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g. . ���i� . .. . .. <br /> .�. . ]> r ' ��_—_' <br /> �.y rr- , j <br /> �� � . 1 _ <br /> ..r, -.. . , •� __ _ . _. _. . .. <br /> -=°-� - ��! � ------------ ---- - -� <br /> ' , . .. . . ' a�: - . <br /> -- � .. <br /> -- __- - - - - , 93�so�to <br /> Toc3err�R wr,7i.0 ua impro�na now a nero�aec e�ecua on ub p�►.�na d�e�cr�,1�.��A�oa, � <br /> � and fiatura now or 1�Ret�p�tt of tho property. All mpl�ccmenu atd�ulditlans�hdl�Iw be oovarod by Ibi�Seawity <br /> I�Wn�ma�� All of tho toregoia�i�refeirod W in this 3ecurity Inwrumenl u the"Propmty." <br /> HORROWBR QOVENANI'S tluU Borrowar i�I�wfuliy seised af�pe�sUUe M�eby convcyed a�d has the rl�ht to Qrant <br /> �nd canvey the PropeAy�nd th�t ihe PmpeAy ie unancumbe�ed.axcept far a�cumbnu�ocs of rocord, Bamnwer w�nu md <br /> wNi defond�eaaally ttio dtb to the Properly��inct�II clunu and dan�aAs.wbject w my encumbnncc�M roc�nd. <br /> �"""`�'�'��"� 7'H19 3BCURITY INSTRUM�iNT cr�mbinon unifomn ooven�nu for natiawl use and nwwniform covwwnw wflh <br /> Wpited e�ui�liant by Ju�irdiclbn w ca�wltuto a uniform securlty inurument coverjn��al propelty. <br /> _ __- IMtPORM C�OV8NAN1'S. Borrowcr ud Lertder covctunl and agroe u fdbws: <br /> ,�� 1. Payn�t at P�Ncipd Md INerpti Pr�P�fae�t�d C1arp�. Bo�owcr�hall P�P�Y WY whai due�he <br /> - ---- pdncip�I ot�nd in�ercW on�he deb�evidrnc�d by sM�Nae and�ny pep�ymeni wd Iwre cha�ea duo under�ho Nao. <br /> 2, Fhnd��or'IL�t�lawranca Subject toapplic�ble law or w a writtcn wdver by Lcnder.Bamwer sludl p�y to <br /> _. _-_ - _�____ I.endet an the d�y monlhiY p�ynrcnt��re due under�he Note.unul tl�c Nau i�p�id in tull.a wm("Aund4")for:t�)Y�Y <br /> uuces�nd asQarrmenu whkh may�t�ain priorlty over thir Securiry Inspumont as a Ikn an the PropeRy;(bl YcAdy Icuchold <br /> p�yment� ar ground �enta on the Prnperty. if any; (c) yeariy hAZaM ar praperty inwranca pamiums; (d) yeuly flood <br /> � incuranoe promium�, if�ny;(e)yeArly mort�age ineu�premiums,if any; and 1� Any suma pay�bk by Bomower to <br /> Leeder,in Accandwica wlth the provisians of puagrnph lieu of thepaymcnt of mortgAge iasurnnce pn.�miums. These � <br /> �"'�� itcmr ate cellcd"E.gcrnw Items." l.endcr any time,callect and hold Funds in an amount nW to cacad the maximum - - <br /> • `;`:'_�- <br /> _ � amount a lender for a federally relpted martgage toan may�qui� for Borrowerl�escrow acconnt under the federa!Rad - <br /> - -` R,�ete Settlensent Proccdures Aci uf i9T4 na wi►�nded trom tlme ta titne.l2 U.S.C.4 260!et seq.("RE.9PA").unle�s saother �_. <br /> --, <br /> - - - --- - law that applics to the E�nds sets u lesscr amount. If so.Lcndcr may,at any time.collect and hold Wnds in an amount not to <br /> :�.,.;•, -- . <br /> �-�-• �:�• .E, exceed 1he lesscr amount. L.ender may est�mete �he amount of FLnds duc an the basis of curtent dam and reASOnable <br /> -. , estfmmates of eapenditur�es of fuW�e Escrow Items ur otherwise in xcordaacc wiih applicable law. <br /> ': ' ., � Tho FLnds shall be hcld in an institudon whose deposits s�ne inw�ed by a fedeml �eney.inswmenwlity,ar e�uity - <br /> ,' ., (including Lender.iF L,ender Is xuch an institution)or in any Federal Hane L.oan Bank. Lender s6ull sq�ply the FLads to pay �"=''- <br />�;�i,;• F tho Escrow Ilems. Lender mey not chorge Bonower for holding;ued�pplying the�e�al{y �nalyzing 1he escrow _� <br /> -� 'µ �'•� ';� accouat, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower intenest on ttie E�nds�uKi applicable law pemdls °"- <br /> - r�� l.ender to makc such a charge. However,l.e�cier may rcquire Borrower to pay a one•time cfiauge far en independeni rcal °�`" <br /> t-_ <br /> '.� I�• �.�'�•;� ?7°;.�:,;,, eslate tex reporting service used by l.e�der in cnnnectian wilh thls loan,unless appiicable law ptc��vides Wi�erwise. Unless an ""� <br /> ..�.�;��: <br /> _� �%;� � ,,;��� �;,�,i'� �;a�r agreement Is made or applicable law recpuirea lnterest ta be paid.l.ender ahall not 6e required ta p�y Bolrower any interest or — <br /> ;,�u� �� , , �� eamings on the FLnds. Horrower and 4.endsr mey agree In wrlting.hawever,that intercat shull 6e pa�d on the FLnds. Lender �. <br />---. k � ��:��.�..,:,;� �-�,. <br /> e���' i.; ��;r, �+ shdl give to Bomawer,without char�e,an annual accounting of the FY�nds.showing credits arcd�bits to the Funds and the <br /> �,�,,, � ' ��� purpose for which each debit ta 16�e•Fnnds was made. The f�nds ar�e pledged as addilfonal secwvity for all sums secu�ed by . <br /> a, � . ��*+�;nY,r,�,y,s�rr��� � thir Security Instrument. , � <br /> � {��'��,�.;:9�0�'`,�'� if the FL�ds hcld try� Ler�ler exceed the umounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall account to ;� . <br />� • ,. . ., ,'�_,;.... , �Y;.. ��-c: <br /> ���'"�'�•� Borrower for the excess FLnds in arcardance wlth 1he requirements of applicable law. If the atmount of the FLnds held by <br /> '� r t�:}: :.";>a:�,1�'+'•E(�'•r�l,.� �,. — <br />�. ..;,�,�,i;1 ��,�:.:=._, ., ��, ,�.. I,ender at an}�time is not sufficient c��ay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notiiy Boirower in writing,and,i� ---- <br />. • ..';��,i�?� ,•'.+'� .;. ,": tas4•��' such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to m;dse up the deficiency. Bortower shall make up the —� <br />%s,��'.''� '� � �. �" deficiency in no more than twelve monahly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. �- <br /> �`' d i: .,..�_ � <br />'�����' �,'�-'��;:'�".;�,�"�' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.Lender shall promptly refund to 8orrower any -- <br /> r.i,;�• . „'R'"" . •,�•..•.��� �t.'-- <br /> ,t•,�. - �� '::�•{�� Funds held by l.ender. If,under parugrapfi 21,Lender shall ucquire or sell the Propeny. Lender,prior to�he acquisition or _ <br /> '� 'k�,o' �••.s;�,.' �. <br /> e'�`:> •,;:;:�;..:.; � a: ,�A�; sule of the PropeRy,shull apply nny f'vnu9s hcld by Lender at the aime of acquisilion or sule as a credit against the sums =� <br /> f�::,.,. ' �...�,, .�-._ <br /> ._±;�!'::•: ; ,. y, ;,; secured by this Security Inswment. �_-- <br /> ,r � ����" 3. Applkallon d'Payments. Unless applicoble law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under �r <br /> �=�.':� ,.;��,�`���.,. �..:�`:��� r: <br /> �p,�;;..:,•_ ;,(,��. paragruphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:litst,to any pr�epnyment charges due under the Note;second,to umounts payable under �f.�._ <br /> '�` "'�' 7����' ara rn h interest due;fourth,to rinci A1 due;and last,to an late char es due undet the Note. . �''��' <br /> �::.` 'f+�.;_.f:, ,�:� <br /> 3 � r f.l�.- , ,� ,�r�'r P � P P p 9 B �,,,;•.. <br />�:j•„h: � .;Y.1.,t;t t��;:' :�`•., 4. Cha es; Liens. Borrower shall a aU taxes. assessments,char es, fines and irn itions attributable to the ���C,; <br /> •��i�': . r�`S �+ rr,1.��i � P Y B � '•��.� <br />�-�y .f�S,(it,�G;+�t�f.�:�;•,•:;�::. Propeny which may attain priority o�er�his Security Instrument,i►nd leasetiold payments or Fro��nd rents.if eny. Borrower r'- <br /> �.�, i ''���;�s�'•'��:+s������;' sh�ll puy these obligations in the man�er provided in parngraph 2�or iff not paid in tha�mpnner,Barower shell pay them on �--�'' <br />�; � �q`;��,�1y;,t��;'r;�.,�;�' time dire�tl •�to the rson owed u men�. Barrower shall rom 1 furnish to Lender all notires ofamounts to be aid under �`-''- <br /> � �k • '. � 1�� � Y Pe p Y p P�Y P <br /> , j .1. ��:�r.�1t1'1,f�.�'ri`.'�,.�,'.� �R,y <br /> . ,..,,�,;���„,,,,,,;;;;),�t�{ this parngraph. If Borrower makes these payments direcdy.BoROwer shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing „ ._ <br /> ,�`t`�t i� ' Yr;� the paymcnts. �= <br /> �`1,tii � .} ���i;f� Borcower shall promptly disch�ge any lien whlch has priority nverthis Sccurity Instrument udess Borrower:(u)agrees �� <br /> ������ ' P � ti��'!: i n w ri t i n g t o t h e p a y m e n t o f 1 h e o b l i g a t i o n s e c u r e d b y t h e l i e n i n a m a n n e r a c c e p t u b l e t o L e n d e�;(b)c o n t e s t s i n g o o d f a i t h t h e <br /> a-���;�� ',� �{;�... �t�-;y�!•:� � �'t'�" <br /> ,.• r �.;i.A;;� lien b y,or defends og�inst enfarcement af the lien in,legul proceedin gs which in the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the <br /> � �:��. ,.�' � . . ,,,.:.::...i <br /> �- • �. ,l�!•�X� enforrement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of tNe lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien �: <br /> , .,yr.:, <br /> i� � � � �+; �.r.�. to this Security Insdument. If Lender determines thnt uny pnrt of the Pmperty is suhject to a lien which may utwin prioriry �;� <br /> • �lpr..: .,; <br /> ° t,ti;;��{f, over this Security InstrumenL Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Eorrower shull satisfy the lien or take <br />�� � D���. ' •,'.{,,,:.;:. one or more of the actions se�fonh abc�ve within 10 days of�he giving af notice. . <br /> ��! f�� `°''� S. Hazard or Property lnso�ance. Borrower shall keep the improvemenl�now rxdslin� or hereafter erected on the <br /> _j . �" ' ;:. � , p�_;�:,:.s��:, . <br /> !i�'"� .� x•u:�;!�''s;%L:'•::":.•::��` Pro rt msured a ain�i locs hy firc,hazards inelucird within the term"cxtended cov�ia r"anJ ao oth�r harards,includin =- <br /> '�`T R ^ ''�xx%+Lr���,���,"�'j#',''`� flood or flooding for which Lende� requires insurance. Thix insunuicc shall t+e mai�ained io the amountx and for the <br />��. �t� •S-�%I�v�}���M1,}��z;i';i�,�t)' <br /> ,.�-.� i���'�' � + �4�H1i`;�47' .'�- <br /> ,.��.f {,�1 <br /> �', ���' �� ' :� ,.'f.t.i Forml� 9/90 f/wR�'ofoPu4�s) <br /> _.4"�: j� � •4 'i . <br />�'�j�'r. �'�, � '{ • •11" • �' �.4,: <br /> - , .�'• � <br />��l•`/ _. .�'''LL, u. �. , ' w J�7M/wMwv.��I��FIQ�w� . . � - . t <br />� '. .. .� . �ll.( � � y 1�. �/y'.,�. . .. ` .. ,: <br /> ,�y• ,r: •r� .r�,�y <br /> � .. ' • .. , . -,. .. -i.f•�di4P'�'�•. _ .. , <br /> �� �'._. _ _ _ -. • - �__ .� � _!i_4fe—i:e:tis'.t�_t'�� <br /> � <br /> �r .�i �� . .._'. . .'_. „_ ____ . __ - _ _, :__ . ._.'._. '-.' ,._...,—:--'.' '' ' _ .. ; ��4— -i."r---on - ._" _ .ti ... <br />� ,•ii� !ir_�` '��s yt v.x. . '. .. . . - � �• . �. ."i7t... _. . . • •: r " . <br /> �iu•'� � �-.�.:4An�.u'_ . . • . . <br /> . . -, T- - . ------- - -•--- : -- <. . . , . . . � � _.. . .... <br /> • _ � � • � :� �.. . <br /> - . , ' .•i' , . . • � . - . -.,. f:-�..... , . . � . � .. ,, . <br /> i'if� ��� ,Y( M.:f.� _ '�'. . ' � `_ . . i .. _ � . 'Y - : . . .. .. <br />' `;;��;. �,)�� ' ,,..;��)'•�i'. •,�•'°i:,:� . ` �N��t''rllt • .� ;.;; i • • �.< < � ,. . .� . , <br /> I'/ l- riy�n � V/} !(t �LCVU��� � ��` �����y� � 1 1����� _ :.�-. . � L• � , ' ' <br /> ��� �ii"'� r1���(`ii{ r. �'.4,.. � '�� . . +; , ,' <br /> r;�{: �. ���,�<,.��y�,��, � ,.,, , -:,�, ,� ,; . . t.. . . . <br /> ;�i; V "t' . •, , � .,' ° • ; , . _�, � ' <br /> >�'�� +� �.vl . i-tr".' , - . '��`vr.( <br /> 1' � ��.': 1� . .. � ' - :U' - .. . .._ i r'. .� - .. <br /> j�� 1 ".1 �� • .s: . � ' .� � - �I ,. � � , � 'r � '. , <br /> �• � � ,I��4;=1�� • , r� . � ' - . .i .. ' . . J il •' � " ' ' � <br /> � �' R. . .. _ . . - � ' ���!"• . <br /> :���. I,'�," a �""""!r ' . '. ' . • . . r'�- . <br /> {� ' ' ..�, . ' . �I 1 . .. � <br /> � <br /> �, .. . , � _ •. '. •�. ' .,_.._�.__-------- - --� - . i <br />