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. <br /> _� : � <br /> .,, .. . ,�.�,.. n - <br /> ,� � - - __ <br /> �. 1 J , _ - - ...Tr-.�_�. ��- - -- -�-....�.�.._-_ - . _ ___ <br /> - -- .,� ��. � . , . . _ .. _ <br /> ' - . :�,.,}�.�, <br /> �__ . g3• 1oz�t� <br /> _-- - - -- ,,�oa.a����, �„�e��oe�a��r���ae o�o�n ay ea��n�.a w r.,�ae�� <br /> qiproval which�II n�M he wirea�aa�Wy withiaid. a aa�+«r�a�o a�,��o�►a�e a..a��a.�w,�.m�y�,� <br /> I.enderY opllon�Miuin oova��e w proteot L�ondarti�1�iva fn thoprope� ip�ccad�wfth p�ra�r�ph 7. <br /> ' Al)inwr�noo pollobs tnil raqawds�II bo w t,onder yiiad�II include a a1��d�d nw�t�a�e tlawe. t,adw <br /> �full tuwe tbe riaht lo hdA tla pol{cias and ronew�l�. f Lptde�royui�as.8orrower�11 P�P�►�Y Idve to Lrender�11 ro�odpts - <br /> ot p�id pemiumr�tld ronew�l notioa. In the pvent of la�.Barower sbdl �ive,patipl not{a to We int�noe¢artlCt�ud <br /> • I.�ender. l.aider mry m�ko pod af'las itaol m�de�xontptly by Banower. <br /> �- a�.,�.�..�-_-_�.�--� <br /> Unkes Lender and Bannwer aherwdeo ajnoe in wiilin�.irourtnce s slWl be rpplkd to rostontlon or repait of ---- <br /> the P�cpetty dam��ed.if 1be reqar�tbn or npai�ls eca�omicdly f bla �nd Leoderti �erurity h not le�se�ad IP d�e <br /> ro�tar�tion ar ropdr ir nol eca�a�nially fe�uible or Ixnder� secwky would be b+�ened.the i�aur�noo p�ooeeds sh�ll be <br /> - — �ppliod�o�hc nunu�ecurod by thi�lQecudty In�ttumont,whqpor or nat thea due,witb iuty cacew paid w Barower. It <br /> --= Bmrower�b��do�u the Propehy.o�doei ncK answer wlthin 30 d�ya a aotice from I.ender thet tho inwrarke carrfcr fua <br /> oflerod ta reqlc�clalm,thai Lander m�y colloct Ihe insurance pnoceod�. Lendcr m�y use the proceedq to mpd�or neetone <br /> - the PropeKy or to p�y aum��ecwed by thb Savdty lo�trua�ont,whahe�a na�hcn duo. Tha 3Q�dpy parlod wfll ba�in what <br /> - -. - the noUce is given. <br /> Unles�Lendor aM Bomnwe�otherwise qgneo in writin�. aiy�pplkMion of procade w prfncip�l ah�ll not ext�nd or <br /> poupooe the due dwte of the ma�uhly p�yments t�eferneQ to in pmagraphs I and 2 or change the�uttount af Ihe pa�y nte. If <br /> und�parngraph 21 the Pnope�ty is acquircd by I.e�dor. Bomowerk rigM to nny incurw�ee policiea and proveeds�iesuldng <br />-^�. from dam�ge to Iho PropertY Prior w the acc�ui�itlon ihall p�to Lender w tk extent of Ihe sumo cecured by this 5ecwity <br /> .. .,, <br /> Iastrument immediatoly pil0i(Q(I1C acquiaition. <br /> f. Uoeupa�ncy. li�aaon, NWAteo�ue �d Protectiou ot Ihe Propertyi Borrower'� Laa AppNc�doa; <br /> - - - I.easehaldr... Roirower�!►ati u�:�upy.c�tubiiszh.and use�he Prop�rty as Barower�s principal residence within sixry d�ys dkr — <br /> x7 ' <br /> .` - - - U�a oxecution of this Securiry Instniment and shall caujrwe to arupy tAe Plroperty as Borrower�principol residence for u 4. <br /> _ lea�t one year after the date af occupa�cy. unkss Lender o�henrise Agaoes in virridng, w6ich consent ah�ll nat be <br /> _ unnensonably wlthheld,or wdess eatenuating circtanstances eais�which a►e beyartd Bcxrower�cawd. Bomower shall not <br />= . : .• destroy.dwrtwge or impair thc Propetty.allow 1he Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on thc Property. Burrower shall <br /> ;6;.�` .� �"�';r� be in dafault lf any fexfeiturc+iction or procecdin�,whether civfl or begun dwt ln Lenders�ood fa11h judgment <br />�; : .,ti;�• .�'r'±���;,; could r�ewdt in iorf'eeturc of the Pnoperty ar ah�•rwise materially Impuir�he lien cceated by this Secwity Inswment or <br /> f'�','���'.,�,;'+, ��.� •� L.ender x r,ecurity intsresi. Barower may cw�e stiuuch a default und pmviaied in pa�agraph 18,by causing the actjon <br /> 0 <br /> a.`: •` l��,;�?�§, or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling�hat,in Lender's goad fai�h dererminAtian.�rrc�udes forfeiturc of the Borrower�s - <br />- j 1"r;�;' interest in the Rvpcirty or aher matBrial impalmunt of Ihe lien crcated b�C Ihis Secw�ity Instrument or Lender�s ,socuriry �.�" <br /> intercst. Borrower sha11 alw be in default if Borrowcr, during �he loan uppfi�ai3on pmcess, gave mate�ially false or <br /> : �. inacxureto infomwuion br statements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender wixh any material infortnation)in connect�on wlth -- <br /> " •�' the loan evidenced by the Note. including. 6ut not limiled to,r+e�meesentationa conceming Borrower's occupancy of the <br />`° �'� ' as a rmci ' — <br /> y t__' - " P�operty P ' pal restdence. lf this Security Instniment is on a leasehold.Bornnwer chall cam!►ly witb e11 fFK provlsions <br /> • .,�„ <br /> —�,�C;�,�:' of the lease. If�orroWer acquirPS fce title lo the Property,Ihe leasehold and the fee tiUe shpll not mcrge unless Lender ag�eer —_ <br /> `��',i�;3'' ti to the merger in writing. ---.- <br /> , ' ���;�` ;,,� 7. Protectlup of I.ender's ltights in 4�e Properly. If BoROwer fails to perfarm the covenunts and agreements <br /> • , �� , i�� ;'�+;�• conteined in this Secu�iry Instrument, or�6iere ic n legal proceeding that may significuntly affect Lender's rights in the <br /> _ � ` :.1 � Propeny(such as n proceeding in bankruptcy,prabate,for condemna�ion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or rcgulatlons),tNen <br /> �:j..`., � ,�t; ,��; cn Lender muy do and pay for whatever ix necessary to protect the vs�lue of U�e Property and Lender's rights in t6e Propetty. � <br /> . .1;. Lender s actions may include paying any sums�ecured by a lien which hus priarity over this Security Inshument,appearing �"`-: <br /> �,';� N,;• '''� +t i� in coun.paying reasoneble unomeys'fees and entering on the Property to m:ilce r+epairs..qlthough Lender may take+�etian �r�. <br /> -�: � ','- u�de�this paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. �,_ <br /> 'lr' ' �,.f''n;s`� <br /> �.. My amounts disbursed by Lender under this parugrnph 7 shall become addilionul debt oF Banower secured by this <br /> �.;�•.��. ,�; Security Instiument. UnlesS Borrower and Lender agree to other lerrns of payment.these nmounta shall bear interest from 1he <br />.-!- `; ��. ,•� i�ti�� date of disbursement At the {lote rot�and shull be puyuble,wit�h intareat,upon noUce from Lendcr to�orrower requesting <br /> ���, i � payment. ��� <br />�.1:�' ,`'�, 8. Mort�ge Insu�ance. !ti Lender required mortgage insurance u�a condition of molcin�the los�n securPC�by thi4 ' .�' <br /> :�,�� Security Instrument, Bonower shull pay ihe premiums required to mnimain thr monguge insurance in effect. If, for any �'�'�� <br /> ,.. reason, the martgagz insurance coverugr required by Lender lapties or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the ' .xi� <br /> '� .ao�.c�r��.•::� .��}. premiums n.-quired ta obtain coveruge subsiuntially eyuivalent to �he mon a e inw�ance reviousl n effect, at a cost �'� <br />,.+,°`,;' .��::�... .�. � � 8 P Y � . <br /> •;:, substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mongogc in�urnnce previously in eftect,from un nitemate mortgage �k;' <br /> in5urer approved by Lender. If subs�antiully equivulcnt mortgaFe insurunce coverage is nol avuiluble,Bo�wer shall puy to -= <br />- _ .�. - . ,Y`',�_.� Lender euch month u sum eyual to one-twelfth of thc yearly morlguge in.uranre premium being p•rid by Borrower when the -- <br /> - � insurance covera�,e lapsed o�ceASed�o be in effect. LenJer will uccept,u.r and rewin these payments as a loss reserve ln lieu <br /> . :�;.�, � F;,y, <br /> of monguge inyur:�nce. Loss rexerve paym�nz.m�y no longer 1�e requircd,at ihe option of Lender, if mon a e insurnnce <br /> '�� .`�`.' 1 a4f f!rr',, '�" covemge(in the:�rnount and for the period tha�Lendcr reyuires)pmvided by an insurcr�ipproved by Lender ng�in becomes � <br /> �`.'���r:��v�• ovailablc and is obtained.BoRO�aer shull a �he u�red �o maimain mon���e inrurunce in effect,or to rovide u .• <br />,�•-w,, {��krt p>� p y r� P •' <br /> 4��,::��{�s,�; •�. lo:�s reserve,until the re uirement fix morl a e in+urance accordance weh an}��v�itten ugreement between Borrower �••`" <br /> ,- ,fi.: ,�...; 4 & R <br />.�'� � � ' ;��� und Lcnder ar Applicable law. •,4;q <br /> " � �� � 9. InspeMion. Lender or it�agent muy make rcu�c�nuble cnt rie. u���n and in.rpectionti�if thr F'ropeny. Lender shull id�' <br />°�4� a� �.` .,,. ,_.� <br />,,: . - -- - g i v e Q o r r o w e r nu t;c�u I Q�r timr u f or priur w�•.�::in�peciiun��rci fying rra��,ia fi le cau,n for the insperlion. �tl. <br /> � . V`• : •+ . 10 Cotldetaaation. The procced.of any awarJ or cluim for damagr+,c�irect rn con.�yucntiul,in connectfon with uny - . <br /> � .�,;.-� Sinpk Family-•Fonpk M�dMhddk M�c UNIFlIR111�iSiRi'\1l�IT•-Umf�m�Coernanl� 9/90 rry�rxr!nj'n�wgn� '�,.`i <br /> _{�... ,�` �+ra�la►ee BY�m�w Fina.�rc ■ <br /> .,� , � . <br />