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�— � � �� �_. ' n _ —. <br /> ---'= . . . <br /> .: � .,, � �r..,. j•� _ ,,,,�..,,.� — ----- - �..�-�.,w_-- . . _ - . ...,. ,_. <br /> ,y . . <br /> _.._,_ _� <br /> - -��.._. ;;:.url� , . ..:r'. .,-.•�, '. . . : . . �'r" ��� r: :�= <br /> � „ , � '�_:. <br /> _ _�___-___.._ ; y,�,�, aW na�y�pecify ror eebutyemea)barae nles or aa P�opsty p��unt to�q► ooae�P�Mie co�qinea ia� - - - <br /> sec�ky rn�u,ran�a ro�e�y ot.,�apaea►anro�lq��rlt,►ia�aua+eat. Tho.e��t sa�.y�r� <br /> � . P�Y� �all suau wbich thmq rwwld be due undet thla Secndty In�na�ait �al lthe Note a� if no�ooelaolMldh b�d � <br /> oocurnee�(1�cuma u�y defw�od�ny alw cova�.na a aaroame�ao(c)P�Yr dl axpawei inaared L►adorotu�ibi�Security. <br /> 1nq�umau.incluitin�, but not Wnited t0.rea�onable �tcofiay�'feat�nd(d)Wms wch actbn u l.ender nuy�eruon�bly <br /> roquhe to aiw�+e Ih�t the lien ot tbi�Sacudty 1a�d�unant�l.ender4 rl�bt�b the Pmpe�ty�ad Ba�rnw�ery abll�tioa Ro�ay d��e . <br /> . �umt secund br thi� Security launnneat �lWI candnue ��ed. Upon �t by'Banower. dds�5eqoity � <br /> - --_ lnctrua�ait�nd tl�abligitlou�sewrod hadsy�lull neauin fulty efYective a�if no aocala�tian h�d occurnd. Now�w.thi�� <br /> — rl�ht a rolrpq�t+e�II aot Apply in dte c�e af nxelaation wda parapaph 17. <br /> !9.3�1e d 1Votei CdaaQe ot i,a�Bervfoer. 71io Note or•p�!�iaterest in the Nota (to8etber whh Ihis Security , <br /> = Inwwn�ny Ro1d ano or maro t1n� without prior notice to Honower. A�le may reault in a clw�qe ia the e�Wty <br /> _ (kaown�u tb^Loaa Saviar")th�t coUocts monthlY WYma�ta due undcr thc Note aad thk Secudry Iaqrument. 71rona�bo <br /> auy 6e anc a more changes of tde LoAn Scrvicer wu+el�ted w a�ala oP the Note. If U�e�is�clunge of tbo Loon Servica. <br /> Bat�nwer wiN be giveni written aodce of the change in a�xadonca wlth puagraph t 4 sbove�nd�ppliable I�w. The ndioe <br /> -z.___ �..-_t�=—==�r��._ witl sute the name md addresa of tha naw I.oan 3ervicer and the addneaa ta which pa�yme�shouW be m�de. 7Ue notioe wilt <br /> atso oa�wii�any otlur Wom�tion neguircd by apPlicabb law. <br /> 24 Httsrdou�3W�tarcm Bomower ahWl aot cause a pe�mit tLe p�sencc.yse,dispossrl,stor�ga.or rcleace of my <br /> Har�rdous Subcnaas on ar in tbe Piope�ty. Barrowu sh�ll not��Ibw anyane else to do� anything�ffecting tho <br /> =�- Propetty that ia�ia vblatio�of su�y Envi�aKnental l.�w. The precediag twt►seiqenc�a sb�l�nm apply to Ihe p�e,use,or <br /> -�: ataagc on the Ptopeny of small quantities of Ha�swrdous Substances thaR arc 8ei�erA!➢,jr r�co�nimd w be appropri�te to no�mal <br /> '"" _ residendal taes wd w maintenAnce of Uie Aropeny. � <br /> — -- ' ' �atrower slusll pc�mpdy;b�iec l.ender�nitte�nasice�t'asty i�vtsti�xtion.clel�e:,der�tat:d,laevsieit ar other�ti�DY ras3► <br />__ `�'° - - ����� ;g�►vernmental or�gulawry agency ot prlvate pa1'ty invoiv+n� 1�e Ar4p�rty�nd aay H�ze�doua Sub�tance or 8nvironmental � <br />_��„ ' • ` of which Botmwer has actual knowl�dge. Ii H�o�ow�er 9eams, or is notified by any govcx.anenwl or regulatory <br /> _ � � . ,authority,tlut any rcmoval or other remedia¢ion of any Haznrdous $ubsiance atTec[ing the Property�is aaxs <br /> cary.Borrower <br />�;, •�,.: ..:��;;�..� ' shnfl promptly[�e all necessary temedial actione in accorduace with Emironmental Lew. <br /> ° " " As used in�his paragrnph 2t►,"Hazardous Subs�anccs"ar��hose•vubstences detined as toaic or hazardous substartcea by <br />��ti�. � ,, ., •Environmentol l.�w and the fs�3iowing subswnces: gasoE��nz, kerosene.Mher flammable or toaic pemnleum produets.toxic <br /> � t�' ` sticides mtd furbicides. vaGuuile solvents, materials conwioin asbetta�s�fotmaldeh de.and radioactive matedYls. As <br /> -. � ' ��,`.:�''';'.:. Pe g Y <br /> '`:" ; .�:�.ti�`�" . used in this puagraph 20.•'F�vironmerual Luw"means federal laws an�l luws uf�he jurisdiction wher�e the Property�located <br /> �'�,,. a�,�,n". ..'.��� thw relatc ta hea�ih.eafety or environmentai protection. � <br /> �� '��£°�t+ NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant and agree as fdbws: <br /> T Y; ,� '`' �r�,� ;, . Zi. Acce�erwdon:Reme�liea. I.ender shall�ive naice to Borrower prior to aceeleration faMowing BoROwer's <br />_ �F • ;b�ac h o t aoy a»veoqM or ug�eement in t 6 t s SecNrity I�strument(but not'rior to�ccekration �nder pnrs�gr�ph 17 <br /> �=;�'�;' , unless�pplkabk Mr�provldes otherwise). The notice s9�a11 apeclty: (a)the defAUlt;(b)tbe aclton rcqu(red to cure the , .. <br /> - '. • - +fe��.�ic���"" defauit;�c)a dote.eot iesv thpn�11 dpys irom the date the notice is given to Borrower.6y wqkh the defiwlt musl be . � <br /> ° ,�''j„ ,�, .. ..,., <br /> . ; •��I`i:�v,f;Y��.•�y�,r cured;and Id) tlwt fqflure to cure the defuult on or 6efore the date specifled in the ndice mwy result in Accelerndoa ot <br /> i ��''�..I,..,.. the sums secu�ed by this Securily Instrument trnd aale of the Property. The notice sdall fuMher iniorm Borrower ot <br /> r'':. <br /> ,� i`�':C�!���`� ithe rtglN to reia+ts�te aiter acceleration ant�tlae right to bring a court adbn to�sserl the noa�existence of a�de�ault or <br /> ;;' � •�'��_��;� <br /> •. �,�;,., . �Ar�y ather defease of Norrower to acceleralbn and sale. It Ihe defi�ult is not cured on or before Ide dote epeci7ied in <br /> � �• ::_>>��sx�r?�+••.'�.�: !he notkr,I.emder pl ifs optlon may requir�e immedis�le pAyment ia full of All sums secured by ih�s 9ecurity lastrument , <br /> -��"f�� .� ��'�f•'•'��-:r� �•'`�'` wilhout turlher demand and ma invuke Ihe wer of lsale and an other remedies• ranit4ed b s� Iks�ble Ipw <br /> ; ar., l ,� _, :•:f ;, Y Po Y Pe Y PP <br /> —;„ . ..;K' .. - L.ender shs�N be entitled to collect �II expenses iperrred in pursuin� the remedles p�ovlded�in lhi�para�raph 21. <br />_ r : �•����,,.; �•=" incladiag.but not Iimited to�reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of tille evidence. _ <br /> ,' �� ;1.."°k��` • IP 1he power af sale is invoked.'Ibustee shall record a notice of default in exc1�county in wbich Any paM ot Ihe <br /> _��:� , ��*���' � ` PropeMy is IocsNed and shAll ms�il copies of such notice in the mpnner prescribed bs app�icable law to Borrowcr und to = <br /> j��4 � �s,� <br /> ����� the other pe� prescribed by applicable law. At�er the time required by appl�cs�ble law.Truslee shAll give public — <br />�.�,�':�1.; t�``?�5 ' � :;� notice of sale to Ihe <br /> 11.�1,,,, �,+zi ;�. �t_�,� persons And in the munner prescribed by applicable Ivw 'I�ustee,wUhout�1emand on Sorrower. _ <br /> sp,� ; shall seN the Property At public anction Io the highest bidder At the time and place and untJ�r 19�e terms dt�sigoated In <br />�,r�?��' �e�i,�;r, tl,,�,' tbe notice dsak in one u�more parcels nnd in s�ny oruler 7lruslee determines. 71�ustee may�ostpone sale af nN o�any <br /> ;/��. ��:�l��h(�:.•:..�� � ,parcel of tfrc Property by public announcement at the time and pt�ce oPnny preriously schedu8ed�le. Len�er or Its — <br />-_ �•�'��;!�;!�i .---�•- �esiQnee may pnrcfwse the Property at any s�le. <br /> �� t;.:t�!;1,9t`�';'� . • Upon re�e(pt of p�yment ot the price bid.71�ustee shall dellver to ihe purchatier 'IFusteP's deed coaveying Ihe � <br /> _ ,•�,.,:., �,:.,�.• .. • • <br /> :«,,` .��,�,�....�.�••,�• Property. The recit�ls in Ihe 71�ustee's deed shall be prima tacie evidence uf the Iruth of IhN sln�emenls made Iherein. _ <br /> 'irustee�hwM��ply Ihe praeeeds of the�le in Ihe followin�arder: (a1 to all cos�s and expenses of exercisia�the power <br /> ;+ ,�`,�.'���'�;,�,,.,j� _ <br />- ,���.p!ti1., �'�' " _ <br />. .lCI : ,yf•••. .i �.' <br /> � -./.�C�'".' Y <br /> ' , ���.•:..�t;+�`�.�'„r:.i.�. - <br />-.� , .-N'•yr�����,'�'_pFt�?i <br />_ ;�;,� �,�'.r_,,;�:.�;L�T,(,.�•�i��r tr�: <br />��.._ .'��''�'��'��rf = <br /> � -- .- ',c��iiy?��l;�„� w��j � <br /> . .•� 7.. .`i�?,��1��������� -- <br />_� :.,,,j.�l�yy1�,�{��`�St�zi�J� Farn�1q.',!t 1�40 �/wxt��N4lwRrsl — <br />.,�y, 't, '� '�,+-0":ir:'��S .�.=-r�t" <br /> ,v' +�,. ;�(}�.r. <br /> �a.. . , . _ <br /> �... . - <br />,'Cr. �;','.., ' , <br /> . ��'�,1��. . . 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