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�11.�a+%� � , , , , .� _ ; _ ��_ <br /> . .,,siFLi-s..�_�I - r i.nR�ULh� � ..:i:�^' :���ilit��' �1�'��w'C .L __ '� _, <br /> . . . * .. . S b:.^.... <br /> _ - "_ �._. _�� - - '_' ".---_, . ..� ._"', a�_aar._'�_t. ^ —" ' '_,, ^ - .. <br /> ' _ .. . � ���� 'i' l�«�:_. <br /> , . . . . -T''. <br /> f . p�f�..�J .titi <br /> -� _�-'• - -- ` � '�«����'Y����l��R���i N�wl�{R���y��' — -�� <br /> -�ub.pdeat..edr. . . . � ° ;'�` <br /> .g !p d�e�vait d��aqt plciti a�d� , dw�p1oo�� raq.6�ppolled�o�Mt waM'��ht�Se�ity. '�����;�� <br /> � � raaivaqaot.�e�ar rx aot tben dw.q�►an�P�ta Bbrttr�r, f�W�went o��pr�tfa�ukiu�ot�e prnp� . !r;� <br /> w61ch d� . �et v�k�e otibe A'oPMty(mmediataly belol�a Ihe t�itln{u e�wl w or�Iet�lan 1he�nxrunt of q�p;f�uaa� „ <br /> : iooured by tbl�Secwiry iNbtanenl i n 1 m e d i+�1 e J�r 6 o tae t h o u i c i�.u n l a r B o n ro�w e r m d�l.o a d o r t w N e r w l�e'1�e�i n r v�i t 6 1/. , ,�" <br /> ' � tlie ar��e�aored by d� 8ectirhy im�tent�1�114e twlWO�d by tht�u of the pma�d�multiplleA by.dio tdlowiq� <br /> _-,,.__.._.___,_...._..�.�. �t�Cd011: (i)fI10 tIM�I�f110YM Of tI10 i1111M�OCWOd�IIIAIOdLtlJy betaa tla W�ln�.divided by(b)tUa fiiir ma�k�t v�lue ut tbo <br /> t�ey t�+xa+.�eiy�ar,u�e aian�.��My bd�noe�Q be p�W W Bamaw�t tn�ne avem ot.�wp�or a�o <br /> A+npaty in which tho fdr rtwket value a t t l�a P ro p a t 9 i m t a o d W e ly b e t a�e t h e t a l c i t�1�l e�t h a n t h e�noaunt o f t P�i e w�ro ' <br /> �ocurod immedi�tely befae da uking�unka Bo�t�nwer and I.oMlx adimwi�e�ee!n wdUn�or unlay�ppl�cabk� bw <br /> . otbavvl�e providea,tho p�ooeals�hall be�pp8ed to 1ho wan��ecwed by d�Sea�rity I�naqenl whe�bor ar aot We wms�r , <br /> tbea due. <br /> � If tia Pnupe�ty is�b�ndoned by iP,�eotice by L�cnder ta Bonow�er th�t the caidemnor aft"en w m�ko <br /> �n�w�nl oq�eMle a cWm for d�m��cs�Bmrower f�ilo w�e�pond to l.eader wtthin 30 d�y�aflu tbe date tho notice 1�givrn. <br /> Lender i��uul�ined!o ooUect�nd apply Ihe prooeedc.nt Ip optloe,either on restaaUon or�ir of 1ho Prropaty ar W ibe <br /> wan�eacu�od bg th4 Socwity Ins�wnent,wheiher or not dKa due. <br /> Ud�t l.eader�nd Bartoyver othctwiso agroe in wrltiag. my�p Ik�tian of proeeed� to prl�ocip�l�6aJ1 not exl�wnt ar <br />— pa�tpono tba due d�te of die�aontNy WYments�eferrod to in psr�aphsp I and 2 or ch�n�o tho anwunt otsucA pyrments. . <br /> - _ " li. Ha�+o�er 1Wt Rek�sedt 1�ur6e�r�x By l.�le� NM a Wiiver. B�etenslo� of �be timo for p�yme�nt ar � <br /> mod'dia�iaa of a�no�tiz�tiian af dio swns cecurod by ihis Savi��r Imdument gnnted by Ire�da W wy a�ooessor ia iMaeq <br /> �--__ <br /> �4'B+k,u�+a'sbup uw uprrato to�eirase ti�e�'iiry ai iF�uriYmaf S�i��e;ar Dnii��•r3�uca.^�in i�rrst.Le�r `"' <br /> .��- - s�U t�'�a to coim�ence proceedLtgs against�y s�ucceswr in inter+e�t or rotkx: to oateud b.-�e for p:ym��nt oa� <br /> --- athaa�isc mo�di y�,u�o�tizaqioo of the sums securcd by ttis Sacurity iashumeat by rrcacon of any dammd made by the ai�in�l <br /> `' � Bormw�r or HarovFCert�succxssois in Inurcst. My fabeawnce by Leader in exGncisin��ny d�ht ar ainedy tluU not be• <br /> -�:" �Y; waiver of or prtC�ude fde exercise of any right or remedy. <br />�.,.�� y 11 Suaoe�rsars�nd Asri�a�Ba�u�d;Jolut aad Sever�l I.I�bWtyi Co�si�aen. 7?�e covenAnt�nnd a�nroema�a of dds <br /> �"`�` Secw�ily i�nt ahatl 6ind and denetit the succescors and sssigns of l.ender end Borrowar.�ubject to the pavleioa�,of <br />:.�x�. <br /> <},• ' para graph 17.Borrower�s covenunts and ag�esments shall be joint and several.My Barower wiw co-signs this Soc�ty • <br />�_��;, Inatnut�nt but does not execute tha Note: (a)is co-signing Ihi�Security Inshument anly to rno�tgage,gnnt nnd can�by thu ' <br /> %:' pornowul�intemst in�he Property under the temns of�his Securiry Inxtnunen4 (b)ic not persamlly abliguM to pay tho wma �;`.;;..' <br /> �,:�G secuad by this Security Instrumant;and(c)agrees�het L�ender and any oQxr Bomower rtwy a�ee to exten�i,modify.forbear .� ,;� <br />"°T-'�'; or malce any acxomnadwlau wilh mgoM to tha terms of thir Security Uicwment or tl�e Note witbout�hat Bonow�aY •��,��� . <br /> ',"��; coruent. <br /> �.�;, !3. Loan C�es. If the lo�n secured by this Secudty Instrument is subjoct ro a IAw which sbl�mwcimum forn , . <br /> charges.and that law . tinelly la��empreted so thut ihe interest or aher loan charges colkcted or w be collectod ln coruiecdon .. • � <br /> '�',i' <br /> , '�'�:�;��'•..��� with the loan eaceed the permitte�l�Imits,then: Qal aoy such loan charge stwll be reduced by the amouat n�crssary to roduce ,:• � <br /> �, � r�`� the chazge w tha permuned lim{t;und(b)any sum�s�r�edy collected from Bomower which exceededp�Rna�t�"d Umits will be . ,�,,:. ••, <br /> '��`�-.• . � •t�` rofunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to muke this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the N�t�or by malcing A�� • �t� <br /> .r� .:'':':'�:��•'��,<'• di�ect payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the rcducdon wfll be urated es a psutial prepayment wltA�s�n}r ; '� �. <br />_ . r,�'�v;���4.�.�,.;. . <br /> . .., pnepayment charge under the Note. :� <br /> ' �` � 14. Notices. Any noticc co Borrawer provided for in this Security Im3trument shall be given by dclivering h ar by '. • <br /> � * �' � mailing lt by first class muil unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shell be directed to 1he F'►vperty ''� <br /> -' ,:�.t:,:.,±,��..� . <br />_;. . i.,; w , �._ Addrcas or ony other address Borrower de5igoutes by notire to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by tirat class <br /> '�� mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bormwer. My naice provitled for <br /> ';,� � ','� �+" ' in this Secu�ity b�rument shull be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> v. '�r�-;;• ,:r�,;. ParaBraPh. <br /> ��" ; '��'';� . � 13. Governing Law; SeverabiNty. This 5ecu�ity [nswment shull 6e govemed by fedeml law and thc law of the <br /> �• ��:�:•; •N�:. � " jurisdiction in which the Propeny is locuted. ln Ihe even�th�x uny provision or cluuxe of this Securiry Inarumcnt or the Note <br />.-`•8 � . t � '' • � con0icts wi�h npplicublc law,such conflict ahall not aifect other provitiionti of thi�Security Inswment or�6ie Note which can <br /> ''' �'; , �� ;•� � be given effect without the conflictin$provisian. To�his end the p�ovisions of this Securiry Instrumenl And the Note are <br /> q '. .. declared to be severable. <br /> . „:�:• l6. Borrower's Copy. Borrnwer xhull be Fiven one cunformed copy of the Nole und uf Ihix Security Instrument. <br /> ����~. ; 17. 7Yansfer of the Propertv or n Beaefidul Interest in 8orrower. If al I or uny pun of the Property or any interest In <br /> � .• . it is sold or trnnsferred lor if a heneficial interest in Barcower ix,uld or trunmf'erred and Bormwer is not a nnmral person) <br /> �. � without Lender's prior written conxent,Lendrr may,ut ils opion,reyuirc immediute paymenl in full of ull sums secured by <br /> �•`� .���,>.,;' ;1,,,` ";;� thiy Security Inr��rument. Howevcr,this ap�icx�shall not he exenised by Lendcr ii'exercise is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> �� � " " ' •� '� the date of this Secu�ity Instrumenl. <br /> -'��� � � If Lender exercises this aption,Lendcr ahall�zive Borrower nutice uf uccelerution. Thr noticc shal�provide a period of <br /> 'f.�„`��'���" not kss than 30 dnys from the dute Ihe ncNice ig delivcred or muiled within which BoROwcr muu puy ull sums aecured by this - <br />- Security Inatnimen�. If Borruwer fuil, �a pny �hrx sum, prior to�he expirution of thi,�rHxl, Lender may invoke uny <br /> : � ����• ,•�'�� � remedies pertnilted by Ihis Serurity Intiwmenl wilhout I'unher noticc i�r demnnd on Bom�wer. <br />'`.' �"��=- -`•.�!-~-:� _ I$. Borro�:er's Ri�ht ro Rciastate. It aorruwc� irnrt,cc�tuin runJi�ion,. Borcawer+hull have �he righ� �o have <br /> �, „ <br /> " '' "• enforcement of�his Securiry Instrument Jisc�iminucd at any umc prior�o the carlirr oL• �al S duys(or�curh other period as <br />� Sfngk F�nily•-Fhnnle Mae/FYeddk NmUNlff)RN I�ti'i'RI�ME\T••UnitortnCoveoaniti 9/!IY IpuRe 4�y'n pa;�es► <br />- j�+',. • . ' ,, <br /> , �; �. <br /> �. ��. � ,� .(i��R��'t��,i � <br /> 1��'���y ������X��+�4� <br /> _� �5�� -'��.�����5,,}�P�,M�4� r,\., ,i. ,, .. I�Q��._"`'' .:"i�}fmftn+�u_y'rirlfita��:nrr�c r.�tr��l��` ,ia T - _-'�` rsz��wsr�.a-a�rr �sl'�t�ai���tiirra�:�iia��.. <br /> - � �' �� `f > �4. 1_, 't f - , - - � .! i���'r�-�r__� ' r-•_"'� ,•1-r�-' . . , qt . t-.�---�_-_-s-..r,..,T,..-�..� <br /> _ l . � I�. i � � � - _ r , , l� . , � � s,;�'1� � '� <br /> ��� ! '. ,� _' r` � I _ ; � � !. • � • ( :�'.�e1; t ��'.+� ,i��`, <br /> . . �i <br /> .�IL`,.11 �� 6 �:i �'s.'i�1 i � 1 r�1 1�5 '. � ���`il� 1.. -�� . . � , ' i � a.i � t .�V�`��l�i't�`���'�'' +�1'.�1��- '�� - <br /> --� I�i�-�-�=It�JA&1.'i].2S_1��1ti_'�_. _�,�.llil'�—1_t.. ._.'.�'--'.x ...... ... _i.�u ...-•. __`-- �",....< <'��6' �.F'L � .0 �.r`!�� r11LtrL�"f�O�Y` -- <br /> _`�7� . , �s'- --�—�..'C-` ,I 4.� .� " . .:. ;•.4,��.,:!,''+_.._'. . - .._.-•-- - :. c-�-�st1�-•.' �, •t..�,y°� ' ":'� ����- -_— <br /> :S ' }. ',� ''h�+ta.,. <br /> lq �� � � 'i��I M �1p J11i,�[(���ln'�.' Iq-� ��iL.i `_ <br /> '1� . :�'`..�y� . � < <• - 11 _, . . . �, � . ~4� t�'�7 {rs�:��li"1ti1�y� � - <br /> � ;'tk'��:J»�L'.b�f��. '��1 -�����1.�41„il r �,� � �.�;, ,..r� .�i\.;i' .C��:�'•..�,+�..,- L •1. .?�j.��.�::. <br />= � .. t�---o,-_._._.�_._„-i 5 , _ .'S.� � „ . , . . • . . .. . -�'`�i."y(,'.t,�:�w.:�.�, . ;:� �� Ki..n .Y2�,c.�a.__ <br /> t S, t � . �. �� � # �i(�',�i.�as..• ,. . �-�.' . . ~ . <br /> � •�� i. �i,�, � <br /> _� � ,r :a••�` �A;:-:f;� . � ��... ', . . . . . ., .. . _ . � t , _ <br /> _.a� "' �.�y,: � . ., .. � .. . ������ ' . " . . _ . <br /> _� ' - � . - ' - . . .� . � . � • <br /> � � � '��Q.iJ.,Ay'� � ' :t , ,_ ' _ •� ' .. . , 't�.: ul. . � .. .. .' . <br /> '_ .. �. 1 f, , . . . . . ' 1 . �/' .. ' � . •�• Y i1��� (iJ`',,'•,,Jlra��• st� v'�r <br /> Y . . .. , , . , '.� { _[ <br /> { . • �` } -1' .. � . . . . ' ... �. . ' A"�rAtb S/�•+M1 ���'� !t� , <br /> ;�,J`�. :� '.�v n T.�y^`�:..�:�::..�_• <br /> 1 � � .i��� I .1'- �l..�`;Y L••.., ; � <br />� ,��'�"T;4•'"y,1''.. . . .�I/' _, - _'""" . . .. . . . ' i . ' ��7�'^ffh•- .. � „«sM�MF,,. ' .. <br /> - '�, a.y.•�5r 1:: � � . ". � . _ . . . . , . . � _ . <br /> . <br /> � � <br /> �. <br /> .11� 't � <br /> � ' .. � <br /> . . . . <br /> v .. . . . <br /> � rt- .. .. .:. -�.. _v_ • - � ,. . _- ____. _ <br />