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- __ <br /> �' � 'a <br /> _ <br /> —`. - �i ', �;�.,,� ,, i�.:� . -- . <br /> ,�,� <br /> ,,� . _ • -_ _—_.., — -__-- _ -_ <br /> - „> � -- .. . ,_ ., .. . - __ - ,- ;_ , �_ <br /> - :`� ^ <br /> :..� :• .. , <br /> ��- � �'� 1a�943 <br /> ' �pplic�ble law may�pecffY far�eMwtanau)beforo We ot the Piroperty puRUwt to aqy powrr of We ootm4aad in ddo <br /> Sec�rity Ir�nana�ar(b)a�uy of a judgmait eata�ctn�dii�Security I�uwmaN. Tho�e amdltia�ate th�t Rarowar; tU <br /> PsY� l.ender aU wau whicb tl�en would be due w�der this I�uaumait �nd the Note as ii no axelastian h�d <br /> - accurned:(b)cw�es aay ddwlt of�ny atF�or covawnu or�roaneds: c)WY�all exputsea lncuned in enfa�cing thi�Securiry <br /> lnsaumau,includin��but not Bmiled to.ressan�blo�ttanay�'fea�u�d(d)qkes wch�otion as Lender m�y ne�sonsWy <br /> roqqiee w a�m�dW the Ibn of this 3avdty in�tnunent.l.anderti d�ht�in Ihe PtopoAy and Barower�abli�atian W pay 1he <br /> wmi socurod by thi: Sccurity Inshuman sLal! candnue w►clw��ed. Upon ainstatema�st by Bwrower. �hi� Security <br /> _ �."`�'�'�--.-,-'� lnabw�ent�nd the obli <br /> g�dot��ecurod he�cby�h�ll nemaln u y ve a� no aooe an owever. � <br /> d�ht w rolnctRte dwll nat�pply in the cate of aaxkradan under p�gr�pii 17. <br /> -- ; 19 3�1e ot Ndei Cha�e ot I.o�a 3ervicer• '11ie Note or a partial intaest in the Nate(togetf�er wlth thi� Socudty <br /> = =- Insdument)m�y be sold ono or mae dmes without priar noticc w�amower. A s8c nu�y rewit ln a chmge in the endty <br /> - __- � (Icnown as�ho"Lwn Serviar")that eoQuts manthlY PaYnxnts due under ihe Note and this Security lnstrument. 17�ene also <br /> may be one or more chonges of�he L.oan Servlcer wirelated to 4 sale of the Nae. lf tFkre is a change of the Scrvlc:er. <br /> Bomnwer will be glven written noNce of the ch�nge in accord�na wilh p�gr+�ph t4 above a�M applic�ble law. The�otico <br /> _� ��--------• will st�te ese mme and address of tho new La�n Servlcer and�he address to which payments chouid be nwde. Tho nodoa wi�i <br /> also cvnqiin aqyr otber Enfm�Wion requiad by applicable I�w. <br /> = i Z�, H�a�+dow S�bcWcss. �onower�Mall not cause or permit the p�sence.use,disposal.s�oruge.a�lease of any <br /> Ila�z�rdous Subst�nees aa or in�he Plroperty. Borrowet ahall nat do.nor allow anyone else to do,anyduing r�'ec6ng tM <br />-=:.r.:}, � Roperty thu is in vidat�aa of any Enviimnmenwl Law. The prcceding two seatences shall not apply to�he presen� <br /> __— � storage m the Propetty of small qu�mities of Hazardous Subswnas that arc ge�rerWly reroQnized w be appropriaoa to aom�al <br /> . _— sts�tla!ssr�enc!to malntertenrt of�.he Property. _ <br /> -==L=`� Bonower shall p�vmptly give Lender wriden notice af a�y inveuigation,claim,�uit or dher acti�►n by�y = <br /> _��;,' ` , ' governmenta!or regulatory agency ar private party involving ihe Propertyr w�d anX Hazar�dous Substance or Environmental , <br /> Law of whkh Bormwer has actual knowledge. If Bamwer leams, or is notified by tuty govemmental or rcgul+�tary " <br /> authority.that any removal or other remedlation of any Hazardous Substance aifectiag�he Pnoperty is necessery.Bamower -- <br /> _, . sdall pramptly tatce all nxeseary rcmedial actions in accordance wi�h Environmental <br /> 4Y,fi;�' �:;' As used in thls paragreph 20."Nazudous Substances"arc those substences defined as waic or hazardauc substanoes by <br /> �� � ' Environmental Law end Ihe following substunces: gesoline.kerosene,ather flamm�ble or toxic petroleum praducts,to�a� <br /> �. pesticides and herbicides,volatilc solveMS, materials containing as6tstos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As <br /> -��°�� used in this paragraph��,"Environmental Law"means federal law�and laws of Uie jurisdiction where the P�operty is localed <br /> ,_a . Uwt nelete ro health.sai'e�•ar environmental praection. ' <br /> -=,=�:. '. NON•UNIFORM COVEfYA1V7'S. Borrower and l.ender further covenant and agrce as fallow�t:•• <br /> '�:�� � . ,.��. 21. Aaeekrntbn;Remedies. Leader shatl give notice to Berro�ver priar to xcaleraubp�ollovving Borrower's <br /> .,::-::t;: - :��' breach af�0.w covensnt o�agreeme�t!n tbis Security la4trumeat(but not prior to�tcceleravion uader pa�raph 17 ' <br /> ��,;,,.- - nniess sp�We is�p;ovldes athera�lsef. '!'�aaticr sba!!sgcclty: ta)thr�cfaadt:ibf!!sr artlan rcqnlrc�ro cure tha <br /> .r. <br /> � ' defaalt;(c)a date.�ot kss tlwn 30 days fran the date the oWke Is given to whkh the default must be <br /> `�:� . ;;•'�:;�} �� , cpred=and(d)tlwt Fpiiure to cure the default on or beforc Ihe date speclQed ia�tlhe notke may result in acceleratbn of - <br /> '',:,"�?,; r':±; �, Ibe sum9 secured by 10��s�ecurity Ipalrumeat and sale ot tbe P�operty. The aovice shall flurlher ioPorm Borrower oi' <br /> '�:`ta F'' " the rlght W reinstate after acceleratioa And the�ight to bNng a coast actbn to�ssert Ihe aa�•r�istence of A detault or <br /> ± '� 1, r•+.�r• any oRher defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or brfore the dale.specified in <br /> - , the nodce,I.ender pt lts o�tion may requi�e immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this 3ecurily��lrument - <br /> tf�,�'��� j� aituout fu�ther demaac� and m�y invoke the power i►f isale and any other remedies permitted by applkable law <br />