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C��� ---- <br /> � � ,: <br /> ---- ,� � <br /> . . , . _. _ _ • <br /> .- ��.� �� v. •..�r�y.�. . _ . .� _ 1 . .._...__ .._____ _._ _ � r i��uuuxr':•p1'[ - <br /> --... �. � •,r'la��t . . . . . .. �• ''ti ..r <br /> -- _- ., _ _ 1_.+ . . . _ .�� .::_.. . _� ... � �. .� � - . �99� �.�1 � �� . ,, � <br /> — . ,.��w��.����a+���,n�,e� ��a��.,a��,� .��,. <br /> ,.. �.an�a ee uc+N.�o�bq►�lu�h�ia. u�arrt►,w�r wb�i p�iayw�aNe��..r.e�.�y. � � _ <br /> ., , ;,��opNoe,obaa+anr�a*e�b poaa l�d�ti a�.M r�. � m�c�a� P�t�►�. r;rt: <br /> + A11 i�noe policiaa�nd�+www�ls�ntl be b L�iqO�II a pmtl�d mo�e c�l� ��d� ' <br /> n <br /> �* ' of pdti proialuna��enewd��Ia tbe�B��lwll�w rpro�ry+t�yio�We�i�iwraooe c�rrier�ap�d . <br /> t�uer. L.oaaer nyr auke pmofaf loo itna a�w�dlpp�lr by►�aa�awor• <br /> �—°`" � UAtea Lader�&xrowrr ahaewhe a�e�in�vrid��ia�nnoep�oeed��tWl be applied w muo�allon a ropir of • <br /> �a U me eatonaae qr rop�4 b eoonanibuy few�ribie ad��.eridorti sea�ity b aa ks�e�ba. If the <br /> n� on ar r i�not eoono�nicdly te�sibb ar l.enday�eauity wauld bo lestabd.tha ins�noe prooeea��ull bo <br /> . �pplied ta�do sw�u�ecnred by tbb Sec�uity Ia�neiu. whaWer a not tbea due.wNh�ny e�cae�pdd a Banowrr. IP <br /> Bar�vwa�b�ndonr the P�opaty.or doer aot m�aror widda 30 d�yt�aotioe fYwn L�d�thNt the in�anoe aateior Iw <br /> oPfaed w�dlk�cl�im�than l.a�du ut�y oollect Iba inwnn�ce pmoeed�. Lenda m�y u�e�he pooeedi tonsp�Ir or rc�tore <br /> the Piopaty or to p�y awa�acured by tid�Se¢urity 1�u.whelher ar r�ot dw�due, Tlio 30�dRy pe�iod will be�in when <br /> � die qotke i�giv�ea. ' <br /> , Ualea�Laber aaa.Bomnwer otae�wlse �ee ia�nitin�,any llcadon oP pcnoeedo w�ip�!,n.�E nd exoeaa+or <br /> poatpone the due d�te oP the monthlY P�Y��+ekei+4d q Iq par+�,l aa�2 at c�utge the�awunt of tAe pynna�e. If <br /> under pa�8r�pd 21 the Ptoperty is soquu�ed bp 1.euder.Banowrcr�nig�t o��np i�nncx poUcks aad Pnooee�ds� <br /> _ � fram d.m.ges a the P�ope�iy pcior to d�e acquidRioa smll pa 10 l.eader w die e�cteat ot drc wau teaured by tfd�Secaiq► <br /> �y�aaR!� <br /> �! �S ct sbx ; 8orre�re!*e lla�e Ap�l�1l�ad <br /> - - -- - -- Leaee6eiis. Bamwer s6�l1 aocupy.atabksh.enA use the Pmperty aa Hemnwer�h��a�pc at mddence wlthin s6uy 6ari aRer � <br /> °::�.;„. �iie exocution of d►is Securiry Insuwoent aiad ehdl corqinue w o�cupy the Prope�ty at Banowerk pr�ncipal residen�e for at , ' ' <br /> �"�,; � le�st me Yar afkr dio d�to of occupn►.y. unkss Lender od�erwisa �ees in writing, which eansent sda�U aat be ' <br /> - w�neaconabty withheW.or wk�extenu�uias eincums�tanxs enist whtch aro beyad Bamwerk contml. Bo�mwer abaU not ' . • <br /> damuy.dwn�ge or imp�ir the Prvppty.a11ow tbe Prope�ty to dereriaate.or oommit�on tbe PmpeRy. Barnwer�luU . <br /> ba in default if any for&iwm action ar proceoding.wt�her civ�l or beg�uw�u in Lerder'a good tdth judgment <br /> = could ncuU in forfeitune of tha PtapMty or otherwlse materiaAy impair the Itano ,��eaud by this Seciuity Inu�t or <br /> .". ; Lenckrl�socurity i�a6 8�rrowu mty curc aueh a defwlt u�d�einstak,as provic9otJ in paragraph eausing the aeNon , <br /> or proce�ding to bc dismissed with a n�ling thst,in Lender�s guad faitt►de�minetlon.procludes fafeipm of the Batrower'§ . ., ,, ' <br /> inter�est in the Proptrty ar other material impni�ment of the lien creaE�d by this Security instmment or L.enderls securitv ' . <br /> . _. inte�eat. Bortower slwll also be in default if BomowM� during the laan applicatkn prooess. gave materially,;atsq ar . <br /> _M_; inoccurate informat�on or statements to L.ender(or failed io p�ovide Lender wlth nny materiel Wbmwtion)in con�ctim wi� , <br /> -�.s:% dwe lo�n evidenced by the Note� ineluding, but not limiteil w. repnesentations concaning Bamowerl�accupancy o�N}e �•;'�` �„ <br />_ -i1 - ; +�; f�, ^ �R�p�rty as a pr�cipqi reside�ca. if this Secuilry I�istruo�it Iss�ni�krucin,iS.S�xn�wc��huf1 axnply wiih+ili fi�e prnvi� <br />;;� �,Ffi:`:� . ., _ ,.,��� of�he lease. N Borroaer acquires fee dde w the Property,the Iea�ehoW and�Me fa dtk ahWl not mage unlese Lendar ag�ees <br /> p',;.,:(a;`,� � c, ta Ihe mer$er in v�iting. <br />` •,:;'''r` i<<<•.';':�?�;' '. •�''`" 7. Pratectioo of Lender's Rt�6ta in lhe PropeRy. If Borrower fnils to perform the covenants and a ments �. <br />�'"�', . , : � .,�,�, <br /> ...,-,' ��,��t:,: contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal procading that may significantly af1'xt Lender's ri ts in the <br /> S}.�� '� ;,.~ '� pro such as a roceedin in banlw probat gu <br />-� ,., •;y�,.;;��. perty( p g ptcy. e.for condemnudon or forfeiture a ro enfotce laws or te lationa).then. <br /> �, ,•., ,a:� Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propecty and Lender's rights in the Property. <br /> '�;_.,,�.,, ` �. • � -.. Lender's actlons m�+y include paying any sums secured by a lien which has pdoriry over this Security Inswmen�appearing <br />'���1�'�,1 �` ~,�~��•,I ,r in court. a in reasonnble anome s'fees and enterin on �hc Pro rtv to meke re Althou h l.ender ma talca actbn <br /> a�,,. P Y � Y � Pe . P�� 8 Y <br /> � '' � `''�'' under this p;uagraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> .�i:�':• .•. � <br /> '`�`"'� ��� Any amuunts disbur,ed by Lender under this parugraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secw�ed E;y this <br /> � � c�5 4, Securily Ins�n�mem. Unles,Borrower nnd L.ender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> . .t ' ,l�.��I�i�k�:: <br /> ,r�ly, �ti ;.�y:_r; � date of di�bursement at ihe Note rate and shall be puyable,with interest,upon notice irom I.ender to Borrower roquesting <br /> ,,.�q,�t; ` ,�b:':�,.•;.:, payment. <br /> 1s!.��� • �� '.�.....:... ..:.. � . 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mongage insurance as a condition of making the loan secuted by this <br /> ' f'��i '' ' � �S'` Securiry lnstrumenb Borrower shall pay ihe premiums required to maintein the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any <br /> ��+ ' ,�`��r��•°`•�a��� reason, the mortgnge insurunce coverage requir�ed by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bomower shall pay the <br /> ��''.�"M" ... <br /> ,,°;:, . <br /> �� �� �.� � ��� • �" premiurns reyuired to ob�nin cover+ge xubstnntiully equivalent to the mongage insurance previously in effect, at a cost <br /> , � . ` sub.vtantiully equivalem to t4�e cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect.from on ultemate mortgage <br /> � ' insurer approved by Lender, lf substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not uvuiluble.Bomower shall pay to _ <br /> ,�;�;l.{t:;, ., ;�.' � Lender each month u sum equnl to one-twelhh of the yenrly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the - <br /> �''r'� � '� ° ��• c�: insurance rovera e lu ged or ceased to be in effect. Lender will ocee t use�nd retain these u mems as a loss rcserve in lieu <br /> 1.�;� � -. •� �t'��- � g P• P• p Y _ <br /> �Ai: �•.' "'' " of mortgage insurance. Lo,s reserve payments may no longer be required, At the option of Lender, if mortgage insurance <br /> ,;•;t••• � ..,.1'� . - <br /> 1t�.�; ,,�;^, „ covernge(in�he amount and for the period ihat Lender requires)provided by a�n insurer upproved by Lender ugain becomes - <br /> ���'t��,�•�'.• �,•�!�''"� • avail�ble imd is obtained.Borrowe�shall pay the premiums required to maimnin mongage insurunce in effect.or to provide u <br /> f"����°�4• � `. ' los�rexerve,until Ihe rcyuirement for mortgage insurancr e�ds in accordunce wi�h any written agreement between Borrower � <br /> s�j:x:,�s �i: '�' � „ - <br /> • nnd Lcnder or applicablc Is�w. _ <br /> "�(,. , �� . �� . 9. InspecQion. Lender or i�.noent niay mske rrasonable rntric•;upnn and inspcciions af thc Property. Lender shal! - <br /> .Y�� .n,,�.�c.� - - ` _� <br /> � ---- - grve Horrower ncitice ut�hr time of or prior to an inxprction specifyin�rca�onuble cause for the lnspection. <br /> 1 � � � : ! 10. (:ondemnntion. 'i'he pnxceds of any award or cl:�im for Jumuge.,direct or comequentiul,in connection with any - <br /> t. ,. � �., „ _ <br /> ° Sinpk Family••Fannk MxlMleddk Mac UNIFOR�IIYSTRUMENT-•UnHurm Cu�enant.. 9/90 fpux�'3 of 6 pdgrri <br /> `f���A��`' ` r,rrnt IaRn Euanne Yaoe.Inc.■ _ <br /> ���:'':i• .� � � To pdef GY.Ii00�41D49i0 O pA1l 616791•1131 _ <br />����r•i�.� � �y '. �� � . ,;t _- <br /> ri�;1'l��l7� d ��, ' • ° <br /> h���.tr�5t•� ;;� ° ')I�` •�+ , •'::zybr,s'a�!P.i'��'Y� }Yn�.�s�l.ti+T�H+„'r'=:�fr,�1 pxw:lf'"'_. . •,,,��„�,.,it�..nd -. •R F.r.��, <br /> {J }4��,t � . .. . �1� '.� F. . . '{�,?•.,:�f�� ��, w t�t�` ��1�`�scr��s <br /> 1 k�`v'�. •�.L„_:t� -:al�'.: �� ' '`'''��1 � ..� - - � �t��- ,�:�i'.ri�`�:�•►�.�����,�.`l.'�"`_..E-'�.>1'.ta�'��y �Sifc�4t, ��'[,° <br /> - - �.il . . . . _. _ <br /> �,�+r , : "'.— .�s/�,:�-';- _ -:. ' ili�. . . , .�.r�,.�,,.,'-pPa''�""r.s �}��l;'n�' r_^��•� <br /> � '. tl i. � i: t i '/ M� a�o� p- <br /> I�S ` �� ,� : . � � ,��{ t;r , � . . •s.. 5,1,. ,... ,r _ <br /> _, �, �I' - , ' t. • ..-1�ti' . •`1�`' _'` 1 ( ��• . � :� � . . ' ' ,1 �y� ��' t�t � • ' <br /> j„� �� �, . . - :;� . ,� � . , , �,4�.,. • . <br /> r, f;.; , fp. ., , �'�" . . . , • . �. :,', , ,, . ,; .�''�:'' . . • <br /> ,'I"�.• '' <br /> ," . , ,��;�.�,.: <br />' �. � � � ... . , • - , • . . . _ � � , '',���.1�'�� . . <br /> � ,1 . ,'�. <br /> 1 +�. �. , . . <br />� ' , . ' ' � <br /> t � +�. . . ' ' ' , . <br /> ( � ' r��; . •. . 'a �.- � , . - <br /> - ,, �. " � ' . . . . . <br /> - �_ � .. . .. . . . � � ' ' , <br /> * ' ` <br /> t <br /> � . � <br /> � � <br /> i � ---�_-- ---- --- --- : <br />