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,f <br /> ��'. ` � � Si• . . �.. _ <br /> Z.�-G , .-,:�,_ a ' ' _ .. .. _.. ._. _._ . <br /> � , \ d1 „�, -- - - ' ' � --.,,��_. <br /> -L- .�.�..�_ ; ��-t 9.4?.�43 <br /> _ _ �� <br /> ' p�rind�dw l.aoa«iequ6ea. 7Ue i�nco cami«p�wid�qa d�e i�naoe tlau ee d�n by eanowa wbjecc eo�.a�aery <br /> . approvd v�hich t�h�ll not be u�on�bip wW�eld. It Barow�et fiik�o maialaia re�e derctibed�bove��d�r� <br /> '.� treaaarl aptioo,obain«we,�o to p�xt Lwdery�i��ue��sy tn.00 M�n ..N o`A` witn pa.�r.q,7. <br /> All iniuraaae poiiciess aad raiew+�siall6e aaxptsble w and s6d1 iactude a uat�nd moA�+�e clw�o. l.ader <br /> rAall M�ve Ibe riRht to 6old We pollcia�md iaswal�. Y�L,a�der requires,Bertowror�Il P�P�9�ve w l.erKier all rocxlpts <br /> ot pdd pRmiums�nd Knew�l notloe;. in�be evmt ot lasr.Bon�ower shW�ive pnaa�pt aotfoa�o tba iawtmee ca�rier�ad <br /> _�.� l.axkr. l.e�►der m�y m�l�o proot of laa U aot msde P�P�Y bY Bonawcr. <br /> _ __ Uates�t�.nd Borrower othawfue+�roe in�v�itL�.� �Iwll be applied a ratorati�n ar n�air d <br /> _ ��e�ty d�d.If tbe�to�tion a r�ep�ir is eooraa�dUy f ble and L.aiderl�sxu�ity is not ks�ed. U the <br /> ar Is not aro�omically fasibb or l.a�da��ociQiry wo�uld be kisa�ed.the fnsurat�oe pmoeed+ �11 be <br /> applied w 1he�nu sacurod by d�is Secudry Insqutna►t.whetha ar nat tha�due. wl�h my exass p�id ta Aortowcr. U <br /> ... Somower�u�dont tho daes oot atswet within 30 daya�npkx from L�ender Ih�t�he iaiunmco carrier luu <br /> ofTerod to seule a cl�im.tha�Lender nuiy aoUat 1be in:u�oce procead�. 1.ender rn�y use tho proco�ds to or nesw�e <br /> �he P�apeAy or to pry sun�sacurad by tMis Securiry Imuvma�t.whether or not Ihen dua. T�e 30�dpy period 11 begin wben <br /> _ _���._`� �ho notla b given. <br /> Unks�Lender and Bonow�er ahawise�roe in writing.�ny� lkation of proaeds w principal ah�U aot exrcnd or � <br /> postpane the due due of the monthlY payrnenta�efenad to in pu�is t and 2 or change the anwunt of the p�yrtknts. !f <br /> utder{►ar�gra�h 21 the Property i:acquit�od by Lender. Bormwar'�ri�br to any insuronce po�tici�and proceeds�esu�toag <br /> Y't from d�m�ge to tho Prnpe�ty prior m itho ecquisitlon zhall pasc�o A�a�cx ocr�o exoeat oi'i the su�ceeu�ed bar�his 5a.-urity <br /> -_:--: <br /> -- inslruman immediuely priar w lheacquieition. <br />-- 6. OoCap�ac', Pea�vstioe, h1�MeM�ee a�d Yr�of�etRo� d Ue Propert�r: Bo�xower'b Lau Appihatio�; <br /> `. I.ea�ehold�. Bnrrowec siudl axupy,eslsb�iish,wrd use Ihe P1�ope�rrty as�SOnu�rer's prtac�p�l�esiJen�e wilhip si:ty days�f1er <br /> . _ -- - - -- - <br /> the executlan of thie Security Instrument a�nd sball caWinue to occupy tAe Nroperty ag��principel residence far�t <br />`n"` kast one year afta tho d�te oi ocxupa�tr.y. unless l.ender odKrwise ag�ees in writing. w6icb consent sball nol be <br /> •;+ unrcasanably withiield.or wikss ex�wciag circumstonce�exist whirh are beyond Bomawer�s carMiol. Borrower shAll not <br /> destroy.dwnagc or impair the Ptoperty.Wlow tht Prope�ty to deteriorate.m cammit waste on the Property. Borrower shall <br /> be in default if ony farfeitu�e action or proc�eading,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lenda's good faith judgment <br /> could �esuk in forFeiture af�he Propeny or othenvLse nwterially impa[r �he Gen crcated by this Security Instrument or <br />,,x Lenderk socurity inieRat. Borrower rtwy cure such a defauk�rnd Rinstate,as provided in paragraph causing the action <br />:i:i° or proceeding w be d�smfssed with a nding Ihab in Lenderk good faith detem�ination,precludes furt'eiture of the Bormwer's <br /> ,s�,`� inte�sst in�ha Praperty or other material impairment of�he lien created by this Security Inswrnent or Lender� secur�ty <br /> ,�•inte�s� Borrower sFwll also bc in dcfault if Bormwer, during the loan application process. gave materially false or <br /> � ini�ecurate infonnation or stau:ments to Lenda(or failed to pnovide Lender with any material information)in connectian with <br /> ,�,_ • alae loan evldenced by ihe Note, including,6ut not limited to, ntadons co�rceming Borrower�s cecupancy of the <br /> _°=���„-:��„��;— ��9�aperty as a�scipsl�residcacc. If this S:.curiiy]nstsvmcat is on a�hald,Saimwcr sha!!comply wiih a!!tl�e prrnisians <br />;:;;i�;�'', : .p..,.._t;��� of the lease. If Bortuwer acyuires fee title to the Property.the leasehok9 wid the fa title shall not merge unless Lendcr agrees <br />. �� � ,)' � <br /> :'�� ,, , to the merger in writing. <br /> r��t� �' �f��`'kt� 7. Protection of l,ender's Rtghts ia the Property. If Borrawer fails ta perforni the covenants and agreements <br /> '���:S.,J.� . ,• 1`t <br /> '' �. . ' ''"' � conuuned in this Securiq: Instrument,or theoe is u k�;ai proceeding that may significantly uffect Lender's rights in the <br /> � ��. <br />.�`:; t.�:�„ ,,. ::;..i, Propeny(sueh as u proceesdi�g in bankmptcy,probate.fc*e condemnatlon or forfeitaQe or to enforce laws or regulations). ihen <br /> :�, ���p Lender may do and pay far whatever is necesswy to protect the vs{lue of the Property and Lender�s rights in the Property. <br /> '��•..�.,S . <br /> . ' '���� `(�t��� Lender's uctions may include paying any sums secured by a lien whirPo has prioriry over this Security InstrumenG Appearing <br /> �t ' . � .ti. �� in court,poyiu�6 reasonable anorneys fees aad entering on the Ptoperty to make repairs. Although Lender may take acUon <br /> '�``�'"�" under this puragmph 7.Lender dces not hnve to do so. <br /> � '°1�" }"� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additianal debt of Bornower secured by this <br /> - . �E���`T',' ` Security Instrument. Unless Borrower end Lcnder agreE to other terms of puyment,thesc amounGS shall bear intercsl from the <br /> _ c±i�';;' �� ` date of disbursement at the Note rate and ehail be payable,with interect,upon notice fr+om Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> '� `` z%�+ Pnymen� <br /> - �, 8. 111ort�age Insurance. If Lender rcquined mortgage insurnnce as u condition uf malcing the laan secured by this <br /> �•: �3 • � � Security lnstrument,Bonower shall pay the premiums required to muintain the morlgage insumnce in effect. If, for�ny =- <br /> i�%t�����+ ,,,, ren.u►n, the mortgage insarance coverage rcquircd b�. Lender lapses or ccases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay �he - <br /> ' �s�i'�t��� ' � �;:�, premiums required to o6tuin coverage sub.stanlially e��uivalent lo the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost � <br /> , ' .<<'�e,-� ;!•9t-f <br /> -` t��,.�%.1 ;,r..,j�•;:,; : substnntiully equivalem ro Ihe cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage <br />:.•.w��' i;,,_�-,• .���!,{•�,;;.?• insurer upproved by Lender. If substantially eyuivalent mongnge insurance coverage i�not availabk,Borcower shall pay to <br /> � �� �� �:.�. •,•; Lender each month a cum equal to one-twelfih of the yenrly mortguge insursmce prcmium being paid by Bortawer when�he <br /> '.. �'��;.-:��• in4urnnce coverage lap.sed or ceased to be in effect. Lendet will accepl.use and retuin�he�e payments us a loss reserve in lieu <br /> '"• ,.,=;:�`t;� :' o f m o r t g n g e i n x u r a n c e. L os s re s e rv e p a y m e n t s m a y n o l o n g e r b e re q u i re d.m t h e o p t i o n o f L e n d e r, i f m o r t g A g e i n s u r a n c e <br /> �� ���;�.t;,,•. coverrge(in the umount nnd for the period thnt l.ender requires)provided hy an insui�er upproved by l.ender n�ain becomes <br /> avuilAble und is obtained.Bomowe�xhall pay�hc premiums reyuired io maintoin mortgoge insurance in effect,or to pmvide a <br /> y ' �.�t f�' loss reserve,umil the requiremem for mongage inxurance ends in uccordance with:u�y wrinen agreement be�ween Borrower <br />-� � .,..s�_'. •. �,� �. <br /> _ �+�:�.,�.;:,�{'.::y:�1;,�:' und Lenderur upplicable luw. <br /> .�'''�►�„�,�'�;:;;;,' ;�.s� 9. lnspection. Lender or its agent may moke reasanable en�rieti upon und in�:pectiom of the F'ropert�•. Lender shall � <br /> ���• 'rt'"��'� give Burmwer notice nt Ihe time of or prior to un inspection speciFying reu.onuble cause for the inspection. ` <br /> ���:��".;:}r��;L�,t �;��. _ <br /> i;}Y;��i;��;± t'r�.�,�sti '� 10. CondemwiNot+. The pnxeedr�of any uwnrd or claim for damage�.Jirect or ronsequentiul,in conneaion wilh nn}� _ <br />:.�- ' y�,r�s?;}S1�f'Pr,��•��;t.,i,. <br /> .'• • ;.,�{ri 1��}'�}= , Singk Family••�anWe�Ue/iYeddk Mx UNItY1R�91t�57'RUMENT••Umfam Cmenan�r 9/9D �puga 3 nj4/wRes� _. <br /> C��i Sti, `• � �1\�.�J{ <br /> n.,�; <br /> .,..� ��.,.�F �,. ;r��,i13i�1 �rn w�ewn�`u�.i�.■ � <br />-': �...• �+��y� ",;i To pYR Calh IiOGQOD9�Y9 D PA1{�1490UII3t <br /> :..�,;� r�.. ��;�{,',i°. .��..r, -- <br /> a<: <br /> L,�•f/� ��',�t�.�;��J{yt� 7 ��(j�� -_ <br /> � '[`�S!�fR�;';,:., ., 't��• `,. <br /> -,�.�, "�`��. �' �� I�IT} ,a . , '"'ny 7�H�, �`':: � . �,.t, �'� <br /> � �,�� + ��.�+�y ,.:�_ ; _ � •' .• , . �y ... .. . ,�.. .{t ' '" 'ni -.:i �c ' y '` <br /> #� .r � -.,1-• -.,` +! ti_. • . , � . . . �1 -� �t,�i� . . . .. `�}�:�r _� .� -'.. .j� . - � � .�±�- �.�� � , _ <br /> � • • � <br /> . <br /> •�' w � <br /> . <br /> �i6.e� ,i�.�.16-Ya,•t,��4 _��_.: - - .- . 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