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�A. . • . �_._F" <br /> _'_.�.#'- '� . i�'' 1 - � . . � �. -. ._}-'� <br /> � � . � _ _ <br /> i: . . 'A '.� . � - - . __T__ _ ...... . ±.�._. _' —_ <br /> . . .�� � . . .. ' . ;d,LY _.��!` . . . • ,. . � i' ....,.�•-�y _ �_ — , _ <br /> . <br /> , • <br /> • � i <br /> . . . • <br /> . ' <br /> _.__ . ._. _._. �-. . _.'L_��_.. ...._ � � , t . <br /> _ , .._. . .. �e _ _ .. .�_ - _s��. -,,''*- ., r_— T _ <br /> � �� <br /> _._ ___. __-- ,, �ppy�abie�M nny y�y tue�at�e�g�efae�+�q�t'�e Ropeity�pw�el a nW P�wt at ata.oaw��N i�o� � .-� ;�• , <br /> � .��c�r(tu I�wN� N?�e���torei��W�ar1tY�M�q�..q��ionriro drt�eeo+ra: W ^::�-==-- <br /> ( <br /> • pqr�L�dw all.�wai �fiicfi be due undol'@iG �ty Ia�tromo�;�be Not�a��if uo�ooY�YlMio� id,; d , .'�; <br /> oo�m�lb)cyNe�+i�►detault d'.�aY a�ar oovanu�n ar �rl�,+�an o(a)pq�all sapnMe�Yc�rnd la aNton�ilj�ik�ilf► � �;:. <br /> • :1nw�eot,iocladity.bnt nal limioed t0.n�uble attamaya'iea;and(�t�s wcb�cNon a Lender mry rowo�Dly `�`,"``'-; <br /> ' . re�re a.a�v t�c aie lieen at d"8.9x�utty marumeM,t�de�l�ti�Ms m�be Fiapne�y ntd.eanruwer9 ohli�Mioia 1p o�y�Me � . <br /> � saa��e�aedb�► d� Seaniry GMAiumaK dwll oondeue u�ad. Upoa �t by Banowar.�qli� Saeiaitr � ,�.:�: <br /> 00 <br /> -_ ._._._�....�.v.. , I�amait�nd tba ob�li�ttans eecitt+ed M�eby elmll r�main fuUy e(fxHve as if no aooek�tian Md aocurnd. Howawr.dd� , <br /> ti�t�o neiaM�e tb�Q aot qrply ia tbe ca�e bf�cvdaatlon nade,r pu+�g�h 17. '• • � . <br /> 1!� Sds d 1Vatai Ch��p o l�ora S�nloee 7Ue Nate a a ituareat iq d�e Note( wkh thi�Saauity <br /> ln�dumaat)nMY be�oW one ar more tima without priar aotioe la�. A�la msy�eal�elnnae ia 1ba aWty <br /> Yiuw�q Ms dia"La�n 5e�vlce�tbat aollacts moadd9 P�Y�s d�a w�dar dra Note md tbi�Secutity IasbuaKnl. 71►a�4�ko <br /> msy 6e om or morc ch�a o�drC Loat1 Saviar unrd�ta�q�►fale a1��he Natc. U thde U a c6�n�e of Ihe La�5�►loa. • • ,. <br /> Bannwer wfll be given�nriuen natire af the chu�e ia�ccatd�aoo witf�p�a�ap414�bove and Apdkable h� 7fe iootioe <br /> --- wfl l wte t6e nanao md�ddness d eha aerr L+oala Saviar�oad d�e addies:ea whieh papnnaad�houtd�be mrb. The�wi�e rrW <br /> alto oaot�in emUr atl�et iofanr�tlon roqwiml bY�pP�icabie u�r. <br /> M H�su�SNb�ces. Bo�rowcr dlW not caume or pamit Wc peeenoc.use.di�owil.ator#� rcie�xo a1'aay <br /> Haseardous S�ub�nnvea�of �B 4�we�•,�1 not d0.�allosenta�cei�11 nat�����8�� <br /> w��8 �My w ab pro�aora,�e,or `' <br /> — ua�ag on the Ptuperty of swU qyi�tlNa of H�uunddjis S�tl�t�re geoeraliy roc�niud w be appopi�Eeto aarmd �"' ..' <br /> rodddNhl Yses aod to m�inta�nce of the Pr+uperly. ,''.' '::i:,•'.w" <br /> - _ - - Bori+aa�er s!�!!premt�Stly givt Lceciltr ai�c�t onj;�S'nr�-'!;tr�.elaim.�.lasrsstft Cr trtlxr�ut by aay ` .° �� <br /> _ -- -- govemnienpd vr�egulatory�arcy er privac��patty iuvblving tbe 1Y,to�.,��nd any Ha�nda�s Si►�Stanve or F�v�omnu�W ..;; . ,.r <br /> - 4�w ot which Batrower h�s actual irnov�lr4v�t. I� Sarraw� leairas.�r i� aotifiod by �ny gav�nmaual ar reguWary •� ,� <br /> authotity.dwt any nenwvd or other�emedi�tion of any rJuzandous Subatance af�'ecting the Ptopq���naxssWy.flaYOwer 1 <br /> . �. �P�P�Y tal�e all necess�ry remedial acdana in acm�dance wUh Frvitnnmenw L.�w. <br /> }.',.> Ai uad in�his�wragraph 20."H�z.onloua Substw�ces"o�e those subawr�ces deMed as toxic ar•lutixardous wbsqnoes by <br /> -="r' I � P.�vironmenta!Law and the followu�g substances: gasoline.kerosene.oN�er tlammable or to�cic pero.^olwm p�oducts.ttoufc <br /> p�sticides md herblcides,voloWe solvenis, materials cont�ining asbestos or fonnaldehyde,and�udSoacdve�naurials. Aa <br /> '.v, used In�his paragr�ph 20."F�vironmental Law"means fedcral lav►r�md I�ws of U�e juricdlctian wUaa tbe Propaty i�loca�ed <br /> �:- ttwt re4ite w ur rnv�rn�unenwl protection. , <br /> NON-UNIFOlfM COVENAN7'S. Bomower and I.ender further coverwnt and a�rce as follows: �� ' <br /> ' '� 21. Aaxkntba;RemMie�. Leader sball�ive aMice to Borro�rer prtor to acaleraftoa tdb�Borroaer'a .��,1-�' , <br /> '_�?'� breacM ot Any covenartt or ag�t in tWa Security I�ua4ent(bNt oot prior to aaderrtio�uader par�raph 17;',: : ';: <br /> " �� <br />•`::`•', ��len�PpYcable bw provWes ot6erwlsel. Tbe oodoe s6a11 spectt9t (a)t6e dehult:(b)lie actio�raldr+ed to care tMe�' ` <br /> ._. . . <br /> -:_!_ _ _ _ detaulk lc)a d�0e,twt less tbae 30 d�ya firom Ibe dNe t6e nodce is given to Borrower,by w6k1�tbe dehult muat 6e �,.:. . • <br /> � ��` cured;and(d)that fAilnre to cure the defAUlt on or befa�e tbe dAte spedikd in fbe notice awy result In�don of <br /> � '��"� We was secured by thia Security lnstrumeot and sWe of the Property. Tbe notke slwU Rurther iaform f3��er ot <br /> h ;::� the�gMt w reinslnte aRer accelemtion ond the right to bring a cou�t aclioa to sssert the noa-exh�teace ot w de�ault ar <br /> �oy albe�defense of Borrower to acceleeation and sale. I�tl�e default fs not cured on or 6etore the dAte specified in <br /> ��;;��� ''.ac� -`s� � the aMice,I.ender et it�option may require lmmediate ppyment in full otall su�securcd by this Securlty iastrument <br /> �, ,' withaut furtha�demand ond mpy invoke the power ot sale and nny other remedks permttted by Applkabk law <br /> � �%t>rt' � Lender slu�ll be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuiog the remedies provided io thi� {qr�raph 21, <br /> :�•,' • . <br /> �, . �xa:' • includin8.but not limited to,reasonable wttorneys'�ees and casls of lNle evldence. � <br /> �::_, ;�:,�"�'a' ' If tl�e powe�of sale fa invoked,7lrustee shAll record a nMke af defauR in each caunty in whic4 s�ny prt ot tbe <br /> t y, Properly is located and shall moil copies of such notice in the monner prescribed by ppplicable law to Borrower and to <br /> - `'`�� �� . b..'��`'� '• '' t h e M h e r p e r s o n s p r e s c r i b e d b y A p p l i c a b l e I w w. A B e r I h e t i m e re q u i r e d b y a p p l k a b k I A w�7 Y u s t e e s h t d l g i v e p u b l i c . <br /> t"�i u'� • <br /> ,�,.,. ., notia of s�le to the persons and i�the mannc�prescribed by applicnble Inw 'Ilrustee.wlthout demAnd on Borrower. �•, <br />?�•r. � ,.� "' s6aN sell the Property at public ouctton to the highest bidder at the time and{slqce and under the terms deslgoated in <br /> `�°" " �:�` � the aWke of sule in one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. 7Yustee mpy postpone sale of all ar aay <br /> /.:j.'.� �: i' " <br /> ; �;Yi �•, rr ' �� parcel of the Properlv bv�ublic announcement at the time and place of�ny previously scheduled sWe. I.eader or its <br /> :�=,��,t;��; i '�- r•�' deslgnee nwy purcha�e Ihe Property at any sale. <br /> �'�•E,°� . , " ;• a U a recel PaY P P � Y S <br /> r.:`'.�� <br /> �,:�.4 _„„t�...;,�•,„ po pt of �nent of Ihe rice bid.7Yustee sh�ll deliver to the urchaser 7lrustee s deed conve in tbe <br /> •^• �� Properly. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prim�Pacie evidence of the truth of the statements made thenin. <br /> � '""��'��� ' • •�� •�� 7lrustee shall apply the proeeeds ottbe sale in the tolbwing order: �a►to all ca4ts And ezpenses of ezerc�IbY power <br />-,� �,, �•, <br /> i � "., ;�,�,: ' : <br /> " � � � <br /> }?�';�.,�' ��� <br />.� �`r �' �S';��t��R���`` '+s�,,+ty' <br /> � . r+-�'•I tat`�;"i�;a::l�r <br /> J.+'{ti« *;���)�n-�-'�r• '";�., <br /> 'ae1����h' ,��'�Yl..i1•�'"-�'�r�(9:�=5 <br /> '�;�1 "�• _'�i',f i`,��.��` Furm J0l�t YN9 r/wx••S nJn p,�,v�► <br /> ..+ 1 9+f � � <br /> _= Y+�; ��tt''.i'f ,l�'r±��r �. <br /> •�,.: ,•r ;y:;�i�`^�'"'�''��ff« <br />_ �� �,,, ,�li;��'� ,:.1�-, <br /> - '��t� �. ,;y g,�„�'.�:;� . <br /> a,�`,� ; t�' '��`��t :' <br /> J�`;,;� �/ Af , <br />. .\1�`S�� Arr'�'.;1.+�;>, 4t'~ $ +gf � �4�•., .�� .-- <br /> ,j�l • 1 ! )? t • �/ . ���`.J!`• . <br /> �'RL 4L I - 11 .�' I ~ {1 i•f+�- 1 �!i'�� . � -.`. ... \ . , l . 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