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•' d. <br /> .:_� ;� . � , �� i �,� __ _ - - .- .- <br /> � _. - - ._1.,�.;•,�� � '. . <br /> � �"1p�� , <br /> _ - - -- oandom�llon ao ulhor WcUy oY ny prl aP Ihe P��ope�ty.a t'tK canveyafce iq Ilw d caadau�tiaa�w+e heKby�d�1 -- <br /> �ail be p�W to I.aeder. � ' <br /> In �ho event of �tatd Wcin� d the PrapeAy,the pra�od� rh�ll be �ppHed to�ha wm��urod by �hia Socuricy <br /> In�tniunan,whotl�er or not 11�due,with�ny exve�prld to Bortawer. In �he event of�p�e�id ufcin�ot the Propaty 1n <br /> whkh�ho fpir tperket vdue of the Ptepeny immatiately 6ofwo�ho ulcin�is equwl to or Qrc��er Ih+ut the�mount d'the awru� � <br /> �eaurod by thie Socurity Inntrummt immcdlaely befaro Ihe tnkin�� unkrr Borrower and l.�nder aherwl�e r�rro in writin�, <br /> � Ihe xum�securod by Ihi� Socuriry lnwumen� �11 be reducod by �he smnuM af ihe pmceodx mulUpUad by ihe followih� <br /> -_-�---`——T—.===—.�� fractiort: (e)the ta�al �m�uni�f ihe tiwns�ecurod immedla�ely heforo�he i�lcin�. di�ided by lbl�bo fiur muket v�luo of Ihe <br /> � Praperty immedi�tely befa�e the u�kinQ. Any b�lpnc� :h�ll bo puid to Bormwer. In�he overo of u pani�l uklag oi�ho � <br /> PrapMty in which the fair nwricet v�lue oi the Propeny immediately beforo tla tetcing is less�hon the amaum af tho aum� <br /> cecurcd immedirttely beforo�he uking, uqleas Botrowar w�d Lcndcr olherwi�e Agrca in writing or unlcau AppflcaMe law <br />-...-. otherniso providen.the proc�ede�hell be applied l01ho�wnK Recurod by thi�3au�iry IeadumeM whelher ot nat Ihe�uaa u+e <br />-_- then duc. <br /> If the Property ia nbwndoned by Barrower,or if,afier notice by l.ender to Bormwer that�he condemnar ufle�to m�ko <br /> -- -�_- ------------� an uwnrd or setUe a cisdm for damage9,Bomower fails to re�pand to Lende�vri�hin 30 duya ufler the date dte nwice ia glven, __ <br /> Lender is uutlwriaad to collect and apply�he proceedv.a�i�s oQ�on.eiiher w rcsRan�ton or�apair of�he Propeny ar co�he <br /> — — wms secu�ed by lhis Secu�ty In+uument.whether ar not thea due. <br /> - ---- Unkss L.ender ond Benrawer dhenvise ugree in wriling,any applicutioo af proceeds to principal shull not exknd ar <br />"•:"������ postpone the due datB of the montqly paymeats referred to in p:uagraphr• 1 and 2 0�cbange�he amount of such payments. _ <br />.- 11. Dorrower Not Released: Forbears�ace By I.eadc� 1Vot a Waiver. Extcnsioa of�he time for payment or <br /> _ , <br /> ��' modificatian af amartintion af the sums secured by�his Security Inwrument granted by L.ender w any successor in intercs� <br /> uf Sumuwr�aiuii uut uperulr iu irlr+ue il�iiuLiiiiy uf ti�u�igiu�{8vuuwer or Darrowcr's�umssors in intenest.l.ender _-. <br /> - '�� shall not be uired to commerce in 5 a �iini un ,u�ti�eaxar in interest a refuse ro extend timc for ment ar � <br /> i�''r,'.;•. �,• ... �e9 pra.-eed R• g Y• PaY <br /> ,�*�� ;� '� �� '" otherwise modify amunization otthe sams secured by this Securiry Instrument by reaco�of:uiy demand made by the original <br /> '';'`��'`'`s:�r+`' ;-� � Borrower or Borrowe�s successan: in interest. Any farbearance by l.ender in exereising any right or remedy shall noY be a <br /> . :,/�1..�\ � ' l4 <br /> wuiver of or precludr the exercise of any right or remedy. _ <br /> y�F.,� l2. Suocessors and Assi�ro Baund;Joint aad SeverAl I.iub�iNly;Co»sigwera. The covenunts und agreements of�his <br /> -}�:Ti' Security Instrument shull bind and beneF�the surcexcors and arsigns of Lerxkr auid Borrower,subject to the provisiom of _ <br />. ,<< " �,;s�y;;.,�,�;,�.. � paragrnph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall l�jains and sever�l. Any Borcower who caxigns�his Security �:- <br /> �,,, _:... ,••. � °?`' Instrurr�nt but dcex na execute ihe Nae: (a1 is co-signing thir Securiry Inxtnimeru only to mongage.grunt und convey�hat <br />