��-�:..-.�-:--�--- . .,• _ �. _�., .. .� .,,
<br /> .
<br /> . . �,. ____ -
<br /> .
<br /> . , _. - _ _
<br /> " .,
<br /> �, �ls,. , , .
<br /> -:�1 �. , .. 91�. lo�s�i
<br /> :::��►
<br /> " ��'= c��ndemnati��n��r�Nhcr u�kin�of uny pari uP the!'n�eny,or far ra►veyun�x in liou al'c�xxkmna�N►n.Atr hereAy uKri�{oa!wMt
<br /> xhrll he paid to l.cndcr.
<br /> In �hc evcnt uf u wtal �al�in�t of the Propcny. �hc prucoed� �hull I�c applicd lo tlx rum� *�cund by �hi� 9ccudty
<br /> Intiuument,wlic�hcr�K nut�hen duc.witli u�y cxccx.poiJ lu Butmwer. In�hr cvent of u puniul taking ot'�ho 1'��pcKy In
<br /> wMch�hc fuir n�urke�vuluc of Ihc Pro4xny immedfately hefoiL Ihc tuking i.ryuul to or greutc��hun Ihe umuum of the r.umw
<br /> �;ccurcd by�hfK Secu�ity lastrumen� immcdi,�tcly bef�►rc the Iuking,unlc�Y Hom�wc�und L.cn�cr ulherwi�c ugt�c in wridng.
<br /> y.y_._ Ihe sumr n�cured My Ihir Security In,ln�m�m.rhull he teduced by the nmount uf�hc pnxeeds mulliplied My Ihe iidl�wing
<br /> ---_ -------
<br /> froclion: lul lho totul umount of the sum�sccun�l in��n�tiulcly lxfu�•c Ihe cakfn�;.dividrd by l h)Ihe G+ir murket volue�� 1 r � _
<br /> prc�peny imn�edfately heforc thc tuking. Any bulancc�hull be puid tu B��m�wcr. In the rv�m ��f u purtiul �aking of ihc
<br /> propeny in which►he fuir m+uket vnluu��f thc Pro�rtY immedintcly befim�thr�uking i, lesz�hun�hc um��unt ni thc�ums
<br /> � �ccured immediutely beforc the luking, unl�4s pnrrower und' LenJer���herwi+c ugrcc in writing or unlc+� upplicable law _
<br /> -=w s:y� ahervvi�;e provide�,ihc pmcee�lx hhull Ix:upplfed to the sums secured by�hi.Secu�ity Inht�vmem whc�her or nn�the xumx arc -
<br /> = `7 then due.
<br /> ____ --_.,:'r� If the Property ia abundoned by Bnrtower,�x if.After nake by L�nder w Borrower thut �he amdemnor offc�w make ! -
<br /> un uward ar setUe u cluim far dumages,Barrawer taits to rr+pund to Lznde�within 3(1 duys ufter the dntc thc nnticc ix Eiven,
<br /> ---- -�--�_=��..,`. Lender is uuthorized�o collect mtd upply tlte procecd�,ut i�ti optiun,either to restorn�ian�K repuir af the PropehY or to the _ _ „
<br /> „��t�'r. sums secured by this�Security Inswment.Nrhether ur oot then due. _;
<br /> �'"�"�.`•���'�',. Untess Lender wd Hortnwer dhenvi�a��ee in writing,any appliculion uf prcxreds ta�xinrir►al.hall not extend ar _
<br /> - �.�„ —
<br /> --_-�°=_I�:� pos�pone ttie due date of tt�e monthly paym�rt�reterred to in parag�rph�1 und 2 or change 1he umount of�uch paymrnt�. �
<br /> 11. B9rrower Not Released: F'o�b�ann Ny Lender Nd a Wpiver. Extemion of the time for paymee�c �r =„=__...
<br /> �,,,;� � � madi�icution oi amc�►t�cion of llie sumw secwed by this Security Insln�ment�ri+nnted by 4encier to uny,ucccss�x�n ia�aa:rest �; -
<br /> � ,,�,; '�' �`���'¢' af Soma�•ee'slta!! nat opernte to reku.+e�he Gability of the original Bonuwe� ar 8om►wer� succesu�n in iotercst.�eMler it�y�:
<br /> _�__.v� -f,..:...i 5.�. —
<br /> -- ��;;;m,;������+•,,ti� , sholl nut be �equire�to commence proceeciinLes aFains�any tucce�.4�r in nmere.t or mfur� M�x�end ii�a. fix psi)�.`�i oi _ ,
<br /> _ _ ��,�:�;:��,����;;�r� othenvice madiiy amortixt►tian af tfie sums,ecured by thi�Secucen Inxtrumrnt l+p cca:+on of any d►mand mude hy�he ori�ina; r.:-_°
<br /> �i 14+��,, ; �; 6urrower or Bortower t�uccesaar� in interes�. Any forbeacanec by 3.�e�adcr in exerciyinF uny nghe oc remedy.hal�not be u �s
<br /> �',�a'::,-r�4t §
<br /> ,,,�.,��,Y��i„ wuiver uf or preclude the exe�cixe oi'ua►y righi or mmedy.
<br />=;;y;��x�"• f 12. Suecessars und Assfgnx Boun�: Jdnt and Severnl l.i�biNty;l:o-signers. The covenunts und agreen�en�s af thin -
<br />"_.5�.;:'.J�.�' • :F'�:t�,_':4tYt��.�1':: �.
<br />,.�;,,A,�SS� ._,,,,,,�� Security ln�:trument shull bi�:d and benefi� the sucre.sors und uxsigns�it'Lrnder und Borruwer,xubjec�lo Ihe pruvisions of
<br />:,;„r, , ���_�,'=�:3C�`j•��� purugmph 17, Borrower4 covenun[a und ugreements vhull be juint und.everul.Any Bortower whu co-signs this Securiry �>•
<br /> - - -.,��n�,�;�'_,:i ..
<br /> - _ -���__ :� Instn�ment but does not execu�e the Note: (ul ix ca-signing Uii�►Security Inslnm�em anly to m��ngugr,grunt und convey Ihut �_-
<br /> _ ���-=_.���;.�:a,;..-,,.. Butrowe��intereyt in Ihe Propeny undc��he�erms of Inix Security In�trumen�; l bl ix nut pc�onully obli�utcd to puy ihe sum�+ -�-
<br /> - �n, �::;,;��:; recured by thia Secudty Inslniment:und Ic>ugrees thul LrnJcr und uny olhe�BuROwer muy u�rcr lo cxicnJ,malify,fittbca�r
<br /> _ �,�t..��,: or muke Any s�ccammadulians with regard�o �he �crmti ��i thix Security In,�Nmcnt or �hc Notc wilhout thut Bixrower+
<br /> :_���� ., , —
<br /> r�_:3r_ Cot1�1111.
<br /> ._ �'.
<br /> ---„F�,� �- i3. LoP� L'�Arges. !F tlie l:un ,c�ured hy lhi• ti�•�•��riw In.�rum�nt iti tiubi�c��u u luw which ,c�. muximum li�un
<br /> :�e�i��.. ,. t�ht:
<br /> _.����...r -•�.�'�,. chargc�.und thu�law i+finully imctprctcd ,u�ha�Ihc imc��.i�►r uthrr Inun rhurgc.c�dlec�cd ur tu Ix ruUrctcd w ccmnccn��n
<br /> _�i,���;�W',,:.}.1.-, with the loun excecJ ihe{xnniucd limi�,.�hcn: la�iu►y.urh luun chur�er�ludl Ix rcducrd hy �he+imuum ncrc,.ury iu rcJurr
<br />- �he churgc�o thc permiucd limil:unJ Ibl uny.um�ulmaJy cuUrrl�J faim Hurruwrr whinc�xcccJrd�xm�illyd limit.will Fk
<br />=;rr:�• ' s' ' mfundeJ w Bom�wer. I.�n�kr may ch�x��e lo nwkc thi.rcl'unJ hy r.during ihc principal uwrd undrr�hc Nut�or hy m•rking u _-
<br /> :�.�-�:,; •." .
<br />--- , , direct payment io Burcowrr. II'u relund reducc�priiu:ipal,lhr reducti�m will ix ireatcd u�u paAiul prepayment wilhoul uny �
<br /> �=A`'^�: '�r;:;{:�::` • • prePaymcnt churg�unJcr thc Nute. +'�'
<br />.�_,:�j5:�"�.� �' ..6. ��=.
<br /> 14. Notkes. Any notice w Borrower provi�lcd far in �hi.Securily In.trumenl.hull t�e givcn by dclivering it or hy i��
<br /> �i�:•' —�� , muiling it by fin�cla+�mail unlc�+applicable lua•rcyuirc,u+e ot'uno�her meth��J.'fhe notic.+hall l+e directeJ to ihe PropeRy �-
<br /> _ :•� �, Addres.or uny other uddre„ Borcowc�de+ignules hy no�ice to(.ender. Any rn�tice io Lender.hull Ix Eiven by fint clati+ ��
<br /> tv� �-
<br />•-�r-�- mail tu lxnderk addre,..tuted hercin or uny uthcr uddre�+Lcnder de+i�nute�by notice to Borrower. Any nuiirc pmvided for
<br /> ����.;(��ic,r:�;e�;ti1� in thiti Security In+trumenl tihull tk decmed to hvve heen �:iven �u B�ircower or Lender when �iven u-+ provided in this �;
<br />�i::�"''�''.' . pamgruph. ==,
<br /> �'��'?� ' � IS. Go��erning l.aw: SeverabNHy. Thi.Security Im[rumem shull Fx govemed by federul luw vnd Ihc luw of�he
<br />-_.��:�}�A:;.
<br /> =^_,.,.��.,�� .,,,,,..;, • juritidiction in which Ihe F'roperty iti I�x•r�ed. I n�he eveni that uny provi�ion or clautie ot'�his Security In.mimem or the Note �'ir':=�-
<br /> a.�. ��: . • conflicts wiA�upplicuble luw,xuch conflw t shnll not nffect othcr provi+ions of this Security In�tnm�nt or the Nota which cun
<br /> -�;��;�.�' ' ' be given effect without �he amflic�in�!prnvi�ion. '(ii thi.end the provl�iun� ut'this Securi�y Inc�rument und�he Note are
<br /> ��. � ' ' .• , declared lo t��everable.
<br /> ------�'•,::....,, .,
<br /> �'a�.v„ . r' f. —
<br /> ��„i�„••� ,''rV� !6. Borrower's Copy. Aorrowcr tihall lk giv�n unr conf��nncd copy of Ihc Nolc•rnd ot'thi.Security nxlniment. _
<br />-� � !�.. :;i�:;
<br /> .. � ,;,,;. �� ' N. Tran�f'er oithe PropeHv or a Heneficlul lntcrext In Borrow•er. If ull or uny pan ot'the Pm�uny or any interes�in �___
<br /> .I"'"�:=�-•.�i:;'k'�"�, it is sold or trunsi'crted lor if u beneticiul imerctit in Borrower ix,old ur tron�(crtrd und Bnrtower is not u nawrnl�xr,onl __._
<br /> ':i�-.��..p,;^�:,y :. —
<br />---_ • {, witiwut Lender's prior written ran+ent.Len�kr muy,at ity npti�m, rcyuirc immediatc puyment in I'uU of all.um.,rcure y
<br /> .-� " :�_,...; .
<br /> '�. ��' �:� ••,' Ihis Securily Inslrument. Howcvrr,this up�ion shull not Fx�exerci�rJ by I.ender it'rxercixe ix prohibitcd by I'eJen�l luw uy of
<br /> ;�`. * ,�,,,, the date uf this Securiry Imtn�mem.
<br /> -7� �.�°•�. If Lender exeniu:s this option.Lender shall give Bom�w•rr naiic�ol'urcelen►tiun. Thc n�xic��hall proviJe a p�:riod of
<br />:-.":r'� • not letis than 30 days from�hc J•rtc�hc r��t Kc i,Jelivcred or mailed���ithin which Burn��vcr mu+t pay all.um�+ccureJ by thi� �
<br /> '•=% ' Securiry Instrumen�. If Barrower fuik to p:+y Ihese .um. prior t��the rrpir:�ti�m uf thi. �xricxl, l.rnder muy imake anv
<br /> . • remedie�perm�ned by this Srrurity Im�ru ment with��ut further noticc or JemunJ un Hurru«ce �:-
<br /> , 18. Borrower's RiRht to Reinstate. If Rorrowcr meeh ccnuin candiiion.. 8armwrr �hall huve the ri�.M to huve r
<br /> .. enfurcemrnt uf�his Securi�y In.trumcn�c1i�c�mtinucJ:�t any �imc priur�o thc earlirr ui: i:►1 S Juy�+Sor�url�ulh¢r�xriixl:��
<br /> ' ., . SmkAFamA� •�Fwnnk�lu/Freddk�lrcl'%IF(IR\11\tifRl'�1t:�'f l'ndamil'wanam. 41411 qverJ��/n�►�¢r.i
<br /> '`' � v �,'
<br /> ' . . • �:r.n:.M.� �
<br />- . . . , .. ,. 41�r..��.. _ ...�� __ . . . ' __ ' . "- . .
<br /> c.
<br /> . n
<br /> .
<br /> -, .. �Nv. ' .
<br /> —_--- —_.——______.____"—.. .. . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . .
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