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<br /> :;: ;` � , gl..�.. 1U2691
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<br /> :;;,.,; � _
<br /> �S ' periods Ihut Lender rcquircx. 11k insutuncc cartier providin��hc in�u�unce Fhall be choxn by Bormwcr subject�a l.enderk
<br /> "���' upproval which�hull na be unreusonubly wi�hheld. lf 9�xrower foils to muintAin cuveruge de�crl6ed uhare.Lender may,pt --
<br /> L,enderk aptfon.otslain caveruge ta pratect I.eixier i�ights in the Prapeny io pccordunce with EwragrAph 7.
<br /> = All insurwue policic�and rcnowal� .r•hall be ucceptable to Lender uncl shull include u s�undurd moA�age rluuse. Lendcr
<br /> A,, .� shall have the rlght�o hold tha policieg and rcnewu�ti. If l.ender requirea.BoROwer�.hall promptly giv�io Lendcr ull rcccip�� _
<br /> o �,,_�? of p�id premiume�nd renewu l not ires. In I he e v e m o f l a s s,B c x m w e r s h o l l g i v e p ro m p t n o t i c e�a t h o i nzu�unre cuRie�wid
<br /> : ' L,�mdcr. l..enderm�y make�iof losc iPnot mude pmmptly by Bormwer. �. _ _ ..
<br /> ,s.:•� ----
<br /> ' ':�:• Unlesa Lender and Rortuwcr rnhenvi�c ngree in w�iting.in�uruncc pmceeds rhall he upplied tu rc�lorulion ur r�pair o
<br /> , , �hePro�erry dumwged. If tho reztorution or repuir ic ecanomicully feasiblc und l.ender+ �ecurity ix nd Ie�+encJ. If thc
<br /> :��:::� � .� restoration or�puir ia not econamically featiible or Lender'.s security would Ix Icsxened, the inxurance proceedx shull ba _
<br /> _-;-_�w�;�;.,;R � upplied to the swns recered hy ihis Security Inslrumeat,whether or not �hen due,wi�h uny excesti puid ta Barrower. If
<br /> �;,.., Borrower ubw�dans Ihe PropeRy,or doe�nm unxwer wi�hin :il)Juyx u notice fn►m l.ender ihat the in�urunce cuRier hua
<br /> ?!�'—�?-�'v��� �a�� � otfered to senle u clufm.Ihea Lender may collect�he in�urunee pmceed�:. Lender muy use the pmceedh w repuir or rezlare �.�
<br /> --�'���° , the Pro n ar to r.umn securcd by thin Secu�iry Ins�rumen�.whether or not then due. The:1U-duy pe�l will hegin when �_
<br /> ��_:�:�: . I� Y PAY --
<br />_ ..— ��«<« � the notice iF given. ___._��____
<br /> '�`�Y � Unless Lender and Borrower o�he�wise ugrce in writing.uny upplic�nion af pra:eeds to prinwip:►I�hnll noi eziend or
<br /> � ''=��'��•� +t ne ihe duc dnte of�he monthl uyments referred to in pun►grnphs 1 und 2�x change the amow�t of'tlx pa)•nxnts. If —_
<br /> � _�.;:•';��. unde�r pnrugmph 21 ihe PrapeRy ix ucyu�red by Lender.Bormwer�: right to any insuru�xe policic�;u�d p�'+oceed+ m.ulting
<br /> ���° from dumage ta Ihe Property prior to the acyuis�ticxi tihall pa.�x to Le�wk.�to Ihr extent��'It►r.um��erured by�hi�Security —�.
<br /> '�3s�• Insuument immed iutely prior to thc suquisilion. Borrnwer's 4oun Applics�tiop; f�,`�{a u�.�:
<br /> �,�'�_ � ' �� 6. (kcupancY. P�eservatioo. Ma3atenaace aa�l 1'rotectiva of the Praperty; _
<br /> s',�
<br />.:•�;,,!'� � —.,- a,.'•,� 1,e�sehukls, BorrvN•er Jwdl accupy,e+ta�9ish,umf�+�t�he 11v�ny as filor•c��ver's prineipul re+i�.lerw�x�ilhin sixl,v days Alter '�> S � J
<br /> r �; !'i/4.��: l� ':�.C . 1,1.
<br />:.i,:�;., ,��;;1•�•:;;. � 1t+e exerutim c►i thix S��curity Instrume�t and shal4 ,mtinu� t�cxcupy thc Rrpen} us H��rtn���er; pri�ripai re,idenee for au �.s;,;..,, ,.J: ,�r',�-
<br /> .:;..�.r �:?Ye'.�1':. • (j Y.s; �:,•.::>�.kf�(?li�t.
<br /> ,��i:.;��,' .,;,�:�.?;�.;� ,�X.�,�<•; 1e;�st �xie yet�r after �he �a�e ot' pce�apancy, unl�ss �.endcr othenvisr ugreex in �vriting. which ca�nuamt x h;�ll not be • t,:�;::;,r�°-;�,.=
<br />:�i';Y:il,i:' :�;{�;�i;,'. l�,e•.�•�`•,l'tr.��!, unrct�.Ynnably WitP�hel�.ar u:il�.sextenuu�ing riQrun�s�ances exis�afiich ace tk}ond BoRmvers control. ���nower shal0 nat .'�i�dl,�+,S,�.e_
<br /> .:�,.�1;�' �>'����r'.'�� ���:�'{':�;r,`,�'� desttav,c�umana�+r impair �h� Yropariy.allnw thc Prope�n� ia dete�iora�c,or ccmmil wa;ie rn the Pa�c!t}. �rrrux•rr.hu11 ��' �
<br /> RI�4 � rrn .
<br /> � �
<br /> � �,i •('; ��'��ti��4����j�}�;�J�" t+e In detiuult i i ar�y fi,rYeiture i�ciicm or pr,cerding.whether civil�r criminal,is i+egun�hiu ih�..ender.l• �noci tai�h judgmem {�,11`,`��;t,t J,�
<br /> _ �' ..�7rrS�34' <���,�1,.�/:�•i,�•� t,�� � Y �.;t.:��....i=,
<br />-`�":� t' ;y,.tt;;,;;•,:.�. .,,,,.•����a•:� could result in farfei�ure of�he Property or o�herwise muteriall� �mP`i ush ro ided in�FUra ru�h,1R,eby cau.ing the uctiun ;'�:"+"'��� .,,_rv,%-,..
<br /> '�' " �'�'i t' ° ''�?i; �' Lender��ecuriry imeres�, Borrower may cure such a defAUlt nnd rem.�at . p p F P :�,� �`�r�t_,_=.-
<br /> '�'" ' ''��� or praceeding to be ditimir:sed with �n�lin that,in l.enders gcxxl fuith determinutian,prccludes forfeiture of the Bormwery v_
<br /> ...� P:.,,:..:. . ,, � S
<br /> '�'�':z�: `'��i:` interest in ihe Prq�ertY or aher mAte�iul impuirmem of the lien crcuted by thi, Securily Instnimenl or LcnJer's securily �(�a;.:�_
<br /> � #��� •�. �
<br /> � interest. Borrower shull ulxo txs in del'aul� if BoRmver, during the loun upplicution proces,, gnve muteriully fulse or �1�=�,�•
<br /> � iauccurute informu�ion or.rtu�ements�u Lender l�r fuiled to pmviJe l.ender with uny mutcriul informu�iunl in conncc�ion with �,,T,,,�,�,-.--
<br /> ��!-��!������--=-= thP loao eviJenced bv ihe NWe, including, bu� not limilcd to, repm�cntudons cc►ncemin�! Burcowert �KCUpancy of ihr �'�}L„
<br /> _�`'e' ° T..'.'" � Pmpeny u+u princi�l rc�idence. If�hi,Scruri�y In�lrumcnt ix an u ienschoid.8orn�wr�.liail�omply u•ith:s!!she provisinn�
<br /> _ ,:�.• ,
<br />,_ ; , ' uf the Ica+,c. It dum�wcr uryuirt►1'ec�i�lc�n Ihc Pm(w ny.the Icuschald and Ihr t'er tiUc�hull nat mcrge unlc+�:Lendcr ugrcex R
<br /> �+ �f. ,,�.'..,. to the mergrr in wriling. ��`"'-=-
<br /> •'' . ' ' '�• , 7. Pn►tectl��n ��f I.�nder'� ltlkhtx In the NropeH,v. It' N�+trnwrr f;�il, lo�x�limn Ihc cavenunt+ unJ u�rcrmcmti
<br /> ' ,'� � .' � ° c�ni�uiikd in �hf� ticruriiy Inr�rumrm. ur ihem i. ,i Ir�:al pnkcedin�t �hu� muy ,iµnilicund�• ufl'cc� l.endrr; righ�+ in ihr
<br /> - � . . 1'nryxrty I+uch u. u pr�xccdin�. in 1►.ml,rupiry.pruhatr.li�r cuiHk nuiatiun or li�rt.uum��r����Mi�rrr luw,nr reuulauun.l�h y
<br /> - 'A-� .. I.cndcr nwy�la unJ pay ti�r wh.�icvcr �.mr.,.ury �u proirc�ihr vuluc ul ihr Iku�krry und l.�ndcr;nghh in Ihc Pru n ,' . . '.
<br /> . " � l.�ndcr;ikiii�m rnuy i�xluJe rayii�g nt�y,um,KcuRd h��.i h�n uhich hu.pnurity uvrr Ihi,ti�curily� In�inimcnl, up�xarfnp ,.` . . . .
<br /> . .. � ^` �, in ruurt. puying rcau.nahlc id�omry,'1'rr,+md c�ucnn�on ihr Ikn�xny w mukr npu�n.AUhuu�h L�nder muy�ukc arliun ''�—•:•�;a, ,
<br /> � • ` ,'+"' �,� undrr�hi�paruga�ph 7.I.rndcr da•.nnt hu�•c�u Ju.a. ��z��� �
<br /> " ' . �Ji,hur.rd h I.rndcr under Ihi. pur•r�ruph 7 ,h:�ll heconu udJftiunul deh� uF Burrti�H.cr.ecur�d hy thi� �'1,:�, .+-�-
<br /> Any um�wm Y -- —
<br /> ` `'` � Securf�y In�trumem. Unlr.,fium►�cer:�nd I.enJcr a�r�e�o uth��tenm�N paymrnt.�hr�c iunountti tinall he.�r intur�t Irom Ihe
<br /> - �' dute of Jinhuncnunt a�the Nuk ruir unJ+hull t►c payi►hlc,wilh intcrc�l.u�m nutire Imm l.rnder lo Borrower reque�lin� ���`--_
<br /> . � puyment. �=_:.d,-�'--
<br /> ' �' R. 1�orlgaRe��urance. If l.cnder reyuircd monEu�e in+uruncc +i.a cunditiun uf muhin�ihe k�an .utiureJ t►y thi. ,-.�l��.:_�:_`
<br />•• '� Security In.r�rumcm. Bnrrawer�hull pay �he pnmium+rcyuirrd tu m.�inluin ihr munga�:r intiuruncc in rffert. If,for any _,r��--:
<br /> ��?r,•. • �"•��°'�"_
<br /> rcu�nn. Ihc mnRgug� inwnux:c ra��eruFe rrquircd by Lrnder lup.c, ��r rr:�,c, ��► Ix in effcct. B��rmwcr �hull pay Ihc ,�_ . ,_�,�—
<br /> -" '� ' ' .� premium. rcyuired tc�nMufn co�•rru�� +uMiuntiu0y cyuivrlrn� �u ihc mon�u�:r in,uruncc prcviou,ly in effert. •r� u cotit •..;
<br />-:.;;; ',' `°`�''i`,1;!'� �;�':;,�< � sub�tantially ��yUivulcm lo Ihe ci��t �u �3ormµer uf�hr m�►ngu�c in�ur+�nce prr�•iou+ly in elTect.t'n�m un ulternu�e mortgage ` �
<br /> ' ii�''����° 'uril;�;i, imurcr u n�ved b Lendcr. If+uh+tanli:dly cquivalem munFuge in+urunrc ru�•cru�:r i,m�t a�•ailuble, Bi►rrou•cr�hall pay ti� ;,�� �y�� "
<br /> .?'�� �,. PP Y �
<br /> :�,,..>::.,
<br /> 'n i� �`�: :. � " � ,•�1,�i;�;;;:�; l,enJer euch month u +um cyual�o ane-tweltih ut'U��rearly motlFugc in.uranrc pnntium hein�paid hy Barroµ•er wfirn ihc , t���r __
<br /> :�"'4 �;; �� �, ^`u.' �1`��,.- inxuruncr coveruge Iup,eJ ur rea.rd tu Ix in rifec�. Lender��•ill accepi.u.e and rrtuin lheu paymrm•u,a lo.,rc.rn•e in lieu �..
<br /> • , ., . ���,�;y,. of moAguge in�urunce. Lo„ m.rrve puymenl�mu��no lun�cr Im rcyuirrd. ai�he op�iun uf l.rndcr. if monFagc in.ur:mcc ��y-�.,
<br /> .� '.;i{',,yspr���'+':�f'r��13f:t.;.`''� covcruge lin �he umounl unJ ti�r thc peri��l th�i l_�ndc�myuire,l pro�•idrJ by�an in,urcr.�rr«,.�cd hy Lender+iFain become. �1. • _
<br /> ' +;i t : uvuiluble anJ i,c�hlai ncd. Borruw�r+hall p:iq Ilx prcmium+re��uired lu mainmm mungu�c in.uranrc in cffect.ur tu pm�•iJe u
<br /> . �:�,� ,
<br /> - � �. ";�,`,,.,'' � lo.ti re.erve. until the n��uircnunt tM munga�e in.ururne end. in ucr��rdtmcc��•iih any wriuen ugreemem t�et��•een Borru��•rr
<br /> • � ' :'.. umt Lrndcrurappli�ahle lu��•,
<br /> . , 9. Int;pecllon. Lcndcr ur il,n�cnt muy nwkr rru,unuMr rntnc.u��n anJ in.�xctium uf thc F'n��xm•. Lcndrr,hall 4::..., �',.
<br /> givc R��rn�wcr nalicc at the�imr ot'ur priur lu;m in+pec�iun,peril'��ing rc:�,unublr rau.r tur thr im{�c�iun.
<br /> IU. CundemnuUnn. Thc prcxcrd+ul:mp a�vard ur clamt lur daou��e..dircc�ur run.ryurntiul.in runncctiun w•ith an�.
<br /> '� a
<br /> , tiinNlr lumih ��Funn{e�1uc�Freddk 11ac l\IFl lk\1 I\ti 1 RI�1F.\1 --1 ml�mn('u��nrn�. 4:'90 qy�ar +„���I��er,i
<br /> . . I �rr�q Ide.IW�m.lum�.Im � �
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