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'�o��11 reoonvey t�a�ropaty wlmow Mana�ty aad whho�K a�uryo 0o w penoo ar� .- <br /> ie�Wy eaatbd to�a.sacbpasrin a pau�s�hall P�Y�Y���tf. . <br /> �h <br /> __�_r__�_�.�._._... - 11� &b�71r�ee. iq optian.nuY ftnm thoe tn Nme ranove'1}u�ee�nd�ppoint�au�aasnr witee Ro . <br /> �py'!'h�itee qipoi�ued baieundar by an Instrumdit raorded in tbe oounty M which tbis Security In�t i�t neaaded. . <br /> _ �Withpat oo�vry�noe ot dre!'t�apqty.Ibe woce�ar Wqee tbW su0000d to aq t6e litb. Qnwe�'itd dwies aanferrod upon <br /> . 'livaae I�ereia�nd by�ppIlcable I�w. <br /> 24. Rpue�t far Ndtoa. Barowet t�eque�u�1uit copla of the notkea of default and wk be seat w Bonowerti addnew <br /> � whfoh it tbe Pr+cpaty Add��. <br /> 1S. Alden R�IMb 6iecnrity 1�p�� U one or mane��re executodby Honower aad iecaded w�ether wltb . <br /> tbi�Security ine�q�nt.t6e oovaunta�aid�t�of e�ch tuch rider ah�ll be inca�purated iaa aad ahdl �meM aad <br /> wpplaa�t 1he cov�a�uta aud�neaom�ai this Secwity In�trument w U We rida(a)waie a p�t of tbis Secwity Imatimeat. <br /> [O�eck sppllcablo 6w(ea)1 . <br /> �A�tatablo R�Yio Rjder , • � �Coa�domiaium Rider � �1-4 Faqniiy Rider . <br /> --= � <br /> _. ._ . � ...�__ • �Ck�dwtod PaYmeot Ridtr�. . �Planoed Udt Devdopmeat Rider �Biwodcly Pay�ea�Rider <br /> ,� ,.�,. <br /> �BdloanWder ' ., .�Katelmprovcmentlticla �SccaadHomeRider '' <br /> ��������'� ACK(�W,�G�IE1iT, ASSIGIW+�NT OF fiENTS � � <br /> BY 3I(3MNO B6LOW.Bomower�ocepts��d Ag►ees W the te�c ad coYawNA oo�Waed jn tdia Security Iuw�tt <br /> aod i�my dda(�)e�cecuood by 8o�pwq��recaded w�1h iG . <br /> ' . '.�. <br /> Wiutates: , <br /> ��.s2 �, . <br /> __ , : � (Seal) <br /> --- �iw,s�-.� : J F. HAHR 'E ��ro,�rr <br /> �—,..�,�,,• , Soci�l Secia�ity Numbe5d7��+�5�9? <br /> ::,��� .. , <br />�e't�tir+._.u.� ' . ���� — <br /> .Botlowror <br />��+��� Sociot 3ecurlty Number <br /> :R.9�'�'Rfi`�_?A�'1'� — <br /> -'�"'-°�°'�'-'•� STATB OF NBHRASKA. HALL ��y�; <br />� <br /> ��'� On shis 3QTH day af I�ARCH 1993 .before me.the undersigned, a Noury Public ° <br /> duly cammi�ia►ed ond qualified for said county.personally came JAMIES F. HARRIE, A SINGLE PERSDN <br /> � to me known to 6e tha - <br />'��'� identieal pasonc(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to�he fore�oing instrwnent and xkno ged tbe e�tecudon thereof to _. <br /> ' be HIS volun�ary uct and deed. <br /> . • Wimesa my hand and natacial sea!�t GRAND ISLAND. (�A in soid county,the -- <br /> �„k '�„t a M C �• .��C���i'l Ti�G�L �;: <br />±�:�._:r�' ;-� y 9Gs _ <br /> :�:.�.�;-.,, ,- • � _ <br />---='��p�;r� � � ib/ - <br /> _ _ ��� �� , non.yr�u� . -- <br />��"'' �.����� RE UEST FOR RECONVEYANCB = <br />-----=uA� {�:1:'. TOTR .��E4i►A�_'�"� Q • - <br /> R.. <br />"�_r�~. 71►e undersigned�s note or notes secu..ed by this Deed of 7tu�t. Said note or notes,together tivith all �- <br /> �"''{�"��'"'�'' othv indebteMess secured by this Doed of 7iust.have beeao paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel said note or notes <br /> �r��t�i.:r:::.,�. _ <br />��?:?�'•^;�� aod•tlus Dad of'Itust,wtdch are delivered hereby,and ta reconvey.without warranty,all the erlate now qeld by you uader :; <br /> �, <br /> ---,=��fn�r:��'- ' ,this Deed of 7iv�t to the pereon or persons leaally entided U�ento. <br />�:;=r�r,=�i--�4-�+ ' IL, <br />;+�-i�f�,• Y��4���, '��;+ 1�' � <br />_-%`i:<<���jt1,'�,���'3-!1._ � N�fo.102Y 9Jf1 (Pa8e60f6pOgtll �.. <br />�`°�`�,��k��a`�'k� . <br />`�.�4Eb�:'a�,'4��'��r;i,`y:;� ;,j - <br /> ..y:. ,+}4v�,'t';, � <br /> --�° — <br /> -��f1'1�`;��;ti�H:�.�: . . � - . <br />�rsr�orr,wazvM�l:(�,�t�c�th1��'lj'y •'f�! -. .- .. . . �� �v''� �,•,.:5�..:�� 't, .�';��.� - ..t` :i. �f�l���S.f yi(�,���vy; ����_ <br /> �-- -•'•�71 .i.J 4u i .�li� =��.�...' l - . .. > .-�,_:a3 ]T:e111•1KW.:l:�+�.Q..__ _. <br /> .t; ..557��r3idi -a�m�..�;d5`i�Xtuii614.bRr.�..t�Lti..dl�'](trt' . . <br />�If.r��'R�9"�y J .`. � t i�. 7 ii 41 � �- 'Z �. ...�� � . :'�,�a`,-'_�'.T �.. .• _ _ _ _. . 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