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• . _ <br /> �..:— .+�:,:�:Y;� �" . :i° �'` __ __ — _...-_.. --- _ Y <br /> m n r ,? 1�•. • , '�i. . • y� . :,.:t7.a'd"."it,''.^m•.J , ,:�,, ,. <br /> :��ir = h._,_ , . . .I� � y .. _.�:"•r,G`:�17 ar�- D}Y• ... . « _ . , ,,1t„•• �.. <br /> .. _ <br /> . <br /> ,.. • , <br /> • , � , , .. . . . , . <br /> � <br /> . _ . ` ,, . ,.� <br /> , , .. . , :� �r��i�� . .. - <br /> . . -. <br /> � _ .. . . . -- - - � � •� . <br /> . -_ - �- � � 7'�i3�wlTH,�1�i�.�v�tp r.:w w BC+��m t��ay�and a!1 es�nte. -.- <br /> a�ld Rstur�.now tx Ae�fler a�pqt of t!w p�opaty. AIl�oaa�iqpts and addidaKS dWl Miw be ooMa�ed by 1� ' <br /> .., �. A►II d die fare�iy i1�Lared b io IW Seari�y�utptiuMeat w t!�'Ota�paty.' • <br /> ' BORWOWBR ODV�IAMS t�M A�x�nNru h L�fibiy aeLed at d�e apte baeby ooaveyed and hu the d�t ta�nt <br /> a�canvey tbe Pr�cperty anA dal tho Property i�nna�abaed.exoept lrar ancwab�aoa of�ecaid. Ranowm wanrM�w�d <br /> rviU delam�araaUy tba t�tb ta�da I'imperty�pia�t�11 c1�m�d de�oG�.wMeot to�ny�of racc�d. <br /> 7'MS SF�CtTRITY 1NS7'RUMRNT c�oa�es �nifano oovement: far nstionwl use�nd nao-unitapa oo+�e�ds wLh . <br /> - � Wnited vatlutaw by Juiisdk�to ccnsdtum a un[fam security h�strument cr+�aing rt�l p�o�ty. <br /> IJNQ+ORM C�OVE�IAM'3. Baaower aod Ixrder oovawit�nd�roe u tolbws: <br /> l. f��aN d PrYcip�l ad 1iM�Arep�wed�tl I.NIe 4'h� Aon�nwa shall�romptlY WY wl�en due the <br /> � �d and interat an tLe debt avWmced by�ho Note�ad mY P'�9�+���duc undet tbe Note. <br /> �far'I�xes aM Iwr�oe. SubJect wa�p1iqble!Rw or to a written waiva l�ider.Borrowc slqll pry W <br /> T.ende�on d�e day momhly pa�maus aa due under Ihe_�VWO.until the N000 is pdd ia fidl.a swn("Fia�ds�7�for:Ul Y�Y <br /> wtes and a�naas which may MWa priarity over Wis SP�ud1y Insorutnent as�Ikn on 1he Propaty:lb)YeulY les�ehold <br /> ` paymaNs a g�ound�nta aa the P�operty. If�ny:(c)Y'�Y �a P�'�P�ny � P��: (d)Y�!' flood <br /> in�aanoe prcmiwns.if aay:(e)Yar1Y mat�e jnvararce ptemiumc.IF any: md (� rny wan Bartower w <br /> ` accadanoe with Ihe provisioaa of puagr�ph lieu of the paymeat of matgage incur�qce pc�miunn. Theae <br /> iadms aro plted"Fscrow Items." l.ader u�y mne.oollcct and hold Plu�ds ia�w�ao�owM not�r e�coe�d tbe maximwa <br /> � amou�u s knder for a feder�lly relaad mat�a�e lan may neguiro for BaROweri es�.�o�r ac�oounie noder tle tedewl Re�d <br /> - gstatc Sepkrnrn{Prooediues Act of 1974 as ameaded from dme to dme.12 U.S.C.�2601 ea snq.("RE,S�i°►').uokse another <br /> !aw Ihwt spPlia w thc Hmds sets�le�ser�mount. If w.l.mder may.rt arqr time,collect�od hold F3s�c io aa�t not W <br /> _- --- - exaad tha lener amouat. l.eader may atim�oe t6e amw�t oi'�ol�e an the basis of cur�ent �a �mai �able <br /> - -- - - — atln�ues of expendinaes of future Fscrow Items or aherwjsc io aocad�e•with appIN�61e laWr. <br /> Thc Ei�nds slull be 6eW in�n instiwtian wlwse depocits�c iusuaed by a fedaal qgency.imtrummWity.a'ratity <br /> (inckding Lender.if L.arder ls such an instiwtion)or in anX F'rdcwa�l Ho�t�e i.oan Bant. l.ender sdaU apply the Fw�s+6a,tpa9 <br /> the Escrnw Itema. Lendu may not charge Eiartqwer fa hoiding aod�lying the tiwds.aruu�ally tinlyzin8 the•es�rnw <br />:;;t�' accaun� ar verii�tg tbe Escrow Items. unku Lender pays Bonvwer#�d►� on the Ruds and applicable law pem�its . <br />:.� Looder to malce�h a charge. However.Lender m�y roquine Bormwer to pay a one-time chuge far an indcperident r+eal �'�:;, <br /> �spue w�c�po��servla used by L.ender in ca�don with this loan.unlesc applicable Irw pmvides otlKrwlse. Unless an , <br />`.� ��nt is�wde or applic�ble l�w requi�interest to be paid,l.ender shell not be�equired to pay Bormwer any We�est a � <br />.-w_ eamings an the Hu�ds. Bomowcv and l.ender may agroe in wridng.hawever.lhat inte�est shall be paid on 1he FLnds. [.ender <br />- sh�ll give to Bot�uwer.wi�hout,uu�ual acawrWing oP�he Fimds.slwwing crcdita and deWls to the t�nds and the , '�• , <br /> - Pw'puse far whicl�each debit w Ihe Funds was macie. 7tie I�nds a�c pledged as additiorol security for all sums secwed by <br /> _... <br /> _;� this Security Ins�or+u�en� <br /> --- _ _ — �t'tlse Punds'?�.�d Dy�der excad tl:e a�nuunls�lsrd to Rx htld by apple�rebl•� law, 1��cha11 aoqwn� u� <br /> _ °� Bamwer for the eucess Funds in accrnd��nce wilh the requi�maatta of applicable law. If the amount af the Fundc held by <br /> m <br /> f '�i �yi a, L,ende,�at Any�lme is not sufticient to pay the Escmw Items wY►en due.L.ender may so notify Borrowe�in writiog.and. in <br /> _;� such case Bormwer shall pay to Lender the a�aoum necesstuy ta make up the deficiency. Borrower st�ll malce up the <br /> ,��. •�� � � deficiarcy in no mon than twelve monthly payments,at Lender�sole discretion. <br /> -`_' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment,Lender shall promptly reflmd to Borrower any <br /> - L•• e•.� ,'` ' Funds heW by Lender. If,under paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior to!he acquisition or <br /> r•::.;..''� sale of�he npply nny Funds field by L.ender at�he time of acquisition a sale as a credit against the sums <br /> �'�{'`��` secur�ed by this Secudty Inspvment. <br /> � "�, �'�,�• 3. Applkatloa of Payments. Unless upplicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by L.ender under <br /> �. � • ' paragraphs 1 und 2 shall be npplied: fir� anY prepaYment chnrges due under the Note; amounts payable under <br /> � '�. ,paragraph 2;third,to interest due:founh,to princlpal due:and last,to any lute charges due under the Note. <br /> ' ' ' � <; K:,,��. � 4. Charges; Lieps. Borrower shull pay nll taxes, nssessments, chnrges, fines and impositions attribumblc to the <br /> �`•�'�{? ,; i:opesty whtch r�tiay dtwiu prionry over thiR Security Instn�ment,and lesisehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br /> _ "� 'i"• •.?.� , sha96 puy lhese obligations in the manner provided in paragr�+h 2,or if not paid in thnt manner.Borrower shnll pay them on <br /> ` '�' time ditectly to trte person owed puyment. Borrower snall prumptly furnish to Lender all notices of umounls to 6e paid under <br /> ��`� �y''���� i, this pur�graph. If 8orrower makes thcae payments direcll�•,Rormwer shull promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> �}�'G <br /> •i � ;j�., _ ✓.,� the pa�yments. <br /> �:�.. r . � Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which hac priodty over this Security Insuument unless Elottower:(a)ngrees <br /> '� ��•' •'�•�,:� . <br /> .� ' ¢��..(• :';�,� a::, ; In writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the liea in a manner uccepwble to Lender,�b)cont�sts in good faith the . <br />- �•'��,�'� �- 7ien b or defends a cunst enforcement of the Ifen in,le al cedin s which in the Lend�'s o inion o rute ta rcvent thc <br />__ .,; .���k�1.�„�:;� • Y. B 8 p� �' P P� P <br />-�� ;��;v;�.;:� , • �+.� ' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien nn agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> :_ �d ' to this Security Inswment. If Lender determatus thsN nny purt of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may anain priority <br /> �! �� • over this Security Instrumern.Lender may gi�e 8orrower n notice identjfying the lien. Borrower�hall satisfy the lien or talce <br /> _ •� ' ';a}".�• one or more of the actions set forth otwve wNhin 10 duys of Ute giving of notice. <br /> ;r :�'•�;`�?''' S. Nazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected an the <br /> _ .' ••h ` Propeny insured against loss by fire,hazards included wilhin�he term"extended covcrage'and any other hnzards,including <br /> �'"� �^•' '�. floads or flooding, for which I.ender require�insuru�ce. This insurance shall be malntnined in the nmoums and tbr the <br />. � :'-•,.Li:.` • ���:r ,y� . <br /> , .,'•,, . . iq+ Fbro 302Y 9/90 I�wRe 2�N�6 PoRe�� <br /> j "t''' A'�•� I <br /> � �.w;..� �. � , r.y . <br /> �. . . <br /> i;�I��Ti� '�i i".:.�,,�^,I ' ' � � , . . . .�'�s�i�^��°, �� � , P"!�,:�-- <br /> ` ,�� , . . . .;�,�,...,y � `'�'!('.' ,'�:.� ,r...i �ry ;, - <br /> �u2.1: 2��t�rr N!a: .J �� �tf '�!, � ' � '�: i .'•�,- .,� �f 1.:�� � -r `�.�.� �. .� ��Jf�� <br /> jf�f� �` :!%g1}?tia.'} k��.'y ; -. �1Y � , - -o . . - i�'�..�� �•�(��'..,.� G� ,�1�- ��.����+.6MA�tS�ti:�.�. <br /> i 4 4si(��• ;ti' - � �.i. �:�'� . � � 1N i•� � h <br /> L����syi;{ s t. .�,�:. f�, �.i� <br /> r� t �A�t+�aNrai�'d:..�ii�f•5. ra. _3t�r.::i i _�t•. l ��i�,,�-��Llfe�_��� ..!i�_'_iti.�}�t�u!'►��iR�ttei».*`'�" <br /> •� _. . ,�\,�IY _• ._--.�`_. ___ ._ . __"_� .i F�lj`P - t �i_ .-c - ` <br /> III� - �+�o. ��� ���iE:i, . � i� - �•�} � .�:c.�;�•L'.�;�?�• � _ � �w� S `t.;•::N�=,.1� <br /> �� ^� ��,��i�_i, '��a � it ti tY��r1 Y� .� ,t Sl� r.�4;,+�'��^����.JI,r,�'-t"{`�ij�r�4 .,t�� ' �:/.�_ 3�`�:.5��4:'.'.i:.�. <br /> ,�' .� ���_.�� � �I')','2�Y•�,.. � . �;t � - Sl.yl s �_ll. � .�f�i�^(yi.y�i. . .. ..4. .� ' <br /> � i :�tiJxi �.��d •..�`�.�,L +�h. . •4_ ' '�4'L It- v r2 .rn�..�,r�{).1,(YC.j.,� t�llivrl.. �.:7' r c.�.,. <br /> � .1. �ie� �—�— '-'--� . 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