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T 5 ' � 1 til..l ,, ti . . � .. . ,. "' ;7• -_... .. . ._-. _. ._:_._;y�ry__�_�...:..s. <br /> _....�_ a�--.�,w�u�.r_r _ . . + . . _ -" ,• _..- . ._ .. �� ��r� . __ �.�- �_.. . . <br /> ��, <br /> �ar ad�a�ki�y d�ay�rt d d�P� fat aonvey�noe in!ku ot ooada� baaby�ti�ned�od., � <br /> �dp be paw a l.Mdx. . <br /> In d�e eve�t o(� total tdcla�ot the Prnpeecy�tbe sb�ll Ise�pplied to tha waa secured by d� Seaulty ' , , <br /> laq�ument.w4elbx ar aot tben dua,'wllh�ay exoe�� to Barov�er. 'In$k event of�patW t�ici�af the Aropaty!n . <br /> which IUe h4'muket vaWe of Ihe Prope�ty immadi+kly 6efore tho W�in�4 oqual to or�eater thu�the�mount of the wms <br /> secmed by this Seawity InWmne�t 1na�tbdi�tely bataro tbe Wdn�,wtbss BaYOwer�ad l�la otbavri�e+�tee Ip writ6�. <br /> the aaa�:a�tted by thlt Secu�ity Insuw�i sluill bo reducad by�he pnount of the pruc�ed:muitiplied by tl�C fdbwfn� <br /> �'�...°-'_ faction: (a)d�e totRl�mount of tbe stpns�ecu�ed i�r 6efaro�he t�ki��.dlvided by lb)the fi�a�ricet vdue ot We _' <br /> Propeny immeaiMely aeto�n the aici�,a. Any b�la,�oe��be p.w to eanow�er. la tho avau of a putW takinQ of u�e <br /> � Property in which the fi�m�uket valua of Iho Propa�y lnunedi�tely baforo�he Wcing is kss�h�n the amount of the awr� <br /> securod lmmedi�pely bafa+e the ad�ing.unlesa 8aaow�er u�d Lender aherwice �gne in wrlting or unlas applicaMe I�w <br /> oti�wlse providw.the piooeeds alud!be applied b t0o swn�s�u�by thi�Security Ia�umau wM�t�er or not tla aara ue <br /> then duo. • <br /> If the Pr�upetty i�t�ndooed by Bot�uwer.or if.�fter notlx by I.ender to t3orrower Ihat thc condemnor ofl'orn lo mtke <br /> �n awrud or sctde�cWm for darn�es,Bortuwer iaik to mspo�d to[.cnder wfthin 30 d�y�afler the due the notice ie given. <br /> l.cader ie wthartud to oollect�nd wppiy the ita option.ei�her ta rostoratian or ropair ot the Pmpeny or to the <br /> tr�s�a,�utd by ihis Secarlty Incdwnent,whethcr or not tl�cn due. <br /> ' Ud�ss t.m8er and Bomnwer othawi�se�groe in wrlQng,any eipptication of proceedc to prinelpal shall not extend a <br /> --- �pa�tpona tDe due d��te of�be t�w�r'paymencs refcned to in paragrephs!oa4 2 or ciwnge ihe amount of such payments. <br />= 11. Bon+a�wer Nol Reka�ei= Avrbrsra�ce By Lender NW � Wi�irer �at�nsion of the time for payaieqt ar - <br /> .--- ---•�.�� aseod�ticatlo�of e�ao�Fzsdoee ef ttr.a�.�s�bsr t�s Gsetdty In�tstnntat g�by 3.snder to eny�xressor E�e E!!tnst _.. <br /> - �.�..-�- �—. ot Bamwer slWl not opuate w rclr�sc the 1(abil[ty of the otiginal iiomower or 8c�sc*wa'�saccesFanc in intcnest.t.ender _ <br /> dutl not be requ6ed w rnmm��ce p�nocoe,�s aguinst any succes.sor in lnterest or ai�use to expad tlme for p�yment or <br /> _ otherwlce modify�tlon of the sans�,ed by this Security Instrument by aason of any demauad made by the ai�inai <br /> -- Bamower ar Bor�ower�successois in inte�9t. Any forbearance by Leader in exercidng any dglM tx�nedy slnll not be a <br />- ,waiver of or p�r,clude�he oxercise of any right or rcmedy. ' <br /> • , • . �2. Suoces�ors�nd A�u Bouad;Jdnt�nd Several Llabllity;Co-si�t�ers. The covenents ond ag�ements of this <br /> ;; Securiry Insdumrnt shall bimd and benefit the successors�nd assigns of Lender end Borrower,subject to the prov�sions of <br /> p 17. BortowerY covenaMs and agrcementa shall be joint and several. Any Bortower who casigns this Securlty <br />�� . L�t but does not eaecute the Note: (a)is co-gigning this Securitar lasnument oaly to mortgage:grant and convey that <br /> '?�' Borrower`s intct�si in 1he Property under Uie tertns�f lhis Security Instrumcat; (b)is not personally obli�ated to pay thc sums <br />__;� , secur�eA by this Security Inspument;and(c)agrees thet Lender end eny other Borrower may agroe to exlend,modify.for6ear <br /> _ , or malce any acc;ommodutone wi�h �azd w ihe trnns uP this Secu�iry In�pument or �he Note wititaut that Borrowerh <br /> - --� � ca�sent � <br /> __ i � !3. l.a�n L'ls�sgea. If th:loasz sxurcd by tlris Se:uriiy Insu:uncat is subjcct ta a law which sets maximum toan <br /> , cbuges,and�hat IQw'�is fmally interpreted so that ihe interest or other loan charges collected or ro be collected in connectfon <br /> � wkh the loon excxed U�e permined limits,then: (nl any xuch loan chnrge shall 6e reduced by the amaune necessury to rcduce <br /> ''� � t6�e charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already colkcted from Barrower which exceeded permilted limits wjll be <br />:�:: refunded to Bomower. Lrnder may choose to make this rcfund by reducing the principal owed under tl�e Note or by making u <br /> = � djrect payment to Bomower. If a rofund reduces principal,�he reduction will be[maced as a pnrtial prepayment without any <br />� r pnpayment charge underlhe Note. <br /> 14. Notices, Any notice to Borrawer provided for in thia Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by - <br />- � 'n mafling it by first cluss mafl unless applicuble law requines uxee of another method.71�e notice shall be directed to the Property <br />_` " Address or any other addregs Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sholl be given by first cless <br /> ; ��;•� mail to Lender's addr+ess su►ted herein or any ather address Lender designutes by naice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> 1 f in Ihis Security Instrument shufl be deemed to have been givcn to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> t.:•: , � . P�raBR+Ph. - <br /> ;�:`y�, • '•"`+��'�� IS. Go�•erafa�Lap; SeverabiNty. 71iis Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law und the law of the <br /> �' ;^ ,_��+�„ '`�•"�� jurisdiction in which the Property is locu�ed. ln�he event itmt any provision or clause of this Security-Ins�rument or the Note = <br /> �`•• a, �,� conflicts with Applicable law,such conflict xhall not nffect o1hCr provisions of this Security Instmment or the Note wfiich can - <br /> ' ,.��<,. ��%• t�e given etfect without �he conflicting pravision. 'Ib Ihis end the provixions of this Security Instrument and the Note arc = <br /> � • '���s > dec�ared to be severable. <br /> , � r . .:�':�. • � �16. Bo�ower's Copy. Borrower shull 6e given one confamed copy af the Note und of this Securi�y lnstrument. - <br /> �' • �` ��•=� ' °• 17. Tr�sfer ottAe P rt or A Be�eiiclal Ipteresl in Borrower. 1f all or on <br /> .., s-,��� �pe y y pun of the Propeny or any interest in __ <br /> �;,z}'`� �''���'�1'�'� it is sold or tranyfcrred (or if a beneficial jnterest in Borrower iti wld or tranxferned and Bomower is not u natural person) - <br />_ • 7 �'• •���' without Lender's prior written cnnsenc,Lender mny,ut it,optian,require immedinte pnyrnent in full of ull sums secured by � <br />`'� •��''�',���'�' this Security Instrument. However.�his option shull not be exercised by Lender if cxe�cise i�prohibited by federal law ns of = <br />. � - �•'� the da[e of this Securiry Instrumen�. __ <br />���. '� ;'�� " If Lender exercises�his option,Lender shall give Borrower notire of accelermion. The notice shnll provide u period of �_ <br /> •"`��`;;'''"" not less than 30 da s from the dute the notice is delivered or mailed wi�hin which B�xrower mu+t puy all sum��ecured by this <br /> •,,::: , .. . .`r.:�,i. Y c <br />`�,^' `°� ��:� �� Securi Instn�r�nent. If Barrower fails to a thesc sums rior tu the ex irn�ion��f�hi, nod, l.ender mu mvoke an - <br /> 4. . ;c� h' P'Y P p� Pr� Y � Y <br /> ____�a permitted by this Security lnstrument�t�ithout fusther notire or demand on Borroa•er. == <br /> - - T� � • . . • 18. Borrower's Rlgh� to Reinstate. If Bom�wee meetx cennin cundition+, Borrower shull huve the ri�tht to have �; <br />` `r•- �� �. ;��- enfmoement of this Security Mstrument discontinued u� an� time priur to Ihe eurlier oL (al S d•ry�lor such Wh�r period us -�- <br /> ,' . ;.;.._, ,. .. <br /> > � ^��`.�Y Y,;'r•,�-'.,+' Sinpk F.uNIY--Fonuie\1w/F}�eddk Mx UNIKURN I�S'tRUME1IT-•Unifam Coverwnta 4�9P IpaRe J njApoResl - <br /> .....;. . n ._ <br />. ... 'i+i'�•,..�k.i�•'�''S"'.' ��. <br /> y},.','•� ;.,�_•.�.i�.' _ <br /> j�;����r!��:�r _.- <br /> ,-tSS�����r��•�';.Y _ <br /> �',; .:��,ti,����i;;t` �, r\. <br /> ��t(i? �:}%�S`jcr"'rvf.k�'x'� ,�y,f '••., . " .��rn�r�T�i�si.lNi, . i � r`s1; �'�.-,.—�--! <br /> _'� ".'1J�tiAi�rd�3�.��L 4_ al:i.'"1_z:�:._ .�{�- •i�� `.'.'�;t:.'w.�,���L _ ��},(�,���.� .� 7:,�dfiYL�'r . �`„- �. <br /> - E }' S •:t_ •,�,�i.�;�i1i�..ti�i. �d}iYaAfi41:'S�'�r. -- ��.�t��:�. <br /> � � �bC r �����•i°;��r ��j�l1 -r-r-,T� -- --- - - �- -- . . i . -•:.,�..Y r.�!L rg.o�.�,�'�Z, ,!"7 W�S�--�s°75P�'�.,�G`TS l�. <br />-+��.1���;�/S���M , k'��X�..n�'�t�µ•� 4!��e`..Y�Lc,�,.. � � � 4 � �ti'•:lfi...-� ''t rQ'�r..:2':%:3'i�',ti�� �:�.ti.+ � (.'. S ��tx�rrx i�%`UPt =;��i 9�-`- <br /> '� �� .." ._._.__ t �.s.� •s,�.��_.-•-�.--- _.._� LWi1,--`xf: bir��. r�.r,_� , .a'7i�{,--C(�:i} -E�1�I�Y�;c.. <br /> a u-.� Y- t .. �. ..a. , ~w ----�-»---- -r�-----�'�c-�i( t-o. . , - �� p. <br /> �r 'q� t�i s�".'� '_,�" r' ' ` • ` �, ' .�� ' `�'r` <br /> Y V���71 r�����i-.�.1�1+,�Is v i ��, .. � - �.� . .t . <br /> _ �.�1��'+�� ��. 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