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<br /> ''.: 91.r 102691
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<br /> _ �� - i 'IiOC361'HBR WITN�11�he improvemcntr now or he�rafler erectod on�he pmperty, vnd oll easemcnls.oPPuAenw�cer,
<br /> j und flalures now or herea8e�a patt af the pmporty All ropl�cernent�uui odditionx sh�l l dco ho rovc�d by thir 5�xurity
<br /> ., ! Incbumem. All of�hc fbrcgaing is refcmni la in Ihic Securily Insaument ay the"Prc�erty."
<br /> •• � BORROWER COVENANTS�hwt Bormwer is lawfully seisc+f of the e�tatc hc�rby convcyrd unJ ha.r Ihc�igh��o gront
<br /> . •° � and ca4vey thef�pe�y and that the Propeny ia une�uumbered,except Por encumbranee�uf recard. pomnwer wartants�nd
<br /> iu p
<br /> '�.� ' witl defend generally Ihe titk ta 1he PrapeRy againat all cluims and demandR,rubject ta uny en�uml►runces oi recard.
<br /> - �--� 'Y'lYI�S 5EC�Jit1�'Y INSTitUMENT cwnbincaf unifurm cuvenuma fin nu�iunuf u�v cuul nixi-unifurm �vv�ntr wfih `--
<br /> <�'��., ' Waaitod vruiations by jurisctiction to rnnstitule a uniform security instrument covering real pmpony.
<br /> I UNIF�ORM COV�NAN'Q'S. 8arower and Lender covenant und agtce us fallowx:
<br /> — - _—_,;��,� � 1. Piy�ue�t of P�iacipW�ad INe�sti Prepayment And I.Ate Chsr�es. Harmwer shull pmmpUy puy when duo the �
<br /> �ara;•,�ss:�::.:;.:.�.� principnl of and interest on ihe deM eviden��d by the Note cu�d ar�y prepayment und lute churgea du�unde�Ihe Nate. --
<br /> •� � •:' . � Z. FLnda ti�7lwxes And laspra�ee. Subject to applicuble law or lo a w�lt�en wuive�by Lender,Bortower shull pay to
<br /> �—�• `'..:I Lender on U�e day mon�hly payments�re due w�dar the Hvte.undl thc(Vote is paid in full,a sum("FundR')for.lu)yeuriy
<br /> � -°� � ' tanes und assessmenlx which may attaln priority over this Secvrity Inslrumem us u lien on the Propeny;(b)yearly Icucehold @
<br />_ --.,v.:.;��,.�;�w-:ix�,ci ... I paYtne St'o PortY� � Y � Ye Y Pr� Y P � Y --
<br /> - ---- -,a�,... ats or und nents a� the Pro if nn ; c) ad hazard or n insurnnce remiums; ld1 earl flood
<br /> - �••�.;:�,��;,�;��.: insuronce pr�emiums, if any;(e)yearly mongage insurance prrmiums, if any;and (�uny sums puyable by arrower to -
<br /> --- Lender.in accordance witli the provisions of p�grnph 8, in lieu of Ihe pnyment of moRgage insurnnce p�tmiums. These
<br /> °"'��'+i• _� items are called"Escrow Itema:' Lender may.nt any time,collect and hold Funds in an amoant not to eaceeci the mazimum
<br /> ��LL'��:�
<br /> __ �,, amount a lender for a federally related mongage loan may require for Horrower's escrow accouM wider tM federal Real
<br /> .`���s�Y�;�•`•?;��+',� Esuue Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 us amended from time to time.12 U.S.C.§26111 ersey.l"RESPA"),unless anaher
<br /> _�:,�,',�'+[;���;�;1± --- luw that Applies ta the FLr�ds sets a lesscr umount. Ii r+o.Lendcv muy.ut any time,roltect and hold Furtds in an arteaunt not to
<br /> •.��i1�;�''s`��: exceed ihe lesser tunpunt. Lenc�rr may estimpte the nmaunl vf Flinds due on the bas�s of cument data s�nd reasonable
<br /> :��'���j�, : : estimatea of eapeadituaus of future�scrow Uems or whenvise i+�a.ecirdanee a:ah applicuble law.
<br /> `"' � �°4 ��' � The hbnds �shall 'be field in An institutian «�hnse de osits a.. ansur��l by a fedetal a enc instnamentalit ar entit
<br /> �•_-"'� ,., rr,s '� s�.m�s,,_„.� P 8 Y• X• Y
<br /> w�_'�?�*s f'��;� �.,;•�x+;� � '� (including lxnder,ii�.ender is surh un lnstit+��i an)or in anJ�Fedtrai Homc Laan Bank. Leider xhall upa��.�O�e Funds ta�a�� �
<br />,�„$,.�� `��c� �� �"�} ti�e £scrow Itema. Lender may not churge Banower fon c��9:ting and applying the Func4:.,aa�nuully analyaing the Nscrc*u•
<br /> _ �... , .���, .�-
<br />=__-�:��,t,�__ �+,+ � uccoum, w verlfying the Esc�ox Item�, unless Lender puys Borrower interest on the 1=imds �md applirahle law q�em�i�s � --
<br /> ..,t:;�,.;�;. �m
<br />,__�"' �•• �',�(1,.•'SlI��� Len&r to ms�ke such a charge. However, l.ender may�equirz 8orrawer to pay a one•time cbarge `cx an i�depenA�en�re�i �
<br /> _:4+.�.���BI!_w ' { S{�SI` �. �.
<br /> ..,,.,� +tt �'�ii?��:.,. estate tau reporting service used by l.�nder in connrctian with this loan,unless applicable Oaw pr�vides mherwise. l3caGess An „_
<br /> �``���� ••����f1�'�2`,s, a meni is made or a licable lt�w r uires irnerest to be d Lender shu11 not be rc uired ta. v Borrowzr An inteicst or !�'-
<br /> :��aC.:� .� � � t , 8� PP eq i� • Q FA. Y tir:
<br /> _.�r }�,�,:.,.�;, : eammgs on tho Funds. Borrower nnd Lender may Agree in wriling,however,thnt interes�s'haA be paid on the Funds. l.ende� --
<br /> ....g: .??�i�•`i(ri;.yi,�lts:;,. _..�
<br /> yN�„ �'. �,',; i11 �E;:.!j .. shall give to Borrower. without chnr�e,an annual uccouming of the Funds,showing credi4s and debits ta the Funds and Ihe ---=,
<br /> --,u4t,�� �� ���,:`"�x Purpose for which euch debit to the Funds was msde. The FLnds arc pledged as additional security for all sums secured by !�-'
<br /> ��;•��� — . .a:_:.,.` Q�iss S�x;urily Innirutneui. =-=-
<br />;:.�x.� �� -3,•�•�•• ••� If the Funds held by Lender exceed �he emounts permiued to be held by applicuble luw, Lender shull uccount to `_
<br /> "`" "�'• '' . Bort+nwer far the excess FundF in uccordance with the requirements of upplicable law. If �he umoun!af the Funds held by
<br /> -':.i:�; ';,.., :.;, Lender at any time fs not su0icient to pay Ihe Escrow Items when due,Leixier may su notify Botrower in wdting,und, in �"
<br /> - � '• � such case Burrower shall pay to I.ender the umount neccswry io mokc up�hc deficicncy, Borrower shall mWke up thc
<br /> -�.r;,,..i �� � • a. deficiency in no more tbun iwelve monthly paymentti,ul Lenderk u►Ic discrctian. �:
<br />'""i'�•� ' Upon paymen�in full of ull xums recurcd by Ihis Securiry Instrumc��,l.cndcr.hall promptly rcl'und ta Bortower uny
<br /> :;��,� �}ti
<br /> _ ,o;�...�....:..� Funds held by L.ender. If,under paragraph 21. Lendcr shull aryuirc ur K:11�hc Pmpcny,Lender,priar w�hr ucyuf�ition ur
<br /> ; �1• �A ` snle of the I'ropeAy,shall upply uny Funds helJ by L.cndcr u� thc timc ul'ucyuisition or wk as u cmdit�guinst lhe sums
<br /> _' ,�.� ;. .. , eccured by this Securiry Insuument.
<br /> �'��'� � 3. Appllcation �f Poymenls. Unlc,a applicublc law provides Wherwise, all paymentti recelved by lxnder under
<br /> _-,.� r �r � '�'� ,;,•.
<br /> �•�r: •= - p�►grnphs I and 2 shall he applied:first,ta uny prcpayment chorgrs due under the Note:.econd,lo umoums puyuble under �•
<br /> '��� �� 1� ��"' ' ' • � puragrnph 2;third,to interes�duc;fourth,to principal due;and last,ro uny late chorges due under the Note. _=�'
<br /> '-'4- �.� �``"�� �'� `'�. � 4. Chor�es; Liens. Borrower shvll pay all �azes. :usexsmenis, charges, fines pnd impositions attri6utable to the ---
<br />- ;��,,,�•�, '� 1'ropetty which muy uttnin priority over this Sewrity Instrument,und leuxehold paymems or gmund renls,if�ny. Borrower `�� ,
<br /> f,�.: � ' shall pay thesc obligations in the munncr provided in puragruph 2,or if not paid in �ha�manner. Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> time direcQy to the per:son owcd paymem. Bormwer shall promptly fumish to Lcndcr all noticec of amounts to bc paid under
<br /> �- • �1°�'� � this paragmph. lf Homawer mnkes these payments directly, Bormwer shall prompUy fumish to I.ender receip�s evidencing _�_,�
<br />:`y` .a�:.. ,.o . . the payments. ��^-=
<br /> , ' . • . Borrower shall promp�ly dischurge uny lien which hAS priority over this Security Inslrument unless Borrower:(a1 ugrees ,r.,
<br />:_;;: ' •;ti:,... °' . in writing to the payment of�he obliga�ian secured by the lien in a m�nner accepwble ta Lender. (bl con�ests in good fAith the '^�=
<br /> ' `r �• lien by.ordefends ngainst entorcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender?s opinion opernte to prevent the
<br /> ' '�� 'r ',' '� enforcemen�of the 8en;ur(c)secures from�hc holder of the lien un agreement sutisfnclory lo Lender subordinating the lien rz.K.
<br /> :. , �� '• '`''� � to this Secudty Insuument. If Lender determinex that any part of Ihe Propeny is subj��t to a lien which may a�taln priority �
<br /> • �•t'•;;�. „ ° over this Secudty Instrument,Lender mny give Borrowcr n notice identifying�he lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take �._'_=
<br /> `"`�" • • ' � one or more of the ac�ions set fonh ubove within 10 days of the giving of n�tice. �'�•
<br /> � � , • � . S. HAZard or Property Insurance. Bomower r;hull keep the improvements now existing or hemafter erected on the
<br /> �..
<br />: . Property insured ugeinst loss by firc,hawrds included within ihc term"extended coveragc"and Any other hazards,including •
<br /> ' . floods ar flooding. (or which Lender r+equires insurnnce. This insurance shall he muintAined in the amounts and far the
<br /> � � 4braJ0i8 9190 r�u��2o)'elaxeJ►
<br /> �•. .
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