,. , Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the tertn "extended coveruge"and any other hazards,including _ <br /> �';• �� � •7'�i� i tlbods or floading. far which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be muiMafned in the amounts and for the _. <br /> '��� j. ... , .. � :?$ Fbrn30Z8 9V9Y IPoRt2 aJbpng��1 __ <br /> `�,` . _ <br /> :�, — <br /> , .r . — <br /> :�� , , , :i �:- <br /> `��� '�. �Y.v��1i•. � , t�1 i � . . . .._ - . .. tt ' 1- .'y` Sr. • "< fA'� K� ('n� 1 <br /> a t.. .,,�?. N ,��•�. ... :� , . , �.�;�.'q .°✓�'_i"Kr,'�;��Y: u * r.:•� ` 'j�� <br /> ._�y�-, „k�'.G� M t .. . . . • ,.' .� , . .' . J'� �. ' � . <br /> . . <br /> •sili\ •,���p�j ( -� � 4 <br /> i1��t.cIDUliY1wM.J2_ .ui . . ,. �w�'�'�.'Itt^.�. <br /> � i ♦ r. <br /> _ ., S_t,_�_t_+�_._.-_.�_•._ _. • --.,.-._-- -=- --t...._d.�vr...�.f.4s".• ,..li4'��te_C_�i1 t-�*.�.�i. <br /> - �= a.�.w�-,_. „` -.}` _- _ . . . . . .. _1 —— - -_- - - ---_- -�--- ' .� � . '�Snr�vlTrr- T- -_-�— v f <br /> �� ,'f` j� yR, . . .. � . !r �1 .V . f - r. � . . <br /> � S� L��'sd �w ...!^ . . . .��' `� f.- _ <br /> yf. , . � '�,.v-. '_" .' ': ". .. _ . . 4 '� 1k � ' ."iYi�4� -1) . - _ <br /> � J� . 4 '� • .jt .�� h, -��.1�. y ~ p+ `i'`,i�,.t� + i`1 . <br /> r�,l,x -i .J. a ��'• �'..i' �- 1.9 . . � 1 i f� S� � -- t -� r �� � � <br /> ;�a 7i:��7���k ����. • � �Y�o i• �I�d«i, s- • . ii � I�,ny�l'��ti ;'9:�t�{•a'�l(,1%1'' ������i::��f�+�`a;�' �IS1�� it <br /> .�„ ��],�� ,j f ��� . . . ,1 (1 . .�J.�� ! 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