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<br /> +� peric�dx IhW l.cndcr rcyuireK. 91�c insurancc cneier providfng tha inxumncc shall he chu.en by Barmwer subjcc�to l.enderx
<br /> upprovai whlch ahull not be unreasonably withheld. lf Born►we�fuilx�o muintuin covcruge Jcxcribed alx�ve.l.endcr muy,a1
<br /> . . ,.: . Lenckr x option.obtuin coveruge ta protecl l�eader's riRhis in�he Pr��eny in accurdunce with parug�aph 1.
<br /> • �.; All insurance policiex uad ronewul�shull t�e uccepiable la l.ender u�ui+hall include u ylanJunl murtg+�te clauxe. Lender
<br /> ; shpll hnve�he right ta hald the pnflcios und nenewals. If Lendcr t+et�ui►es,Bairower r�hull prumptly Rive tu l.ender ull neccipta
<br /> � ni p�id premiu�ns und rcnewul notices. in t he even���f I��.s.Som►wer�hull give prumpt nwice�u Ihe inxu�ance ewrier and
<br /> � d ,� lxnder. l.ender may mukc praaf at'lo�x�i'not rnuda pr�roiptly by B��rrc�wcr. - �
<br /> y Unless Lender und Borrower ahenvif:c;ugree in writing,inxurnnce proceeds yhull he upplied to retitomlion or repalr uf
<br /> �he propeny damaged, if�he restarution or Rpuir is economicully feusible unJ I.cnder. �ecu�ity is nut le+sened. If the
<br /> ' restorotian ar repoir iz not econamicully feu+ible or Lender: recurity wou�d t►e Ic+sened, ihe inxurnnce praceed�shull he
<br /> � -"' '`-"�,--'�' applied �o the sums cecured by this Security Inatrument, whether cx nM�hen due, with uny excess puid tu BoROwer. If
<br /> �°a-�a?`?s"�''"r` Borrower ubundon.s the Pmpeny, or does na unswer wi�hin 3q duy� u natice t'rom l.ender Ihut Ihe inxurunce carcier hux _ _
<br /> __ _ _ �"��_ ;i offered lo setlle u cluim.then Lender muy�allect�he in�urunce pnxeedz. Lender muy uxe�he pnweedx to reQair or reslore _ - `_
<br /> --- - — the Pmpeny or ta puy suma secured by�hi�Sccudty Inswment,whelher ur not then due. The 3U-duy period w��l begin when
<br /> � ����:�r''rL,.��.` •; �he nmice i�:given. ----
<br /> �"-_`-='"''i��k: � Unlecs Lender and Bom�wer dherwitie:�grre in writin�.;�ny application of proc�t�tv prinripul sh•rlt�wt extend or _ _..W
<br /> � . .�a -';j postpone the due dute of the man�hly paYmencs refeme�!to in paragc.�phs 1 a�d=��h%�►Fe the amaunt of the paymcnt+, lf „„,,,.
<br /> �i._,��;� , w�der paragruph 21 �i�e Ptvpeny i�u�:yuiied by 4end�:r. Born�wer.nght to any insur.uxe policie� und�xvcred+re�al�3n� �/�''.
<br /> __�,�,,,�;�;,_�w;: :;, from damage to the Propeny pnor to the a�.-yuisition�lul!pa.+�to Lender to the e�te�t c,l ttM�cumti�t�aaRe�hy thi�Se�uri�v � .
<br /> � �T T``+' �t�:�s»:.'
<br /> �,�\���''� ;: Insinument immediately prior to�he ocyuisit ion. �
<br /> — 6. (?ceupaacy. PreservAli��n, Mainknance aed Protecliuu uP tl� Propett�; Ra+�ruwer s Lwm Appli�dunt - - -_�
<br /> --_ ��' . Lesiselwlds. Borrower shull c�ccupY,establi.h,und uxe the Pn�n�•u�Barn>wer's pnnc��v�1 re�idence wirhin.ixty duy�e after
<br /> =����W--- the execution oi Ihis Secu�iry In.trument und shall cantinue to�xcupy t h e P ro p ert Y uti Barrnwer's principal rcsidencc for nt �=---
<br /> "',���.�,s;•.: ..:,,�. .
<br /> "-:'.�,, ,.�.��' leuxt onc year afler the Jute of �xcupancy. unleti+ Lender uthenvise ugrees in wrning, whinc �onwent +hall noi 1� ���
<br /> � � unrcuwnabl withheld,or unlesz ex�enuoting cir�ums�ances exist which are beyand B��rmvver:rnntrol. Bormwer tihull not
<br /> ���._:�Jll�r� `_..i... , y �'`
<br /> �:.�-a,��r:e�rw''�^ de�troy,dnmuge or impair the Propeny,allow the F'mperty to de�eriorute,or commit wa+te on the Prmxny. Bormwer shull
<br /> '��;��-� &�• ' '�' � ' be in defuult if uny forfeiture uctian or procceding.Whether civil or criminul,is begun�hat in LenJerk go�xi fuith judt;ment
<br /> �-..'� � ...�..<<1•i. ., � (�M
<br /> could mxult in forfeiture of the Properly or mherwiu mmerially impuir thc licn rrea�ed hy Ihi� Securiry Instrumenl or �','...�;-�
<br /> '_rI.'L 9 � Y� •� ---
<br /> ..a��. ,�r Le:nder z security interetit. Bortower may curc xuch a drfauU und reins�vtc,uti proviJcd i�purng�uph 18,by cuusing the nction ��.._.u_.•
<br /> `-=;;_�y • �n�".. • or praeeding to be dismisxed wi�h a ruling tha�,in l.ender's g�xxl i'uilh Jctermiau�iun,precludes forfei�u�of the sorrower's ____
<br /> _ '�-�;�•' �. ,�•�`r.•.;�,, in�erest in the Piropeny or ather ma�eriul impairment nf the lien rrcuted hy �his Security Inxtnim�nt or L.ender+ xecuriry �.,�-.--
<br /> '' x' .�..--• �.
<br /> _'N!�4 +. • �'�j�(:�• interes�. Borrower �IIUII 71I50 I]C in defuuk if Borrower, during �hc luan app�icution prckess, guve muleriully ful+e or ----
<br /> '�� �►y,�� inu��umte infarntution ar s�utemen�s�a Lender I�r fuiled eo pmvide l.ender wi�h uny muteriul ini'orniu�ionl in connectiun wiih
<br /> ,_. •���II JS�r�(LiN«. ._
<br /> -�. . -f�.. , • r����:J��.. � �he ioun evidenccYi by ii�t {tiot�. includir.g, b4t not limited te. rep►��u•n�u�ions ronceminu BnROwer's uc:cupuncy o( Ihe �-`�,':
<br /> • '' •.,l�;.t,•��,, Pm�eny as a principul reyiJencc. If ihi�Sc�vriry Intitrumen�is on u ku�chold.Bom�wer shull romply wi�h ull�hc pmvis�on� ��
<br /> •���,i'�.,;:�._ � �1
<br />- ,.-� ,•�,. } of the leutie. If Borrowcr ucyuires fec tidc tothc 1'm{xny,ihe k:iuholJ wxl�hc fec tide,hull nol mergc u�less Lender uFrcez � ��_
<br />- ��;•. ;, ;-"t. . lo the mergcr in writing. �'•�=;'�''"
<br /> . . •. ;", 7. Protectlon of I.ender's Ri�hta ip Ihe Property. II'BoROwcr 1'ail. �o �xHi►rm ihc coven:mt� and agreemems ,�`.
<br /> �w � �� �ti ."�''�%; contained in this Security Inslniment, ur ihere i+ a Ie�ul pr�x:eedin� thut muy +ignilicanUy ufl'ect Lenderz rights in the •
<br /> .: , .r.;.., .�,
<br /> • ' Pmperty l�uch uti u prcx:eedinK in bunkruptcy.prubate,f�x condemnuti�m��r tiirtcimrc ur to entirrcr luwti or rcFulutionz 1.ihen ;���'�'�f,`;;
<br /> ' Lender muy Jo unJ p:►y for wUsnevcr ir n«r+sury u�P►a►�ect�he vulue of�hc Propeny und Lender;rights in�he Propeny. �°.i';.F?';Y•
<br /> 1� Lender's uctions muy include puying cmy tiums sccureJ by u lirn whirh hm prioriry over this Securily Imtrument,ap{xuring
<br /> ' ' in court,p•rying reusonuhle u��omey�;'frev wtd entering on thr Pmperty io muke nrpain. Althaugh l.endrr muy �uk� uction ;,,,,:..,-,
<br /> ��•� . .�.•s..:� uqdcr Ihis parugruph 7,L�nJcr dixx nu�huvc to Jo w. _. „.__-
<br /> ,, � • Any umounts di�buned hy I.cnckr unJer thi. puru�:ruph 7.hidl txxomc uJJitiimul dcht of fiomnwcr�ccured hy thi� � �r
<br /> ' � Security Imtrumenl. llnlc.s Burnnver cnxl LcnJcr ugnY to o�hrr icrni+of puymcnt,thesc umoun�ti.hull heur imerc�t fnHn thc ..
<br /> i� ��1`''���c,.�'.1 J:ue oP cli.rburuument ut the NiN� rmc un d s bid l M e puyu h le. w i�h i m e m s l.u�x►n n u�i c e f m m l.endrr to Bomnwrr r c yuetiting �.-:�'-'�:e'�.
<br /> �t�! •�� .•:h:r•,-.__
<br /> �. .;.,:���� • paymem. ,
<br /> .; ,: �;?.�,., ti. Murtga�e Insurunce. II'Lcndc r rcquirtd m��hgagc in+urance:iti;i r�mditi�►n�►t'muking �he loun���cured hy thiti ..:�;_;_�?.
<br /> , �:��.'''� '''� Secudty ln.trument. Bi�rrowrr.hull puy the premiurn� rcquimd to muintuin th�nu�nRugc in,urunre io cft'ec1. If. far uny :r:• -.
<br /> , . .=�t`•„��'r,�t�5ir.':.'.• .,'.
<br /> � rcuson. thc morlguge insurunce cuverage Ryuired hy Lender lup+r. or ceuu� tu Ix in cl�fect• Bortower +hull puy �hc r:;-��;-r-
<br /> •' <<t`�� '•':. ... ��T,.�-�
<br /> 'ti s�,'�i . remiums re uired to uhtuin coveruge .uMtuntiully equivulrnt �u thr mon�ugr in,ur.mce prcviou�ly in rl'frct. ui a ci��t
<br /> . � � v� :i���.i D 4 , . t- E ��--
<br /> . �... `. subtitantiully cyuivulent tu Ihc cu�t 1��Hiirn�wer uf Uic murl�.u�.c in+uranrr prcviou+l�• in rl'Icct.1'rom an allemutc nnxt�u�c �_
<br /> �� " ,�i:'., ... , .....�_:-....
<br /> . � .� .r , ,. '• insurer�pproveJ by Lcndcr. If�uh�luntiully eyuivuknt mortEuge in.urarnc cuvcraEc i+not avuilable.Borrower+hull puy��� �- -'
<br /> ::r�',"'.� r;f," .'�,,':,, Lender ruch month a,um ryu•rl to one-twcll'th of ihe�•�arly mungu�r in+uranrc prcmium Ixing puiJ by Borrower when�he `��_�_
<br /> ,,.•ti�•. :�. , t�:��.,.
<br /> ,, s":;: ' � • insutunce caveruge lup�ed ur reu+eJ�o Ix in cffec�. Lender��•ill ucccpt.u�e und retuin ihetic payment.u,u loss nr,erve in liru �..,,,,,�,.,.,
<br /> .lf� ': ' ;�b.i��{ ,:� , b !-' �r.�:
<br /> . ,tts •':'S;...,,L.: ,. of mortgage inzurunre. Lotis rcscrv�pnynxni. muy nu lun�,cr t+�rcyuired,at Ihc uptiun of LcnJ�r.if mort�u�� imurance
<br /> � �ti�s��:�'
<br /> ���;,,:� covcragc(in�he umuunt unJ ilN thc{xriov ihat Lrndcr rcquirc.l pravidcd by un in�wrr uppmvcJ hy Lcnder ugvin t►econx+ �� ' •
<br /> '�� a•�'., . uvoilublc und is obtuinrd.Burruwcr shnll��ay ihr pn iuium,rcquircd�a muinuiin mungaFr in,uranrc m rl'fcct.ur lu prov�dc u . ,
<br /> :5::,� �••4::-�a•':' I
<br /> ,.r±; . , loss rexerve.wnil the rcyui►rment inr�nortg:�ge in,urunce end,m accurdan�r wilh i�ny a�rit�en agrecmrnl hciwren Bum�wer '
<br />. •+:,,�• '.,','. . . and Lcndcr ur upplirabl�luw.
<br /> �',;.'.{..� 9. Inspectiun. Lrndcr or ii�agcnt ma� mukr Ra+nnahl�cntrir.upun :mJ in•�xrtion�uf Ihe Pn�prny. Lendcr xhull I
<br /> • ,':`�`�i'�•' .�•` ive Bum�wer notirr ul Ihr tim�u(or rnor i��n im�xttinn.�rcit'�•ing rrn,unahl.rau.�t�,r tlx in.�xriiun.
<br /> '��`r,::,:1:`��.r �' i����'
<br /> ,<���.:::`;i,�Y�<'•. ]D. Condemnotion. Thc pnxeed+ul:�ny aN�:�rd i�,r rl:iim li�r Jamu�r�.dir�r�ur.nn<.yucntial.in rumte�tii,n wilh any �,,,,,!(���
<br /> �..+.�
<br /> 1;t{ ','i�rl��.ff�,f�.'�' „�r timEk Fanul�-•FuadrSlaeFraddic�luc l\IF'ON�I I\til'Rl\fF:\'1' 1 ndomit'm.nam. 9�911 ��h+t�.+,,,^Ivia�••� ./�;,,�
<br /> .�t-:: ,� i,'�-� i�r.d Lnrn Hm,r.nn h nro�Utr � :
<br /> . ' f y.� � ',. ' )n�R�NY1'rll IiliPS'.�n!Rprl I�Y\\dIRM4N'll �i
<br /> ,�,I�";���:f•4`� 'S',t�3�/,���•'� '� �
<br /> ,•ti�'�'•"`f,�'.i�'}1A�, l
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<br /> �1�fAf��i� • , . .�ti,,.;�t� _, IrPh4�?�btN�.�. � .
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