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<br /> �...
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<br /> ��`..> , gl� 102691
<br /> ,
<br /> �'.: ' applic�ble Iww mAy�pocffy for rclnslAtementl befure sale of the Property pur�uwit Io ony p►wer af sple ct►nt�ined ia 1hi�
<br /> �:,� Socurily Instrument;ur lb)entry aF a judgmeru rnfacing this Socu�ily Inxtn�ment. Thok conditinns+ue th�t Bortower: (�1
<br /> p�ys L,endcr all xuma which ihen wauW be due under �hi� Secudly Incltument and the Nnte Aa if oo Acccleration had
<br /> '. ' � occurned;(by cures any dofauU af iuty uthcr coven�nu or agreemonlF;(c)pAys all expensea incutred in enforcing thie Secudty
<br /> � . = Insuvment, including. but nd limited to, reasonable atwmeys'fees;and(d)teke�, such action As L.ender may rearanably __.
<br /> require ro a�rurc that ihe Ilen of thic 3ecurily Inxttumcm.l,ende�h righis in Ihc Property and Barrowarb obligptMn to pay Ihe _
<br /> ` i �ums xxurod by thia Secudty Insttument shel! continue unchanged. Upon rcioatatemenl by Borrower, thic Secucily
<br /> j : Insuument and the obligations secuned her�eby shAll remain fully effative oa if�w acceier�ti�n had�x:curred. Nowever.this �---
<br /> . � riQht to reinstate xhell not apply in tba case of accelerutian under parngraph 17.
<br /> �� �^'��' l9. 3ab ai Notc;ChoaQe of I.own Servke� The Note ar a pnniul i�terest in the Note(together with this Secudty _
<br /> � -- -°"="�:�� l�strument)may be sold one or morc times wlthout prior notice to Borrower. A ss�le muy resull in a chongc in the emity -�
<br /> �--'"'�`-�''' (knovm as the"Losu►5enricer")�hat collects monttdy payments due under the Note s�nd this Securlty Inatrument. There ulsa �-
<br /> '"°''!_�"-�� rnay be one or more changes of iAe Loan Servicer unreluted to a sale of the Note. If there is�change of ihe Loan Servioer. o
<br /> ��e��•'' 14 above and a licuble law. The ndice ��-° ---
<br /> Bornower will be given wntcen notice of the change in s►ccordan�.�e wilh paregraph PP
<br /> � - .�-- __�':� will swte�he name and addness of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which Qayments�houW be m�le. The notice wilA 1��''-• � -
<br /> ���---
<br />--- � �.' Aiso co�tain an other iafpmiarion ui�ad b licable law. �-a__'—_-.�-.
<br /> Y re9 Y APP �v�:ci�:.,-..:.�.,:.
<br /> :A.,.,'� ' - 7A. Hazardou.s Snbstancea Bomower shall not cAase or permit the presene�.usa.diapagal,storage,or rekuse of aqy -..�.-----:__---
<br /> -_-.. .�._,>....:._„ Hazardous Sub�tt�nces on ex in the P�ropeity. Bo�mwer shall na do.n�aBl�w a�s�crtie�➢xe to do. anyllang affectin�Une 'ir<�;�`Y,�';'�;'n;��
<br /> t nc ,.a��,k. , -;_
<br /> ���� � i'ro�eny thnt is in violation of uny Environmental la►w. 'fhe precec7ing twd senter�ces�nall not applv to 1he presence.usc,or r.���-:����r.-r__--
<br /> ��l ,,� n�
<br /> � ��� '�`j�'�' - srornge on rhe Prape�rty af smaEt quu�tdaies af Hau�rdou.g Subslaa►ces t�at am generaOQy�ecugnized t�be appropnAce v�normol � �'�, sy �r,�� _
<br /> �_ � i.,if',�� �� �r ��' f residentia!uses and ta�mai�ateaaaue of alie Propem;. , � i1 FS tp,��� .`
<br /> -�t�:ii.`.i;s�;. '�i:;��'f�� ,t��=��'.4;',,� -_?�}il�iu,z..
<br /> -h , �•. �;a��,?"r��s�;{t�'"K,�? 8oirowtr s3�a��,pTOmpiiy��ive LendQr wriltes� n�iice e*F a�ry inve�tigation,claim.demand.lu�vss�it or cuher uztin�e by�any ,�S Y_�
<br />..��fi..;.r�'-� ` ':-�:�'•ti�'�`i��,�:`;���;;.,'.,y �Gor•emmentt�9 or regu]utary�agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous SuDstu�xr�Y:Environmental �r -
<br /> ,,.,� �n� i.}� f ��� �� . �"`�'�':-
<br /> ��i� ,��� �1+�:r�.� •7t Law uf w�ich Borcower has actual kaowled e. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatary
<br /> ::;,y,, ., :�,,;.,,uf. awhodty,that a�y removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Subatunce affecting Ihe Propeny is necessary.Borrower �i�'��:�
<br /> _-._,�- • shell promptly take all necess�uy remedial actions in accordence wilh Environmental Law. �,�`�.,,.�u.
<br />-:���".� ,�;�:,�.� As used in tNis parngraph 20,"Hazardous Subsla�sces"are those substances defined us toxic or hazardaus sub�tancew by
<br /> � � ° EnvironmentAl[.aw and the following subswnceg: gnsoline,kerosene, olher flammable or toxic petroleum praducts,toxic rt�'�:{ �•�.,
<br /> '_':��; , �..�-• ' .
<br /> ��'��':� �''!°'.' , . pesticides and herbicides, valAtile wlvents. materialx cantaining usdestos or formaldehyde,nnd rudiauctive muterials. At+ , `Y nr.�t•_,
<br /> :�;';t;� .:�:b :, used in this purugrnph 20,,•Environmenwl Luw"meun�federul lawti ancl lows of�he jurisdiclion where the Properly is lacuted __
<br /> _ ` �+'�;'+° � that relutc w heulth,saFely orenvironmental pnNcction. _
<br /> "��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrawer und l.cndcr furthcr covenunt and u�rcc as fullaw.r: -------
<br /> r�+`. '� 1 . _,�
<br /> + . 21. Accekr�llon=Remedles. l.ender shwll glve notice to Borrowe� prlor to accelerqtlon �dlowlag Borrowe�'K
<br /> �`'1'� breach ol any covennnt or pgreement in thls Serurlly Inslrument Ibut not prior to nccelerAlbn under parARr�ph 1'f ���_
<br /> �:,'�_- � ' -- - uniesr appiicsbie aw pmvlda�uihrrwi�). 'i'he rwikc siiail�rlfs: ial!!te de�an!!:(b?!he estbn�utred to cure the �..,.�:
<br /> ' ' �',• �• defoull;lc)A dwte�not less th�n 30 dwys tlrom Ihe date the natice Ix glven to Barrower.by whkh the default must be . .,,,,,I._'•
<br /> � �� . ' curali pnd ld►thot fallnre lo cure the default un ur before Ihe dote speclfled fo the notfce may resull in wcceleratfan of �.��-, ._
<br /> • • • ° the suma secured by thls 3ecurlty Inslrumenl And snle oP the Property. The notice shall fY�nher intorm Horrower oT . ��-
<br /> n
<br /> , � � the rlght lo reinelwle af�er acceleratton and the rlght to bring A court�ctton lo�sseH the oon•existence of a defwult or '.ia •i A" �'t'--�
<br /> , -�,� any other defense of Borrower to accele�Atlon and sale. If the de�pult Is not cured on or before the dpte specified in g;,�,;_,;:_:—
<br /> � the notice,I,ender at Its optlon may requlre immediute payment in full of all sums secured by this SecuHly Inslrument . . 1�
<br /> s „.. without further demand and may invoke the power oi sale and any other remedies perm(tted by applkable Ipw °
<br /> • - Lender shall be entitled to coflect all expenses incurred in pu�suing the remedies provided in lhis ps�rngraph 2l. ,,;;-�,,�..--� ,_'
<br /> se
<br /> including,bul nol limited to�reASOnable attorneys'fees and casts uP dtle evidence. �����'"�" ' __._
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked,7lruslee shpll record u notice of default in each caunty in which any pa�t of the �'`'`• � '�`--•�,__
<br /> � �.. ��` Property Is located and sboll meN copies atsuch natice in the manner prescribed by appllc�ble low to Borrowe�and to _;��r_r�+�.-.�:-
<br /> . ��';::,. '^;';���, the other persons prescribed by appUcable law Aner the time required by wpp8cable law.7lrustee shall give pubUr �'W�._.
<br /> +`;:'>'•' notice ot sale to the persons and in lae mAnner prescribed by applicable law. 7Yustee,wUhaut demand on Bor�ower, ,��`;_��_
<br /> 1� � ' ' �'�� ���'���'��°� �• shpll seU the Pro rt At blic auctinn to Ihe bighest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated i� '�',, ,i,•.:�;;`> ..
<br />-' �• ', .�a ;•.�i������• the notke of salein onc or more pnrcels and in yny order'Irustee determines. 7Yustee may postpane sale of all ar uov .`• • � �
<br /> t
<br /> � �f:. --_,:._-- -
<br /> , �� • ., ,,• . parcel of the Prope�ty by publlc announcement wt the time And plACe of any prevlously scheduled sale. I.ender or it.� ,�i;::����---.:�-
<br /> }��''' �, ,• p deslgnee tnay purchase the Property at a�y sAle. �r �
<br /> ; . ' ..r .:�' ,�Y�:�l�Y. ' � -
<br /> � :� �. Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,7Fustee shall deliver lo the purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying Ihe : ,.
<br />�" f - "�:`+%;. ,
<br /> ` 't �.:::: '�.::`,t . ., Property. The recitals in Ihe'IMustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the trulh uf the statements made thereln.
<br /> • , 'I�ustee ahall apply the p�oceed.y uf the sale in the following order. lal lu all cosls and expenses of exercisfng lhe power c�, ,,,.__- �
<br /> t y , , lt;+:'^�<i�.:��-
<br /> , t :: .;;.;,,,;.�,.,:,
<br /> ,.� `�:;:r���•�;�
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