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.� • _ , .. . ..... <br /> , <br /> � -- - R. . - • — — --- <br /> � - . . _ , '"'q' �trN:.' ' �'- <br /> _ ' . , .. e�r.. c. -.- <br /> ' . � .'. `n � - <br /> . � i� . . _.. ._h . _ ....r ,�..Y.^�.. .._ ..��.a�'-- <br /> . I . . .'A "_. _" .. <br /> � t:. <br /> :::=���� _ 91- 102556 <br /> ,, <br /> _.�t���► condemnaticm��r ather ta�:ing oi uny pun of thc Pmpeny.or far cunvcyancc in licu ui'cwule�nns►liwi,uR I�cnby u�;wi�ned and <br /> %:: � *iwll be puid ta Lende�. <br /> �i� In Ihe event oi'u I��tul �uking at'the Pro�ny. �he prcKC��Js �hull I+e upplled 1�►the +umr• urured hy thiw Securily <br /> Inhtn�ment, whelher or not lhan due,with Any cxce,x paid to Burrower. In�he e�•ent ot'u puhial tuking of tl�c Prupeny in <br /> which Ihe iair m�ukct vuluc�f the Ifi►pehy immediutcly t+cfore thc�aking f,eyual 1��ur�trrut4r Ihun�hc um��unt��f thc�um+ <br /> �,° tiecured by thiti Secur�ry In�lrum�nt immcdiutcly 1+efare thc tuking.unle.+Bam�wcr u�xl l•tl�nler��thenvi.e uRrcc in wriling. <br /> - - - thc rumx sccurcd by�hiF Sccuriiy ln.trum�m�Irrll hc rcdurcd bp th� a�m�un1 ��f Ihc pnxecd,mulliplicd hy thc ti,ll��wing • _ <br /> � i'ructi�m: lul thc tn�ul umount of Ihe�uma xecuncJ immcdiu�ely hefi►m thu iukin�.Jividcd by Ihl thc fuir ntn�ct vulue nf Ihc <br /> '�� • _,'' Pmpeny immcdiutely hefore�he tukinH. Any haluncc Khall tx�puiA ta Borrowcr. In thr cvem uf a puhiul �uking uf�hc <br /> c :� propetty in which the fuir marke� vAlue uf�hc Pmpeny immcdiu�ely 1�efnre thc wking iti Ic�s thun�he umuum af�hc�um. <br /> - - ' -°� secured immeJiutely f+efore the taking, unlcss Bom�wer unJ Lcnder olhenei+c ugree in wrilinp or unlc�s +�pplicublc luw <br /> �°�°"'a""='`•'��" o�herwixa pmvidex,�he praceedx wbuiL be applied to the sumx xecured by thi�Securily In.trument whr�h�r or n����hc xum*ura <br /> �;.;.�__-;.a.k.. <br /> �.:..��•..-�.'�"',.�x�� ; then due. <br /> - 1 -.v=�`-"'.g,�'�'' If the Property i�u1►;undo��ed bY Be'm*wrc. �K if.after notice By Lcnder in Hnrmwer thut�hc candcnmur oi'fe�io mnke �. T. _ <br /> __��`"''=�`y��';.�.t�' �� an Awurd or setUe u claim for d:unagex.BvRUwer res�x►nd lo Lende��vilhin�ll duyy utier�he d:�tr thr nutic�i�.given. �.�G:_- <br /> :.-:,, .- ''-'�.•a;�. :�. the x��cis, at its o tion,cilher a�re+iorulirn�ar npuir�f the Pm�hy or�o thc .�,,.;4,•.�-- <br /> ; },s��. � . Lender is authorized�c�collect uaJ app1Y P� p <br />"":'� ta�,s.:''`4..�,-_ sums�ecured�y this Security In.trument,whethcr�x��+4�hcn due. �,�;i°.-= <br />_.`�' �.;�� �:��',,:,... , P P . • .. - <br />_-- - �-�f�.•�'.�:.�. Unkss Leader und Bcxn�wer otherx•iu u�rcti in wriiing.uny upplkuti��r► ol'pnxeedz to rinci ul tihull no�exte cx �����_- <br /> --"�'-"�'���'� �•":�` • � �he due date oi the mon►hly paymemx rcferinad tn in purugruphti I und 2 or chungc�h�umount��t+uch pnyment„. N�,�,,= <br /> —_:�l�1's;:v��;;ti P�P°� �,';�" - <br /> -= �,5�;:���•,,;� " 11. Boorower Nd �eleasedt MurbcA�ance $y l.ender Not a Waiver. Bx�en+iun oi �he iime fi�r pnyment or �� _ <br /> � r a���-.a��_�r:_;. , �;f��A�i�n��P umwtizati��n of the suma.c�:ured by Ihis Secudty Inxl�ument grunted by l.e�der ta uny�urcestior in inlercsl �„ ,ry <br />�.';:�SSU+st,',r,•::7y'��,.. <br /> +•' • �• � . of Borruw•er xhall nat oFx:ratc to nekusc the liubiliry ot'the origin�d[iam�wer cN Burrowerti succes.on in intere+t. l.endcr ,� <br />—_��r�,�..d �;:�a � P Y 41t��_ <br /> `�;,:+� :�7�,�,''.r'��' shAll nat be requinvl to commence prcxeedings uguin�t uny wuccessor in ime�ext��r rcfuu: to exlcnd �imc for n ment ur `:�',`�;. <br /> �T' '� �_�'�Ft� }' othenvi.rr modif�•nmaNizmian uf the�ums secured by thi�Security Instn►mem by rcux��n of uny dmmmd m�ide hy Ihe originul ,��,�,;L _ <br /> ��:��`i`'' a ��: , �� -- <br /> `�"t:=�'�'a��'�����F�:���' Borcower or Barrv+ne��su�cesson in inieres�. Any forlx;nrnnce by Lender in.�xercising amy right or r�medy shall not be a i <br /> �t ,, f��y'•�;).;' ` K ,— <br /> -�� t!`1":i:;qf,` �',�. wuivcr of or prc�'the crereisc of uny right or remedy. <br />_i;�;�� - �' �i f�: '•�,r 12. Successors And A�signs�Bound:Jofnt un�l�everul UabHtty:('o•st�ne�:c. The covenunts und i�greements of this E�r ;; tl <br /> '°�;;�'', , ��•, /,i�::� Security Inslniment shall bind und beneflt �he tiuccesson und�GSSigns of Lender unJ Bixrowcr,xubject to Ihe provitiians of �,y,_'":�_ <br /> — � .,;�;,,,;.ir <br /> __�: : •�I�j,�,+��;,� pw�ugruph 17. Borrower ti covenants and agmementx shall Ne joint and severul.Any Bnrrower who co-signx �hi. Security <br /> -. -;r�,��, ' r. "'{,�'. Instrument but dces not execute�he Nixe: lul is co-xigning thiti Securiry bis�nirnent only to nxxy@uge,grunt und convey thnt �„� <br /> ' Borrower i interext in tBe Prapeny under 1he tcrms of Ihiti Securily In+trumenl: (b)is nrn pertion•rlly obliguted to pny th�.ums + <br />- �"'���`:.=:ei;.: _t;�?YiS, secured by thin Security Instrumenr,and Icl ugrcrti that Lcndcr und uny other Barmwcr nmy ugrce tn rxtend,mcxlify,forbeur ��:�`- <br /> �:.:_ <br /> " ' !'.`;;':•, or muke uny accammalutians with ragurcl to Ihe terms M' �hiti Securiry Imtrument or �hc Ntite without Ihut Burtower's �,,,�,,�., <br /> ,.��1�;�, �� t__ �.._ <br /> i s�r� ,� � conscnt. -_ <br />-.,.i.;, i:. t!,,,::..� 13. Loan CharReg. If Ihe loun �ecured by �hir. Securiry Imtrument i, ,ubjeci to n law which �rlti mpnlqiUiil o�m � ,, <br /> '•��� �•�'=' •!� chur e� und that law is finully interpreteJ so thu�the intere,t or olher loun churge,rollected nr to he collected in connection ��,_ <br /> �'�.�• '�'+J�;`'��:',� :, , withihe IoWn cxceed the permiued limil.,then: l�U uny.uch loun chn�ge xhall t�e rcduced by the umaunt neceti.ury to reiluce .;.�..,, <br /> >s••. ;:?;i;::.,;;, . .,, . <br /> _- . �+`., . � the charge ai the permiued limit:und Ib)uny sumx uln�udy coUected from Borrc►wcr whirh exceecled�xnnllled limilti will t+r •, <br /> '�,' :; � • refunded ta BoROwer. LenJer may ch�wsc io mukc thir,mfund by reducinE the prinripal owed under�hc Note nr by muking u �:�;;,:�, <br /> :.�.:.:`'�.�.�, . ,; t.,�_.: <br /> • dirert payment to Borrower. If u rcfund reJucc.prinripal,the reduction will tk treu�cd u�n puttinl pnrpuyment withaut uny —tr,,.�,. <br /> �'���'•� re u ment chur �undcr thc Note. <br /> •••_��., . p P Y 8' <br /> , sA�`� l4. Notiees. Any notice�o Borrower pr�►vided li�r in thi� ticcurity In�trument�hull he givcn by delivering it or by <br /> •.� `..�,.�: muiling it by fint clux+muil unle�+applicuble law rcyuires u,e of imu�her methixl.Thc nuticc ahull Ix direc�cd to ihe Propehy � <br /> . Addt�s+or uny other uddres�Bnrrowcr dc.riFnu�cs hy notice tu Lendrr. Any noticc lo Lendcr shull txe givcn hy lint cluti� — -- <br /> �';.; .. muil to L.�:ndcr's udJrr.��tu�eJ herchi�►r nny othcr uJdrcs,LcnJcr dc.i�!nutcs hy notice to Bormwer. Any nulicc pnwided for =__- <br /> • a ' , ,,,�, in �hi+ Securiry Instrumrrn .hull tx� dremcd to huvc hcen given to Bnrrower or LenJer whcn �;iven lix provided in Ihix <br /> f i... ' ..'. :,. ps�rugruph. <br /> ,;t�,? , ti�,���i. ''';''• l5. Governin� I.xw: Severubillty. Tliiti Sccurity Instruntcnl ,hull I+c govcrrKd hy falerul Inw uixl th� I��w of thc ,. <br /> .;,,��',,• �t�;t,�,.;�;�;,�_,..,�,�.,,..., juri�diction in which thr Pmpcny ix kx�ueJ. In thr evcnt thm uny pruvi+inn ur rl�►usr uf�hi,Sccurily Inslrument or�hc Note c�:, <br /> ;;:;;,jsf;. . r�;.;4,t;�'1' :ti•:r���:: , conflicts with upplicii'hle lue•.,uch contlir�+hull not ufl'cct�ilher provi.iuns of Ihis Securily Imlrument or Ihe Ni,te which can •': . <br /> ",�•;,ta�•.� r`,�,. ..,.. ,�';•:,,•..F+� ix given efi'ect without the conllirtin�!provisian. Tii thiti rnJ Ure pruviniun� uf�hix 5ecurity lntitrumenl+�nd�hc Nnte urc �'�,.��_ <br /> n•���� � <br /> ,' , ���' �',;;` ' •Ck declAred�o t+e�everuMc. �}�tiY,� <br /> � :• .�..., •u�'{1,1i.� 16. Norrower'ti Copy. Hurc����cr+hall ha �i�•en onc runti�micd capy ul'the Note amd of Ihix Security Intitrument. �,,,�,r <br /> z-�. <br /> ,���� ��'`i'��}�V� I7. 7lransier of Ihe Propert���r u Beneticial Interest in Borro�+•er. If ull ur uny pnrt uf thc Pm�x rt)���r uny intcrest in �. ,y <br /> S S ; <br /> ��•,• ',,,,�.�;�,�; : il is wIJ ur trumfcrttid lur if a txnctiri3d inte�c�t in Borro�vcr iti.oIJ ur �ran.fcrr�d imJ Borrawcr iti no�u nu�ural �xrsonl ..;'���,•� <br /> , ,,}r���(" without Lendcr:prior wriurn cimsent.Lendrr ma}•.ai ii.optinn.rcyuirc immcJiate paymenl in full��T all sum�securcd Ny !�. ', <br /> rr 3' ' ' •f� ��I�� �his Securiry Intitrument. However,thi���pti�i�rhull noi hc exrrci.ed by l.rnder i(cxrrcixe i�prohibited by(cderal luw u�of' � <br /> , :,i,�. :;..,u - <br /> .��. . � �,;,!s;.,,��;��,:�; theduleoflhisSccurilylmtrwncnt. <br /> �.:x:- <br /> . . .'•.,;,'.i`•1cr►?•• If L.ender excrri,r�thi.opti�m.Lantkt shall give Nunu��•c�notire��i ucrcleruii�,n. Thr noticc.hull proviJe a�xriod ol' i,_,._ <br /> , not Ics+thun 30 duy�iront�hc dute�hc no�icc i.dclivcrcd or nwilyd wilhin�vhirh Hurrowcr mu+l pay all tium�,ccured by Ihi� � <br /> .u Security Instnmirnl. If Bom�wcr 1'uil. tu pay Ih�.r +um. priur ta thc �xpirau�m nl'ihi, {xn�x1. L�ndcr nwy inv��kc any f{i.''.:, <br />. �:� . ���• <br /> .. remedics pcmiiucJ hy thi,Sccunty�hi�trumcnt witli��ut fun�i�r ii��ii«<,r�I�ni:ii�cl�,n H„rt���v�r. .{.:• <br /> • 18. Ba•rowcr's Riaht to Reinstute. If K�►no�►cr mcrt. c�•nain roniliuun,. B.�rt�,��cr ,hull have �hr right to h:wr <br /> ' ' ' ;j;F';�;• . , cnforcement ot'Ihis Securiry In�trumcm dixantinurd :u:uiy timr pri��r k�thc �arlirr��f: �.��S day.�ur.uch wher�xri�xf;n <br /> ::,,��,;; �;. . <br /> �: SinElcicund� •F'nnnM�Iue/Fmddk�fucf%IFIIR\11\5'fRl'\1F:N1'..1wl�mn�'u�.n�w. 4�4U �p��cran/np��.er�� � <br /> - ��,l�,y, .�, . �1�,�'�. <br /> �t:. ; ` �• <br /> ...E��.I.,;,' '��';.� <br /> . ri...�_;i•;, }!•.c <br /> �p�'•'•(;� ;i ' <br /> � t �, <br /> .. _4j4�� t��i .. � - ,. . •ti„• , ... . , . . . .�i 'i` '..��.;�'�ti.F',�J.citrMf`�')1�-A�N <br /> . � ,�r,��hr?'�I��St+l�%ir:•... tt' . _. _. � . , !-�: <br /> � '- ... , -':t , . �. .� . �.''� , , - <br /> � <br /> . _ ` •_. _:�,.�t..<<:_:,1_SC'..:.�_..�. ._ ....'.:.__._. �� ' ,:.. <br /> �-- • -- , ...� • . � . . . , .',; ,:.' ,'',:Y1. <br /> .. � • . �'}'{i�t�� . � . � � ' -. . �, ;�.���.i'. � �. <br /> . ' ' �i11.:-'' ,_ •. . , � . . <br /> � � •-�.-.��: . . . <br /> . '�:,-�``�, . � ... . , . <br /> r',� <br /> i . <br /> � , � <br /> . . [.:1 <br /> .. ' a���.,sv: . ' <br /> �� � . . � <br /> . � � <br />